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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

7-8-1920 Bulloch Times and Statesboro News

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times and Statesboro News" (1920). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 965.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'AGE TEN BULLOCH TI�ES ANIJ STATESBORO NEWS. THURSDAY. JULY 1. 1 ••0 • ++"+++++++++++++++-r.+:t.++ ...+++++++, ...-� • �EWTON--CORDON, I , WOULD YOU 'BE INTERESTED IN � �� . Mr. and Mro. J. M. of ou.' NewtOI:, I INC SOME MONEY? If so, Read Below. ver, announce the �ngagement of ISSUE I THIS their daughter, to Mr. Robert Bibs. Ground Coffee 6 Pansy, good $1.00 cans Pink Salmon $1.25 of 6 Gordon, Menahga, Minn., the mar..' 12 Pages cans Chum Salmon $1.15 12 cans Prince Albert riage to take place in 8 cnkes Export Borax August. I Tobacco SAV-f$1.60 00. B ,25 6 , U Soap Powder ,25 l_.1I�OCl·I pkgs. Washing SOUTH SIDE CLUB, r:}�IMJ�-<�S 11 ca)


(Continued on page 2.) assem bly, appr ved by the 'governor En. service and makes a blanket declara­ the of REALTY with SUlES8HRO HON. CLIFFORD WALKER APPRECIATED STREET CAR MOTOR VEHICLE TAX ACT lind deposited secretary � REAL ESTATE BARGAINS tion for higher salaries for postal em- state under ex.isting la}�, will be. eon­ s.: 2 ' f't;.;;;++*��+�;;;�++���++�:�;;���*. ployes, , I elusively presumed to have ben en­ BETTER GEORGIA WHEN IT WAS TOO LATE UPHELD BY THE COURTS in .-�",. Advocate! use of motor FOR noted accordance with the consti­ ,\�c �."\ S�1"e ,'(111 MOTI':"" greater' - COUNTRY PROPERTY" 184 85 acres in ...... acres, cultivation. " t ! ' tutional one D-room vehicles in transpontatlon of mail and requirements-the Atlantir dwellinsr. barn and other REPRINT OF ARTICLE FROM THE The street car system of the citv OPINION SUP- acres, 30 in I BY. UNANIMOUS 65% nCfleg cultivation: outbuildings, 5'A1 thousand feet of extension of the parcel post. Coust Line Railway Company vs, the Y, AND one feet of lum­ CARROLTON FREE PRESS REI of Greenville, shut REME COURT AGAINST SHORTS, HULLS, dwelting house; 5,000 on RULES lumber : located 9 miles Texus, .• :: pluce "F'ree Speech-Declares for frce 135 f:; oJ. i H� ��L 5 State, Georgia, ber on the ground. located miles southeast of 4 Attention PORTING SPEECH OF HON, weeks age, The c[orR rumbled 11 to ATTOitNr:y Statesboro, miles u: GENERAL. • "The BOuth of Statesboro on main public speech and free press except in so ruling hp.:·( mnde is applica­ from us. Brooklet, Price, $65.00 per acre, CLIFFOD WALKER MADE IN their barns for the down.alime;' ti>o := It�will you to of ble to the con+ r- " ,� pay investigate one-half balance one and two far as it may attack the life of the la�t Atlnnta, July 6,�The validity ··.I:lIg issue in the case �a�, cash, motorman turned III hIS c-ontroller, "this f CA�ROLTON, I p�op'O�ition, ' yea!.!:...._. nation feVlI t; mot01' vehiIC Ie I'icense act passed at bar and u' :1' thnt the court WILLIAMS-BROWN COMPANY ruling the 111 I'us l'tInere- I acre 35 acres in .as .�� 50 •. cultivation. of Han. Clifford"Wnlk­ the of in adr the Of ' 503 Y" acres woodland Ir"d, 17 the Demo- The address conductol: tu�ncd by general assembly Georgia erred �ing journals the � dwelling, two barns, Aariculture-Praises ports, and, WIth the other employees Statesboro, �our-,oom miles south of Statesboro, � miles of General of was in 1919 is ·the state su- House and f>l'nnte in evidence for the Georgia. , � cratic in farm er, Attorney Georgia, to upheld by and other record . outbuildings; establishing of the street car . , � sbeltet. Groveland. one- company, begun I � Price, $5,538,50; , one of the most and con. I t III deciecrsron of that the and ++ ,ta ad �il[lIt miles east of Glennville. ,loan banks and other farm powerful preme purpose shvwing yeas �th1 half cosh. balance one and two ycnrs. legisla- look for another [ob, COUI'. � nnam�lous I I I I I I � Ga. Price. $3,000.00. Terms. one­ vincing ever delivered in Carrollton down this The de­ nays hnd not been uecorded therein '1-+++++*+++++**++++*++-t+K� -200 acres, 40 acres in cultivation, tion. Ir.dorses collective bargaining The income from the business wus ha�ded mo�n1l1g, half c's ,'balance one and two years. on His main line of 88 one and Memorinl day. I cision upsets the oprmon of Attorney is prescribed in article 3, section dwelling outbuildings; 13 and researches into production costs. insufficient to support it, and tr.e 3 41 'J' s, 40 acres in cultivation, miles south of Statesboro. % mile vf thought is "the "The Imprvement f . . I General R. A, Denny and the conten- 7, paragraph 12, of the constitution .... the I I{ Melon became t'.re f di t(l s pan d AKINS' DAIRY SELL one 6-room. dwelling and outbuild­ Nevils, terms. Labor-Follo, Virginia CLEAN MILK. Price. 4,000.00. easy Educatinn} Conditions in Georgin," ow�ers � Iggll1!I.1I1 tions of Secretary of State'S. G, of this state." \ InKS; Ofn b•. 150 acres more cleared; in"'" declaring strikes and lockouts then' own to give tile cItIzen. 231 acres, 130 acres in a incisive manner he MUST RETURN OUR BOTTLES. south-east cultivation. , and in most �ocket. Mcl.endon that the. act was invalid . of States­ car 17 miles one 7-room should not the of Greenville a street ride-so . locB�ea dwelling, one 5-room jeopardize paramount 666 ba. curl two iblles from Stilson. 8 dealt with the 'questions of visiting because of the of the pro.... it will Ma., and - alleged WE FIND IT NECESSARY TO AGAIN REMIND OUR PAT, tenant house. good outbuildings; 10- interests but adds a statement the did the obvious thing an,d losed 'faIlure. Chill. .mes from 'Brooklet. Price. $6,080; public laria, and Fever. Bilioul Fever cnted 2 miles east of Denmark, Price, nurses, good roads, living salaries, RONS THAT OUR BOTTLES MUST BE RETURNED WITH . Cold. and L.. easy! term., of opposition to compulsory arbitra- Grippe. (llmnr201 $10,500. 0, easy terms. medical examinations for I;JUr school l'll.OMP'l'NESS, WE IT tion. Favors readjustment of sala­ lo:t her street car �:��:� FIN!;> IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE GOOD acres in ::o.�hc�Wbytl�utyet::rl���;lavt:;�� Iso HC es d�[�;'e'enville 1:_- cultivation. -09 in 6, and not acre�'!-15(j woods. miles of Don. children, immigration tests, deCISIOn makes automobile FOR CONGRESS. SE!tn�F.1 UNLESS OUR FRIENDS HELP US IN THIS WAY. 6-hoom one ries of tern throu h Inck of interest and non- on'e IBwelling, 5-room bun­ murk stution : some timber on lana. government employes. g Th� .the least of Bolshevism, that foul vul, 0 fund avuilable for .' one o-room tenant with all, reunv 'IInte &,:m- immediately high- To the Voters of CLEAN THE:. BOTTLES AND SET t' G ,'yo_I ., . the Firat THEM golloiv, $500.00, support" say3 110 Conl[l'es­ OUT FOR US EVERY Pdc".. Suffrage-Congl'atulates nrc outbuildings : located 6 miles iegisla_' ture whose sable shadows upon 1 construction by Bional District of �.lr:ood 202 100 acres a r, HI"; \VI'.S in a Georgia: DAY. WE THANK YOU. acres, in cultivation, tures that have ratified the ner, l�cnl newspaue ,�uy of convenient to suffrl1ll'e land. will the !)tIrpos�sto draw his�er�l�.war­ In with a statement 80uth; Stl,tesboro, one G-room dwelling, tenar.t house . Gro-wers every Surely everybody could have tll1g con:!,rmity that and cHurches. This is the amendment und DemocrutlC sense the best thing �ove�nol beretofore I avail '.�chool very und located 3 miles urges want Clifford Walkel', and rants for tillS made. myself of !1 \ outbuildings; princely town now there' agaInst W.· AMOS AKINS ....It grade red pebble land and verv north and of Tennes­ happened to the ,far I,t. purpos�. . this opportunity of formally an. of Statesboro on public hi!rh- governors legislatures ns he a devout church· Had the deCISion been otherWIse \. de'.iilably 1ocated. patriotic is, that does I nouncinl[ my candidacy for Conln'ess R. F, D, No. 1 STATESBORO, way; vcry desiruble for farming und North Cnrolina and Florida to is not a qunrter of th� city .It � GEORG,A sec, man nil active layman a construe· would have been necessary for the (rom this district in the next 70 Bcres in slock l'uisinlt: �ood deal of GUW not the need of. street primary. 