May 2014 No. 474

A lamb with the most unusual markings named ‘Cowpanda’.

Editors: Vanessa Druce & Roger Goodman 07972 240818 [email protected]

1 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE OXHILL NEWS The editors welcome any pictures, photographs, drawings, poems, puzzles, recipes, announcements or items of local news for possible inclusion in The Oxhill News. Please email [email protected] or place paper contributions in the box labelled ‘The Oxhill News’ in the Church.

MOBILE LIBRARY The mobile library has books with large print, ordinary print, picture books, children’s books, paterbacks, non-fiction, novels,sagas, crime, mysteries, adventures, westerns and romance. The van has talking books, cassettes and CDs. The library van will continue to visit Oxhill every 3rd Friday (change from Wednesday), stopping at the Village Hall at 14:30 and staying there for 30 minutes. The van will visit us on Friday 2nd and 23rd May. For further info please telephone: 01926 851031

REFUSE COLLECTION Recycling and green waste bins (blue and green bins) will be collected on Tuesdays 6th and 20th May. The grey rubbish bins will be collected Tuesdays 13th and 27th May.

WEEKDAY WALKERS Weekday Walkers usually walk on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. If you are interested in joining or to find out further information, please contact Jim Saxton on 680613 or [email protected]

PEACOCK EVENTS THIS MONTH Quiz Night Quiz night on Sunday 4th May at 8pm Village Events The village coffee morning is on Wednesday 7th May at 10:30am and the village lunch is on Wednesday 21st May.


Village Hall – Tuesday 13 May at 8.00 pm (Parish Council Meeting 7.30 pm)

THE LEYS FIELD DEVELOPMENT PLAN (rear of Road and Main Street)

Stansgate Planning will be presenting a planning application shortly to Stratford District Council. The initial proposal is for 20 – 25 dwellings together with a large open public space. The Parish Council will have had a preliminary meeting with Stansgate (at their request) on 30 April 2014, and as a result will hold a public meeting to address this application. As I write this, despite a request from the Parish Council, Stansgate has refused to attend the public meeting but will instead at some point hold their own ‘drop-in meeting’ to present the proposals to the village.

Grenville Moore Chairman – Oxhill Parish Council


Spitfire Consultants recently held a drop-in meeting regarding the proposed Fithers Field development. Only a small percentage of the village was notified and even some of the Parish Council were unaware of this meeting. Their proposal was poorly presented and some of the queries were unable to be answered satisfactorily. It was in any event a pointless exercise as the plans had already been submitted to Stratford District Council. The Parish Council has opposed this application.

3 HELLO ALL NATURE LOVERS! I expect you have all seen the lovely yellow Brimstone butterflies around recently – a real harbinger of Spring. It is important that numbers and location of these, and all other wildlife, are recorded to determine the state and distribution of each species in the county. The Biological Records Centre (WBRC) would like all sightings of animals, butterflies, moths, plants etc for their records so, if you spot anything please consider taking the time to report it no matter how mundane it may seem. WBRC suggest that all records are sent to them from where they will be distributed to the relevant county recorders and specialist groups. This may be easier for you than separating them for the different organisations. They have sent me an excel template to store the records so, if you are interested I can forward this and their e-mail address to you (please mail me at [email protected]). Your spreadsheet can be sent in quarterly to save you from sending emails for every sighting. For further information, contact Grenville or other members of the OWLS team.


4 OXHILL GARDEN CLUB On Thursday April 17th, the members enjoyed a most interesting and entertaining talk by Bruce Smith on the subject of droving, in particular in the south midlands. We heard how geese were driven as long ago as AD 80 and although the talk was mainly about the driving of cattle, other livestock were mentioned including sheep, pigs, geese, donkeys and horses. Droving took place mainly in the Spring and the Autumn. The cattle were shod with two shoes to each foot and the drovers had to know where on route there was available water for the beasts and inns for the men, as sometimes the men were away from home for many weeks. We were also given tips on how to recognise a drove road - we shall view our local roads in a new light from now on! Members are now preparing for the plant sale which takes place on May 15th from 7 pm. Tea and coffee will be available so come along for a chat and restock your borders at the same time. We look forward to seeing you! Ruth Gibson

