Coventry Cathedral Prayer Cycles Please join us as we pray for our Cathedral, the life of the wider Diocese of , our partners in the Community of the Cross of Nails and our brothers and sisters across the world in the Anglican Communion.

Sunday 14 February 2021 The Cathedral The Sunday 10.30 am congregation; our work with children; all who preach here The At the end of Go Green Week, we thank God for this complex and beautiful planet, ask for forgiveness for the times we have abused the resources provided for us and ask God to help us develop a better attitude to the planet. The Community of the Cross of Nails South Africa: CAPE TOWN, H.O.P.E. Africa; South Africa: CAPE TOWN, Somerset College; South Africa: CAPE TOWN, St Cyprian's School. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer The Anglican Church of Canada

Monday 15 February 2021 The Cathedral Our connections with other churches in the city: including Holy Trinity; Methodist Central Hall, CLM The Diocese of Coventry St James' C of E Primary School, . Executive Headteacher: Alison Hine. Head of School: Mrs Kathy Palmizi. We pray for God's blessing upon the pupils, teachers, staff and governors in this school community. The Community of the Cross of Nails South Africa: CAPE TOWN, St George's Cathedral; South Africa: CAPE TOWN, St Saviour's, Claremont (with Church of the Good Shepherd, Protea); South Africa: FAURE, St Paul's Primary School. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer South Ankole (Uganda)

Tuesday 16 February 2021 The Cathedral The Schools team; the thousands of children who visit week by week The Diocese of Coventry We thank God for those who write songs and hymns for us to use in worship. We praise God for the wide variety of music available to us and for the songs and hymns that have helped us in our faith journey. We pray that God would stir us in musical worship and bless all those who lead, sing and play instruments. The Community of the Cross of Nails South Africa: GEORGE, St Mark's Cathedral; South Africa: GRAHAMSTOWN, Cathedral of St Michael and St George; South Africa: GRAHAMSTOWN, College of Transfiguration, NPC. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer West Ankole (Uganda)

Wednesday 17 February 2021 The Cathedral The Business Manager and all who work in administration. The planning and activity associated with Making Space for Hope. The Diocese of Coventry C of E Primary School. Headteacher: Kate Guymer. We pray for God's blessing upon the pupils, teachers, staff and governors in this school community. The Community of the Cross of Nails South Africa: GRAHAMSTOWN, Grahamstown Amasango Career School; South Africa: JOHANNESBURG, Diocese of Christ the King; South Africa: KHAYELITSHA, St Michael's Primary School. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer Antananarivo (Indian Ocean)

Thursday 18 February 2021 The Cathedral The Diocese and wider church; the Bishops and their staff; all those recently ordained or preparing for ordination The Diocese of Coventry We pray for those who are struggling financially. We remember especially those searching for work and those in need of food and shelter. We give thanks for all those seeking to meet these needs in Churches, charities, the welfare system and foodbanks. We pray for the Bishop's Core Staff Team which meets today. The Community of the Cross of Nails South Africa: KLEIN DRAKENSTEIN, Church of the Ascension; South Africa: PIETERMARITZBURG, Cathedral of the Holy Nativity; South Africa: VOLMOED, Volmoed Christian Conference & Retreat Centre. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer Antsiranana (Indian Ocean)

Friday 19 February 2021 The Cathedral All visitors, pilgrims and tourists; the Tourism and Events team; those who work on our Welcome desk and in the shop The Diocese of Coventry We pray for the Diocesan Mission Fund committee as it seeks to make grants available to parishes and deaneries engaging in mission. We thank God for the lives that have been transformed by an encounter with God through many different supported projects. We ask God to stir up a desire and heart for mission in individuals and communities across the diocese. The Community of the Cross of Nails Sudan: KHARTOUM, All Saints Cathedral; Switzerland: ST MAURICE, Fraternité Eucharistein (Eucharistic Community); Ukraine: ODESSA, St Paul's Congregation. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer Araucanía (Chile)

Saturday 20 February 2021 The Cathedral The sound team and events crew; all who help as volunteers The Diocese of Coventry We pray for the vulnerable children in our country, their families and the work of organisations like Home for Good. Pray for their work with various Local Authorities across the country, that they would see more people step forward to foster children and teenagers in their area. The Community of the Cross of Nails : BANBURY, CE Primary School; United Kingdom: , The Canons CE Primary School; United Kingdom: BELFAST, Corrymeela Community. The Anglican Cycle of Prayer the Arctic (Canada)