1IllllllDl!l!l!!lhUmUIlllJIIJI.ll!!!llnwlliJiiliillilmmmanmillllimU!ll1J1iI1!l1l1l!1!lmmnlDlmnnrnml '21:3 acPeol' cultivation, mill ratification in time for wom­ appreciate complete 8n ed�cntional l'e· I law to have' ben re-enncted a After eareft:,lly and seriously consid­ .j one 8,ro01l1 d)yelling. barn and other timbel', Price, $9,000.00, easy terms, tive' statesman, " by yea cars, . en to vote this fall . ering the mutter, 1 belie"e that I- may tenant houses and for our next A vote In 01'd to rna'Ok th 0 , two 61.7 ueres. a subdivision former, Hnd The o:f �utbuildinj(s. of-the governor, "\Ve never miss water till be able to serve the city Charlotte, Mich" add­ Seventeen aerinl taxienb companie8 12 Women in t11e the: nny. �I' people' in some outpuildilll(s; located miles south luto C. C. Simmons' estate. This Industry-Declarcs mnn of our town who automobIle I) very prominent matters of vital i:nportunce to ed s voml hUl.dl'ed' dollars to· the have been formed in western Canada of I!tateiiboro. 1 Y" miles from Nev;ls lies well goes dry," rej�ins the State Press f�nd avall�ble. them, pl'operty on public hil(hwny. sub- against child lubor. F'avors 1"llisla­ with him when I and I " went to school they III Its deCISIOn, earnestly solicit your SUPPOI't. bunk the a number station; convenient to I'ailroad, into will in hi. column in the Dallps municipnl l'oll by tupping and of these have already divided four lots; sell pnrt tion for child welfare and daily Th� CO�I't, su�s .up I am ml.ll'crr.ity 'I GIVE YOU BELOW THE TOTAL NUMBER OF were said to the "I have the SituatIOn will nunce my platform late '. ehuI' hes nd school. nil to suit See boys writer, "Millions Ameri. by the regular preslCling maple trees in the public park and been' licensed the Canadlalll air purchaser. UR for of ' or. MOl'nin News. rs , by '-'- ,"n teach- g Sinl'erely yo care. Advocates . �. 1·llcr.easo. never hen I'd one Clifford I pO arces iN. prices and terms. . ,word against officers of both houses of the t80,ncres. cultivation, CARS I LAST OF Ule geneml WALTER W. SHEPPARD. selling the .yrup, board, el's' saluries. ext'Jl1;:;ion of vo· HANDLED SEASON, THE NAME cnns today yowlIng a�d scowlIng -'\V,ith A-roQm' d,welling, baThS and oth­ G3 nCl'es� 35 UI'g:es Walker,"-ndv '(8julltc) !£S ., acTeS1�cult�ntio-;, at their street cars nnd other publlo or outbuifdings; good lot of round onc O·room dwelling and outbuild- cationul education, better condltiom' GROWER, DATE OF SHIPMENT CHECKS ---- .0 timber ob' thjs See us fol' ANI;> who will rue the day these I place, - ing's; localted 6lh miles south of eOl' working women and I'ccinssi(icu· Thnckston'. Cush Grocery sells it utilities, 6 ·pr.¥:e;,tql'nlS, e"Bnv district, conven­ bora, Pribe, $45.00 per acre. AGED 17 TO 23 POUNDS. of the hall of the 01' newspai'ers am:! poli­ wOl'n Cl'iticises the l'e- "Demagogic lenb and equipmerot, chamber for h'Jlcliag Republican g �o l'tIilro'ldoschools .hurches. of util­ enacted act and ticians, making hatred public Prii'-e" $22.56 net., acre. one-fourth centll' transpol'tation meetings. . Actual CITY PROPERTY. in Ma'nufacturers' 1 ities their chief stock in oil so 'l'he' which was unam· trade, 'CW�. 'tmlunf'C easy terms. . snys congrcss temporized unti] Inte J'�solution. One 7-room house nno lot on the House, und order to catch the support of the 157 acres, 619111' one West " dnte that the was forced mously adopted by c";'ltivation. preside:1t Mr, Ander­ 1!.8.too ... H2 miles Muin street, close in!' Price. $4,050; goes to the Senate. whore number who want some­ ··:a,vellll"·I{, south of to the bill at' else throw the rail­ large always ensy'tel'ms. sign NAME OF GROWER son is a3sul'cd it was to have the same 'one-lm,I,f Inrile of Den­ SHIPPED OFFElR .A:Ml', REG, for have done a At the "The Season n-�t�sbor'5, situation into chaos. follows: thing nothing, great very approach 0/ summer, road is as Yo to investigate OM -5-1'00-m-""h-0-u-se-o-n�lo-t�G�0-x�I�50 treatment, " ollll)rk' ��jll (Ip,well "Resolved by the House of Repre­ deal to stop street railroad building, ''tllis opo t,b'n. reet adjoining vacant lot 60x300 feet Highways-Favors continuance of C. H. Cone July 9th Senate concurring, and ,yell locnted, close in, Call on " $151.03 sentatives, the _team railroad building, every 'nci 'l5, �2g a 'ds in cultivation, us fedel'ul in road building. Jor Silks. for that the Governor be requested to I and terms. which eIl"·Jl-'0 'l4-rellnj'd\'llllflhl(:. barn lind out­ prices Inland July 9th 185.00 kind of building requires large Walerway.-Calls Republi­ " direct the keeper of public buildings mile One 5-room hou.e on I d bu·ilr�b. !;ferms, ofte-third $4,200; improvement waterways. July 40.52 Mmmittee on public properties I content, restriction, ,.. balance one one-third balance one -. Meanwhile the citizen of Greenville caSAl und two years. ensh.. aNd two both of Houses," Recognizes the impoltar.ce 'of con· W.H.Cone 9th Slticl in each case the has·been reduced. are the lowest you "" ... years, July 17.44 Tliis action nn outgrowth of a who is not so lIffluent as to 'own, and price drastically _.These prices ..210.1)0) res.o:!OOJlacres iii'CUltivn­ the Gl'eat Lakes "�th the Mis_ " is 5-room necting in the hull of the ",1;i¥!,+hn'e !c�tl�m�f\!:a.on place; good One bungalow with sleep­ 9th recent gathering an automobile or other equi­ have had the to in over two years. ''" well as with the Law­ July 247.00 ..::. � aupport opporturtity purchase deat, at 'l.lld ';mber, inl( pOI'eh. modern and up-to-date; sissip�i Sb. " House of a mixture of white and rm� "ha.dwoocl page may walk to a.nd from his work, 6BO :Ilcr�8' erin''Ile:llut�in cultiyation; located on Sotlth Main street, If in­ rence. July 16th 56.60 black republicans which was domi­ -- time to meditate ,', which will him . a fi!]. propositI"" for stock raising; terested ·calI on UI, Fore.ign Trade-Favors cxte�ion nated by Henry Lincoln J ohn.on. the give 16th - who is that a oJ'Iflsb located 12 , _...... negro the truism public utility \ plooty lalldl.ltnme; One bungalow. newly built of trude. July 49:94 lawyer, now.ile"d o�·the upon 9-r9�ryl fOl'eig� " in and Its natIOnal on the on is party Georgia. the same as a enterprise, GllIilqp'tl)p!'tl\j'a,a� 'li'..J.l¥lItesboro Jones,!'!venue; very ,desirable. Merchant the � 18th I just private l'lVer. TnlS can be modern MariJ,e-Pledges pal'. July 95.62 committeeman, Johnson, it will be Glfeechee boul(ht and up-to-date, It wilI pay " must be uble to sell its services at a a carried into the House of bclieap 'pn ",nzy terms;" jiee us, you to..i!lvesti ."_{;e ty to 'policy of continued improve­ reealled. ·th�s. $�,67_�1�0,_ July 155.68 after threat. to to pay expenses 87- acres 24th Representatives price high enough tjle I ; 12.8 � 'aq,eSi: b cultivB­ One 10-room dwelling, with water, menit of the merchant mal'ine under U. M. Davis break the doors down a follOWing suf­ of the business and leave a little over Brooks Simmons Co. hnd out­ lights and seweral(e, This is one of July 9th 147.85 .9-roem dw&,llinp fJl'Opel' legislation, " ficiently ribald and strong to take ·"ullgll1 s. one·ter,aoE hpu.e; located the best and most modern homes in for·profit-or it must quit! ..ttT IIII·le 'soutHe..St Reclamation-Advocates ext;e.sion 19th 157.44 eontrol of the republican meeting .tlon�(�c o{lSt�'lresboro; very I'he If you are in a July $50.00 city. interested " from Roscoe Pickett.-Macon "Iell !hcMed. rWill of orid land l'eclamatiG. with a view away rfttle·ll\nd., t pay• you hom. in Stabesboro. you will do welI Weevil! of Calcium July 19th 237.89 Telegraph. June 30.-adv. FIGHT the Plenty oto,hlVO&tia8\P .this. to see ns. to ,home $75.00 j building. Arsenate 25 ccnts per at pound, . in H. W.. Glisson 9th II' 2J!Q. aqr.el,. 33bacrsE. cultivation. One 8-room dwelling and pantry, Mexico-Deplot'es the l'Risfortunes July 239.65 OUTLAND & CO" one " McDOUGALD dwenmg ani:! on� C(.otton hOllse; locnted On cornel' of In­ College and of the Mexican. people and 9th Gu,' (8juI3tc) ·jjocoteil"lS"mlles 'soutt! of Stateoboro, mnn streets. This ·is newhr built nnd July 3.93 Clito. ol"niile President '''Hson's Mexican " tion,n Price. $5,­ Cheal) ut $6,000.00. policy, UPhOldS,· 22nd on...half White the five and o/re-tjj,ird'len.hjl bal.nce one declal'ing thnt as a consequence order July 275.71 During years bQOO,jlO'� . Ono two . dwelling. story. 8-,:00m a byp ytl6rs. " l, ) is in Mexico. R. A. Glisson wnr in F:'ance not� single e.and This is on reappearing Advocates 22nd '\ _ DutO!": modernly built; located July 14g.60 p__f,. '''lPeo, \lcres Jones avenue. e was sold to a private indi- a_�,2�o.. .�25 it�(cultivation. Price, $6,500.00; one­ recognition of tho ne,., Mexican gov_ C. W. Patrick 9-r.'oom. twp-story bun­ fourth_' cnsll, balance or.e, two nnd .July 9th 191,'27 - .!"'le Jllh'lly...b�II� Ol'l1ment wlum it has in, that country, tWO B-rl,.om temfht proved its ubility Wash ,Skirts pU\v; houses; 8 throo ye'l_r_s_, J. H. Elarbee ' mil..,., 110I,'tUeast,0!' StutcjiUoro. 