PARISH PLAN UPDATE It seems a long time since the Village meeting! After that meeting the Plan was sent to Stratford District Council for comment. At first we were advised that the response would be within 2 weeks, but since then the Parish Council has been informed that the SDC repsonse will not be available until the end of April. The Plan cannot be 'approved' by SDC until this has been done. When we have heard from SDC we will consider their comments before a final version of the plan is printed for each household. We hope that will be soon! Sue Hunt Chair, Parish Plan Steering Group 5 ST. LAWRENCE’S CHURCH Sunday 4th Easter II: 9.30am Parish Communion (ML) Sunday 11th Easter III: 9.30am Sunday Worship (BR) Sunday 18th Easter IV: 9.30am Parish Communion (ML) Sunday 25th Easter V 9.30am Family Service (NM) Thursday 29th Ascension Day: 7.30pm Deanery Eucharist at Darlingscott For other benefice services see porch notice board VICARAGE NOTES Appreciations Our thanks to all who decorated the church for Easter this year – it’s transformed after the solemnity of Lent. Thanks also to the team involved making the Carice Singers concert such a success. There was a lot of hard work and generous hospitality behind the scenes – it is much appreciated! The 40 days of Easter People generally remember that Lent has 40 days – but forget that time is mirrored in the Easter weeks, which conclude with the celebration of Ascension. This year, the Deanery service is at little Darlingscott Church, whose future was questioned some years back, but with my support as R.D. in the 90s, it’s still a going concern. Restoration Project The work is continuing apace and I’m sure folk have stopped to have a look at what’s going on. The Croft site manager, Stuart, is a very helpful chap. Everyone is invited to St. Lawrence’s on Sat .May 17th at 10.30am for an open morning about the project. Anne Hale will kindly be giving a short talk about the history of the church – coffee will then be available, and I will be arranging for a display of the architects drawings and we’ll be looking around the building to see where the money has been spent. All very informal - come for as long as you wish! Vicar of Bray, Sir I occasionally have that said to me as Bray sounds similar to - nothing exotic about either, of course! So don't forget about the invitation to hear about the "Vicar of Baghdad" on May 6th in the Old Chapel... Best wishes and God bless, Nicholas Morgan 01608 685230 [email protected]

6 ST. LAWRENCES CHURCH PROJECT OPEN MORNING Sat. May 17th 10.30am – noon A short history – Anne Hale Coffees Informal “What’s been happening”

PCC AGM The PCC Annual General Meeting was held on April 3rd. Canon Nicholas Morgan presided over the meeting. Vestry Meeting Minutes of the 2013 AGM were presented and accepted. Election of Church Wardens. Charles MacCall and Carol Fox were elected Annual Parochial church Meeting Minutes were presented and accepted. The Electoral Roll was presented: A report on Proceedings in Council was given by the secretary. The treasurer presented his Financial Report. Lilian Welsby reported on Social Functions for the last year. Jo Van Dijk reported on the state of the church building. Carol Fox reported on proceedings of the Deanery Synod Council. Election of officers as follows:- PCC representatives: Sue and Martin Hunt James and Linda Synge, Charles and Nadia MacCall, Diane Harper, Gill Rodwell and Belinda Marklew Ex officio and deanery Synod representative Douglas Nethercleft PCC Secretary: Linda Synge Treasurer: James Synge. Electoral Roll Officer: Douglas Nethercleft Clerk of Works: Jo Van Dijk Sidesmen: all PCC members plus John McKail and Bill Fox Churchwarden Emeritus Janet Gardner Canon Nicholas Morgan thanked PCC members for their hard work during the past year. He suggested an Open Meeting be held soon for all parishioners to attend if they wish, to learn of the Restoration work in Progress. Date of next meeting is June 10th. 7 Carice Singers Concert The concert on Saturday 12th April was well attended and extremely enjoyable. The Choir chose a wonderful programme of music and such beautiful voices resonated wonderfully in St Mary's church. The PCC wishes to thank George Parris and the singers for coming to help raise funds for the Restoration of Oxhill church project. Thanks also go to all the hosts who looked after them over the weekend. The Ladies, headed by Lilian Welsby, again showed their cooking skills by providing afternoon tea in St Mary's for the singers and then an excellent supper for the singers and hosts in the Old Chapel after the concert. Thank you Jill for the use of the Chapel once again. A personal thanks to Sue and Martin Hunt for their help, especially while I was away, keeping everything going. Also thank you Sue for providing a beautiful pedestal floral arrangement, for the concert. We are waiting on the Treasurer for a final sum raised. Thank you to our Sponsors Red Horse Vale and Thomas Fox Landscaping and to R. Locke and Son for producing all the beautiful programmes. Thanks very much to Ros Henry who sold lots of tickets for us and donated towards the cost of the supper especially with lots of wine!! Thank you, Ros. Thanks to James and Linda Synge for providing the bar for us. And finally thank you to all who attended the concert, for their support for this unforgettable evening. Reminder for Diaries The Lamb Roast and Curry lunch is set on Sunday June 15th at the Old Chapel. Tickets will be available soon.

