www.ilwu.org THE INSIDENEWS BOOKS &VIDEO TRANSITIONS Mike Mitre passes Former Local13President Executive Board meets Federated Auxiliary SF Board ofSupes Fred Peckerhonored by HOLIDAYS

International HAPPY Published by the International LongshorePublished bytheInternational andWarehouse Union Officers from the & Staff

8 8 7 2 2 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Dispatcher, 1188 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA 94109-6800. T President RobAshton,former IBU introduced includedILWU Canada surer Ed Ferris. Other union leaders Wesley Furtado and Secretary-Trea- Olvera, Jr., Vice President (Hawaii) Vice President (Mainland) Bobby Officers: President Willie Adams, four oftheILWU’sInternational leaders intheroom,includingall surer TerriMast. of Ceremonies,IBUSecretary/Trea- introduced bytheevening’sMaster President, MarinaSecchitano,was and modern aircraft. The IBU’s new gled amongtheexhibitsofhistoric members andindustryofficialsmin- Museum of Flight. Over 250 union gala heldinsideSeattle’sspectacular at aCentennialAnniversaryevening ments andstruggleswerehighlighted IBU Centennial: operations andtheJanusdecision,automationferryprivatization,apprenticeshipprogramsprotectingJonesAct. The gatheringaddressedimportantissuesincludingon-goingorganizingefforts,counteringthreatsposedbynon-uniontug on November11-15. 24th ConventioninSeattle their 100thanniversaryand Marine Division–celebrated unions andtheILWU’s time Secchitano recognizedmany The IBU’s history, accomplish- a centuryofprogressive he Inlandboatmen’sUnion largest inlandmari- (IBU) –oneofthenation’s IBU memberscelebrate maritime unionism The Inlandboatmen’s Union (IBU), celebrated their 100th anniversary in on November 11-15. The Inlandboatmen’sUnion(IBU),celebratedtheir100thanniversaryinSeattleonNovember11-15.

the museum,includingU.S. Senator appeared ongiantscreens inside testimonials from union advocates congratulations viatwitter.Video Angeles MayorEricGarcettisenthis IBU’s manyaccomplishments.Los Jenny Durkin’soffice,honoringthe mation thatwaspresentedbyMayor of Seattlepreparedanofficialprocla- by theIBUbeforeandsince.TheCity and forthemanycontributionsmade decision toaffiliatewiththeILWU, who thankedtheIBUfortheir1980 International PresidentWillieAdams, including theILWU’snewly-elected Black BallFerryCFODavidBooth. Reller ofMansonConstruction,and water ontheColumbiaRiver,Rob White Fleet, Bruce Reed from Tide- Escher fromSanFrancisco’sRed& tation RogerMillar,PresidentTom ington StateSecretaryofTranspor- sentatives attended,includingWash- Branch. ManyIBUemployerrepre- Maritime UnionofAustralia’sSydney Garrett, AssistantSecretaryofthe Union wasthankedalongwithPaul Marcus oftheMasters,Mates&Pilots Treasurer LarryMiner.PresidentDon along withformerIBUSecretary- Presidents AlanCoteandDonLiddle, The official speeches werebrief, DISPATCHER •December 20181 Oregon andWashington.Conditions and brutalized,including California, of unionmemberstobeimprisoned calism” lawsthatallowedthousands enteen statespassed“criminalsyndi- Unions andstrikeswereillegal.Sev- so indifficultanddangeroustimes. ryboatmen’s UnionofCalifornia,did IBU’s predecessorin1918,theFer- Area ferryworkerswhofoundedthe Launched indangeroustimes militant, member-focusedunionism. toast – to another hundred years of gram concludedwithachampagne struggle forworkers’rights.Thepro- hundred-year historyandcenturyof presentation highlighting the IBU’s The eveningconcludedwithavideo best wishestoofficersandmembers. who senthercongratulationsand woman PramilaJayapalofSeattle was WashingtonStateCongress- important.” Alsojoiningviavideo leadership roleisnoteworthyand the yearofwoman,andyournew elected PresidentoftheIBU.“Thisis congratulated Secchitanoforbeing tial U.S. Presidential candidate who powerful unionadvocateandpoten- Elizabeth WarrenofMassachusetts,a VOL 76,NO11•DECEMBER2018 The courageousgroupofBay continued onpage2 IBU members celebrate a century of progressive maritime unionism continued from page 1 against “dangerous alien immigrants.” programs, which created millions neries and processing plants joined got worse for unions when Amer- When the war ended in November of of desperately-needed construction in 1985, and most recently, environ- ica entered the First World War on 1918, much of Europe was destroyed, jobs across the country, but also mental response workers. This new a wave of nationalism promoted by 16 million were dead and another 75 caused thousands of ferry workers to approach to jurisdiction was called big business and politicians who used million would soon die in the global flu lose their work. Roosevelt’s sup- “” and it gave the their warped sense of “patriotism” to pandemic. Most militant labor unions port for workers and unions was union a new name: the Inlandboat- attack union organizers as traitors were exterminated or weakened – but also enormously helpful when the men’s Union of the Pacific. the IBU managed to survive and grow union expanded beyond the Bay and “enemies of the people.” Lead- Search for a democratic partner ers of the Industrial Workers of the in these difficult conditions. Area to help workers organize in the Over the years, the IBU has affili- World (IWW) who helped workers Pacific Northwest, where port cities Early focus on ferry workers ated with different unions and federa- in West Coast ports, lumber camps, in Washington. Oregon and Alaska The IBU’s early growth was pos- tions, always searching for a demo- factories and fields, were among those had grown quickly from timber and sible because so many ferries were cratic partner. Early on, they affiliated hunted down, jailed, beaten, tortured mining. The union also moved to being used to transport cargo, railroad with the International Seaman’s Union and murdered. Congress passed the help workers organize in Southern cars and people around booming cit- (ISU) that was part of the Ameri- unconstitutional Sedition Act in 1918, California, especially San Pedro and ies and ports on the West Coast. can Federation of Labor. When the making it a crime to criticize or hold San Diego. industrial union movement rose in opinions against the war. Other earth- Surviving by organizing Breaking with old limitations the 1930’s, the IBU aligned with the shaking events during 1917-1918 The union’s initial boom lasted The IBU’s dramatic growth was Congress of Industrial Unions (CIO), included the and little more than a decade. New also possible because they expanded being the first west coast union to mobilizations by women for the right bridges built during the mid-1930’s beyond their previous “jurisdiction,” join that rebel group – doing so a few to vote. These factors caused deep caused many ferries to be idled. that limited them to only help ferry months before the ILWU. During the divisions within labor unions, as radi- The modern bridges were needed to workers. This narrow perspective next decade they tried to avoid bitter cals were purged, jailed and killed accommodate an explosion of cars was soon abandoned in favor of conflicts between ILWU President – while many establishment unions and trucks. In an ironic twist, many helping workers on tugs, barges and Harry Bridges and Sailors Union of the turned their backs on civil liberties of the new bridges were funded by other vessels. Workers at fish can- continued on page 4 and some joined racist campaigns President Roosevelt’s New Deal