'rl:is ---'--;C;-:---"7"""--,-- to maintain order, July 9th 126.64 �I .; One 6-l'oom dwelling- with wa.ter. bouse nlone· i. ,,,,,,,th half tte price Ireland-Reiterates President Wil­ J. H. lights uno Sewcrage; good r�al'a.R'e and Sikes July 9th 83.57 THE Weave is fine to insure a beautiful finish and ser­ aaked :1;!pr, bh.� 8Jlac�1 fll'i.t mill und sufficiently splendid out buildings; located on Ea.t Main son's principle of !elf-detel'minlltion, G. M. Futch fHlS MORf LIKE 16 ,,��tfit I;oc� '\!lth.,pI��,] ,l�rice $10,­ tl'eet. Cull on us for 9th one-h'nIr I)rices and Qxpresses symputhy with the aspira­ July 283.25 vice. it launders especially well-a fact which is possibly its --.uO.1)O� cash, balance asy terms. Furthermore, tions of the Irish declares J. B. Jr. 15th 1�rm.,- !L.....n.._ ·1.....:.., people and .Wright, July 109.32 recommendation for this use. 2�23 40 that when the United particular • 'n.Cl'os'lin CUltivation, VACANT PROPERTY, Slate. becomes -. -. 11th THAN SIXTY-SIX o c Oglesby July sold for 5-lf90mn.qt;os,,h�el1inifJ lJal'_gs and out· n member of freight • the League of Nntion. .� "uiltIil'tts �'8 mlles Ifast 'of' Glennville. 11 vacant lots on South !lInin it cnn legitimately bring the Irish ,BUT A YEAR AGO HE WAS DOWN SUCH IS THE MATERIAL THAT MAKES UP A LARGE NUMBER OF SKIRTS Pllice. $3,500.00; one-thinlC'cush. bul- ,tl'eet, If illterested in !rood build­ "11\;: eaBy, j, ; problem before the bar of the league. INSURE THE BEAUTY IN BILD FOR FOURTEEN WEEKS I(8fice 't

T I S myself, I was born in Georgia. with- STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF B U .. 12tk BRA��E:R�R��E:EUN'ION in forty nJif1s' of �;,c\'e .... y Itreat- �" � � p � � -::. :THOUGHT SEA ISLAN-D�BArNK·.. '�CAkii' t.A'EM'!ittE·b!!'PERS PRISCILLA DEAN IN THE BU\\.O\NG UP A � �. :'IRRj�_UlARt.� . Pro�Th":o��h' ��i; '0�hk'n�u:�e ,",OMl! �.!!' was born in Where gra:,dfathcr 1792. PRODUCTION" '. A to w. located at •• ,ot the close of busine.s Juee $500,000 l�GEORGIA_,NQfuBQUND'?;"" tril' Dublin, Ga., by Wiley Statesboro. 30, !920. AMUSU ' pa THEA�RE AND UP in the mischief were born? ,. '- eU\\.O\NG Brannen of Bulloch to you .,; •. county: Ga., WERE MOSTLY RUSSIANS didn't to me-the answer."He. RESOURCES' LIABILITiES . "THE VIRGIN OF STAMBOUi." �II-star cust picture, the stute reunion of Confederate vet- stop give [. Mon!IIl��.�.n � . Demand loans ,95.296.02 stock in DECLAR£S:' Mt ,WAlSON fhe She Ct\�RAc.leR ARe ON1! "tered' U ••conu-elass matlNr March $ Capital paid $ 50,000.00 [lgeL" liS --, .. Time Ion fund " � the at St:ates- 617,935.48 Surplus 60,000.00 'l\;csday-Intcrllational News Com- 'd at p"dtoffice eran.., THE SMITH-WATSON IMPOSTERS July: 14, 192,0' lUI. 19��. WOULD CHANGE TffRM . ... "WILL BE INSld.1 ED AND .. ANOTt\E unaecuredc , , 52.87 Uudivided less "Reseaurunt ,S"ME-ll4\MG­ Ua.. unaer

• is Toter. of the nution. thero every to nor its dition of sai" bank. as sh<>wn by the books of me in said bank. PL'EASED WITH HIS OPPONENT bound respect its platfllrm W 8 pay tho Itighest market prices , should be a PAUL B. LEWIS • reasoa why again nominees." rrhat's Watson ns he for your baco", and lard. See us be­ 5.-Senatol' Hurd- is, � Juy Sworn to and me. the 8th dity of July•. 1920.• Democratic Marion, <;>., -Advertisemerit. fore you sell. WiLLIAMS-BROWN subscribed b�forc th!. yeu!'. the of the " nom_ masquerndin" betrayer . I HINrON P Ga. ing, t)le Republican presidential CO. BOOTH. N. .• B. C., Not only have the Republicans fail_ Democratic (29aprtfc) in u �tHtement said G party, " out a valid reason "hy inc.c, to(h�y ove�'­ --- ed point DemocratIc II ..--•••••i"__ iiiii nor Cox deserved the -� -iiilli��iiI_iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiii_iiiii_Iiii • thoy shOlll. be placed in power. a,;uil' pl"osidential nomination, but added but 'hey have as signally failed to thut hi. selection would not change CHILD MEETS DEATH deelare thoir stand u'pon tho absorb- the Fepublican campai"n plan. in AUTOMOBILES=-== ing i.... es of the day. 11'1,eir pll1tform Ohio in a1l)' wny. WHEElS Of CAR i. a M.raddle "hich seek. to befuddle for sale the second:' UNDER 'I'he stntement was "iven out by We have following 'th. voters. It appenl. to their diR- the senator today shortly utter ho had automobiles: The three-yeur-old do'ughter of Mr. hand . witl'out pointing out n eont�nt. !:�me.. leut.ned of the governor's seleation. and 1111'S. J. W. Warnock, neal' Pre­ dy;. it the of new CO�Belt1ns The senator Ilt the sume time aJ.o One perfectly Ford. se�an. toria. met deuth Sunday in a most Dem.crailc party whtleconduc�10 0 ce, nneth� In con- . sent Governor Cox a telegram One 6-cylinder OldsmobIle good heart-rending manner wher. it was lays .t the door of the party . crushed under the of an auto­ VIDALIA ofTens�s gratulating him on hi� succe.s. con}\It wheels for th_, IS Republican congress clition. Mrs. Jack Lee. The \fas not l,!'iven ouf here, however, but � mo�i1e drivel] by rebpo\�hi�h..,bl.. cars will be, offered at was left for the new nom_ These bargain == accident o,cclll"l'ed at the Vlarnock It is an easy matter I tho� Dem9cratic �oo Blake if he so home nooll. ,to inee to public de.h'eli. .... to III I prices. abo,ut wh& pI.-ofor rem81n. 19noran�e, "Govel'nor Cox's nomination," Sen­ � The family we're returning from or LlIose wha theIr for I AND OAKLANDS 0.:: an NEW FRANKLINS at Middle Ground added preaching church. . ator. I-hmling said, "i. cq"­ , or for but partt t�se polf, a of home WAREHOUSE Ollr and -had' number TOBACCO nan:' siderlltion shown to 1'I,'eat state IN STOCK.' guests f.OllOW,. a WldCl nab ... the�e tI:rou,�.'OU�SPIrIt I �. of O"io for which' I I1Ill glad and � with them for dinner. At the gat. IUlS ever and old cars. depQllldence than ";-1 tenTIs on both Dew the ]'e�sonHble assuronce that' f1m\l­ give � Wamoc" fumily Illighted from mene�astc('jare gives .. Vidalia, are stuuied and Is�u"" beillg their cal' as the' others in the . Georgi,:, n ncwspnper mnn 's1 to be made the party thell' deeds rntI,el' tl·lOn y • jud"oo by , \'Iel�e Mrs. Lee's car was n1\ t'1011 S C I'ncf exeeu t"IV 6 . Ohio hus (h·ivinZ \Ip, b th�il' words. The day ot Y judge- about to n when WILL OPEN FOR THE SALE LOOSE LEAF . come to tloe lit­ . OF ., accorded Governor Cox stop . very ullusuql C1 ose U t 1Ul nd De- II men t IS ag:lm . tle in of . distinction, and he deserved his not- � child darled front it. The un d s 1 I Motor has Rowan mocracy tom�8n�.' front and back entire­ at San Francisco. Hi!s Su��b wheels pa.sed �toOd able victory 0 � TOBACCO JULY 20TH. rend, J.dged.trueT say 1�1 I; Successors to nc­ � over its it internally. _ l� will not .to ,�o .. I nomination ch�nge ,our body; crushing - lS , there '. for .ucce . slight hope ••• ',' No bones were the .. . t'IVhles III any way III Oh'lo , 'It', s a �.-- THACKSTON MOTOR COMPANY brokon, though the o"preas1On of Wlthout a � � fea�' �ontest before to be � stomach was horribly crushed. The great part� u'. • • • reao... The 15 entltled to suc- I · · ..,...... "...... Wh·rh..'Y'.·...... • little one lived a few hours, p�rty on ",'eat principles involved, t.·.·...... ·".·...... "...... only ceed-and It L!ought ""II., I and neither pluce of l'esidence nor ---- mm'ked in- NICE. DIRTY MOTHER. Every tobhcco company llsing Georgia leaf tobacco IN MEMORIAN. personality wlll have any fluenca 011 the result." . Vidalia season. will be represented on the market this / O� the night of March 8. 1920. I I Six-year-old often . MarguFot played are \ death visited tha hom. of When Your laid be no link in our chain of at the angel CARD OF THANKS, Crops 8y- with NOllie, a neighbor's little girl. There will missing buyers his from Bro. Elli Burnes and took soul I One the two were -W�-tuka this oppo;:tunity tOl:;'tu--;'n TO THAT rainy day ju�t Vidalia. ... ef care to the world of AND YOU ARE READY 1)0 this orld startir.g ncross the clean kitchen floor to OUI' friends our heartfelt tl.anks peace and rest. AND REPAIRING, REMEM­ at Margaret's home when the lattor's for their kindne•• to us in the be: BUILDING The Vidalia market made the highest general ay­ He was born was August 23. 1883; mother. their muddy shoe•• reavement which which took from us OUR PRICES' ON YOUR seeing ta Mliss Susie Pross.r an j BER TO GET for all Tobacco sold at in' the married headed them off and sent them out erage any m�rket .0 suddenly our dear little daughter. I sta�e and ther� was born unto them BEFORE YOU BUY. 1902. MATERIAL to play on tRe porch. Aiter a mo­ last season. Vidalia was the best market in GeorgIa Anna Kathleen, whose t1'agic ending ,.' seven children. Robert. Gertrude, Nellie remarked: filled our with ",ent 1 has aearts last it will be the best market to sell Tobac­ LoJleo Ge&rgia Woodrow, Bruce and grief. I year; your "My mother don't care ho,� much We shall always treasure in OUI' NOTICE OF In 191'7 he was into SALE kegbase , our is a all Mel!