THE VICAR OF BAGHDAD Illustrated talk on the church’s work in this challenging city – Tuesday 6 May

The Rev. David Post is a retired vicar who has taken an active interest in the work of St George’s Church in Baghdad and its inspirational vicar, Canon Andrew White, the `Vicar of Baghdad`. David has taken to long distance sponsored cycle rides to raise money for the church and the services it provides in Baghdad including a kindergarten, clinic and food-aid provided to local people - irrespective of their faith or politics. David on his 2010 ride. Come and hear David’s fascinating, illustrated talk at The Old Chapel, Main Street, Oxhill at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6 May. Admission is £5 including a glass of wine or soft drink, with all proceeds going to St George’s, Baghdad. 8 CONGRATULATIONS TO OXHILL’S JILL TUCKER FOR HER APPOINTMENT AS CANON AT CATHEDRAL

Linda Wainscot, Bishop Christopher, David Stone and Jill Tucker

The has appointed two new Honorary Canons at . The Reverend Dr. Jill Tucker is the Area Dean of Shipston Deanery and the Dean of Self-Supporting Ministry, and Mrs Linda Wainscot is the Diocesan Director of Education and a director of the Multi-Academy Trust. They will both be installed at Coventry Cathedral during Choral Evensong on Palm Sunday (April 13th). The service will begin at 4 pm and everyone is welcome to attend.

DEANERY NEWS FOR MAY 2014 Firstly, my grateful thanks to all those who have hosted our Deanery Lent Services this year: to all those who have made tea and baked cakes, turned the heating on, acted as sidemen and taken part in the services a profound thank you for your part in giving us an exceptional series of spaces in which to think about the Beatitudes and worship God this Lent. On Tuesday, May 6th at 7.30 pm in St. Mary’s Church Tysoe I am inviting all those who are church wardens or treasurers to join me for an exploration of what the job entails, how things have changed, and also how we can rise to the challenge of doing all that has to be done when the congregation is very small. There is

9 particular invitation to all those who are newly elected – to come and have some of their questions answered! Synod members will of course be invited as well. INSTANT CHOIRS: The Shipston Mass on Saturday, May 17th is a chance for all those who love to sing to learn the entire Shipston Mass that Julian Harris has written, plus some other simple music, and then to be joined by families and friends in a service of Holy Communion at which the Shipston Mass will be ‘premiered’. It is wonderfully simple and haunting music that you can take back to sing in the smallest of churches – or just come because you enjoy choral singing! Saturday, May 17th, 2.00pm until 6.15 pm, in St. Gregory’s Church, Tredington. The cost is £5 per head (£3 for school children) to include all music and tea. To enrol call Jill Tucker, 01295 688193, or email [email protected] or pick up a leaflet in your church. On Ascension Day, Thursday, May 29th, there will be a service of Holy Communion at 7.30pm at St.George’s Church, Darlingscott, when Andrew Coleby will be the preacher. Everyone is very welcome. Finally, the Deanery needs a new Treasurer. After many years of faithful service, for which we are immensely grateful, Arthur Jenkins is retiring as Deanery Treasurer. This is a relatively small book-keeping job but a large advisory one as we consider the finances of the Deanery as a whole, and involves about four meetings spread across the year. This is for someone who is a Deanery Synod representative, and committed to the the mission of the church here. If you would like an informal conversation, please ring me on 01295 688193 Grateful thanks...... to all those who cooked, tasted and enjoyed soup at the Lent Lunch recently: along with the Pancake Supper money, we are able to send £500 to Christian Aid, especially to help the innocent victims of the wars in the Middle East. Thank you so much, May you have a blessed Easter, Jill


Oxhill Village Hall


On Saturday 5th April, Tysoe Children’s Group welcomed families and friends to its 4th annual open day.