We want you: The Federated Auxiliary held their Executive Board meeting in San Pedro on October 20-21. “Recruiting new members to the Auxiliary is a top priority for upcoming year”, said Federated Auxiliary President Ida Taylor. She said membership is open to family member of all active members in Califor- nia, Oregon and Washington. The Auxiliary provide support to ILWU locals and members on a range of important issues including political action and community engagement. If you are interested in becoming a member contact FedAuxILWU@ gmail.com. Leave your name and contact information and your area representa- tive will contact you. In the photo from left to right are Federated President, Ida Taylor, Auxiliary 8, Wilmington, CA; Federated Area VP, California Tina Carranza, Wilmington, CA; Federated Secretary, Marie Cortez, Auxiliary 8, Wilmington, CA; Delegate Joan Bell, Auxiliary 8, Wilmington, CA; Delegate LaDonna Chamberlain, Auxiliary 14 Longview, WA; President Auxiliary 5, Denise Miken, Portland, OR; Delegate, Debbie Hopkins, Auxiliary 35 Tacoma, WA; Federated Vice President, Victoria Sowers, Auxiliary 35, Tacoma, WA; Federated Area VP, North West, Nancy Cole- man, Auxiliary 35, Tacoma, WA; Delegate Angela Lard, Auxiliary 38 Olympia, WA; Delegate, Kristen Stockwell, Auxiliary 11, Vancouver, WA; Federated Treasurer, Honoring Fred Pecker: Former ILWU Local 6 Secretary-Treasurer was Danielle Sandoval-Padilla, Auxiliary 8, Wilmington, CA awarded a Certificate of Honor by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on December 4. The proclamation authored by Supervisor Hillary Ronen recognized his “outstanding and profound contributions to the San Francisco labor move- ment and his love and commitment to social justice and activism that infuse every aspect of his life.” The room was filled to capacity with Fred’s family, friends, and union members who honored his decades of service to the ILWU, the Bay Area labor movement and City of San Francisco.

ILWU TITLED OFFICERS Craig Merrilees William E. Adams, President The Dispatcher (ISSN 0012-3765) is published monthly except for a combined July/Aug issue, for $5.00 a year and $10.00 a year for non-members by the ILWU, 1188 Franklin St., San Francisco, Communications Director and Managing Editor Bobby Olvera, Jr., Vice President, Mainland CA 94109. Periodical postage paid at San Francisco, CA. The Dispatcher welcomes letters, Roy San Filippo Wesley Furtado, Vice President, Hawaii photos and other submissions to the above address © ILWU, 2012. Postmaster: Send address Editor Edwin Ferris, Secretary-Treasurer changes to The Dispatcher, 1188 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA 94109-6800.

2 DISPATCHER • December 2018 2018 Annual Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies Awards Banquet honors ILWU Local 19 and welcomes a new Bridges Chair Bridges Center for Labor Studies for the creation of the Frank Jenkins Jr. Fellowship in Labor Studies. The Coast Longshore Division followed with a matching donation of an additional $100,000. (See the September 2018 issue of the Dispatcher) At the banquet, Kim England and four of the former Endowed Bridges Chairs, James Greg- ory, Dan Jacoby, Michael McCann and George Lovell, collectively honored ILWU Local 19 at the Labor Awards Banquet by awarding the union with Pensioner support: The Seattle Pensioners Club has been a strong supporter this years’ Robert Duggan Distin- of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies. Their fundraising efforts over the years Honoring Local 19: ILWU Local have been crucial to the success of the program and established several scholarship guished Supporter Award for its role 19 President Rich Austin, Jr. accepted the funds. in the Jenkins Fellowship and its three Robert Duggan Distinguished Supporter decades of investment in the founda- Award on behalf of the Local 19 mem- bership. They were given the award for a town on the River Tyne in Northeast tion and support of the Bridges Center n Sunday, November 11, their role in the Jenkins Fellowship and 2018, over 250 people England, with a long history of coal- and its students. for supporting the Bridges Center and gathered at the Univer- mining and ship-building. She grew In addition to the Jenkins Fellow- students for three decades. O up in a time when jobs in those indus- ship, the Bridges Center also received sity of Washington in Seattle to authenticity. Her work is shared with tries were declining, and saw the a contribution of $100,000 from Ian celebrate the contributions of her community and embodied through struggles of family and friends whose Kennedy and Michelle Drayton, former students, faculty and working her work as the University of Wash- livelihoods were disappearing. She members of ILWU Local 52 and current ington Q Center’s Queer and Trans people to labor research and remarked, “As a girl, I knew those jobs officers of the Seattle ILWU Pensioners Student of Color Cultural Worker and advocacy. The Labor Studies weren’t open to me anyway, but I was Club, to establish the Kennedy Drayton Advocate. Vieyra is also dedicated to awards banquet, which has been mindful of what this meant for the Scholarship in Labor Studies. The four- community resistance through his held annually for over 20 years, local economy and everyday life, and year award will support working-class organizing with Movimiento Estudian- saw the ways unions fought to keep freshmen pursuing labor studies at the is hosted by the Harry Bridges til Chicanx de Alto Pacifico (MeChA), jobs and protest deteriorating work- University of Washington. Center for Labor Studies. ing conditions.” and hopes to pursue a career in law to 2018 Labor Studies Scholarships The Bridges Center was estab- As someone who hails from a develop an in-depth understanding of Honor the Legacy of ILWU Activists lished in 1992 following a grassroots proud working class community in the the U.S. legal system, to subvert laws fundraising campaign by members North of England, she will continue The new scholarships join a long that serve the interests of only those in of the ILWU to honor late president to bring this dedication to labor and list of Bridges Center scholarships ded- power, and act as an advocate for labor- Harry Bridges by establishing an insti- activism in her research, advocacy, and icated to past ILWU members, includ- ers by providing platforms through tution dedicated to the study of