Looking for an open door? Read on….


If you are looking for an opportunity to work with an ‘open’ group of people and churches, the Arden Marches group, located around the large ‘village’ (more like a small town with its 6,000 residents) of Studley in the west of the Diocese, has long been an example of positive creativity and spiritual life, with excellent relationships among them and with the Diocese as a whole. They are a great group of people! This post provides a large population base in Studley, with smaller but equally valued communities around it. Like other posts emerging in the Diocese at this time, the Rector of Studley and the Arden Marches will be ministering in the context of the wider Diocesan commitment to think imaginatively and creatively about how best to approach mission and ministry in village contexts. I hope the new priest-leader of this Group will have a key contribution to these consultations and the actions that will follow, as the Arden Marches Group have much to offer from which others can learn, with their track record of working together for many years and their well-developed lay ministry. Indeed, they have in the interregnum already decided to start the process towards creating only one PCC for the group. That perhaps gives an indication of their commitment and quality of relationships in working together.

The Diocese of is a forward-thinking Diocese, which encourages innovation and imagination. We welcome applicants who are ready to join in this creative engagement in opening doors for the gospel, and in seeking to grow healthy church communities that worship God more fully, make more new disciples and transform their communities more effectively.

We hope that the combination of ministering in both large and small village contexts, with good lay people, will be an attractive prospect, and I commend the post to you.

With my prayers

Page 2 of 23 2 DEANERY SUMMARY

Our Deanery is situated in rural and has a vision for ministry built upon the diocesan priorities to worship God, make new disciples and transform communities.

The Deanery has over 20 churches, mostly rural. , Studley, Bidford and Henley are the largest population centres. We currently have a planned deployment of 6 full- time clergy, and 3 House for Duty priests, supported by many helpful and valued retired clergy who have retired to this area. Of these, we are currently recruiting for 1 full-time (Studley and Arden Marches) and 1 House-for-Duty (Heart of Group/).

The Parishes cover almost all Anglican traditions (except Ebbsfleet), and the Chapter as a whole is broadly Central and/or Evangelical. The Chapter is supportive and helpful, with good relationships, and provides valuable opportunities for sharing faith, prayer and fellowship as well as growing a common heart for mission and learning.

A very warm welcome awaits from the Alcester Deanery for the person God sends to join us as Rector of Studley and the Arden Marches group!

The Right Reverend Christopher Morgan (Retired) Acting Area Dean Alcester Deanery


We would like the opportunity for a new priest, who may or may not already have incumbency experience, to have an ‘open door’. We are a friendly and welcoming group of people, who are open to new ideas and change, and open and keen to do God’s will. We do not want to just ‘stay open’, but to be open… the fullest sense of that word: open to God, open to our communities, open to the new changes and challenges which face us if we want to grow, open to differences in ages and backgrounds of people who wish to worship with us, open to different styles of worship, wanting people to open the doors of their hearts and lives to Jesus, and open to working with new ideas brought by new leadership.

We like to think that people are ‘free to fail’ here, as they try new things, and are supported by a loving and humorous community. We would hope that we would apply the same principle to our next Rector, which is why this post may be suitable for first- time as well as experienced incumbent applicants.

This vacancy arose as our previous Rector, after a period of ill-health, sadly took early retirement in February 2017. We have however picked ourselves up, and are moving forwards. Indeed, the Arden Marches group of 2 parishes and 4 churches have been working so well together that we have just initiated conversations with the Diocese to investigate the benefits of a Pastoral Scheme that would bring both parishes into one single parish with one PCC.

The Arden Marches group is effectively a very large village (Studley is more like a town but is still referred to as a village) with smaller (and more affluent) rural communities around it. Studley grew through the needle industry, and other light industries. It has much more of a mixed residential community than many Warwickshire villages. This includes the need for some social action projects.

The outlying villages feel much more rural, (with one church still having no electricity or water!) but all of which receive strong support from the small residential communities around them, as well as favourable comments from visitors to the area who love the peace and tranquillity and ‘thin space’ to God that they find within them.

We hope that if you are drawn to an ‘open door’ ministry, and have a sense of fun, that God will open the door to this opportunity for you!


The role of this post is to lead the churches in fulfilling the Diocesan Mission Purpose of:

 Worshipping God  Making New Disciples  Transforming Communities.