>a'. bapti.�d NAILS, $8.00 per I run over the kitchelr lIoor." co this' year, because sales manager judge of memories of the kind deeds the of hearts fellowship Friend.hip Baptist On we all lengths There was a interval of and words of those. who mini.tered Wednesday, July 21st, next, will hold ooc semi-annual CORRUGATED ROOFING, quite long of knows their maket value, and sees ch.rch and Jived the life he professed bred 'sow sale of t grades Tobac�o; silenca. IThen said: unto us in our sorrow. Smooth and Margaret, until hi. death. He wa. a kind a.nd China Gilts and We will 36 COMPOSITION ROOFINQ, that our customers i·t. To realize the best Spot�ed �oland bre<;l sows, 6 "I \�sh I had a motber get prices and Mrs. J. Warnock. B�ed SO\�'s. �ell �ried gilts nice, dirty alfectior.ate husband and father. and Mr. W. rangmg m from one to Ib on age year montns old, In thIS sale we have an that Slate Surfaced. like you've got. Neliie." fo1' your crop of Tobacco, sell it the best a faitltful mem'ber of hi. church, ..t- offering marke� HOLLINGSWORTH-STRICKLAND cannot be excel]';�d. The blood lines of all widths 1 ..,,1��.rJiJ blood ala. . the lines of VALLEY V'd l' , . _ tetlded hi. meetings regularly and al- the hogs menti6ned'al'e s'ec­ TIN, . ·A French. invento<"'s decoy duok I 'd., _� Mrs Alice ....orth and-Y-;:. to contribute bo the cause . Holling ond to none in the LIME way. ready Spotted Poland China family. ';BRICK AND contjains clockwork that makes ,it ckurch has J. Malone Strickland were united' in of iii. )Olaiter. Friendship .wim its feet in a life-like way. . FITTINGS afternoon by E. Trains will be met at 12 0' clock on the of sale PIPE AND PIPE \Yi�h lost one of ita best noemben and the maniage Saturday day and all parties will be furnish- We hum- D. Helland at his .offico iA tho .0Ult ed to the BAR IRON HAD 0UTRUN HIMSELF. cOlllJllunity a,&ood citizan. transportation fl:J.rm, which is 3 m]es northwest of Dublin on the Dublin and will of Hino that ®61ih house, Both are residents of tlte Reg­ Oil bly'how to the Mt. Olive road. All from_a d'stance wil -Prices' ReEluest. .. parties be a ister eommuniby entertained at our ail tlliotgs well ... d 100)< forward to the . expense at the A tilou"hboy iR France on' ,;oing New Dublin . r.essurre�iol\ morn when we shall Hotel on the day and night prior to our sale. into battle became frigilter.ed. He WOMAN'-S-H-E-A-R-T-L-ESSNESS, when are in mar­ Bee him again. clothed in tke Iikoaess A Remember us, too, you th� faced about I\nd started l"\IlIning to­ is barbecue dinner will be served at 12 es.. Christ. "I hear tell '-hat Gabe GawkPJ o'clock. Sale at a full ran and of J begins promptly 2:00 ket for feed' of any kind. We ward the rear. He rnn and or u dhrorcc from o'clock. �arry E. L WILLIAMSON. ,:jggering g :'.ti.f.r, All parties interest2d in ran hours. while good hogs are' cordially invited. In every re­ for Eventuily, on a tiivorc'2 f�r:om are fig"sl'ing gcttir.g stock our goods guaranteed down L road he was PRUPS, away 6 pounding WARREN TO COLORED TEACHERS. a "What's hilS wife," said neighbor. are an officer. hailed • PUllARD, and the prices by the matter with spect: rig�t. A s1lmmer nonnal is being conduct­ her, anyway?" "Who are the panting sol- Elm"""ood Stock you?". the Stdesboro Industrial "She's plumb heartless '" replleu Farm ed .t High to dier asked.. VISIT THE GEORGIA TOBACCO EXPOSlTION have Johnson of attention inquiries school. Efficient instructors Gap Gap Rumpus Ridge, , Careful paid "I'm the Z'enernl," the &fficer re­ f heen The course ha. been Ark. "He talked about somo spring M.C.ANDN.B,DOMINV,PROPS., eml loyed_. and Mail Orders. piled. AT VIDALIA, AUGUST 4TH, 5TH AND 6TH. , and ,,",ch teacher medicine and she up and told Itim carefully planned, I '+ "Hell. I didn't know I had run .' . I·t is requested to spend at least four that the best kind to suit his case was Dublin, Georgia that far '" the exclaimed. weeks in tltis normal., The term will a bucksaw and 8R ax, That there dQu:hboy . .. close Aucu1t ith. inftrrnal lady hain'� got no more Co. 666 quickl,. reli"... cOMtipatioJI1. feel-l L_ Grain 1011 of ••tite and head .. , apl B. R. OLLIFF, Sliperintandent . ings than a snapping turtle '" :E. A. Smith \ ... _j .cb.... due to ttWpid liTer. (3dac) • 4 . ,.s �t)��------��==�-�w�==� -"!.. -j I' SHERiff'S SALE. Dl.mi..ion fro.. Guardi.r..lalp.

__ '. __ �_�__�_�_��_�-=-=-=-=__ I GEORGIA-Bulloch ����I��_� County - =.�.=-======�====�====�����B�_��L�L�O�C�H�TI=M==E=S=A=N�D�S=T=A=TES�_�B�O�R�O��N=-E�'��S====�======��==��======��=H�U=R=SD=A=y=,=J=O=LY==8=,=t.=��,------MOTHERS OF GEORGIA B u IIoch I will sell before the AMERICA County, BROUGHT MEMORIES OF He.ME rJ III JolI"ll-++++loI 1'1111'1-111 "'I".'I+�-+of·+'++++++++++++++of·+++++++++++'_ court house Joyner I . flli door in . w, c. . Stateaboro Gn. on I havi�1C al?pUed .. the first dlemlsalcn I'rom of T uescI u y in guard,anshlp Sla- . Aueust, 1920. within the WILL' KEfP and Idel Joyner. notice Is legal hours of snle. the following NATION DRY t�n herob:r GEORGIA'S TAX BURDEN-'·S de-. gl\ en that aaid upnlication will b. scribed property. to-wit: EVANCELINE HEAD OF heurd at my office on the l BOOTH, . ftrst MOD- H�.�:-;,�;,:\:;;:;�.��·r::;,:·· All that certain tract or pnrca] of d ::" 'n A t 1 920 � SALVATION uzusc, . Innd situate. Iyinl!: and in the ARMY, TELLS THE and Tubes being 'l1hls 8. 1920. The old Tlbetn" the OJ> 1523rd G. M. BRITISH ynk nt ·Tires 'in the town NEWSPAPERS • shnggy district. of i . NOT ·BE UI\ .IU" + Ju� L. MOORE Ordlnacy. MUST "zoo" some n new IN��[[� �-��D died while nnd Brooklet, ngo containing eight (8)' 'acres, 4- more 0" lo London, July Booth -JOHN N. HOLDER yuk occupied his shed nud inctosure. ss. and known Us the Juck B.-Evangeline For Leltera of Admini.tntion. ,estardny a vlsl tor lood wlltchln� * tst�t�:bdol�n r�\ll� the .\' .. lk munching nt 8 truss of hny In �;t;��eS'�����l�h'i �ll��dh;: t��dsa�:'��i�ohn John N. "Net one wuy of �:���,:�e�"::� a, J. AUa.nta, lun. 29.-Speaker p�enny more 0' tax burden rieht way, On the east by the thut G.�l�.GfC':-J.UI����a"nun��d his munger, Be coiled lhe nud It -.r Tire Covers and should prohibltlor, in the United R IC h artI son h should on yol, applied for Bolder ot the House 01 Representa­ be levied the now r Bumpers Shearwood railway right of way. on aving per- property mancnt on the tax booksJ took no notice. Then, rend + the Stutes be repealed "over the letters of admlnistraticm candidate tor governor In the 0' the atate, and un­ hnvtug south by the Iandn.of C S. Crom. protest tbes, upon the estate der no Booker's "Hlumln ou u he re- + and on the of of C. C a circumstances Ihould the tax .lournnts," Icy, west by tho lands be- the women, I will fill Ameri a Newman, earning democratic primary, made late of said rate be made than memhercd lhe cnus or the Tibetan + longing to the Primitive county. deceased, notice ringing statement In opposttton to put­ greater It Is today, Baptist from sen tei sea with parades of chil- to un hereby given that said application "Moat or the revenue ot Is rnatdens when they bring the �nks Parts church, satisfy execution issued is. tJng any increased burden or taxation Georgia for Studebaker and dren bn and no .. ,II be heard at office .. from the rn bem-ing nnerj, liquor my on the ftrat. derived trom tax on home a t sunset. t � city court of Sbatesbo ••nid •pon the people 01 Georgia, In his ad­ homes, farma • Iutereat.i Mondny in 1920" stock and + state and county. in favor of R M could prevail agJlinst these August, the aes­ other visible proper-ty of tbls The visitor uttered the cntt, The dress at the opening 01 1920 Yllk + J. p� This July 8, 1920, slate, wblle we are told that Larisey Dnd against Hobo, prin� dejnonatrntlons." She aJon ot the legislature, million. dropped 0 mouthrui of buv. gnve + said, however, S. L. MOORE, of cipal, and A. J. Lee. security, for the Ordinat'J. dollar. known al and Dart Cars in her opi..Ion "the mothers of Arnerl, Intangible nod C'IlIllC to sum --_ A service or ntnetsan io the deep grunt. shnmhllug of $125.00 ' yenrs InviSible I. t J principal, $1B.22 in- property paying nothing en will thut forever Fer- L.It... of Admini.tratioB, legislature and tour terms as speaker the bnrs of Its stnble. The visitor pnt., terest, $13.83 lattm-neys fees aud keep .country to the support and maintenance ot I DELICIOUS AND of Lbe bas nnt.urully made Mr, ted nnd romlled It, nnd gr\llH�1 rut REFRESHING cost to the date of dry." house, slate government and J. $�4.1� judgment, GEORGIA-Bulloch County. t!