work leadership as Harry Bridges Chair. ing the Gundlach Scholarship in Labor which their voices may be heard. and working-class issues in higher Studies, the Martin and Anne Jugum Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes education. Honoring ILWU Local 19 Scholarship in Labor Studies, and the were two critical and inspiring labor Thanks to the on-going support of Thanks to the generous contribu- Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes leaders who fought hard to dispel bru- the ILWU, the Bridges Center now pro- tions from ILWU locals and pensioners, Scholarship in Labor Studies. The tal conditions and racist management in vides nearly $100,000 in labor scholar- two new scholarships were created at Gundlach Scholarship in Labor Stud- their workplaces. They jointly formed ships and research funding each year. the Bridges Center in 2018, the Frank ies was created by the estate of Jean the Alaska Cannery Workers Asso- Jenkins Jr. Fellowship in Labor Studies Gundlach, a labor activist and former ciation to undertake this feat. In 1977 New Bridges Chair in Labor Studies and the Michelle Drayton and Ian Ken- staff secretary of Harry Bridges and the announced Domingo and Viernes also formed the nedy Scholarship in Labor Studies. ILWU, to honor her memory and that of Rank and File Committee of ILWU Local The night’s program began with an Frank Jenkins Jr. – grandson of her siblings, Wilford, Ralph and Betty, 37 to struggle for union democracy and introduction from Michael McCann, a runaway slave, first son of a Buf- all former UW alumni. Ralph Gund- fair working conditions, despite severe the outgoing director of the Bridges falo Soldier and a native Filipina, and lach was a former UW professor, but opposition from all sides. They were Center. He introduced the audience to a member of the first known Filipino was fired in 1948 after being branded elected to ILWU Local 37 leadership Kim England, the newest Harry Bridges family in the Puget Sound region – was a communist by the McCarthyist Can- in 1980 and worked to build solidarity Endowed Chair in Labor Studies. A a devoted labor activist and lifelong well Committee. Through Jean’s own with workers in the Philippines. Both rotating position held by faculty at the union member and leader in Seattle’s efforts, former UW President William were tragically both murdered in 1981 University of Washington, the Bridges ILWU Local 19. He began working Gerberding issued an apology for UW’s at the order of Philippine dictator Fer- Chair is tasked with setting the agenda on the waterfront as a young adult participation in the Canwell hearings. dinand Marcos. The Domingo Viernes of the Bridges Center and leading labor in the 1920s and was a contributor This year’s Gundlach scholarship was Scholarship was formed in 2011 by the studies on campus. England is the first to the 1934 strike. His activism dur- awarded to Brian Serafini, a PhD stu- Inlandboatmen’s Union, Region 37, to geographer to hold the Bridges Chair ing his decades-long commitment to dent in Sociology whose research chal- honor their memory and the inspiring and also the first Chair whose research the ILWU and work with other labor lenges assumptions about precarious legacy of their activism. The award- and teaching centers on women and activists such as Martin Jugum, an labor and worker consent in the fast ees of the scholarship this year were caring labor. ILWU member who is also honored at food industry. Alejandra Pérez and Polly Woodbury. Originally from the United King- the Bridges Center through the Mar- Martin “Jug” Jugum was a longtime Pérez, as an undocumented student, has dom, Kim England completed her tin and Anne Jugum scholarship for activist and key member of the ILWU worked tirelessly to develop trainings undergraduate degree at the University undergraduate students, allowed for for over fifty years. He was essential in and resources to serve other undocu- of Leicester, and subsequently went the implementation of more equita- creating the Harry Bridges Center for mented students and young profes- on to complete her MA and PhD in ble policies on the waterfront. One of Labor Studies and was a co-chair for sionals through the creation of Undocu Geography at the Ohio State Univer- their greatest contributions was the the Harry Bridges Memorial Commit- Ally Trainings and her collaboration sity. Since coming to the University of introduction of a rotation system that tee. The Martin and Anne Jugum Schol- with the Washington Dream Coalition. Washington in 1999, she has contin- allowed everyone to receive an equal arship in Labor Studies was created to Woodbury, currently a graduate stu- ued to pursue her interests in feminist, amount of work that did not strip fair honor him and his wife and their dedi- dent in Social Work and Global Health, economic, social and political geogra- opportunities from Black workers. cation to the labor movement. This has spent several summers working phies through teaching and research. In February of 2018, to honor Jen- year the scholarship was awarded to with the AFL-CIO through internships Kim’s long standing interest in kin’s contribution to the ILWU and two undergraduates: Jenesis Garcia with the Union Summer program and labor, work and employment stems labor community, the membership and Marcos Vieyra. Garcia has a deep the Solidarity Center in Phnom Penh, from her own personal history and of ILWU Local 19 voted to approve a commitment to resistance in the forms Cambodia. geography. She was born in Wallsend, contribution of $100,000 to the Harry of community healing and personal continued on page 8

DISPATCHER • December 2018 3 IBU members celebrate a century of progressive maritime unionism Joyful union noise ing the final days of their contract, and Next up was Seattle’s Labor Cho- it was heartbreaking,” said Secchitano, rus, which came to celebrate the 100th explaining that the new contractor Anniversary and inspire conven- brought their own non-union work- tion delegates to prepare for the hard force from the South instead of re- work ahead. The Chorus performs hiring Crowley workers that included frequently at picket lines, rallies and many Native Alaskans. She said the IBU community events, with roots that has been trying to help the displaced include IBU members Scott Seramur, workers find jobs at other union com- who was a founding member, and his panies. Secchitano added that many wife Susan Moser, who performed at small businesses in Valdez are now suf- the convention. The Chorus started fering because Edison Chouest refuses 21 years ago at the Northwest Folklife to “buy local” and support the commu- Festival where legendary union advo- nity like Crowley did for decades. cate and folksinger Pete Seeger prom- Ferry workers get organized ised to return and sing with the fledg- Secchitano also commented on the ling group if they became established. challenges facing