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LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN --------- ------- ------- --------- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE J. EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR DECEMBER 1969 VOL. 38, NO. 12 THE COVER 1969 in relliew. See Index begin· ning on page 22. LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN CONTENTS Message From Director J. Edgar Hoover 1 Riot Control in Hong Kong, by C. D. St. Q. Fletcher, Senior Training Officer, Royal Hong Kong Police, Hong Kong, British Crown Colony . 3 Controlling Motorcycle Crowds, by Harold E. e Knowlton, Jr. , Chief of Police, Laconia, N.H. 7 Silent Radio Communication During Stake·Outs, by John C. Flanigan, Chief of Police, Anchorage, Alaska .... 11 An Examination of Normalcy, by John W. Bett· freund, Police Department, Los Angeles, Calif. 14 From a Used Bus to Mobile Command Post, by Published by the Capt. Michael W. O'Mara, Cook County Sheriff's FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Police Department, Chicago, Ill. 17 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Index to Articles Published During 1969 22 Washington, D.C. 20535 Can You Identify This Bank Robber? . 24 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR THE 1960's WILL SOON be history. This junc- young people. Organized crime was exposed as ture in our busy lives affords an opportunity for a dangerous threat to our economic and social a brief appraisal of law enforcement's role in our structure. An increasing number of our Nation's society during the last 10 years. youth turned to dangerous drugs. And as crime increased, the public's safety diminished. Any evaluation of law enforcement in the sixties would be meaningless without at least a Indeed, it is a tribute to the tough fiber of our cursory look at the crime picture for that period.
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