>e Its splendid . Holder one or the best posted men tn nnd It IlckptJ his hand, And.1 • • WIth interest at 8 per cent since date Miss declared C. Institutions. Tbe tangunge Deeth prohibition C. hoving npplied for additional revenue GAS ••• OILS ••• THB of D"yghtry stale ·attllir.. In OtH .... A ...... judgment. together with cost of ei-rnnro-nt tleorgla regarding when he tert the yo k house It rtl}l .. Coc.A-COLA CoMPANY "reduced p letter or administration necrraaary for the supporl of all DOPJ3 A''''"''�'''' Oa."' had acciderii;; Ly half in proper this procedure. , 1 ylgorausly opposing n.ny incl'ense in or ItR sheri nnt! followed bltu f\f\mnd u pon the estate of Mrs. Alice Da lbe stnte's Interest abould be obtained the Uni�od had ugb, not t' Levied on as the de- S.tatcs, promoted late of tbe state tax Mr. Holdor did property .of tl'y, suiei" rate, from this clnas of Its lurge burred Incl(lsure, .t- countl', de,eased: / property. J, in and done with hesitate to propOS8 n remedy whlcb. f�!lJdnnt, A,. Loo, and his posses· health, uway the hobo notice is hel'ebv given that said uppU., "Crop conditions In (.leorgln are not Ele returned Inter nnd (mnh:1 th� "'"" Notice of sale U employed, will pro,'lde for Georgla's s�on. having beo11 nnd unemployed." but added tutioll will be heard at my omce on but stilI restless, It hnd rd Its t shq brlgbt. gloomy. Witl;l ahort crops d('�cr lllt'ftl! to defendant as by the lil·st in 1920 Bchools aud take care ot the stale's required crime had not decroased Monday August. . and a + .. possibly lower price for the gl'll,:Ve.n appreciably This July 8, i920. financial needs, Concerning taxation, beclluse of products of tbe farms and field, te­ �hls July 7th. 1920. efl'ects of the "greut Wll"- here is wbat Speaker Holder said: S. L. MOORE,Ordinary,_ gelher with Ule djeturbed and unsat. W. H. DeLOACH, Sheriff. strain." I-----...:...-'-- _:_.:_:::J_L.:.:...::.:.:.:.::::..::.:._ "l\'lany worthy causes aro now Isfaclory huslness Ii ------.....:....:...:..:..:..::.:.."--/ situation, lhe load l�'��'�;�:���:II�l;,�;i��En�;.�;,'::�:���rnn to him, henn"ns! III The Sllh'ation FOR LEAVE TO "Oood ('rh.._�' Industrial SELL. at door tbls + Army J knocking the of legislature carried by tbe taxpayers will he al. • SHERIFF'S SALE. stTnnger, "how do �'Ol1 1HUh.' ...\�)' nn1· home. will have tinancial nid. I am confident tbat -I- J. r to be put to other GEORGIA-Bulloch County. 'for JUost H P Jones unbearable, must con­ Moto' They be mnls like thnt?" Be wn� told rhe Sl� + GEORGIA-Bulloch Coun·ty. uses W. R. J,'.. gum'dian of his )'ou will make carneat effort to meet sidered and their burden not thnll shelters for unemployed, Nevils, made r will sell before the cou·t tl,,·ee millor so Company house childl·en. Addie Lee, Co- demand, In we heavier every just doing than It I. at present, and in door in hung"y men, she said ,because the t Statesboro. Ga .. 'r.. the first hen und 1'helma must couslderatlon to old yok. poor old relit,,,,." .!d • . Nevils, having applied give tbe people their behalf 1 make this appeal to cr�';oor ...... men who you. .1oT, "t' • 'j'+"l".·r·+..1.++ +++++ ....+ Tuesday in August, 1920, within the formerly sought refuge in for lellve to sell ...el'tain who tbe bills-the of Iho "Bow cnn we eo' wh"t r++++++++++-' property be­ pay taxpayers "Air property should bear !ts equal strnnger. ++-J.-I-++++.I-+.I-++++of'++++of.+++++++-I legal hours of sale. to lhe highest them are n.ow woges which longing to suid ward", notice is here­ Ceorgia, rrhcy are already henvlly sbare at tho tux chords you hnvc touchN1-�'hnt memo­ elll'lling burden or the slute, f bidder for cash, the following de- by given thllt said llPplication will \Vhen bave FOR REPRESENTATIVE. ia enable them to for the accommeJ- b. burdened, they paid their The greal tll6k this rl('s or snow nnd 1("(', nnd powerful-:�ti_1 i. a puy betore legislature \)f'Rying R�b·�Y":riam It; Rub·My.Tiam pain killer. scribed levied on under a helll'd Ilt On It the property my omce the first Monday State taxes, county laxes, city taxes, is to solve this wheels nnd of Tibetan With matter care. kdl. pOISon caulf'Jd from Jt relieve. dations. importalll and moo Idols, girls HllYinl! considered the �ephcj pain and lorene.. cauieci certain fi fa issued from the city in· August, 1920. IOfected cure. .or.... ' .pecial tues, Bchool laxes, income mentalis I 11I",e deci offer cuh, old , tetter. problem. I beHeve that you ttW'lluolse ornnments: III tht'lr brnld" f Ill'. �d to myself by Rheumat·i.m, Neural..i., Sprain., court of StutesQpl'o in favo,' of Ston.. This Julv 8, lD20. and ete. (3d..\ etc. taxes, have responded to tbe Illany will do so, ever keeping In mind the holr? Lool, how troubl� Ihe old ",k os t\ candidate for representath'e from I (11mar20) Porter & Clnl'k ogainst J: R. j3rock, FOR SI\LE-Large Quantity of choice S. L. MOORE, Ordinnry. patriotic aJ� charilable Llemnnds. a words on tbe or Bullo h to the Dem- H. S. fodder. See me for greal senJ tbe Slate Is-It IfiU'( (nlr to gl\'e h011h...... : t'kne:::;­ county. subject Rucl:'oods, said preference way . Soil suitable AND REMEDY ing. .tho .of deceased. for other one IT. expressing himself, It Is often neces­ fOR STATE SENATOR any crop desired, a,·ticles; lot .tore 'nxtures; notICe,s hereby gIven that said ap, one herd cnttle; one sugar ",ill; one The unnoyan.e of having the stor- plication will be heard at my' office OD sary to remind blm lIlat lie can speak- To the Voters of the Forty-Nin'h The first locomotive with steel The savinis division of the United Tl:ere is a substantial lot farming implements. alCe of one's cal' run the Monday in 'August, 1920, of' us wlUl larg�, on battery down, fi_rst ltIaltros Many .may sympaUllze Senatorial Distl'ict two-story, eight-room dwelling was built in one States i the springs just treasury department reports Terms of sale will be mentioned on putting lights und s(Jlltel' out of com- Th,s July 8. 1920. the man who saId to ''Your I announce property, ce,led throughout and l Darwin, hereby my candidacy painted, large barn, cow shed, hUl\dr�d years and is still to be thut five day of sale. mission and the S. L. MOORE. wagon ago, �tates, by legislative action, damal!:ing battery Ordinary. nnceliltors may have been opes." but It to the state senate from this district, shed, servanet house, house storage smoke honse and a seen in the South Muse­ have thrift )l{RS. LULA NEWMAN. itself, call be avoided if the motorist subject to the next democratic pri-, lare store Kensington made Instruction compul, cannot be denied that ,v6,bave many builcing wbic4i contains lumber for H. J. RICHARDSON will give his battery the lIeriodicul FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Your vote �nough tw� tenant um. sory. ""mmon mary, and support will be attention it : things tn with the otber houses, There is an artesian well on (8julltc) Administrato.... demands. If he doesn't appreciated. the place, Small fruit orchard County. species. and at least he should be able to diagnose GEORGIA-Bullo,cl! HOWELL good ahade trees around the home, Dan N. Riggs. udministrator of the CONE. his trouble when it ocoun.. Yet the a young antmal ready to re­ estute of Mrs. Sarah Olliff, lute of Watch ounce of provention is better, for said ceIve food. eager eyE'S and fOR JUDGE SUPERIOR COUR':S This property is the home of lcounty, deceased, huving" 8P. '"ltb part the tract known as the ,.0. otherwise the life of Thorne the battery- is for leave mouth open tt maltes quick, forward OGEECHEE CIRCUIT. place is one of the plie� to sell certain lands be. . I .. ¥d choicest small farm homes in Bulloch materially shortened, movements .1 the county, longing to said estate. notice is her.. head. When tbe To the Voters of Oeeecbee 'Jlreuit: The on the "If your lights a"e dim, you may _. are worth 7 IIIll?roVeRlents property the whole price asked, , by given that said application will he . � food Is not acceptable a tlgbtly I hereby announee as· a wndla&te .be pretty sure y.our batter is run.ning • heard at my om..,. on the first Mon­ clenched 'n \\' nnd sideward motion of for the omce of J.dll:e of the luperlor Price $1oe ·per down," sllid M,·. PCl'kiIlS, nf the lIC'1'e, payable $1,100 cash, ,4,000 on November day in Augst. 