thousands of public They did, and Seeger keep his promise. ILWU family: From left to right: ILWU International Vice President (Hawaii), ferry workers who were recently hit by Wesley Furtado, ILWU International Secretary-Treasurer Ed Ferris, IBU Secretary- Treasurer Terri Mast, ILWU International President Willie Adams, ILWU International IBU President Secchitano the anti-union Janus decision, handed- Vice President (Mainland) Bobby Olvera, Jr. and IBU President Marina Secchitano. IBU President Marina Secchitano down last year by the US Supreme was elected last December to become Court. The Janus attack was financed by continued from page 2 dent Marina Secchitano. Longtime the union’s first female President. She corporations who hoped the Supreme Pacific President Harry Lundeberg. In IBU Secretary-Treasurer Terri Mast joined longtime Secretary-Treasurer Court ruling would destroy unions 1947 the IBU joined the Seafarers’ Inter- announced that 45 delegates and 20 Terri Mast, making the IBU one of the by encouraging members to quit pay- national Union (SIU), but left in 1979 special guests were present. The guests few unions to be led by women leaders. ing dues. IBU ferry workers in Alaska, over objections to what were seen as included ILWU Canada President Rob Secchitano offered many thoughts Washington and California responded undemocratic and unethical practices. Ashton who was accompanied by Local about what could be accomplished at by educating their co-workers about the The following year saw a bitter strike by 400 Secretary-Treasurer Jason Woods the convention and a vision for what scheme through thousands of conversa- Washington State ferry workers lead- and Liam Lumsden, a Young Worker lies ahead in the coming years. tions. This approach yielded excellent results, with only a handful refusing ers with Don Liddle and Larry Miner and Local 400 Board member. Also Non-union tug threat jailed for defying a court injunction. attending was Sydney Branch Presid- to pay their share of union dues. “The One challenge facing the IBU and That’s when ILWU locals shut down ing Officer Paul Garrett, who came member-to-member conversations you covered by Secchitano was plainly vis- the Puget Sound in solidarity. The with Rob Paterson, Glan Munright, had with your co-workers made the dif- ible just outside the meeting room’s move that led to a settlement for ferry Trent Miller and Liam Burke, all from ference and helped us stay strong,” said large windows where a growing num- workers and affiliation with the ILWU. the Maritime Union of Australia. Secchitano. “We’ve still got more work ber of non-union tugs and barges now to do in some areas, but we’re on the Membership trends Spiritual message for the union operate along much of the West Coast right track with this approach.” IBU membership peaked at 40,000 Deacon Jose Deleon from the Seat- and Hawaii. Cheap oil hurts ferry workers before WWII. As the number of ferries tle Seafarers Ministry offered a prayer Big oil hurts union members continued to dwindle and anti-union and reflection on the IBU’s longstanding Secchitano described a special Secchitano highlighted the grow- laws took their toll, the membership commitment to promoting justice and problem facing ferry workers in Alaska ing non-union environment by citing levelled to 4,000 where it remains equality. Deleon said he was grateful that has implications for all union the recent change at the Port of Valdez, today. But the union retains the same for the opportunity to work so closely members. Some Alaska politicians are Alaska. Big oil companies in Valdez democratic, member-focused, progres- with the IBU and the ILWU over many trying to privatize the state’s public decided to replace their longtime sive spirit from a century ago. And years, helping crew members from the ferry system in order to break public union contractor, Crowley, with a large ferry service is now making a come- Philippines, China and other nations. unions and convert a valuable pub- anti-union corporation from the Gulf back, with communities in Alaska, These seafarers sometimes arrive to the lic asset into a private, profit-making of Mexico, called Edison Chouest. The Washington and California recogniz- West Coast on vessels with substandard investment for Wall Street. She said new contractor has a history of mis- ing the critical role that public ferries working conditions. Deleon thanked the threat has become more serious haps, but still won a ten-year contract play in regional transportation plans. IBU member Jeff Engels for coordinat- because falling crude oil prices are to provide tug assist and emergency ing work of the International Transport depleting Alaska’s state revenue that 24th Convention opens response for tankers carrying North Workers Federation (ITF) on the West depends on oil taxes. She explained Slope crude through Prince William On Monday morning, November Coast with a talented team that includes that declining oil prices and resulting Sound, where a catastrophic spill in 12, all the history and current chal- Inspectors Peter Lahay in Canada, Ste- budget shortfalls have many legislators 1989 dumped 11 million gallons of oil lenges came into sharp focus as the fan Mueller-Dombois in LA and Martin demanding big budget cuts from pub- into pristine waters and fouled 1300 IBU’s 24th Convention was called to Larson in Oregon. Deleon praised the lic employees in Alaska, including ferry miles of shoreline. order at the Edgewater Hotel, over- IFT inspectors for helping seafarers win workers. Secchitano promised to help looking Elliott Bay on the Puget Sound. many struggles for dignity, respect and “I recently visited those Crowley IBU members in Alaska fight back. She The convention was chaired by Presi- better pay. workers and families up in Valdez dur- also praised efforts by Acting (Jan-May, 2018) Regional Director Darryl Tseu, who is sharing the valuable experience and relationships he has with many Alaska legislators. Non-union on our doorstep During a break in the session, IBU Puget Sound Business Agent Gail McCormick explained that his region’s largest tug companies, Foss and Crow- ley, “have the largest and most power- ful tractor tug fleets with the best-skilled crews, so pilots tend to favor them, but the non-union and sub-standard opera- tors are nipping around the edges and showing up more often,” he said, point- ing across Elliott Bay where a non-union Symbol of power: IBU Local 400 Executive Board member Liam Lumsden (left) presented the IBU Convention with a Sea tug was visible in the distance. Serpent held by Local 400 Secretary-Treasurer Jason Woods. The gift from ILWU Canada is a hand-carved symbol of power that plays an important role in the mythology of Coast Salish people. Lumsden, a member of the Squamish Nation, made the presenta- continued on page 5 tion to IBU President Marina Secchitano (L) and Secretary-Treasurer Terri Mast (R).

