August 4, 2020

Borough of Paramus Planning Board 1 West Jockish Square #1 Paramus, 07652

RE: Traffic & Parking Assessment Report Proposed Fueling Service Addition to BJ’s Wholesale Club Block 501, Lot 5 and Block 502, Lots 2.02 & 9 30 NJSH Route 17 North Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey SE&D Job No. S-19114

Dear Board Members:

Stonefield Engineering and Design, LLC (“Stonefield”) has prepared this analysis to examine the potential traffic and parking impacts of the proposed fuel service addition to the existing BJ’s Wholesale Club on the adjacent roadway network. The subject property is located along NJSH Route 17 North to the south of NJSH Route 4 in the Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey. The subject property is designated as Block 501, Lot 5, and Block 502, Lot 9 and 2.02 as depicted on the Borough of Paramus Tax Map. The site has approximately 905 feet of frontage along the NJSH Route 17 North off-ramp to NJSH Route 4. The existing site is currently developed with a BJ’s Wholesale Club. Access is currently provided via one (1) right-turn ingress- only driveway along NJSH Route 17 North, one (1) right-turn ingress-only driveway along South Farview Avenue, and one (1) right-turn egress-only driveway along South Farview Avenue. Under the proposed development program, a fueling station with 10 fueling positions would be constructed in the southerly portion of the existing parking area. The construction of the fueling station would result in a net reduction to the overall parking supply of 103 parking spaces, and 445 parking spaces would be provided for the existing BJ’s Wholesale Club. The existing building footprint and access to the site is proposed to remain as is.

Existing Condition

The subject property is located along NJSH Route 17 North to the south of NJSH Route 4 in the Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey. The subject property is designated as Block 501, Lot 5, and Block 502, Lot 9 and 2.02 as depicted on the Borough of Paramus Tax Map. The site has approximately 905 feet of frontage along the NJSH Route 17 North off-ramp to NJSH Route 4. Land uses in the area are a mix of commercial and residential uses.

NJSH Route 17 is classified as an Urban Principal Arterial Freeway/Expressway with a general north- south orientation and is under jurisdiction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). At the location of the existing site driveway, NJSH Route 17 North provides three (3) lanes of northbound through travel, two (2) lanes for the NJSH Route 17 North off-ramp connecting to NJSH Route 4, and an exclusive right- turn lane serving the site driveway. NJSH Route 17 has a posted speed limit of 50 mph. Curb is provided along both sides of the roadway, sidewalk and shoulders are not provided, and on-street parking is not permitted. NJSH Route 17 provides north-south mobility throughout Bergen County and provides connections to the NJSH Route 4, , and to the north and Interstate 80, U.S. Route 46, NJSH Route 120, and NJSH Route 3 to the south serving predominately retail uses along its length. 92 Park Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 07070 201.340.4468 t. 201.340.4472 f. BJ’s Fueling Service Addition Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey August 4, 2020 Page 2 of 6

South Farview Avenue (County Route 61) is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial roadway with a general north-south orientation and is under the jurisdiction of Bergen County. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway provides one (1) lane of travel in each direction and has a posted speed limit of 35 mph. Curb and sidewalk are provided along both sides of the roadway, shoulders are not provided, and on-street parking is not permitted. Farview Avenue provides north-south mobility throughout Bergen County and provides connections to NJSH Route 17 to the south for predominantly residential uses along its length.

Trip Generation

The Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition was reviewed to prepare trip generation projections for the proposed fueling service addition. Trip generation rates associated with Land Use 857 “Discount Club” are typically cited for BJ’s Wholesale Clubs, however, it is noted that the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, description for Land Use 857 “Discount Club” states “Some sites may include on-site fueling pumps.” As such, trip generation projections for the proposed development utilizing rates associated with Land Use 857 “Discount Club” would not increase for the addition of fueling services.