This will be achieved by developing 8 essential qualities in the life of the church:

Empowering Leadership Gift-oriented Ministry Passionate Spirituality Inspiring Worship Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented Outreach Loving Relationships Functional Structures

5 PERSON SPECIFICATION We are looking for an innovative, open evangelical, with a sense of fun, who can:

 Open doors! Open doors to God. Open the doors of people’s hearts to Jesus. Open doors to the communities we serve.

 Inspire us in our relationship with Jesus, and help us to inspire others in our communities who do not yet know Him into a relationship with Him too, including young people and children.

 Lead our already friendly parishes into a unifying and exciting vision, which will include innovative approaches to mission and ministry. This includes creative solutions to the governance , mission and ministry strategy for the whole group.

 Value and develop:  Lay leadership.  Differing approaches to worship, which include the modern and traditional.  Community engagement and social action.


As stated above, the Mission Purpose of the is:

 Worshipping God  Making New Disciples  Transforming Communities.

Arden Marches is fully committed to fulfilling these three purposes. We believe that we will achieve this by developing 8 Essential Qualities in the life of the churches.

This section gives a summary of our strengths and weaknesses across the 8 Essential Qualities in relation to all of our churches. The last survey was taken in February 2017.


We have good lay leadership. The number of people for example who share in the organisation of the church in leading services and preaching, and in running various groups and initiatives, is impressive for a church of our size. We think we probably ‘punch above our weight’. As well as six Lay Readers, well over 20 other people take a regular and active part in preparing and delivering services across our four churches.

We need to develop the lay leadership life of the church beyond services though, and also provide more support and training for leaders generally. Our governance leadership could also be better at explaining things to the congregations. We are exploring the steps towards becoming one PCC to enable a clearer leadership platform for future vision and ministry.

Although there is much lay leadership, we are actually feeling a bit weary now! It’s been a long time without ordained leadership and it is starting to impact on our energy and enthusiasm! Lay-led CentrePoint Service

Page 6 of 23 6.2 GIFT-ORIENTED MINISTRY This is another one of our strengths, as we continue to encourage all church members to share and make use of their individual gifts for the benefit of the whole church. A Healing Prayer Course at Mappleborough brought more people into the team, and we are planning to run a training course to identify and encourage those who may wish to lead services or intercessions, or to preach.

6.3 PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY This is one of our weaker qualities. On the whole, it looks as if people do not read the Bible on their own, and also need their faith generally building up, including expecting God to do more in our churches in the future. We also find that ‘keeping the show on the road’ in terms of finances, safeguarding requirements, insurances, buildings etc can sap spiritual energy.

We have a Prayer Ministry team at each of the two main churches, but prayer and prayer ministry generally does not yet form an integrated part of the life of the congregation or of the small groups. There is scope for development here.

'The Ascension' Sculpture, MG

6.4 INSPIRING WORSHIP The length of illness of the previous incumbent, followed by our interregnum, has stretched us across our four churches, but we have managed to keep all but a few services going. Some of our regular ones have grown, which is encouraging. We have established teams who are responsible for particular services. The variety of services on offer is something valued by many in the congregations.

Mappleborough has a number of musicians and a choir to lead singing. Studley no longer has a choir and relies on a small number of musicians. The quality of music and worship in Studley is currently an area that we feel needs to be addressed.

When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we hold a joint group service, alternating between the two largest churches. We have recently revitalised Messy Church, which we hope to hold on a bi-monthly basis.

Christingle Service

Page 7 of 23 6.5 HOLISTIC SMALL GROUPS There are many planning groups who meet regularly to organise particular services, midweek activities such as Compassion and Lunch Box, Messy Church, bellringing, Mappleborough’s choir and other activities. A great deal of the structure and organisation of the church is based upon the work of small teams, including the MLT and DCCs.

We are less well served however by Bible Study and fellowship groups. Two groups meet in Studley, and ‘Growing in Faith’ at Mappleborough. This is an area which could be better co-ordinated and focused in the future.

6.6 NEED-ORIENTED OUTREACH We are very aware of the need to reach out and to bring people into a faith in Christ. We believe passionately in our mission statement “Bringing God’s Love to a Hurting World” and realise that we often fall short of this ideal, though there are several ways in which we strive to spread the good news of Jesus.