4 DISPATCHER • December 2018 ers and others like them depend on us Convention work begins to help them organize and speak out,” After the opening speakers and Adams concluded. other formalities were finished on the Special guest: MM&P President first morning, convention delegates tackled an ambitious work plan that Don Marcus, President of the Mas- continued until 9 pm. An equally rig- ters, Mates and Pilots Union, opened orous schedule was set for the next by joking about the challenge of fol- three days, with delegates divided into lowing Willie Adams to the podium. two groups: A “Passenger Industry Marcus said the IBU, ILWU and the Caucus” and a “Freight, Towing & MM&P share a common bond; they Environmental Caucus.” are among the larger group of Mari- time Unions who formed the Maritime Delegates in the Passenger Industry Labor Alliance six years ago. He said Caucus began with an in-depth work- the group plays an important role in shop to analyze “lessons learned” from building unity. the Janus experience, led by veteran union trainer and economist, Mark “We squabble today at our own Brenner from the University of Ore- risk. Non-union operators are no lon- IBU delegates responded to an appeal by Aubrey Johnsson, a gon’s Labor Education and Research Young voices: ger unchallenged and many are oper- guest at the convention from the San Francisco Region. She encouraged the IBU to Center. His skillful facilitation encour- ating in former union strongholds. strengthen connections with cadets at the Tongue Point Academy, one of two mari- aged the room to explode with con- time training and apprenticeship programs on the West Coast. Johnsson is a Tongue They provide their workers with half- versations as delegates compiled and Point graduate. decent pay and working conditions, shared their “best practices” and “mis- but poor benefits and no rights on the takes to avoid.” Three of the biggest non-union tug constantly looking for ways to create job. I’ve followed several of your IBU In a room next door, the Freight, and barge companies are Vane Brothers division and doubt between workers. organizing efforts that were thwarted Towing & Environmental Caucus from Maryland, Edison Chouest from He cited the importance of welcoming by bad labor laws. Let’s remember began their meeting with an update Louisiana and the Kirby Corporation everyone into the union, regardless of that it took twenty years for union from Coast Guard Lt. Chris Spring, who from Texas. All three also have modern their gender orientation. “What mat- organizing campaigns to prevail on detailed the latest changes in federal fleets, and are scouting for new work, in ters is that we all bleed just like the the Columbia River.” certification and manning requirements part, because low oil prices have forced next worker, regardless of how we look Marcus agreed that the Janus for vessels. Delegates responded with companies to close down expensive or how we choose to live.” Supreme Court decision has had a many questions about the interpreta- wells in the Gulf of Mexico – and cancel surprisingly positive effect so far, with Remarks from President Adams tion and enforcement of these safety- support vessel contracts there. most workers choosing to remain Newly-elected ILWU International oriented rules administered by the Secchitano explained how she’s dues-paying union members. “About President Willie Adams was the next Coast Guard. After finishing, Lt. Spring seen the growing non-union threat take ten years ago, we had 40 percent of speaker who began by recognizing the conducted a similar workshop with the shape on the West Coast. “When I vis- federal employees participating in our team of officers who accompanied him Passenger Industry Caucus. ited Hawaii recently, I saw a big Kirby union – and today we have 90 per- to attend the IBU Convention: Vice tug next to a Foss union vessel. Then cent. In our case, it happened because Automation hits IBU jobs President for Mainland Bobby Olvera, back home I saw a Kirby tug in San of one woman who took the effort to At separate sessions for the Ferry Jr.; Vice President for Hawaii Wesley Francisco Bay, which we hadn’t seen talk with her co-workers about sup- Caucus and Freight/Towing caucus, Furtado and Secretary-Treasurer Ed before, and I learned that it was head- porting the union.” ILWU Canada President Rob Ashton Ferris. “I believe that four heads are ing up here to the Puget Sound, so we Marcus said unions need to use and Local 400’s Jason Woods joined better than one,” he said. “All of us can see these guys are getting more seri- a similar approach in the future. “We with MUA official Paul Garrett to dis- have come here to listen to you and ous about moving out west,” she said. have to be part of the dialogue on auto- cuss the hot topics of automation and offer our support.” Secchitano ended with some mation, now that autonomous vessels cabotage. Ferry workers already saw He also praised the ILWU tradition important updates, the first of which are being designed and tested. We also automation replace jobs at Washington of operating in the open and encourag- involved the IBU pension which had have to keep challenging the hysteria State and the Golden Gate District when ing members to ask questions – espe- an unfunded liability for many years raised against the Jones Act – misin- automatic ticket machines replaced cially the questioning elected union but is now on a recovery plan that will formation being spread to otherwise staff in kiosks. Now a new and differ- officials. “We can’t be afraid to have restore the fund’s health over the next progressive legislators, through pro- ent round of automation has created an members criticize and challenge their 11 years. paganda efforts at the Cato Institute immediate crisis for workers at Georgia elected officers,” he said. and Heritage Foundation, where they Pacific’s paper goods warehouse on the She also provided the latest good Adams said the same principle hate the Jones Act because it provides Columbia River, where the company news about expanded ferry services in applies to welcoming new and younger good wages and working conditions (owned by the Koch brothers) has just San Francisco Bay, where state and fed- voices. “I’m excited and energized for union maritime workers.” announced an automation plan that eral funding has supported a 14-ves- by what young people are doing in would destroy a majority of warehouse sel fleet serving four routes that carry He concluded on a hopeful note: this union. We need to involve them, jobs. ILWU Canada’s Secretary-Trea- 2.7 million passengers annually – with “the IBU and MM&P have a good include them and listen to them.” surer Bob Dhaliwal has been track- plans to reach 5 times that number in record of working together and we need Adams said he was humbled by the ing news articles about automation 2035 using 44 vessels. The new pas- to continue that work, like we’re doing fact that the IBU was founded in 1918, for years and provides them to ILWU senger ferries are the cleanest 400 pas- to help folks at the Washington State sixteen years ahead of the ILWU. “The members in a weekly email. The IBU senger vessels in the world and can Ferries, and the new federally-funded IBU’s been around longer than the will draw on information and experi- reach over 30 mph. ferries in San Francisco Bay, and similar ILWU, which means we can learn from projects up and down the West Coast.” continued on page 6 Secchitano ended by noting the your history and experience.” untimely passing of Veronica Sanchez, a He also thanked President Secchi- skilled legislative advocate who helped tano for “having the courage to step up, Bay Area maritime workers wage many lean in and stick her neck out to run for campaigns for good jobs and better President. I look forward to working working conditions. She said Sanchez with you and your team,” said Adams. was a valuable ally of the IBU and other unions. “Veronica will be remembered He wrapped-up by sharing his con- for fighting many good fights with us, cerns about the political challenges fac- and we will miss her deeply.” ing IBU and ILWU members, emphasiz- ing the need to prepare now for a voice Greetings from Canada in the 2020 election. Adams noted the ILWU Canada President Rob Ash- positive election results in November, ton was invited to the podium where with a record number of more-union- he congratulated IBU members for friendly candidates who will control the their century of progressive unionism. U.S. House of Representatives. But he Ashton said he was representing 6000 also reminded everyone that the U.S. ILWU Canada members, plus another Senate remains controlled by an anti- 7000 affiliated members. He urged union majority – and added