1920 the to COUN of the OKeechee circuit. I Stutesboro Prest-OoLite service stll· liead serve keep the anI­ 1st, and 00 This 8, 1928: 1920, $6,000 July, moth" January lat, 1923, interest at 6 tion ,,-' sllall 1I0ur vote and IlUIl­ � �ith per yostcl'day in answer to a ques· mal from forcing food upon It. appreciate cent. In S L MOOR 0 True tion...... , E. rdinary, port IA the state primacy to be h.ld "Probably- the reaSon i. that So otter all these centuries man'. ' For at the 1920. yow have not been the Sale durln� year Goody�(lr running· engine mouth Is sUll relaxed when If Econoqty FOR it. YEAR'S SUPPORT.- he �odl , H. B, interested write li'le an. I will to enoug·h to the STRANG.E, annnge show you the keep battery charged. ' but there 18 a p�op­ 7 "yes." strong tenden., erty. Several other things muy happen. The GEORGIA-Bulioch COlmty. cleoch Mrs. to bts teeth and even close hI. To· the Voters of Ogeechee Circuit: .. generator may not be charging. or Murv Williams Mlviftg applied Stnall II Tires' for for H when he shakes ,Cars there may be ,wire short·cil'cuited, year's support from the estnte eyes "AO,"-Excbungtp. Responding to .. the request of a If the of hur _'"'_ ...... " .. ""'... 'M"... " .. "".,.".' .. "' .. N"�'....'�,�_....""".".,""''''''"'"""" ...,"'""...,''''''",....".""'''',.. "'',..,''',...,,'''',,.... , .. ,''',,.. ,,'''"'''.. ''''''''�''''''.. '_''�' .. '''''''''''''...... '''N''''.'''''''.. , �''''",u.. , ... """ ....""""""",,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,",,,,_ butte,·y has run down because deceused J. J 151.50 Ga"on number of mv friends. I hereby an- .... husb&nd. Wfl­ the CEll' has been laid UII 01' scarcely Iiams. notice is hereby given that IIIIld nounce �yself b c.andidate for judge BIICkslldlng Organ. then the is I'lln application 'will be of the c,ro;Ult. subject to the rules of used. remedy to the henrd at my of. An now n .the first FINE FOR COOKING AND appeal being made on behalf I the appror.ching Democratic primary_ B� engine "nd "hurge the buttery thot Monday in AUllust, CANNING. a wuy, If the iI 00. of poor country church tor a new I earnf...stly solicit your support, BREWTON Built into Ti�'es fOll slnaU I.'unning Bllgin,j does not 1fi�e2· G�odyear , churlle the bullterl'. the. the service This 8, 1921.. orgun has been re-enforced by a coln- and if electcd I promise to fairly and I July SYRUP .. stution mun should look for the t"oU- S. L. MOORE WILL AJl.RIVE SHORTLY cldenc�the old orgon to impal'tlnBy nc!mini�te1" the Ihw, 1 Ga. cars is a relative value not ex Ordinary. happened Vidalia, high ble. or of own St,tc"bo"o, GP. ..• Mp.y 3. 1920. (13maytf) Cipher, produce Its IlcCl'rd, "Whatever FOR A YEAR'S J. E. ANDERSON. the defect, it should be SUPPORT_ ORDERS WILL BE a souod as J. ceeded even·in the TAKEN NOW long-drawn, walltng Just famous Goodyear found und repairod. Delay always the words were read GEORGIA-Bulloch ,County. being (rom J,.b, _ results in to the and fOR SOLICITOR GENERAL\ Of damn!!:e butte,'y Mrs. Lu·la Newman at the Round of the Cords on the world's Ev_ having applied ''They rejoice OG£I::CHEE CIRCUIT. consequont expensive l'cp{lil' hills, a .highest priced. fat' .ycal"s support for herself aild organ." This has been Interpreted a9 ory motorist should have a hyc.l.romc- To the Voters of Bulloch County: six minor children fl'om tho estute ot R good aad It reminds l\ COI'I'&- automobiles. te,'; just for emergency, for he should omen. been solicitor of her decensed hu.bund. C. C. Having the eltll dellend On his service station for his Newmim. spondeot ot what ·huppened In the Sus- of for notlc� is hereby given that said ""urt Millen the past ehrht inspections, The specific all- gravity r'cut' " sex villoge of Jevlugton_ A new .. p w,'II b·e h .. at office orgao years, and believing that my expe­ Manufactured 30x3 and this instrument the 'o� earlt my in , 30x.3Y2" r"udings give on w,,, of the kind is I am P_" tho ftl'St Monday in 1920. bought which could rience such that qualified to allproxim"" concliLion of his AUjrust, buttery. This 1920. I be pillyed by turning a hnndle. perform the duties of th•• solicitor; July 8, Coca-Cola Tbe, GQ01) . sizes the world's 31x4-inch S. L. Bot. Co. ROADS' . ,general of the new Ogeechee by largest MOORE. Ordinary_ church wns crowded to hear Its open. clrcUl�,! il��e ,�� o,�,�� 0;: 1)�W;�%teder����t S��l; recltol. hcreby "n�ounce as a OF DOLLARS have All went till been . refill J. L. Ing well the end myself. approriated for the gladly anybody'. battery free of ' BROWN, Manager date for thIS tocandl-I M,ILLIONS building tire devoted to these FOR A YEAR'.S SUPPORT, . , office, subject of roads In sizes, nnd him of the fi rst p�n 1m the Singing then the, good tho South. Msch of this will factory charge give advice nbout it. ,: 11next Democratic anu re- money [J" spenl· this primary, j no what its mal,e. censed, but the orlIan went OD yeal's. Vust will m"tt.f Distilled GEORGIA-Bulloch County. plnylng, ask four If resul.t OVCI' this entire scction us detail of the done on. Ispectfully your support, benefi�5 these roads every \ work water should be "dded to Ihe battery Nettie Williams having applied for It seemerl that the man In charge bad elected, I promise to faithfully and arc constl'ucted, I every two weeks in summcr nnd once n year's SUPPOl't fol' herself il'om the flllled to discover how to put on the the of, impartially discharge duties tllem is marked a month in but estate of her THOUSANDS OF OF by extraordinary wil.tOJ·, keep YOUr eye deceosed husband, Nel­ b,·"I,e. I?rorn the tune tbe omce respect of persons. DOLLARS THIS VAST SUM CAN pSlllm the orgnn ,Without BE SAV­ on the wate,·. If it evapol'lltes too aon Willinma, notiee i. I j. hereby given went on to n secular catch Bein� lined up with no man or eet ED-BETTER ROADS thnt give lively BUILT AT LESS EXPENSE-BY USING. 'Skill and care. "apidly it is almost certain thqt the said application will be heard at of Tilen_ I am my appeal I cnlleelf "Drops of BmMy." nnd theo m".kin.l!:. �o generator is ovel'chagng the battery I)lV omce on the first Monday in Au­ each and every tndlvldual voter tn I started on a merry atr entitled "Go to and that the charging rate should be lCust. 1920. entire _ " your county and the .. clrcuit, own a checked by a Pres-O-Lite 'CI'vice sta- Thi. Jl>ly 8. 1nll. the De,1I and Shal,e Yourself. -Lon- 'If you Ford, Dort, . Yours respectfully. Chevrolet,' S. L. don Post. MOORE Ordinary, Morning WILLIE WOODRUM. ,Maxwell or. other car taking these tion.-ndvertise!"",e"'"lt;;,'======,,, TheIOLIVER I 'I TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS•• To the Vo'ters of the How "Wallop" Originated. Ogeeche Judicial assure Circuit: sizes, yourself true GEORGIA-Bulioch County. An Incident of Interest In Engllsb / _.\ Goodyear I herehy announ�e my candidacy Ali perso;ns indebted to John Han­ occyrred In TRACTOR and French the . htstory for nomination as Solicitor-General TraC'��LaYing. and on car son, deceased. are to make mileage economy your by \ reqUIred year 1514. The French fteet rnaged of the Ogeechee Circuit in the next \ immediate settlement and all persoRa the coast of Sussex and burned Democratic pr:macy. I will greatly the nearest Service holding elaims agninst said deceased visiting GoodyeClr are notified to . Brlghthelstone, DVW Brighton. where­ appreciate all support lCiven me, present same witbiQ one the time required by law. upon Sir John Wallow, of tbe best Respectfully. Station Dealer.. , A. 8, This July 7, 1920. 08\"a1 ('orumaoders ot' his time, waR ANDERSON. R. R. BUTLER, Adnlr, sent by Heory Vlli to make reprl.alL I FOR CONGRESS_ Go to him· for (8juI6tc) It" In this he succeeded only too well; he Go.<1dyear Tir�s and for To the Voters of t1:o First Congres­ burned 21 French villogea. delllollshed . sional District: Tourist there BE\..L* ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE severn I harbors, and thrnshed the en. GoodyeArHeavy Tubes; "0 D\NNER 'I shall be a candidate in the Demo­ GEORGIA-Bulloch County. emy to bls heart's contenL His men, 'cralic primary election to succeed my_ .. YOU'Lt N££,O MY MAN­ to an order of the court no surer means. to sat _ Agreeably of his de­ is· genuine tire howe,'er. proud nchle\Teplent, self as representative from the First W\-\'EN nus CHOICE of ol'

' "1 don't Imow nbOllt thnt, womnn ATLt\.NT People 'l'h� first Korean to l'cC'cive .{\ OI.,IVER CO:. �IIII Inl1C!'h ut the lllother·ln�lnw Joke n medic:!! degree in America WAS Dr, 116 Marietta III the ,'nm!eville shows nlHl it dotes Str�et Esther Eim Pak. who graduated from ATLANTA, GA. : hl'r!t to Ill(' stone ug't:.',"-BlrmlnghAm the V;oman'r-; Mec.icnl Collegc of Bal. (8jullt) ; A..u�-I;leruld, tim ore in 1900. ButLOCH TIMES ANIJ STATESBORO NEWS. THURSD/.Y, JULY S, 1920.