It is likely that the addition of fueling services would increase the trip generation of the subject property. To develop a trip generation for the proposed fueling service addition, the existing trip generation of the fueling portion of the BJ’s Wholesale Club located in Linden, New Jersey was evaluated. The data collection effort included the number of hourly fuel transactions for the Linden site from Sunday, June 9, 2019 to Saturday, June 15, 2019. Based on a review of the data, the number of fueling transactions experience peaks during the typical weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday time periods, and within each time period the peak hour was determined. It is noted the data does not allow for the enter/exit trip distribution to be determined. Therefore, the enter/exit trip distribution rates associated with Land Use 944 “Gasoline/Service Station” were cited for each time period. Table 1 provides the existing weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday trip volumes associated with the fueling portion of the Linden site.

TABLE 1 – EXISTING FUELING TRIP GENERATION – LINDEN Weekday Midday Weekday Evening Saturday Midday Peak Hour Peak Hour Peak Hour Land Use Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total BJ’s Linden Fueling Station 98 98 196 104 104 208 121 121 242 Existing Trips (As Counted)

It is noted that the Paramus site and Linden site are located on roadways with significantly different roadway volumes as the Paramus site is located along NJSH Route 17 which carries an average daily traffic volume of 114,838 vehicles per day and the Linden site is located along U.S. Route 1/9 which carries an average daily traffic of 62,314 vehicles per day. To account for the difference in roadway volumes, a ratio was applied to the trips generated by the fueling component for the Linden site to generate the Paramus fueling trips.

Further, discount club fueling patrons often visit both the fueling pumps and the discount club in a single trip. Based on data provided by BJ’s Wholesale Club for the Linden site from April 2019 to February 2020, approximately 52% of trips to the fueling component are comprised of customers that were also visiting the discount club. The subject site would be particularly suited to these types of trips as customers of the BJ’s Wholesale Club may utilize the fueling component without needing to traverse public streets, reducing the potential for impacts on the surrounding roadway network. As such, not all trips generated by the fueling component are new to the roadway network as a portion of the trips are expected to be internally captured trips.

As stated within Chapter 10 of ITE’s Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition, there are instances when the total number of trips generated by a site is different from the amount of new traffic added to the street system by the generator. Gasoline stations are specifically located on or adjacent to busy streets to attract BJ’s Fueling Service Addition Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey August 4, 2020 Page 3 of 6

motorists already on the roadway. Therefore, the gasoline station use associated with the development would be expected to attract a portion of its trips from the traffic passing the site on the way from an origin to an ultimate destination. These trips do not add new traffic to the adjacent roadway system and are referred to as pass-by trips.

Based upon the published ITE data for Land Use 944 “Gasoline/Service Station,” 62% of the site-generated traffic during the weekday morning and 56% during the weekday evening peak hour is comprised of pass-by traffic. It is noted that the Trip Generation Handbook does not contain pass-by data for the Saturday midday peak hour. However, it is logical that an interaction comparable to the weekday evening peak period would occur during the Saturday midday peak period. As such, the weekday evening pass-by rate has been utilized for the Saturday midday peak hour. Table 2 shows the adjusted site-generated traffic for the proposed fueling service addition after applying the appropriate trip adjustments to account for increased trip generation, internal trip capture, and pass-by traffic.

TABLE 2 – PROPOSED TRIP GENERATION – NEW & PASS-BY TRIPS Weekday Midday Weekday Evening Saturday Midday Peak Hour Peak Hour Peak Hour Land Use Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Linden Fuel Trips 98 98 196 104 104 208 121 121 242 Paramus Fuel Trips – 84% Increase 180 180 360 191 191 382 223 223 446 Internally Captured Trips – 52% -94 -94 -188 -99 -99 -198 -116 -116 -232 Pass-By Trips -53 -53 -106 -52 -52 -104 -60 -60 -120 Total “New” Trips 33 33 66 40 40 80 47 47 94

In addition to fueling service being a permitted use, the proposed development is expected to generate 94 “new” trips during the critical Saturday midday peak hour. Based on Transportation Impact Analysis for Site Development published by ITE, a trip increase of less than 100 vehicle trips would likely not change the level of service of the adjacent roadway system or appreciably increase the volume-to-capacity ratio of an approach. As such, the proposed development is not anticipated to significantly impact the operations of the adjacent roadway network.