that Alas- the IBU to continue their progressive ka’s new governor favors big business Making a point: Erik Ferrel (L) is a Master Steward for Washington State ferry tradition, warning that employers are over workers and unions. “Those work- workers in the Puget Sound and was an IBU Convention delegate. On his right is ferry worker Andrew Mannion, also a Steward and union activist. DISPATCHER • December 2018 5 IBU members celebrate a century of progressive maritime unionism Environmental conflicts – Wash- ing rate. Besides opening shorter polar ington State delegates detailed their routes between Asia and Europe, he experience with a well-intentioned said companies want to drill for oil but deeply-flawed carbon tax ballot and gas in the outer continental shelf measure. It was defeated by voters – beneath the artic. but re-opened longstanding tensions V.P. Olvera on Organizing between the building trades and other Tuesday began on a solemn note unions over whether workers should with a brief ceremony recognizing IBU take action to protect the planet from members who passed since the last global warming, focus solely on jobs – convention. Everyone stood in silence or find a way to do both. One possi- as names of the departed from every ble point of agreement is that workers region were read into the official record. should be protected from bearing the Newly-elected International Vice brunt of urgently needed changes. President Bobby Olvera, Jr., thanked This particular carbon tax measure the IBU for inviting him to observe was unintentionally drafted in a way and participate at the convention, then that would have deeply cut the State’s quickly jumped into what he called Transportation and public ferry bud- “new changes that are coming to the get, making it a “no-deal” for the IBU. Active workshops: The IBU Convention encouraged discussion and different ILWU.” He said the changes would points of view. Alaska Patrolman Krissel Calibo explains her ideas to Frank McMurry, This painful experience highlighted the include better communications, new who serves as Vice Chair for the SF Region. need for unions to be more involved education modules and a “return to our with environmental groups so they can roots” when it comes to organizing. He participate when environmental laws continued from page 5 in that fight by refusing to handle Pat- said the officers recently held their first are conceived and drafted. ence from the ILWU and other unions rick’s cargo. National Organizing Committee meet- Industrial waterfront protection – in an effort to help warehouse workers Apprenticeship programs ing and would hold more each quar- Secretary-Treasurer Terri Mast opened and dozens of working families being ter, probably scheduled before or after Throughout the convention, del- this topic by noting that coastal cities hurt by the automation plan. International Executive Board meet- egates made positive comments about must take steps now to protect their ings. He said there would be greater Cabotage two seamanship apprentice programs industrial waterfront lands or risk los- coordination with Hawaii, and a will- The word “cabotage” comes from initiated by the IBU. The first was ing them – along with good-paying ingness to pursue long-term organizing the French and originally described established in 1980 at the Tongue jobs. In Seattle, the IBU and ILWU are campaigns that make sense from a stra- coastal trading. It’s now become a Point Job Corps Center in Astoria, part of a successful coalition that joined tegic standpoint. “We talk a lot about legal term of art, referring to maritime Oregon. That program’s success over forces with local business groups to solidarity, but don’t always walk the trade between ports within a country. 38 years inspired Southern Califor- protect Seattle’s working waterfront, walk,” he said. “There should never be Almost 100 years ago, in 1920, Con- nia’s IBU Region to recently launch a especially in the South of Downtown an ILWU campaign that doesn’t involve gress passed a law known as the “Jones similar program. The Dispatcher has (SODO) industrial area. The Mayor has every ILWU local in a 100-mile radius, Act,” requiring trade between U.S. run previous reports on both pro- since appointed ILWU member John so everyone knows what the issues are, ports to use vessels built, owned and grams and is planning future cover- Persak and Mast to a committee that who the people are, and what’s at stake operated by U.S. citizens. The Jones age. IBU Convention delegates agreed will suggest solutions to save the City’s for all of us.” He closed by saying the Act and other cabotage rules helped the that the Tongue Point program is industrial waterfront. vitally important, and the union will ILWU can help “re-build the house of U.S. build a merchant marine indus- Vocational training – In Wash- be taking new steps to help educate labor in a progressive way, by working try during the 1920’s. As time passed, ington State, the IBU has joined with cadets there about the role of mari- with other progressive unions, includ- the Jones Act protected good-paying vocational education advocates to see if time unions in their industry. One IBU ing nurses, teachers and others who maritime union jobs as global capital- they can require all schools in the state member attending the Convention share our vision of helping the entire ism outsourced most vessels and crew- to provide a minimum number of voca- from the Bay Area was Aubrey John- working class.” members to countries with low wages, tional classes so working-class families sson, who graduated from Tongue few regulations, no enforcement and can get training that leads to good-pay- Ferris urges courage and action Point a few years ago and shared her weak unions. Corporations have been ing union jobs for their children. Newly-elected ILWU International trying to kill the Jones Act since the valuable experiences with delegates, Artic scramble – ILWU Alaska Secretary-Treasurer Ed Ferris was next, end of the Second World War, and the including how much she thought vet- leader Dennis Young shared his efforts and he began by challenging delegates fight continues. eran IBU leaders and young cadets to “search for opportunities among all could benefit from more interaction. to monitor plans to route commercial “Every year, corporations try to vessel traffic through previously fro- the challenges we face, including hos- The Southern California maritime attack cabotage laws in Australia, Can- zen areas of the artic. He described tility to unions from many politicians.” apprentice program recently enrolled ada, Europe and the U.S., and every the aggressive scramble by countries Ferris continued, “We’re up against their first round of new cadets who year we have to beat them back,” said and companies to enter areas that a wealthy and well organized ruling are now focused on classroom studies. the MUA’s Paul Garrett. The battle in were unreachable until global warming class that doesn’t care about the work- Efforts are underway to secure them Australia became pitched last year, began melting polar ice at an alarm- continued on page 7 when the country’s anti-union/pro- field internships with union maritime business government announced plans employers. to destroy cabotage laws. The latest Caucuses debate key issues threat is being battled with help from The Ferry Workers and Freight the International Transport Work- Caucuses both discussed state and ers Federation (ITF), a global network federal legislation, along with political of unions that includes the IBU and developments in CA, OR, WA and HI, ILWU. Paul Garrett attended a recent including: ITF meeting in Singapore this past October, where Terri Mast was ele- The Jones Act – This important law vated to become the group’s Second protecting union maritime jobs sur- Vice Chair of Inland Waterways, a post vived an attack last year by anti-union she’s using to create a new Committee forces in Congress who falsely blamed on Tugs and Towing. the law for supply shortages in Puerto Rico following hurricane Maria’s $43 “These international networks are billion hit in 2017. Special efforts will important, said Garrett, noting how be needed to reach a small but impor- coordination between unions helped tant number of progressive members in the MUA win their 1998 Patrick’s dis- the House of Representatives who were pute involving an Australian Stevedor- influenced during the debate by anti- Asking hard questions: Robert Estrada, IBU Director for the San Francisco ing company that tried to break the union myths and propaganda. Region, was among many Convention delegates who used the workshops to ask hard union. The ILWU played a critical role questions and hear different points of view.