Some social action outreach is organised with volunteers from across all of the parishes, such as the Hot Chocolate project which has been running for over six years. This involves a group of volunteers, including some from other church denominations, providing hot and cold drinks and biscuits every Friday evening to any children/teenagers who are out and about in Studley between 7 and 8.30pm. This has attracted much interest from the youngsters and has reduced the amount of trouble in the village on Friday nights. Sadly, due to a shortage of helpers, we have had to suspend our Sunday evening Youth Café which ran in the Parish Centre from 6 to 7.30pm in school term time, providing a relaxed meeting place for teenagers in the village.

Lunch Box generally meets the needs of an older group by providing a hot meal once a month in the Parish Centre, made possible by a volunteer team from all four churches. The weekly Compassion Group also meets in the Parish Centre to provide support for the bereaved and lonely. Mappleborough runs a Friendship Group which takes elderly or lonely members of the community out to lunch or tea once a month. Friendship Group at MG School

Our involvement in the local schools adds to our outreach work, as does Messy Church. We would also regard the CentrePoint and CelebrationPraise services as having a focus on bringing new people into the church family.

Page 8 of 23 Studley with is an accredited Fair Trade parish, with all 4 churches supporting the Fair Trade ethos. We are also a member of the Cross of Nails community.

St Mary's, , has a permanent open door (it has never been locked!) and its location on a busy main road makes it accessible to all. This is reflected in entries into the visitor's book which are heart-warming and often heart-rending. This church's ministry to those outside the parish whom we rarely meet is of great importance to us. It is part of the Small Pilgrim Places Network, an organisation listing places across the country for those that seek space, solitude, silence and simplicity. Wild Flower Festival at St Mary's, Oldberrow

We are not good however at translating social action initiatives into people exploring Christian faith. We need help to share our faith appropriately, and also in developing clear courses and processes by which people can explore Christian faith (eg ALPHA), and open the doors of their hearts to Jesus.

6.7 LOVING RELATIONSHIPS We are generally a loving, friendly, supportive community and gatherings (including services) produce plenty of laughter. Many people regard the church community as a sort of family to them – indeed, a family of many generations.

Despite differences in approach, the four churches work closely together, and the fifth Sunday joint services have been a recent Afternoon Tea in Studley Churchyard success.

There are occasional moments of difficulty. Some older members can struggle with the red tape of faculties and building works, or the modern requirements of Safeguarding, and can make their feelings known. Some local community members expressed very strong feelings against the church about an idea to move the current Church centre to another location. But overall, relationships are very good and friendly.

Page 9 of 23 6.8 FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURES We have 2 PCCs (Studley with Mappleborough and Oldberrow with ), both of which meet quarterly. There are also 2 DCCs, 1 for Studley and 1 for Mappleborough, which are lay-led and meet bi-monthly. We have recently re-structured our PCC and DCC membership which has resulted in the DCCs having a greater say in the running of their individual churches, making for more effective decision making.

We have a Ministry Leadership Team with members representing the four churches, and which meets monthly. The MLT is a visionary group under the authority of the PCCs. Members can serve for up to 7 years before stepping down for at least one year. Decisions and suggestions from our Ministry Leadership Team are fed into the PCC and DCC meetings for discussion and possible approval.

We believe it could be even more streamlined to only have one PCC, and we have begun exploratory conversations with the Diocese on what this entails and how we might achieve it.

Page 10 of 23 7 THE PARISHES 7.1 HISTORY Studley Parish Church was joined in 1888 by a newly built daughter church, The Church of the Holy Ascension, Mappleborough Green. In 2006, a group of churches was formed with the parishes of Oldberrow and Morton Bagot with (Spernall church has been redundant for over 10 years). The parishes of Olberrow and Morton Bagot now operate as one, with a joint PCC. In July 2013, this Arden Marches Group of Churches became a Benefice and the incumbent became Rector.

7.2 LOCATION Our group of churches is situated in rural South West Warwickshire, and each church is within two miles (as the crow flies) of at least one other. We are on the west side of the Coventry Diocese, bounded on the western edge by Worcester Diocese and on the northern edge by Diocese. The churches are shown on the map below with the boundaries of the three original parishes (Morton Bagot and Oldberrow are now amalgamated into one parish).

Holy Ascension Church, Mappleborough Green sits in the north-west corner of the parish on the A435, Birmingham to Alcester road, with just across the road in . Some two miles south along the A435 is Studley where the Parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is on the easterly edge of the village, on the site of the old village of which little remains to the naked eye. Holy Trinity Church, Morton Bagot can be reached following the lane from Studley Church to the east and sits on the top of a hill next to a farmhouse. Less than a mile further on down the lane St. Mary’s Church, Oldberrow is in a hamlet on the A4189 road linking Henley-in-Arden and Mappleborough Green.