Access and Site Circulation

A review was conducted of the proposed fuel station to the existing BJ’s Wholesale Club using the Site Plan prepared by GreenbergFarrow last revised August 6, 2020. In completing this review, particular attention was focused on the site access and circulation.

Under existing and proposed conditions, the BJ’s Wholesale Club is located on the northerly portion of the subject property with parking areas and drive aisles to the south of the building. Existing access to the site is provided via one (1) right-turn ingress-only driveway along NJSH Route 17 North, one (1) right-turn ingress-only driveway along South Farview Avenue, and one (1) right-turn egress-only driveway along South Farview Avenue. It is noted the current access management plan of the site requires vehicles to egress the site to the south via South Farview Avenue with access to return to NJSH Route 17 North provided at the signalized intersection located approximately 400 feet to the south of the egress-only driveway. The proposed fueling area would be located within the southerly portion of the site and would provide 10 vehicle fueling positions and stacking space for three (3) vehicles behind each of the fueling positions without blocking the drive aisle within the fueling area or other internal drive aisles for a total queuing supply of 40 vehicles contained within the fueling area. Two-way vehicular circulation throughout the proposed parking area would be facilitated by drive aisles with a minimum width of 24 feet. An additional 26 spaces would be constructed along the southerly side of the BJ’s Wholesale Club building. Sixteen (16) parking spaces would be constructed to the east of the building and the adjacent drive aisle would be realigned. In total, the on-site improvements result in a total reduction of 103 parking spaces. BJ’s Fueling Service Addition Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey August 4, 2020 Page 4 of 6

Existing On-Site Parking Utilization

The existing parking supply was analyzed to determine the existing peak parking utilization rates of the BJ’s Wholesale Club. On-site parking utilization counts were conducted during the weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak periods. Specifically, counts were conducted on:  Tuesday, June 18, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Wednesday, June 19, 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Saturday, June 15, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The study time periods were chosen as they are representative of the peak parking demand of the existing BJ’s Wholesale Club. The results of the on-site parking availability are provided in Table 3.


Number of Occupied Number of Parking Existing Percent Peak Hour Parking Spaces Spaces Supplied Parking Utilization Weekday Midday (11:40 a.m.) 209 548 38%

Weekday Evening (4:00 p.m.) 148 548 27%

Saturday Midday (2:00 p.m.) 279 548 51%

Based on the on-site parking utilization observations conducted, 269 on-site parking spaces were available in the parking area during the critical Saturday midday peak study period. Exhibit A1, A2, and A3 provide a summary of the parking utilization results and are appended herein.

Proposed Parking Supply

A review was conducted of the proposed fuel station to the existing BJ’s Wholesale Club using the Site Plan prepared by GreenbergFarrow last revised August 6, 2020. In completing this review, particular attention was focused on the parking supply.

The development plan proposes to reduce the overall site parking supply from 548 parking spaces to 445 parking spaces while maintaining 12 ADA-accessible parking spaces. The utilization of on-site parking was compared for the existing and proposed condition as the fueling service addition is not expected to increase the parking demand of the site. Table 4 summarizes the results of the on-site parking demand and the corresponding utilization rates in the existing and proposed conditions.


Number of Occupied Existing Percent Proposed Percent Peak Hour Parking Spaces Parking Utilization Parking Utilization Weekday Midday (11:40 a.m.) 209 38% 47%

Weekday Evening (4:00 p.m.) 148 27% 33%

Saturday Midday (2:00 p.m.) 279 51% 63% BJ’s Fueling Service Addition Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey August 4, 2020 Page 5 of 6

Based on the findings of the on-site parking observations, the future parking supply would be sufficient to support the observed parking demand of 279 parking spaces during the critical Saturday midday peak hour with a utilization rate of 63%.