6 DISPATCHER • December 2018 erinary hospital workers – including some located in Seattle, with others Summary of resolution around Portland and San Francisco. passed at the He also explained efforts underway 24th IBU Convention: to help workers organize in the legal R-1: Support for IBU workers marijuana industry. employed at the Georgia Pacific’s Jon Brier covered some recent Columbia River Warehouse, owned IBU organizing efforts, including one by Koch Industries, which just to help fuel dock workers in Dutch announced plans to automate a Harbor, Alaska. He praised the effort majority of jobs in the warehouse. by IBU rank-and-file organizer Adam R-2A: Calls for job security and Dalton who played a key role in the a “just transition” for workers campaign by training workers, involv- impacted by changes needed to protect the earth from climate ing ILWU members, recruiting civil change. rights groups, and cultivating com- munity support. Despite the hard R-3A: Creates a Historical Com- mittee to research and document Exchanging ideas: Listening on the left is Joanne Smitchko, who serves on the work by everyone involved, flaws in IBU Alaska Region Executive Committee. Expressing an opinion is Puget Sound Region IBU history. the law allowed the company to even- Executive Committee member and Convention delegate, Sue Moser. R-4: Support for the Jones Act tually fire union leaders and decertify and cabotage laws protecting the union. Brier has devoted much continued from page 6 Furtado also explained how the good union maritime jobs and ing class. So giving a couple of bucks ILWU’s longstanding strength and of his time this year to helping pub- opposing any waivers; to be con- to politicians during campaign time reputation in Hawaii has made them lic employees, including ferry work- veyed to members of Congress. just isn’t going to cut it. We have to the “go-to” union when workers want ers in Washington State and Alaska, R-5A: Support and solidarity for be more involved with our local com- to organize. respond in a positive way to the anti- striking HERE members against union Janus decision, by organizing munities. We need to promote social “We represent all kinds of workers Marriott Hotels. member-to-member conversations to justice and environmental issues. We from all kinds of backgrounds,” he said, R-6: Support for a permanent keep workers in the union. must reach out and embrace everyone citing a diverse list, including, “super- partial exemption of CA tax on with common concerns, whether its markets, graveyards, hotels, spas, golf Resolutions set policy marine fuels consumed beyond state and national boundaries. opposing discrimination in the LGBT courses, agricultural workers, coffee, Much of the remaining time at the community or supporting a neighbor- candy, beer distribution and more. The convention was devoted to drafting, R-7A: Improve connections hood concerned about pollution.” Fer- members include Filipinos, Chinese, amending and debating resolutions on a and support for students at the Tongue Point Program. ris offered his cell number to all the Japanese, Native Hawaiians, Pacific wide range of issues and concerns. (See delegates and made a point of attend- Islanders and more.” Furtado con- the sidebar for a summary of resolutions R-8: Support for the North Ameri- can Solidarity Project, an effort ing workshops and sessions through- cluded by saying “mahalo,” thanking passed by delegates.) involving progressive unions in out the convention. delegates before leaving the podium. Next convention in 2021 Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Hawaii organizing Organizing panel Before closing the IBU’s 24th Con- R-9A: Honoring ILWU pensioner Veteran International Vice Presi- The convention heard from two vention, President Secchitano thanked Howard Keylor’s lifetime of dent for Hawaii, Wesley Furtado, ILWU staffers who are responsible the 45 delegates and 20 guests for their progressive union leadership, greeted delegates with a warm “aloha!” for executing the ILWU’s organizing hard work and commitment. “Each including support for struggles then recalled his close relationships strategy: Assistant Organizing Direc- of you came here because you care by IBU members. with all four IBU Regional Directors tor Ryan Dowling who supervises the about your union and then spent the R-10A: Calls for a plan to help in Hawaii who have served during his overall program, and Senior Orga- past four days contributing ideas and Alaska Marine Highway ferry 18-year tenure. Furtado explained his nizer Jon Brier who is assigned to the suggestions to help us do a better job. workers re-sign members follow- ing the Janus decision in order to latest organizing effort involves secur- Puget Sound Region. Dowling did a Thank you on behalf of all 4,000 IBU keep their union strong. ing first contracts for supervisors on good job describing the ILWU’s cur- members for your time and effort.” The the docks who recently joined the rent campaigns, including the effort gavel then came down and the conven- R-11: Support to help Alcatraz ferry workers in San Francisco to ILWU. The effort started in Hawaii, to train and mobilize workers against tion adjourned with a new course for secure union representation. then spread to the mainland where the Janus decision that targeted pub- navigating the next three years until R-12A: Support for workers at the supervisors in Southern California also lic employees. Another campaign he the 2021 Convention. new Inter-Island Ferry Authority joined the ILWU, despite manage- explained involves hundreds of vet- ment’s strong objection. in Alaska to join the IBU.

IN MEMORIUM Mike Mitre, former ILWU Local 13 President

min Lasuen & San Pedro High schools. Former ILWU Local He received his Bachelor of Arts degree 13 President Mike Mitre (right) with from Cal State Long Beach. He con- his brother, Greg sidered attending law school but was Mitre at a Longshore lured by the call of the sea and the port. Caucus in 2006. His maritime career started at Ports O’ Call working on the top deck of the vessel Sierra Nevada. Moving on to the tugs and barges at United towing, he attained his U.S. Coast Guard license ormer ILWU Local 13 and went to work at Catalina Cruises President Mike Mitre passed as a captain. He then joined the ILWU away on November 24 at Local 13 in 1985 and remained a long- F Security for the ILWU, Mitre repre- the age of 64. shoreman until his passing. Services were held Saturday sented the union before the Senate and December 1st, at McNerneys Mortuary, Mike was born in Riverside, CA He was elected twice by the mem- House Committees on Port Security. in San Pedro. A memorial paddle out, a to Ralph and Margie Mitre. He was a bership to serve as President of ILWU He was preceded in death by his traditional surfing ritual that honors the dedicated union member and leader Local 13. Mitre also served on the Inter- father Ralph. He is survived by his life of a fallen surfer, was held at Royal who served the ILWU with distinc- national Executive Board, the Local 13 mother Margie, his loving ex-wife Mar- Palms State Beach in San Pedro on Sun- tion. He was an avid surfer and skier Executive Board, was a Caucus and tha, son Sean, daughter Lauren, broth- day December 2nd. who travelled the world to surf and Convention delegate, and served on ers Greg, and Jeff, sister Laurie, and seek adventure. Mike attended White the Longshore Legislative Committee. numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Point Elementary, Dana Jr. High, Fer- While serving as the Director of Port