Page 11 of 23 7.3 POPULATION Often referred to as the biggest village in England, the population of Studley is currently around 6,000. This does not include two housing developments (Abbeyfields and St John’s) built on the boundaries of the parish which are technically classed as being in the neighbouring parishes of Mappleborough Green and respectively, but are generally regarded as being part of Studley. There is a proposal to amend the parish boundaries to include these developments within the Studley Civil Parish. Studley Parish Council has recently achieved Fair Trade Status for the village, which has been enthusiastically supported by all the churches.

Mappleborough Green, including the Abbeyfields development, has a total population of around 850. Morton Bagot, Oldberrow and Spernal are all still officially separate Civil Parishes within the Stratford District, with a total population between them of about 200.

The table below gives a summary of the key demographic statistics from the 2011 Census for Studley and Mappleborough Green. The populations of Morton Bagot, Oldberrow and Spernal parishes are below the threshold for the publication of detailed statistics.

Mappleborough Green Studley Total %age (inc. Abbeyfields) Population 5879 857 6736 Male 2859 437 3296 48.9 Female 3020 420 3440 51.1 Age <15 947 135 1082 16.1 15-19 374 35 409 6.0 20-39 1196 155 1351 20.1 40-64 2103 364 2467 36.6 ≥ 65 1259 168 1427 21.2 Religion Christian 4181 597 4778 70.9 Other 57 31 88 1.3 None / not 1641 229 1870 27.8 stated Ethnicity White 5727 806 6533 97.0 Mixed race 78 15 93 1.4 Asian 44 30 74 1.1 Black 17 6 23 0.3 other 13 0 13 0.2 Economic Activity (aged 16-74) Employed 2298 327 2625 53.5 Self- 432 118 550 11.2 employed Unemployed 158 16 174 3.5 FT Student 113 13 126 2.5 Retired 783 114 897 18.3 Other 474 65 539 11.0

Page 12 of 23 The statistics are fairly typical of a semi-rural community, with a predominantly White British population and over 70% classifying themselves as Christian. The percentage of retired and unemployed people is slightly higher than the average for Stratford District as a whole. The overall statistics conceal the fact that there are pockets of deprivation within the villages and surrounding rural community.

Much of Studley’s growth in the early 20th century was based around the needle industry, which dominated the wider local economy. Although nothing remains of the original needle manufacturing businesses, there is a continuing legacy in Studley of several small engineering works, along with the sort of retail and service outlets one might expect for a community of 6,000 people. Unfortunately, though, there is no recognisable village ‘centre’, with shops, etc. strung out along the main A435 or along the lower part of the High Street.

It is generally agreed that another legacy of the needle industries is the number of pubs in Studley and Mappleborough Green! At one time the villages boasted at least 15 pubs between them, although that is now reduced to 13.

There are 3 large garden centres along the main A435 at Mappleborough Green with a wide range of accompanying businesses. These attract visitors from across the area.

Studley is well provided with schools including Studley Infants School, St. Mary's C of E Academy Junior School, St. Mary's RC Primary School and Studley High School (Academy). Mappleborough Green has a C of E Primary School and the nearby town of Redditch has a wide range of Junior, Middle and High schools. Alcester (4 miles to the south of Studley) also has a number of Junior and High schools, including Alcester Grammar School.

The Millennium Gate, Studley Millennium Green


The Norman Parish Church was founded around 1105, and probably replaced an earlier Saxon church and settlement. The grade 2 listed Church is located in a tranquil setting by the River Arrow, situated 3/4 mile away from the centre of Studley village. The church has mainly traditional pews, with additional chairs to enable seating for up to 200. Audio- visual equipment is installed in both nave and south aisle.

Restoration work since 1990 has included the replacement of the main building roof timbers and tiles, the re-boarding and leading of the tower roof, a new oil-fired central heating boiler, the re-ordering of the vestry & organ enabling the creation of the Millennium Room which is used for Junior Church and meetings, and an increase in the number of bells from six to eight. In 2012 the toilet facilities were added which are incorporated into a new porch entrance and in 2015 the organ was refurbished.