It is noted on-site parking utilization counts were conducted during the month of June when parking demand may not be at its peak as BJ’s Wholesale Clubs are typically busier around the holiday season. The number of monthly in-store transactions from January 2019 to December of 2019 were compared for the Paramus location to determine the busiest month and develop a ratio between that month and the month of June. Based on a review of the monthly transactional data for the Paramus location, November is the busiest month with approximately 3.9% more transactions than the month of June. To account for the associated increase in parking demand, the ratio was applied to the existing parking utilization counts. Based on the monthly transactional adjustment, the critical Saturday midday peak parking demand would be 290 spaces which is approximately 53% of the existing parking supply and 65% of the proposed parking supply. As such, the proposed parking supply would be sufficient to support the observed parking demand during the critical Saturday midday peak hour when seasonally adjusted to the busiest month.

Regarding the parking requirements of the BJ’s Discount Club, the Borough of Paramus Ordinance requires 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of leasable area. For the 109,028 square-foot BJ’s Wholesale Club, this equates to 491 required parking spaces. The site would provide 445 total parking spaces, inclusive of 12 ADA accessible parking spaces. The standard parking spaces would be nine (9) feet wide by 19 feet deep and six (6) spaces along the easterly border of the parking area would be nine (9) feet wide by 17 feet deep with a two (2)-foot overhang which is in accordance with the Borough of Paramus Ordinance and industry standards.

Queuing Analysis The proposed on-site vehicle queuing area was evaluated to understand on-site and off-site impacts associated with the proposed fueling service addition. Fuel station queuing observations were collected during the typical Saturday midday time period to evaluate existing queuing conditions on similar sites and determine if the proposed queuing supply would be sufficient to support the site’s demand. Fuel station queuing observations were collected at the following BJ’s Wholesale Clubs with fueling service:

 BJ’S Wholesale Howell – 5371 U.S. Route 9, New Jersey  BJ’S Wholesale Linden – 1001 East Edgar Road Linden, New Jersey

Specifically, fuel station queuing observations were conducted on the following dates, during the following times, and at the following locations:  Saturday, January 4, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - BJ’S Wholesale Howell

 Saturday, February 22, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - BJ’S Wholesale Linden

The study time periods were chosen as they are representative of the peak demand period of the existing fueling stations. The results of the fuel station queuing observations are provided in Table 5.

BJ’s Fueling Service Addition Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey August 4, 2020 Page 6 of 6


Average Total 95th Percentile Number of Queue (Behind Average Queue Queue Per Location Fuel Pumps Fueling Vehicle) Per Pump Pump BJ’s Wholesale Howell 12 2.46 0.20 0.42

BJ’s Wholesale Linden 12 12.00 1.00 1.42

As previously mentioned, each of the sites are located on roadways with significantly different roadway volumes. The Paramus site is located along NJSH Route 17 which carries an average daily traffic volume of 114,838 vehicles per day. The Linden site is located along U.S. Route 1/9 which carries an average daily traffic of 62,314 vehicles per day. The Howell site is located along U.S. Route 9 which carries an average of 30,272 vehicles per day. In adjusting the queue lengths for the difference in roadway volumes the average queue per pump is 1.84 vehicles and 0.76 vehicles, respectively. Based on the Linden roadway volume adjustment, the 95th percentile queue would be 26.2 total queuing vehicles meaning that the highest expected queue would be able to be accommodated within the area directly behind the fueling positions. As such, the stacking supply would be sufficient to support this project’s fuel station queueing demand without blocking the drive aisle within the fueling area or other on-site drive aisles. Exhibit A4 and A5 provide a summary of the fuel station queueing observations and are appended herein.


