HOUSERESOLUTIONNO.2019-4606 , byRepresentatives Sells,Appleton,Orwall, Robinson,Ryu,Ortiz-Self,Peterson, Stanford,Goodman, Lovick,Thai,Chapman, Ramos, Slatter, and Macri

1 WHEREAS,OnFebruary 6,1919, sixty thousandunion workers in 2 Seattlebecamethefirstworkers in American historytoorganize a nonviolent ; and3 4 WHEREAS,'sCentralLabor Council of the American 5 FederationofLabor hadcalledon union workersto strike in support 6 ofshipyard workerswhosoughtthe right to collective bargaining; 7 andmorethan onehundred labor unionsagreedto participate in the General Strike of 1919; and8 9 WHEREAS,A diversecoalitionofunion members from all walksof 10 life,includingwomen,AfricanAmericans, andthe Japanese community 11 allvotedin favor ofjoining thestrike in solidarity demonstrating 12 thevalueof uniting diversegroups acrossoccupational,racial, and political affiliations; and13 14 WHEREAS,Theunion workerswho participated in the Seattle 15 GeneralStrikeshowedthenation the power of organized labor and 16 workersolidarity;andtheSeattle General Strikelaidthegroundwork 17 for the contemporary labor movement in the United States; and 18 WHEREAS,Thenation's workersrepresent thebackbone ofthe 19 Americaneconomyandhavemade theUnited States themostprosperous country in the world; and20 21 WHEREAS,Wednesday,February6,2019, marksthe one hundredth 22 anniversaryofthe SeattleGeneral Strike,a timewhen it was said that "Nothing Moved But the Tide;" and23 p. 1 HR 4606 1 WHEREAS, Several public events have been organized throughout the 2 Centennial week by a coalition of museums, the Pacific Northwest 3 Labor History Association, the University of Washington Labor 4 Archives, and the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies; and 5 WHEREAS, The General Strike of 1919 has an enduring legacy that still shapes the labor movement today;6 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives 8 recognize the heritage of the labor movement in our state and the 9 workers who participated in the Seattle General Strike of 1919, and 10 honor the contributions they made to our country and our state. 11 12 I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of 13 Resolution 4606 adopted by the House of Representatives January 30, 201914 15 16 17 18 ______19 Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk20

p. 2 HR 4606