During the interregnum, we have continued our program of refurbishment and improvements, with the repositioning of the projector and screen in the nave, the installation of new lighting and the re-decoration of the church interior. Current aspirations include the installation of a servery and additional storage capacity at the back of the church.

The churchyard is now restricted for new burials. The memorial garden is open for the interment of ashes. There is a Parish Council Cemetery adjacent to the Church.

8.2 THE PARISH CENTRE The church also owns the Parish Centre in the centre of Studley Village, on the site of the old vicarage, with parking for 20 cars and accessible from the main A435. The main hall is able to seat 70, and it has a fully fitted kitchen and toilets.

Page 14 of 23 The building is currently used by the church for mid-week Holy Communion, CentrePoint, Messy Church, Compassion Group, Youth Cafe and Sunbeams (mother and toddler group). The premises are also hired out to local organisations, some of which are associated with the church, so that it is a heavily-used building.

Current aspirations include extending the building to provide enhanced facilities.

8.3 HOLY ASCENSION CHURCH, MAPPLEBOROUGH GREEN The church is located just off the A435 in an idyllic rural setting, two miles north of Studley. It was built by the Jaffray family, and dedicated by the Bishop of Worcester in 1888. Now in the Arden Marches Benefice, the congregation comes largely from nearby Redditch and the surrounding areas.

Set in several acres, the church (capable of seating 150) and grounds have been well maintained, and it has its own small car park. The Bell Tower is unusually fitted with Harrington tubular bells struck by hammers and operated by eight broomsticks!

As a result of two substantial legacies, recent projects completed include: cushions for chair seating; new lighting and electrics; resin stone pathways; overhaul of tubular bells; new audio-visual equipment and sound system and the re-surfacing of the driveway.

The churchyard is open with space for new burials and a focal point is the Millennium sculpture depicting Christ's Ascension, which was designed, crafted and donated by a local parishioner. The church's location, size and grounds make it a popular venue for weddings.

8.4 ANKCORN HOUSE The church has no toilet facilities on site, but a short path leads to Ankcorn House - a Grade II listed building and originally part of The Old School House. It has its own car-park and access from the A435. The well maintained hall can seat 60, has toilet facilities and a new fully-fitted kitchen.

It is predominantly used for refreshments after church services, church meetings and for the occasional rental.

Page 15 of 23 8.5 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, MORTON BAGOT Located two miles to the west of Studley in the hamlet of Morton Bagot, Holy Trinity is a small 13th Century Church set on a bank next to Church Farm in a stunning location. There are open views of the surrounding hills, with an iron age fort to the rear. The church is described as "unrestored but un-neglected"! It has an uncomplicated nave and a peaceful chancel with stone walls, and can seat 40. It has no electricity, so services are lit by candlelight, which adds charm and atmosphere. Despite funds being raised for internal ceiling repairs and work completed to specification, there have been technical complications, which currently means the church has had to be closed for safety reasons whilst solutions are found.

8.6 ST MARY'S CHURCH, OLDBERROW Oldberrow, first recorded in 709 and mentioned in The , is a rural community with a long thin parish and an estimated population of around 75. The church, which was rebuilt in 1875 on a site which dates from around the 13th Century, is the only public building. It became part of the Arden Marches group of Parishes in 2007.

The churchyard was designated a Local Wildlife Site (a site of importance for nature conservation) in 2003 for its historic species-rich grassland and is known to be the finest churchyard in Warwickshire for its wildflowers. The colony of slow worms is legendary!

Page 16 of 23 8.7 VICARAGE Located in a quiet cul-de-sac off the A435 in the centre of Studley, the Vicarage is a modern 4 bedroom detached house with integral garage. Downstairs accommodation includes a fully- fitted kitchen, dining room, study, large lounge with outlook onto garden, and downstairs cloakroom. Upstairs are 4 bedrooms with en- suite in main, and a family bathroom.

The manageable pleasant rear garden backs onto open fields, and looking east across the river Arrow, you can see Studley C of E Church.

Page 17 of 23 9 SERVICES An example of an average monthly service rota is shown below. We are willing to consider changes to this. The services highlighted in Red are the ones that we would probably expect the Rector to take/be at personally on a fairly regular basis. It is not expected, however, that the incumbent would take every communion service every month. The PTOs will continue to be available to assist with Communion services to allow greater flexibility.