This report was prepared to examine the potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed fuel service addition to the existing BJ’s Wholesale Club. The analysis findings, which have been based on industry standard guidelines, indicate that the proposed development would not have a significant impact on the traffic operations of the adjacent roadway network. The characteristics of discount club fueling facilities would contribute to a reduction in the “new” trip generation of the gasoline station. The site driveways would remain consistent with the existing condition and the modifications to the on-site layout have been designed to provide for effective access and circulation within the subject property. The site would provide stacking space for 30 total vehicles behind the fueling positions and based on fuel station queuing observations at existing BJ’s Wholesale Clubs, the stacking supply would be sufficient to support this project’s fuel station queueing demand. Under the proposed development plan, the site would reduce the overall parking supply by 103 parking spaces to provide fueling service and would provide a total of 445 parking spaces for the BJ’s Wholesale Club. Based on parking utilization counts conducted at the existing site and ITE parking generation rates, the parking supply would be sufficient to support the peak parking demand when seasonally adjusted to the busiest months.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office if there are any questions.

Best regards,

Matthew Seckler, PE, PP, PTOE John R. Corak, PE Stonefield Engineering and Design, LLC Stonefield Engineering and Design, LLC

S:\2019\S-19114 Stephen Powers - 30 New Jersey Route 17, Paramus, NJ\Calculations & Reports\Traffic\Reports\2020-08 TAR\2020-08 TAR.docx Exhibit A1: Parking Utilization Data EXISTING PARKING CONDITION 30 Route 17 North, Borough of Paramus, New Jersey On-site Parking Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Location Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Total Excess Utilization Supply (spaces) 13 10 9 21 59 127 63 28 184 34 548 Parking 11:00 AM 0 103 0 2855249 32216330% 385 11:20 AM 0 104 0 2759251133217131% 377 11:40 AM 0 104 0 2681511323120938% 339 12:00 PM 00402743251320113324% 415 12:20 PM 00303042221518113124% 417 12:40 PM 00302841641712116630% 382 1:00 PM 00502750251817114326% 405 1:20 PM 00602751241820114727% 401 1:40 PM 00502843241618113525% 413 Minimum Utilization 131 24% 417 Average Utilization 155 28% 393 Maximum Utilizaton 209 38% 339

PROPOSED PARKING CONDITION On-site Parking Location Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Total Excess Utilization Supply (spaces) 13 10 9 21 59 127 28 28 146 50 491 Parking 11:00 AM 0 103 0 2855249 32216333% 328 11:20 AM 0 104 0 2759251133217135% 320 11:40 AM 0 104 0 2681511323120943% 282 12:00 PM 004027432513 20 1 133 27% 358 12:20 PM 00303042221518113127% 360 12:40 PM 00302841641712116634% 325 1:00 PM 00502750251817114329% 348 1:20 PM 00602751241820114730% 344 1:40 PM 00502843241618113527% 356 Minimum Utilization 131 27% 360 Average Utilization 155 32% 336 Maximum Utilizaton 209 43% 282 Exhibit A2: Parking Utilization Data EXISTING PARKING CONDITION 30 Route 17 North, Borough of Paramus, New Jersey On-site Parking Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Location Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Total Excess Utilization Supply (spaces) 13 10 9 21 59 127 63 28 184 34 548 Parking 4:00 PM 00703758231111114827% 400 4:20 PM 00403250271411214026% 408 4:40 PM 00503050311210113925% 409 5:00 PM 00503151271314114226% 406 5:20 PM 00602848271911114026% 408 5:40 PM 00602751221513113525% 413 Minimum Utilization 135 25% 413 Average Utilization 141 26% 407 Maximum Utilizaton 148 27% 400