This year Tysoe Children’s Group had great reason to celebrate as it marked its 10th anniversary since opening at The Old Fire Station, Tysoe.

Activities included: fantastic face painting, a scavenger hunt for the children, children’s book stall, Easter egg colouring competition and delicious homemade cakes. The bouncy castle was kindly provided by NRG Adventures.

An eggstra-special giant Easter egg was won by a Pre-School mum and the amazing anniversary cake was won by Oxhill’s very own Paula Buffery! Eleanor with her prize!

If you would like to come and see what we have to offer here at Tysoe Children’s Group, please contact Yvonne Dillon on 01295 680624 for further information.

Facilities at The Old Fire Station include…

Pre-school, before and afterschool club, holiday club, youth group and a baby and toddler group. The recently refurbished facilities are also available to hire out for children’s parties.

PIMMS AND PUDDING FUNDRAISING EVENING Old Fire Station Tysoe Friday May 14th 7:30 - 11:00 pm. Entry is £5.00


Village Hall Committee AGM – Tuesday, 29 April The Village Hall Committee AGM will take place on Tuesday, 29 April at 8.00pm and this is an opportunity for new ideas to influence the way that the Village Hall is run and the sort of event that is available. If you would like to join the committee please let me know in advance of the meeting. However, even if you do not want to stand for a committee post, please come along and enjoy a glass of wine, get to know more about our finances, our challenges and let us have your thoughts on how you would like to see the Village Hall develop. Contact: Derek Harbour on 680676

The fabulous SCARECROW Band on Friday, 16 May Thanks to Oxhill’s favourite impresario, Pat Crowther, we are thrilled to have secured The Scarecrow Band for a gig on the 16th of May. They are an Oxfordshire based Folk-style band with an uplifting original and traditional repertoire, see for details and to hear some examples of their music. They have delighted audiences from the Isle of Wight all the way to Sheffield and now Oxhill! Doors will open at 7.30 and the first music session will begin at 8.00pm. Tickets, which are going quickly, at only £7.50 each can be ordered from Pat Crowther on 680705

Summertime Barbecue on Saturday, 7 June ‘Summertime and the living is easy’ so ‘Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, those days of wine and barbecue and beer, you’ll wish that Summer could always be here!’ 12 A Barbecue is planned for Saturday, 7th June and we’ll either eat outside or in, depending on the weather. Tickets will cost £8 each (reductions for children) for Barbecued Meats (veggie option available) and salad plus Strawberries & Cream. The evening will start at 6.30pm and tickets can be obtained from Gaynor van Dijk on 680349. Boules Day – Sunday, 13 July Another date for your diary and this popular event also includes the children. In addition to the Boules Tournament, played for the Gardner’s Cup, we provide authentic French pates, cheeses, breads, salads, desert and beverages. If you haven't tried this before come and join us; we shall make you feel most welcome. We take precautions to ensure it can take place whatever the weather and you don't have to come in teams we can do that for you. Put the date in your diary NOW! The event kicks off at 12.30 pm and tickets, which can be obtained from Tricia Harbour on 680676, are £8 per person & Children (up to age of 12) are free. This cost covers the food & entry to the competition. Knit & Natter Our April sessions have again been very well supported and in May we have meetings on Thursdays, the 1st and 15th at 2.00pm. Please feel free to come along for a cup of tea and to ‘Knit & Natter’. Also don’t forget the BOOK EXCHANGE. If you’d like to know more, then call Tricia Harbour on 680676 or just turn up and join in. Thanks to Jackie Thompson’s help and patience, these are the lovely Easter Flower Arrangements created by some of the ladies at Knit & Natter in April.