1st Sunday 10.00am * All Age Celebration Mappleborough Green Holy Communion + Junior Church Studley – visual liturgy 6.30pm Holy Communion Osprey House – BCP

2nd Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion Studley – BCP 10.00am Holy Communion Mappleborough Green * Centre†Point Parish Centre – café style, modern worship * Morning Worship Studley – visual liturgy 4.00pm Holy Communion / *Evensong Morton Bagot / Oldberrow – BCP

3rd Sunday 10.00am * Morning Worship Mappleborough Green Holy Communion + Junior Church Studley – visual liturgy 6.30pm * Evensong Osprey House – BCP

4th Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion Studley – BCP 10.00am Communion for All Mappleborough Green – visual liturgy * Celebration Praise Studley – modern worship 4.00pm Holy Communion / Evensong Morton Bagot / Oldberrow – BCP

5th Sunday 10.00am Group Service Studley or Mappleborough Green

* currently organised and led by a lay team

Holy Communion (BCP) is held at the Parish Centre on Thursday mornings at 9.30am.

Messy Church is currently held at the Parish Centre on a Sunday afternoon 5 times a year, with a Light Party in Studley church on All Hallows Eve.

Services may vary to accommodate Christmas, Easter and Harvest Services, the annual Bluebell Walk Service at Morton Bagot and the Wild Flower Festival Songs of Praise Service at Oldberrow.

Page 18 of 23 10 ARDEN MARCHES CHURCHES – STATISTICS 2016 Church Baptisms Weddings Funerals Under 1 - 4 5 - 12 13+ Church Crematorium 1 year years years years MORTON BAGOT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OLDBERROW 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 MAPPLEBOROUGH GREEN 9 0 0 1 5 3 2 STUDLEY 12 11 0 2 7 19 8

11 SCHOOL LINKS 11.1 STUDLEY ST MARY’S ACADEMY We have strong links with our church school which covers Years 3-6 and has over 200 pupils. As a member of the Coventry Diocese Multi Academy Trust, the school has church representation on the governing board and this should always include the incumbent. The whole school visits the church building at Christmas and Easter, and two years ago we instituted a church-led end-of-year celebration service in July.

Church members provide an assembly once a week throughout the year, and are also involved in counselling and other support. The previous incumbent and curate both made frequent visits to the school and it is expected that this close involvement would be continued. There is also the opportunity to lead assemblies in the local Community Infants and High schools, something which has gone into abeyance whilst we have had no full-time clergy.

11.2 MAPPLEBOROUGH GREEN CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Mappleborough Green school is a small village school with 120 children aged between 4 and 11 years. The majority of the children come from the neighbouring area of Redditch. The school was rated ‘Good’ in a recent short Ofsted Inspection. It was also rated ‘Good’ by the SIAMS inspection undertaken four years ago. Two church members serve as Foundation Governors who attend a specific meeting once a term with the Headteacher, as well as the regular Governor meetings, to discuss Church and Religious Education matters.

Page 19 of 23

Congregation members lead a Collective Worship assembly at the school once a week and a Church service takes place once a term during school hours for all the children, parents and staff from the school. This is planned jointly by school staff and church members. The two Foundation Governors plus two church members volunteer weekly within the classrooms. One Foundation Governor leads a weekly voluntary lunch-time group named "Lighting the Candle" for Year 5 children. Twice a year the school invites the Church Friendship Group, consisting largely of elderly and/or housebound members of the community, to an afternoon of entertainment with tea and cakes. At the beginning of the school year, in September, church members invite the new parents to an informal 'breakfast' with tea/coffee, cakes/pastries and tissues! Church members also volunteer at the school's Christmas and Summer Fairs, usually serving teas and cakes. Church services are announced on the School's weekly newsletter.

12 ECUMENICAL LINKS The Churches Together committee consists of representatives of all 4 churches in Studley (CofE, RC, Methodist & Baptist) and meets every 2 - 3 months to discuss and plan joint activities. It is currently chaired by Steve Dunton, the Deacon at the RC church. Currently the main annual activities are a quiz (just to get to know each other), the joint Lent course, a joint service to mark the week of prayer for Christian unity, a walk of witness round Studley on Good Friday and the Remembrance Sunday service at the war memorial. In 2017 we also held a Pentecost praise service and a healing service in July.

A sub-group, comprising 2 women from each church, meet separately to organise 3 other annual village events: The World Day of Prayer on the 1st Friday in March, The Mothers Union Ecumenical Service on the first Wednesday in October and fund-raising activities for Christian Aid Week in mid-May.