PROPOSED PARKING CONDITION On-site Parking Location Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Total Excess Utilization Supply (spaces) 13 10 9 21 59 127 28 28 146 50 491 Parking 4:00 PM 00703758231111114830% 343 4:20 PM 00403250271411214029% 351 4:40 PM 00503050311210113928% 352 5:00 PM 00503151271314114229% 349 5:20 PM 00602848271911114029% 351 5:40 PM 00602751221513113527% 356 Minimum Utilization 135 27% 356 Average Utilization 141 29% 350 Maximum Utilizaton 148 30% 343 Exhibit A3: Parking Utilization Data EXISTING PARKING CONDITION 30 Route 17 North, Borough of Paramus, New Jersey On-site Parking Saturday, June 15, 2019 Location Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Total Excess Utilization Supply (spaces) 13 10 9 21 59 127 63 28 184 34 548 Parking 10:00 AM 01903565281331418634%362 10:20 AM 01903565281331418634%362 10:40 AM 00904075341935421639%332 11:00 AM 00904184471533423343%315 11:20 AM 00904399481742326148%287 12:00 PM 10904395542041426749%281 12:20 PM 10904771522040324344%305 12:40 PM 10904399512138426649%282 1:00 PM 10904790522140426448%284 1:20 PM 00904591482136525547%293 1:40 PM 10904991512238726849%280 2:00 PM 108049955122431027951%269 2:20 PM 108050985318391127851%270 2:40 PM 10904894511943727250%276 3:00 PM 00904994482244727350%275 3:20 PM 00904489422046725747%291 3:40 PM 10904793401646425647%292 4:00 PM 10704681432442424845%300 Minimum Utilization 186 34% 362 Average Utilization 250 46% 298 Maximum Utilizaton 279 51% 269

PROPOSED PARKING CONDITION On-site Parking Location Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Total Excess Utilization Supply (spaces) 13 10 9 21 59 127 28 28 146 50 491 Parking 10:00 AM 01903565281331418638%305 10:20 AM 01903565281331418638%305 10:40 AM 00904075341935421644%275 11:00 AM 00904184471533423347%258 11:20 AM 00904399481742326153%230 12:00 PM 10904395542041426754%224 12:20 PM 10904771522040324349%248 12:40 PM 10904399512138426654%225 1:00 PM 10904790522140426454%227 1:20 PM 00904591482136525552%236 1:40 PM 10904991512238726855%223 2:00 PM 108049955122431027957%212 2:20 PM 108050985318391127857%213 2:40 PM 10904894511943727255%219 3:00 PM 00904994482244727356%218 3:20 PM 00904489422046725752%234 3:40 PM 10904793401646425652%235 4:00 PM 10704681432442424851%243 Minimum Utilization 186 38% 305 Average Utilization 263 52% 241 Maximum Utilizaton 279 57% 212 QUEUE ANALYSIS SUMMARY Proposed BJ's Fueling Service Addition Exhibit A4 - Queueing Observation Data Saturday, February 22, 2020 30 NJSH Route 17 North Block 501, Lot 5 & Block 502, Lots 2.02 & 9 Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey SE&D Job No. RUT-200075 BJ'S Wholesale Gas Station - Linden, New Jersey

Number of Pumps: 12 Time Total Vehicles at Pumps Total Vehicles Queued

AM 10:00 AM 10 15 10:05 AM 9 13 10:10 AM 10 17 10:15 AM 7 14 10:20 AM 8 14 10:25 AM 10 12 10:30 AM 8 12 10:35 AM 9 15 10:40 AM 7 11 10:45 AM 8 17 10:50 AM 8 13 10:55 AM 8 9 11:00 AM 9 7 11:05 AM 10 5 11:10 AM 8 11 11:15 AM 10 12 11:20 AM 9 11 11:25 AM 8 11 11:30 AM 9 13 11:35 AM 9 14 11:40 AM 7 14 11:45 AM 9 12 11:50 AM 10 13 11:55 AM 8 10 PM 12:00 PM 9 13 12:05 PM 7 9 12:10 PM 9 14 12:15 PM 10 12 12:20 PM 9 17 12:25 PM 10 17 12:30 PM 8 16 12:35 PM 10 18 12:40 PM 10 13 12:45 PM 8 11 12:50 PM 7 13 12:55 PM 8 10 1:00 PM 10 11 1:05 PM 7 11 1:10 PM 6 8 1:15 PM 8 9 1:20 PM 8 14 1:25 PM 9 12 1:30 PM 7 9 1:35 PM 8 6 1:40 PM 10 8 1:45 PM 8 9 1:50 PM 10 8 1:55 PM 8 6 2:00 PM 7 9 2:05 PM 9 9 2:10 PM 8 10 2:15 PM 9 11 2:20 PM 10 12 2:25 PM 9 13 2:30 PM 8 15