...... I I I affair of " +++++++++++++�+++i:++++++++++++-:" A pretty Thursday after· noon that which Mrs. J. WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN SAV _ :� :vas �t E. 4- Hertwig' entertamed to honor of her ING SOME MONEY? If Read Be 1 ow. fifth so, + ion, Edward's, birthday. THIS ISSUE + Forty geusts shared with the han- S------O-c-a-n-s--=P-:-il-:,k--=S=-u-=-lm-ol-,_-_-_-_-=$-=-l-::,2::5Ibs. good Ground Coffee $1.00 i' oree the many delightful gumes ar- 6 cans Chum Salmon $1.15 12 cans Prince Alb�rt 12 Pages them 0 ranged for by Mrs. Hertwig B cakes Borax , Tobacco $1.6 . . :� . Export _t. 111 d th C I a d i assist'109 in en tertniam- . 25 6 Powder , .2&.... Seap ------pkgs. Washing le� ing. • __ ------i BULLOCI-I'1"'IM.ES 11 3 cakes Octagon SOI''' $1.00 lbs, Sulphur .25"i' • 6 lbs, Rice $1.00 22 cakes S. P. Soap $1.00 .. Thackston's good Mr;'. J. Zettcrower entertained oj. L. AND· STATESBORO NE'W"S the members of the T. class of SpeCials E. L. LET US FEED YOU t It.. •• -, U".b Tim , E,tablloh.cI the Baptist Sundu y-school Tuesday Jal,. 1812,1 • season is here. Bring your jug \Ve OI'.C lbot••boro New" E,t'b Coa.ohdat...'1' ZI, 1917. JULY Pickling gi:'e you ,::all,on 1fternoon at her home on Broad St, March, 1900. '{ . STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY. 8. 1920. VOL. 29-NO. 11 of the best pickling' vinegar for 60c. ,Ve carry JUI'S, Jar tops. Jar with a rubbers, pickling spices, etc, After dispensing the business, rogram of. music was rendered by FRIDAY AND JULY 9TH AND 10TH. thing for have done a great When You Start Fishing or Picnicing- I SATURDA"Y, nothing, .he members of the class. APPRECIATED STREET CAR denl to stop street railroad building, we those delicious lunches, .!-I Remember cmrv the makings for FEELS .MORE LIKE 16 * two were present. steam railroad and SWEET �, building, every CRACKERS, PEANUT BUTTER. AJ'ID SOUR PICKLES, • • • One lot of from Dip kind of OLIVE JELLIES. GINGER ALE. GRAPE JUICE, 01- Tinware, including everything building which requires largo ZEST, Little Miss Surn Johnson de- WHEN IT KRAlcT ETC. 01- Loi. ThirtY'-I' to 25c WAS TOO LATE capital and CHEESE, PIMENTOES, I pers Ifrquart Buckets, while they last. THAN 'SIXTY-SIX popular support." oj. lightfully entertnineel a number of CiA The streef cal' system of the city nickel doesn't work the WOI1- i'rlenda at her 011 Broad r A TRIAL. WE CAN PLEASE YOU IN horne street. One lot of BUT A YEAR AGO HE WAS DOWN del'S it used add the News-nnd GIVE US BQTH � Granateware, including Buckets, Pans, of Greenville, shut down a few to,' FIGHT afternoon. Three Texas, PRICE AND QUAL1TY, ,Iiondny table. of IN BED FOR FOURTEEN WEEKS it said there! Coffee as as weeks ago, The cal's rumbled iI'to something rook were after wRi.h Pots, Dish long _�. played, iced Saucepans, Pans, AS WEAK AS A Meanwhile the citizen of KITTEN. their burns for the lust time ; th"! Greenville ten and sandwiches were ser••d. The " choice A9c ·1 they last, your motorman turned hi who is not so affluent us to own and I his controller, were \-Vinnie Glenn Bland �uests Jones, 'fil'gillia "Another well known Villa support a n automobile or other 1 Atlas 85e Rica, the conductor turnC'c.1 in his last 1'\.'- equi, THE Ronch Fruit WEEVIL and Martha Laura Da'Y'j.�, Er­ 1-quart Jars, dozen farmer walk PHONE NO. 68 34 EAST MAIN ST. Georgia, came fpl'\vnrd .with a ports, and with the other employees page may to and from his work, , line � West, V�rn�n Keo"., Alice stntement as rema which will Full to the rkable of cut' him time to Cream Cheese, per pound AOc trong the stl'�et company, beg-un to gi�'e THERE ARE POSITIVELY NO Catherine Lanter, Agn •• Cone, ,medi��te WEEVILS WHERE 10+++++++++++-1--1-+++010++-1--1--1·-1<+-1--1--1-+,1-+++-:·-1-++++' Mary merits of Tunlac as a medicine is look for another job. 'upon the truism that a public uttlity Fler Black 2 25c WE �cmily Dougherty, C.i·olyn Eyed . Rober. H. the same as a HAVE USED, CALCIUM Our cus­ bel, Peas, pounds Cooper, who is one of the The income from the business was just private enterprise, ARSENATE. once Johnson and Sara Lc ie \I.hnson. oldest residents of that locality und insufficient (0 and teo must be able to sell its services ut a tomers us _ _ tell _ _ _ _ _ the Potted Ham, per can ______5c support it, same thing. NOW is the critical time, who recently made the following owners became tired of into price high enough to pny the expenses LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Inez Brown dcightft,tlly cater. digging the nexc few weeks will tell the Charmer ... 35c of n and the Coffee, per' can statement. their own pockets to give the clttzeus the business and leuvo little over tale, damage tained a fe'. couple. on I••t Thurs­ 411 a fol' i't must from the I don't believe I had to take of Greenville a street cal' rille-so profit-ot' 'quitl weevils is just beginning. A day evening with a moonligbt picn{p' good Rice, 7 pounds for $1.00 Mr. J. G. Mays was in Waynesboro Mr. Claude G_raybill, of Augusta thimbleful of medicine in all my six­ the obvious Lhing and, 105.,1 at Ogeechee. Those 'invited were was "the of Mr. Louis Winr Best head ty-six years until a yenr ago, when I OURLAST Mon.wy. guest Kathleen ltuth Par­ Rice,.6 pounds for $1.00 �I��:n�lid HIPMENTGF ARSENATE HAS • Misses NfnRO • • WcCol'oan, AR[ had a 8C illness was CmfVfNTIONS for the week-end, very -ious and "Greenville lost her street cur rish, Elma Wimberly, Eliole Lake, 68c ,y£- JUST ARRIVED AND UNTIL IT IS GONE Mr. Emit of Atlanta, ••• Magnolia laid in bed f'o r Edenfield, Butter, pound up fourteen weeks tem through luck of .intCl'Os� nnd 1I,)n· Burfield and children Mamie Lula Wu­ in the Mrs. Claude Lucy Blitch, Lane, with catnrrh of the and WE WILL FILL ALL .pent Sunday city, 24-tb throat stom­ support," says tho Greenville Rlll1- 8ARRfO FROM CAPITOL ORDERS, JUST AS RE­ •• • of are Dr. Ml'S ters, Julia Carmichael, Inez ImperialSelf-Rising Flour, bag $2.00 Americus, visiting and 'Brown, ach. I wasn't a able to eat thing ner, a local newspaps r. lifo; Wi/.S in a CEIVED AT IT Taylor is visiting T. M� Cecil Kennedy �hurl.y Don, The early f.ature of the session of 25c, ALTHO COST US THAT Mit'. Marguerite F. We to as as scarcely an got as weak as a kitten. sense the best that could huve • this Flour be good any thing the House, which trnnsucted ·its best in Macon. Brannen.. .' Burck. , absolutely guarantee Mays aldson, Pa�cY' '(vcritt, Charley I was so nervous to MUCH. DON'T DELAY. M!18 Racpel that I used shake happened to the town far now there day of clean-up busiuoss of the scs­ Mr. R. E. Addison and children, Herbed; halter, Arney Strickland, ever so ,.f;' you 'of it. like a leaf at the least little thing. is not a quarter of that docs in, was the introduction by Repre­ Mr W. R Wo�dc�ck and family Eugene and Jewel, are visiting in Walter Oscar used, regardless price. Try' th� city Kin&,ery, Brown, Lan!\, I the best advice I could and sentative Anderso, cf Jenkins of a to C. got not nPIH'eciate the need of street moto;ed S'avannah Monday" Charleston, S. and )1,... ld.�. resolution to prcvent nny future ust) . Mr. BurneY' Anritt, ...... took various medicines, but it was curs.' of of und Mrs. To. Lane. the hal! the Rouse Or Sendt. /I ACT has Dr. Rufus of to no NOW Miss Meta Kennedy returno'd Franklin, Swainsboro, all purpose and I neve,· thou�ht \Ve never miss the water till the chamber for Ibldiag) Republican from a visit at Fla. Sunuay with 101,; Mrs. THE I should well meetings. Lalleland, spent mother, DIN�ER FOR y'ISITOJt.S. NUMBER OF 'NEW CUSTOMERS BEG'IN­ pull through. goes dry," rejoin. the State Press . • • • The resolution. which was unani­ Fifteen Ja�on Franklin. I "Then Arthur Hens_ in his column in the Dallas pounds of Cotton per acre will the coat. my pay Mrs. Jake sOIl-in-Iaw, daily mously adopted by the House, and Mrs.. Eva Stapleton and • •. • On last Friday S. evening,Mrs. J. me to Tanlac. He's NING WITH'US OF Y IS TI- lee, got taking Morning News. "Millions of Ameri­ goes to the Sennte. whore Mr. Ander­ Don't give up now when the attacka Kill the . at ' . and . big Jani. FIRST' VE�Y .' Woodc,ock a I· place. Fine Str�u!e six _',. ,,.... ,� tiinn�r JU,�.. v. Tybee. gllve � (;�A. �on,day I o'G]c;>ck, . t '-\l- '" � ,\, to son is was spent, �i�se,� "Nita, at, , f always recommending it people be. cans ure and aoslll'ed it to have the same • • • and Tues- ,10"" today yowling scowling or sp�n� Monday her hom. in honor of nephew, treatmellt, is as follows: pest. Write us, telephone us come and see us. We W. was +-o� Br'lprlC,\ FYING- WILL cause it did so much for hi. wife. at their street cars and other Mr. J: WE " EFFORT "f0 MAKE publlo 'roJll " WiiIia,ms . . • $PARE"'NO�- . ,p,OI1Hl • - "Resolved the at C. C. and bride of • r· - by House of Repre· day Tybee. Mr. jlil "-, . Atlanta week·end. Deal,. Jun, J Well, it just seemed as though thut utilities, who wiii rue the day these lWill deliver lots of 100 pounds or more in suring ��e '. .••• sentative , ,the Senate ooncurl'ing, Statesbor� 1 30t,h, of I - ••• ,',' I " , ". ,G,!. medicine had been made F. have Fattersop" THEIR' . especially modern conveniences become thnt the Governor be to B. Thigpen CHA:NGE'A � 'ONE. junh:ed. requested free , of cost. ... PRofitABLE 1I1f. anq ¥ri;., a " ." " J. Strouse is sev- "Th� c�nterpi� ',' � direct .: 101"". l;I. spending ;'0... cro�heted for me. dose of it seemed to And a lot of them are headed for the the kcepel' of public buildings . ret'urned from. a visit at Indian Every and cu'rnation with ,whito"ro'" to match" '- = and not to eral duys a(' Sllv,m;ah Tybee. do me and before I had finished grounds permit political " Ii and good jUllk pile." .