DISPATCHER • December 2018 7 TRANSITIONS A Helping Hand... NEW PENSIONERS: DECEASED PENSIONERS: Local 4: Carl A. Flintoff; Local 8: Leo C. Ross; William H. ...when you need it most. That’s what we’re all about. Local 10: Leon W. Hill; Maurice V. Grisso; Local 10: Carlos M. Huaman; We are the representatives of the ILWU- sponsored Hendricks; Local 13: David N. Local 12: Willis A. Sutton; recovery programs. We provide professional and Whitford; Dane P. Valdez; Kenneth Local 13: Kenneth M. Sutton; H. Smallwood; Samuel F. Tauaefa; Local 19: Terrell B. Rushing; confidential assistance to you and your family for Stanley E. Eaton; Palmer T. Feland; Charles L. Reinsmith; Lawrence T. alcoholism, drug abuse and other problems—and Gary W. Butterbaugh; Richard A. Biggs (Mary); Local 23: Darrell Duncan; Joseph L. Sandoval; Booth; Local 29: Apolonio R. we’re just a phone call away. Local 19: Steven J. Richards; Kennis Samson; Umberto Colmenero; A. Ghee; Harry Muirhead III; Local 34: Daniel Andazola; ILWU LONGSHORE DIVISION Local 23: Ronald W. Bredeson; Local 52: Parker N. Johnston Donald J. Pierce; Chris A. Brindle; (Judith); Local 63: Han C. Lee; ADRP—Southern California ADRP—Oregon Local 32: Steve E. Ritchie; George R. Morgan; Tamiko Love Brian Harvey Local 46: Ruben C. Perez; Local 91: Vernon W. Roberts; 29000 South Western Ave., Ste 205 5201 SW Westgate Dr. #207 Local 47: Robert K. Rose; Local 94: Marcelino Martinez; Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Portland, OR 97221 Local 54: Salvador S. Rodriguez; DECEASED SURVIVORS: (310) 547-9966 (503) 231-4882 Local 63: Sylvia K. Sigala; Local 4: Virginia J. Underwood; Debra D. Reposky; Earl T. Bryan; Enid D. Rand; Local 10: Doris Boyd; ADRP—Northern California ADRP—Washington Cathy A. Brown; Debora Taylor; Queen E. Brown; Vita B. Mackin; Hunny Powell Donnie Schwendeman Dario W. Leonardo; Shirley B. Smith; Local 13: Nadine [email protected] 3600 Port of Tacoma Rd. #503 Local 94: Gary L. Gonzales; G. Lung; Patricia Wedderburn; 400 North Point Tacoma, WA 98424 Local 98: Steven J. Oania; Shirley A. Van Andel; San Francisco, CA 94133 (253) 922-8913 Local 21: Marilyn B. Raappana; (415) 776-8363 Local 23: Kathlene E. Smith; ILWU CANADA Local 34: Annie Gentry; ILWU WAREHOUSE DIVISION EAP—British Columbia Local 52: Rosegene Mathews; DARE—Northern California John Felicella Local 98: Audrey Kover; Teamsters Assistance Program 3665 Kingsway, Ste 300 300 Pendleton Way Vancouver, BC V5R 5WR Oakland, CA 94621 (604) 254-7911 (510) 562-3600 2018 Annual Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies Awards Banquet Happy New Year! continued from page 3 worker strike that began on February Labor History and the Labor 6th in light of post WWI economic 2019 Archives of Washington and social conditions. Sixty-thousand union and nonunion workers stopped In addition to awards honor- working in an act of solidarity, halting ing the ILWU, the banquet featured the city’s daily functioning before a announcements of the latest research military intervention incited by Seattle projects funded by the Bridges Center, Mayor, . “Solidarity City” ILWU BOOK & VIDEO ORDER FORM a report on the activities of the Labor will feature experts and panelists from Archives of Washington, and a host of ORDER BY MAIL the labor community to speak about other awards. Of particular note, this the 1919 events and how the labor ___ copies of Solidarity Stories @ $17 ea. = $_____ year the Pacific Northwest Labor His- movement has evolved since, honor- tory Association (PNLHA) collaborated ing the legacy of labor rights activism ___ copies of A Spark Is Struck @ $13.50 ea.= $_____ with the Bridges Center on the creation and where it must continue to go. of a $500 Paper Prize to promote and ___ copies of The Legacy of 1934 @ two for $5 = $_____ UW Laundry Workers Speak Out reward engaging labor history research ___ copies of Harry Bridges @ $10 ea.= $_____ by students. One of the two award-win- The banquet concluded with an ning papers this year, The Longshoremen appeal for support from several mem- ___ copies of ILWU Story @ $5 ea. = $_____ During the Seattle by Juan bers of the Washington Federation of ___ copies of The Big Strike @ $9.00 ea. = $_____ Ortiz, focused on longshore history State Employees (WFSE) 1488. The by illustrating the complex economic University of Washington recently ___ copies of The Union Makes Us Strong @ $20 ea. = $_____ and social changes that occurred after made the decision to close the Mount and the intricacies behind Baker laundry facility that cleans lin- ___ copies of The March Inland @ $9 ea.= $_____ the Seattle longshore workers’ decision ens for UW hospitals, despite appeals ___ copies of Eye of the Storm DVD @ $5 ea. = $_____ to join the 1919 General Strike. and protests from the laundry workers, In researching his paper, Ortiz WFSE, UW United Students Against ___ copies of We Are the ILWU VHS @ $5 ea. = $_____ Sweatshops and 44 state legislators. drew upon collections held by the ___ copies of A Life on the Beam DVD @ $5 ea. = $_____ Labor Archives of Washington, estab- This decision will result in job losses for lished in 2010 thanks to generous about 100 union workers in late March. Total Enclosed $_____ support from the ILWU. The Labor At the banquet, several people who No sales outside the U.S. Archives is currently organizing for have worked for Mount Baker laun- We regret that U.S. Customs and postal regulations create too great a burden the 100th anniversary of the Seattle dry for decades spoke about how the for our staff to maintain book sale service to our members and friends outside General Strike with a commemora- closure will impact them and their the United States. familes. The majority are immigrants tive event titled Solidarity City: The Name______Seattle General Strike and 100 Years and refugees. of Worker Power. This event will take More information about the year- Street Address or PO Box ______place at the Labor Temple on Febru- round activities of the Harry Bridges City ______State______Zip______ary 9th from 1pm-4pm. It will be part Center for Labor Studies, including Make check or money order (U.S. Funds) payable to “ILWU” and send to of the Solidarity Centennial, a series scholarships, research projects, events, of events hosted by various organiza- and the Labor Archives of Washington, ILWU Library, 1188 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 tions in Seattle to commemorate the can be found by visiting the Bridges Prices include shipping and handling. 1919 Seattle General Strike, a five-day Center’s website at labor.uw.edu. Please allow at least four weeks for delivery. Shipment to U.S. addresses only

8 DISPATCHER • December 2018