S:\2019\S-19114 Stephen Powers - 30 New Jersey Route 17, Paramus, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-02 Queuing Data - formatted 2/27/2020 QUEUE ANALYSIS SUMMARY Proposed BJ's Fueling Service Addition Exhibit A4 - Queueing Observation Data Saturday, February 22, 2020 30 NJSH Route 17 North Block 501, Lot 5 & Block 502, Lots 2.02 & 9 Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey SE&D Job No. RUT-200075 BJ'S Wholesale Gas Station - Linden, New Jersey

Number of Pumps: 12 Time Total Vehicles at Pumps Total Vehicles Queued

2:35 PM 8 15 2:40 PM 9 13 2:45 PM 9 13 2:50 PM 7 16 2:55 PM 8 14 3:00 PM 8 13

S:\2019\S-19114 Stephen Powers - 30 New Jersey Route 17, Paramus, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-02 Queuing Data - formatted 2/27/2020 QUEUE ANALYSIS SUMMARY Proposed BJ's Fueling Service Addition Exhibit A5 - Queueing Observation Data Saturday, January 4, 2020 30 NJSH Route 17 North Block 501, Lot 5 & Block 502, Lots 2.02 & 9 Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey SE&D Job No. RUT-200075 BJ'S Wholesale Gas Station - Howell, New Jersey

Number of Pumps: 12 Time Total Vehicles at Pumps Total Vehicles Queued

AM 10:00 AM 6 2 10:05 AM 7 1 10:10 AM 7 2 10:15 AM 6 1 10:20 AM 8 3 10:25 AM 9 3 10:30 AM 8 4 10:35 AM 10 3 10:40 AM 9 2 10:45 AM 8 1 10:50 AM 5 2 10:55 AM 6 5 11:00 AM 4 3 11:05 AM 6 2 11:10 AM 8 2 11:15 AM 7 2 11:20 AM 5 0 11:25 AM 5 1 11:30 AM 3 0 11:35 AM 5 1 11:40 AM 4 0 11:45 AM 8 2 11:50 AM 9 3 11:55 AM 7 1 PM 12:00 PM 5 1 12:05 PM 4 0 12:10 PM 6 2 12:15 PM 6 4 12:20 PM 7 4 12:25 PM 7 5 12:30 PM 7 4 12:35 PM 8 4 12:40 PM 8 4 12:45 PM 9 6 12:50 PM 8 5 12:55 PM 8 6 1:00 PM 8 4 1:05 PM 8 1 1:10 PM 7 4 1:15 PM 8 4 1:20 PM 8 4 1:25 PM 7 0 1:30 PM 6 1 1:35 PM 4 2 1:40 PM 6 3 1:45 PM 6 2 1:50 PM 4 1 1:55 PM 8 4 2:00 PM 6 3 2:05 PM 8 3 2:10 PM 10 4 2:15 PM 7 3 2:20 PM 7 2 2:25 PM 6 1 2:30 PM 9 3

S:\2019\S-19114 Stephen Powers - 30 New Jersey Route 17, Paramus, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-02 Queuing Data - formatted 2/27/2020 QUEUE ANALYSIS SUMMARY Proposed BJ's Fueling Service Addition Exhibit A5 - Queueing Observation Data Saturday, January 4, 2020 30 NJSH Route 17 North Block 501, Lot 5 & Block 502, Lots 2.02 & 9 Borough of Paramus, Bergen County, New Jersey SE&D Job No. RUT-200075 BJ'S Wholesale Gas Station - Howell, New Jersey

Number of Pumps: 12 Time Total Vehicles at Pumps Total Vehicles Queued

2:35 PM 9 4 2:40 PM 8 0 2:45 PM 8 1 2:50 PM 10 2 2:55 PM 9 3 3:00 PM 6 0

S:\2019\S-19114 Stephen Powers - 30 New Jersey Route 17, Paramus, NJ\Field Notes & Photos\Counts\2020-02 Queuing Data - formatted 2/27/2020