Wheelchair Available Following a kind donation by Diane Harper, the Village Hall now has a Wheelchair that is available for short-term use by Villagers for themselves or for their visiting friends or family. There is no charge for this service but donations are always appreciated. Please contact Tricia Harbour on 680676.

13 MUSIC FESTIVAL Kineton’s second annual charity fund raising festival featur- ing an eclectic mix of music takes place on Saturday 21st June 2014. Twelve Main Stage acts plus a full programme of acoustic and ‘light kit’ acts on Stage Two along with an Acoustic Tent. Great music, beer and food at Warwickshire’s own mini ‘Glasto’ in the lovely south War- wickshire countryside. Weekend camping available. Pro- ceeds to Myton Hospice and Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance (£6000 raised last year). Line up: We have a fantastic collection of performers representing a range of genres. What they all have in common is that they are very good! Full details on the festival website. Date: 21st June 2014 Times: Midday to midnight Tickets: £10 or £8 in advance. Under 18 free. See website for details. Camping: £10. This year, we have added Friday night camping at no extra cost. Campers have free access to eve of festival party. Venue: Kineton Sports and Social Club, Little Kineton, , CV35 0DT Parking: Free parking at Venue Website: If you have any queries, please contact Greg Molan on 07971 653543.


On Saturday May 10th at St Edmund’s Church in Shipston, at 7.30.p.m., Richard Emms will be conducting the Stour Singers in Brahms’ Requiem, with soloists Robyn Allegra Parton (soprano), Alan Fairs (bass-baritone), and pianists Fiona Brown and Sara Harris. The programme consists of arias by Handel, Bach, and Mendelssohn, followed by the Requiem (an ultimately comforting work, described by Brahms himself as a “Human” Requiem), written in response to the death of his mother.

Tickets at £12.50 are available from R. Clarke, 27 High Street, Shipston. Accompanied children are welcome at no cost. Enquiries to Yvonne Ridley on 01789 269587. 14 BURGLARY

Between 09:50hrs and 13:30hrs on 26th March, unknown offender/s have forced open a front door in Pillerton Priors. Once inside, the offender/s have carried out a search and stolen a substantial amount of money. If you have any information regarding this incident or saw anything suspicious in the area around the time of the offence please contact your Warwickshire Police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555111, quoting crime reference number S/14/2623. TWO ARRESTED ON SUSPICION OF BURGLARY AT ARMSCOTE Two men were arrested in the early hours of 21st February, following a report of a burglary at a public house in Armscote, near Stratford. At about 01.55hrs two males were spotted behaving suspiciously in the car park at the Fuzzy Duck and made off over the fields when they realised they had been seen. It was later discovered that a number of bottles of champagne had been stolen. A 25 year old male was arrested in the village shortly before 02.30hrs and a 21 year old male was arrested about two hours later in Loxley. Both males, who are from Coventry, were interviewed and subsequently released on bail, with conditions not to enter Warwickshire, and they will answer their bail on April 11. Police investigating the incident would like to hear from anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity in the area last night or has any information which would help them with their enquiries.

Anyone with information is asked to call Warwickshire Police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or 15 Sunday May 11th starting from Hell Brake Paddock, Whatcote. Come for a gentle walk up to Hell Brake to see the Bluebells and enjoy a cream tea in the churchyard on your return. You can start the walk any time between 2.00pm and 5.00pm The cost is £6.00 for adults, accompanied children free – and this includes the tea and scones! The walk will start from Church Lane, Whatcote. (postcode CV36 5EF), and will be well signposted in the village, as will free car parking.

Cake & produce stalls – Dogs welcome if kept on a lead. Proceeds to St Peter’s Church. Strong shoes or boots are essential. If you have any queries please contact Sue Price –


Kineton Art Group will be holding their Open Art Exhibition and Sale of Paintings at Kineton Village Hall on Saturday and Sunday, the 10th and 11th May 2014. Doors will be open from 10-00 am until 5-00 pm each day. Adults 50p and Children enter free. Please come and enjoy the abundance of paintings by our members and many other local artists. Refreshments including tea and home-made cakes will be available throughout each day. We are pleased to say that we will be sponsoring PAINTING FOR PLEASURE, a not for profit organisation for disabled people and those living with or recovering from illness including carers needing some respite. If you need any other information please let me know. You can telephone me on 01295 788890 or send an email to [email protected]. With many thanks, Gail O'Dell 16 SHIPSTON HOME NURSING