13 ADMINISTRATION We have a part-time Parish Administrator, who works primarily from home and is paid for 60 hours per month. The administration team, comprising the incumbent, the church wardens and the Parish Administrator meets weekly to deal with general administration matters.

Volunteers also carry out other duties, including

 Two people manage wedding bookings across the group of churches  A Lay Reader manages the baptism information evening and liaises with clergy to officiate at those services  Churchwardens and the PCC Treasurer maintain the services rota, scheduling services and ensuring that personnel are available to officiate at services

Page 20 of 23  A team of three treasurers works with the PCC Treasurer to ensure that accounts are produced for the churches  The PCC Treasurer also maintains the fees account which does not form part of the church accounts  Two PTOs and two Lay Readers undertake funeral services within the group of churches

We have recently been reviewing the communications within the church group and with the wider community.

Our web site for the whole group of churches ( was recently reconfigured and is maintained by the Parish Administrator. We are working towards establishing a prayer network using email and social media.

A weekly News Sheet (2 sides A4) is produced and distributed to all the churches. Until the end of January 2017 the Parish Magazine was produced eleven times a year by the Parish Administrator as an additional paid job. However, the future production of the magazine is currently under review and has been suspended for the time being.

A Parish Contacts database was set up over 6 years ago and is maintained by the Parish Administrator.

Page 21 of 23 14 FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP The table below summarises our financial situation in 2016. Full sets of accounts for the last three years are available on request.

Year to 31/12/2016 Studley Mappleborough Green Morton Bagot Oldberrow Total Church Hall Fabric Church Hall Fabric Church Fabric Church INCOME £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ General Income 15,050 8,653 341 10,618 2,666 1,021 1,192 957 40,498 Planned Giving 32,040 1,789 19,323 464 1,480 1,749 56,845 Gift-Aid 7,504 428 4,642 113 1,351 25 548 14,611 Fundraising 1,135 1,135 Grants/Donations 600 400 1,084 851 1,050 3,985 Total Income 55,194 8,653 2,558 36,118 2,666 2,682 4,874 25 4,304 117,074 EXPENDITURE General Expenditure 16,164 5,071 4,354 12,547 1,575 3,735 1,662 1,031 1,840 47,979 Parish Share 40,053 20,027 2,100 1,702 63,882 Total Expenditure 56,217 5,071 4,354 32,574 1,575 3,735 3,762 1,031 3,542 111,861 Unrestricted 75,574 131,048 16,029 7,780 230,431 Reserves Restricted Reserves 300 17,901 7,769 947 1,458 76,647 5,184 110,206 Any special Income Possible Possible Income Possible Possible Church Possible considerations, includes fees extension to projects includes fees upgrade of projects currently upgrade of and interest. existing include and interest. toilets in hall. include closed due to electrics and future expenditure building if servery and servery & collapsed replacement etc? funding can cupboards, toilet facilities. ceiling. of heaters. be secured.

N.B. Mappleborough Green Unrestricted Reserve includes £97k designated for future church roof replacement. Parishes are expected to fund the costs of their own ordained ministry. This in effect means paying the full costs of all clergy. In 2017 the contribution for a vicar, with all ancillary costs, is £56,434 (£55,765 in 2016). Arden Marches Group of Churches recognises the contribution to mission that other churches in the Deanery and Diocese make but are not able to pay their way, and so in a spirit of generosity is willing to support other churches by an additional contribution to the parish share system. Last year this additional amount was £16,138 which equates to 29% of a full post.

Parish Share of £63,882 comprises of Clergy and Deanery costs of £55,765, plus Deanery costs of £269 less statutory fees of £8,290 refunded by the Diocese plus contribution of £16,138 to Support Fund as mentioned above. In addition to the above accounts there is a central PCC account that is used to collect income for central costs and paying them e.g. Parish Share and central administration costs. This account also has a balance of approximately £6,300 held for youth work and outreach.

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Further details and application form are available from

Informal conversations very welcome: Archdeacon Missioner, The Venerable on 07506 731 892 ([email protected]), and/or Acting Area Dean, The Right Reverend Christopher Morgan (retired), on 01789-730466 ([email protected]).

Closing date for applications: Noon, Friday 2nd March Interviews will be held over 2 days, Mon 19th and Tue 20th March

This is a Lord Chancellor’s appointment.

An application form can be downloaded from the Diocesan Website:

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