We thought you’d be interested in news of our wonderful Nurses and what nursing care they are giving on a month to month basis. During March, Janet our Nurse Manager, has received 3 new referrals. 65 hours have been covered for nights and 74 hours for days. At present there are 13 Nurses on our books. 9 staff attended a skills training study day. In April they attended another study day to keep them up to date with current trends and practices. With very best wishes, Rebecca Mawle We greatly appreciate your much needed support. SHIPSTON HOME NURSING EVENTS IN MAY Our Wonderful Annual Plant Sale & Produce Stall Saturday 10th May 10am-12noon FREE ENTRY Sheldon Bosley HUB, Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4DQ Please bring your plants, jams, chutneys, marmalades, cakes, biscuits, Garden Produce to the HUB from 12 noon onwards Friday May 9th or call Nicola for collection of produce 01926 651453

Shipston Home Nursing and Chipping Campden Scout Group Invite you to A Charity Ceilidh with local band “16 Strings and a Dead Goat” Saturday May 17th Townsend Hall, Sheep Street, Shipston on Stour, CV36 4AE 8pm – 11pm Tickets: Adults £15 Children 14 and under £6 Fish and Chip Supper & Bar For tickets and more information please call Rebecca on 01608 674929


Another busy month at the orchard! At the end of March, having purchased a scythe, we had an expert come to the orchard to show seven of us how to set it up and use it. It was a perfect day with a little rain at lunch time which was just what we needed as the grass cuts better when damp. A fascinating day and great to be continuing an old skill which is also very therapeutic and sustainable.

We continued our Pests and Diseases course with John Edgeley and went hunting for signs of aphid etc. We didn't find any pests but some evidence of fungi on the raspberry canes. Something to keep an eye on the coming weeks.

Grass cutting has started in earnest and the dandelions are having their heads chopped off as soon as they stand up above the rosette of leaves! The wild flower areas will be cut with the scythe so we can regulate the height and allow the young plants to fight against the grass etc.

Following the rain of the winter we are getting feed into the ground to replace the vital nutrients that have been washed through. All the trees have been fed and we are now onto the raspberries but some still need Examining the peened blade weeding!

We are now at the end of our grant funding and need to ensure we raise sufficient funds to pay for our outgoings. Feeds, mulches, insurances and general running costs all need to be covered and we rely on our members who pay a small annual fee to help towards this expenditure. If you would like to join us come along to one of our sessions on a Wednesday at 10:00 and a Sunday at 2:00 or contact one of the team listed at



Thursday 1st 14:00 Knit and Natter Friday 2nd 14:30 Village Hall - Mobile Library Sunday 4th 20:00 The Peacock - Quiz Night Tuesday 6th Green & Blue bin collection Tuesday 6th 19:30 The Vicar of Baghdad, The Old Chapel Wednesday 7th 10:30 The Peacock - Village Coffee Morning Friday 9th 9:30 Weekday Walkers Saturday 10th 19:30 Stour Singers St Edmunds Church Shipston Sunday 11th 14:00 Bluebell Walk Whatcote Tuesday 13th Grey landfill bin collection Tuesday 13th 19:30 Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 13th 20:00 Annual Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 14th 19:30 Pimms and Pudding Evening, Old Fire Station Thursday 15th Oxhill News submission deadline Thursday 15th 14:00 Knit and Natter Thursday 15th 19:00 Garden Club plant sale, Village Hall Friday 16th 19:30 Scarecrow band, Village Hall Saturday 17th 10:30 St. Lawrence Church Project Open Morning Tuesday 20th Green & Blue bin collection Wednesday 21st 12:30 The Peacock - Village Lunch Friday 23rd 9:30 Weekday Walkers Friday 23rd 14:30 Village Hall - Mobile Library Tuesday 27th Grey landfill bin collection


Saturday 7th Summertime BBQ Sunday 15th Lamb Roast and Curry Lunch, The Old Chapel Saturday 21st Kineton Music Festival