• '�# Sprinb'" • Forsyth. '/ ....' 'Tlios� , , \. tgnherings by uny party, of any kind. • • • prese'lt .J.l� the thi"d bottle i't had me into "A on -I • cannot subsist .Mias Lena Whiie has after 1 ;. we�,;,,,,r;Jl\d pu� public utility held in eithet chamber without the returned. of 'JiI�: ,tq Everett, Colulllb,1'1\ Deal, such that I wa back at a of consent of all the membel's· of the • in Mr,. R'p'?ert_ A"!ellcus! '4h\?'.'Q,�I;Kt·l good shupe steady diet. kicks. and complaints vi.i� wit� her uhcl� F!?rida. M'ith D. and Mn. committee on speRt parents, B: ,york all' the farm and able to do a more than a call." public properties of thQ"week,end. �i. . Mr; �n� any private utility '. both of said Houses." Mrs; Everetv. and .• _ -"Mr. :Mrs:· B. h'av� lind Bedford fam)ly. days' ...ork with I now eat "The Greenville street cars could an� . ,/ ,.... f. anybody. / s;.�gen� • ;.tr..J! r,o, ',-! " Y' .;.. • This action an a Co. .,1.. of •• j,. . is outll'rowth "turned {rom vIsit in Atlanta. . D�al. Strou""'l I' as as nerves l' , ;' hearty you please, my not run· on: forever on hope, or by recent in the hall of the , , Mi..... and Lucile De· gathering McDougald-Outland !Isabel H�IJ. ' RADCLIFF. ••• •• , MISS '.... ' "","!,;, GEORGIA 't ',FoR' 3re and I feel more House of a mixture of white and CLITO, A. L .oeLOllch wero steady .trong and. virtue of momentum or force of habIt. '''Mr. of Macon, the ... Harry Oone, i�' �9�cfanil a black republicans which was domi­ !'Irs. Annie Th'lmp- like boy sixteen than a man of six­ And when the owners got tired of los- a�d,qi!ri�:�'� ' hi Selma week·end v1sito,," ,in. Savannah. ' nated Lincoln the of M,rs. Cone. .. , by Henry Johnson. Iu�st •• m�t�e�, r • 80n .. mimoer ·of· friend I the , consider Tanlac " . and no • • ..' enter1ained ty·six. gr�at­ ing money receiving thanks who is now hen.d 1<. " eo.. � ·;!hta_�torts���ro(�fY negro lawyer, of the I' .. with a e.t on I Mr. 'and C., R�mipgton,. 9f roo'l< party .vening· T·PHONE 420 mediaine earth and don't hesi­ .tood from under. It has been and its national • :b.¥r. a,!d,. M�� ,];l" -\'. BraA')e�" ',.; .Mrs. Ii.: they party iT!' Georgiu. .hrneil Tue.llllY frojn'a trip to Tybee! Ce'dartownl'are �he guest.. of Mr: and in honpr "of their guest, .Mi .. Mary tate to recommend it to e�erybody." m�m�Y'�h_��litie� wmmU�ema� ��nm., U will � . of ". carned 1nt6 the of -= _ I at 'their Ellen Radeliff of Ga. Tanlae Is sold in Statesboro W. It- recalled. House I:ovainsborl', Gould, V"leria and Varo Rou.e, Edith I , '" • ••• • r fennedy. ' Ellen "Rad­ .� ' • • • Aaron and .. Rob· and :Marie Howard, Mary , Mrs. F�chter, s9r , of Mr. and D. cliff Annie and Carrie' Lee Thomp- , L Mrs. I.,. 'Wise, PI,ain,s, bie, of Charl.ston, S. C" arc the Mr. R. M. WH- I lire yisiting l1Jnd \Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Baum· son: Messrs. Dock Boyd, Lester . guests Monts. .on, D. L. Linwood Talton, II Patrick, .'11·_------, rinti. • =- ••• • • • • and David Kennedy.. Wulter of Snr- Mrs. J. Oendricits, Mr and Mrs. E. M. and chil· ... . Dyal dis, is visiting her Dr. M. M. father, dren 'are spending a few dnys with FOR TENTH BIRTHDAY. . Livel,.. frienus and relatives at Hazlehur.t • • • Albert Deal entertained on Mrs: ,. and Vidalia. Mrs. H. Clark and little daughter, Thursday afternoon for ),ittle Mis. • ••• /1' �uise, have l'eturned from n viSIt in Ruby Anne, in honor of her tenth . Misses Janie Lou Brannen nnd Nita Savann.,h. n:umerous Woodcock returned Sunday from a bh'thday. Ajl"te;r tame., nn ice course was served. The guests Carrie of Swains· visit' to Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Franklin, :. Mi�s ·Williams, An· nt Swainsbol'o. were Cail, MarY,D.ean Buick motor car il bora spent SundllY with Miss Nitll Ma.fgaret Valve-In-Head " lil,terna- - • •• ,. Annie Mae ana I derson, .. Woodcock.,' \Vinnie Jones, al the firlt \car ." Mr. alld Mrs. Oolumbus Deal have Menza Lila Preetorius, THE. tio�lIy,recognized ch�i�� . .. . Cumming, Miss Eva of returned to their home at Pattersoll Louise Sara Pearl It haa thil unusual NEVE:R Mary Alderman, Denmark, Smith, ,ained dis�inction t�r,?ugh BEFORE Bulloch for Brooklet, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. after visiting relatives in Olliff, Scarboro,. �ertice of lervice. ,Kathleen tWe�ty yearl dependable ; Eva Stapleton. some time. Bowen Evelyn Green Henrietta • • • In of ... the' Arm'�;'ong, Lcile FutreiJe, Frances history Statesboro have 'you been able to Shoes and ,Mr. and Mrs. Nattie Allen haVe Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Radcliff and car buy and Jean'1ette Nichols, ,.Mal'l\,aret M�tor pur�!l��,.r� ��ve Mi's of , fl'om u visit in Suvunl1uh daughter, Mary Ellen, Augus. w���h�d'lth'e,'�1q�- returned Mae and Hazel Deal, &nce of of J. Kennedy Lucy the. lin Wear at such low cut as will firid at and ta, lire visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. i/lf,ars ,d�uly Ready-to- prieces you Tybee. Kenan, Evelyn Shuptrine, thousflflds ����k .. . Thompson this week. Vdrginia' operatibn and tliey �ave their wonder- Frances Bn:!­ Frank and Mrs. .. . and Katherine Brett, :witr;t�� Mrs. Vinson Grhr_· and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. DeLoach, of rielle Deal Elizabeth Barne�, Mary .' "ard of Savannah, are guests of Mrs. ,�.,.�ff�ci�?cy, a�� �nc!,'f.a�cle; B�ick s�eed ' Metter ano Miss 'Jal1lJtt > have to satufactlon F. H. Balfour. Maybel DeLoach, Mathews, Thackston, W.nllie �er p,roven their tl)at Oliver's Great Alteration Sale of P01�tnl, were guest, of Mr. nnd Myrtle Ander.on, lIa Mae Strickland, ;..!'there ...·no. iubatitute'.''for the Buick V�lve.r-In­ Mr. Tom Kennedy has returned to Mrs. J. J. Zetterower du ring the past Bonnie Louise Page 'lDd Ruby Anne THESE BARGAINS CAN'T BE BEAT! Look them over and come and see those we a his are BJick after sister. " 'B�unswick visit to . . cmmandi�g th� eek. Deal. �.��\,'a�4!h"� bJJy'�!,1 have no room to Mi.s Meta KeilD�dy. r ••• for their local deale�'s quote. , '�d. . .. . " .' MISSION STUDY cUss. 8a��tly""wait,ing I ' . t�' c1eliver. Mr. and Mrs. A. Futch and Uil&'lUtf' .' . E. !ittle r• I� I MEN'S SHIRTS' ) LADIES' DR'ESSES One lot orMen's now l_��J���k,�d:�onth thill�t I,' Shirts, $2.50 value, gomg" One lot of Satin and Taffeta Dresses, $27.50 and at /' �r. �------$1.69 at Inc.r!a�:-tho., who:d_elayin�I4l��g th,'i�r.�:.. $45.00 values, going $14.89 ...... y mUst _peet a' lonler ,.elay Ill, ownerl IIp. , o����eri'.'���I,i�: ' MEN'S SUITS' I , COAT SUITS One lot of Palm Beach and Cool Cloth Suits Prica I go' One • ". F&nt. Mic:lli_ lot of Coat Suits will be closed out at $11.89 l .' ': ... ..: �-K-M _ it•.• 1 it,,"' - .w)I.. "'� "-'II ing at $6.89 - China. _ � _ ....10 _ � Jt.47. _. Mool.1 It... 'I All Mohair and.Wool Suits reduced from 30 to BATHING SUITS r� ii"'� A.nt I. '.20 ' 40 Low on Suits for Mattie per cent. prices Bathing Ladies and Gents BOY SCOUT SUITS LADIES PUMPS One lot of Boy Scout Suits now $5.39 One lot of Pumps from to , $4.00 $10.00 go- Finck value, $3.50 Overalls now $2.64 ing now at $2.89 Johnston. MEN'S OXFORDS. One lot of White Kid Theo ·Ties, $16.0Q values, 7. How Mary Lambert was as great One lot of Stetson Oxfords going at ..:. $4.98 going at ----- liS her husband.-Mrs, E C Oliver. $12.48 All and OXfords now 8 Why was the church at i10me dis· $13.50 $15.00 $B.89 All $13. and now _.:..: I • $15.00 Pumps $9.87 over the work in China 7- V. e can supply you with the nu[.o sllL1plies you need froLl coufnged Pasch,,!, y ... ur tail bmp �o your :'aui: tor ('nn, \re uro thoro I";h!y �lrs. 8··quaintcd "! :.IQur cal' Wm1ts., :d with the ?c:cc�.;Cl'Y 9. Why were the Olinese difficult I'nv,'kct. YJe'l} �erv{' Y(JU ith'coul'.csv: .. 1) f{'inie�s. The Store J. , to teacb?-Mrs. Z. Kendric-k. " The Ho",e (846) .. t!I 10. Chinese religions.-Mrs. W. L. !!I Jones. Hart-Shaffner Quality E. C'. OLIVER'S & J1arx Clothes PICNiC" bett.r automobile. are Buick will Thc"'e will be n picnic- on t!le publiC' When built, build them rOAd at a point bdweell l�. Vt.T. Dc­ lrnrh's and W. \V, DeLoach's on II II 17t.h. Sc.t.m:db.y nftcl':1oon, .JlJJ. Th� \. public is cOl'dinllv il:vitcd. ALiTO COMPANY Bl,OOKS DeLOACH. AVERITT PAUL RICHARDSON. Ga. (8julltp) Committee. Statasboro. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 11120_ BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY JULY, 8, 1920 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS PAGE ELEV�N

.. . SALE OF ++++++++.,,++++++++++++·Jo+++++ ..· ....H 1-+ 1'1, 1 U_t,( _ Highland Superstitions. SHINGLES. RECORD OF THE PAST . [01: Hk

. Old yuu know t hn t If you lived In Seven thousand drawn cypress . CHOICE PECAN TREES [JuI'+++++++'I·++++-I·+++++++++++.+_+.r-_'I'_U_I�! gr-ounnrt 1111 snll cetfru-s In the house shingles, left over from recovering No Stronger Evidence Can be Had in GERMANS QUIT CHURCH church at will be sold at Statesboro. NOW IS THE TIME TO PROTECT YOUR- 111lSi he rut! on New Year's dn y. else Eureka. pub- FREIGHT OR EXPRESS CHARGES. RAILROAD lie the WH; NOT SAVE outcry highest bidder at the • Ihp household will surror wunt during ,to YOUR Look well to their record. Whnt ! '. ON .. church on FARE TEAM InRE AND AGENTS' COMMISSIONS I at SI�CE tile Thursday, July 15, 9 I in FROM FLY AND ClOSE UF WAR YC':lI"l they have done munv times vears THE MOSQUITO. u, m Shingles can now ·be seen at BUY PECAN WITH ALL THE ABOVE- MONEY! : PURCiIAES? TREES, MONEY! MONEY! 'I'hn t Is not Ihe cnl y gone by is the best guaruntee of fu­ superstition WITHDRAW IN ORDER TO the church. + AND AS THE BEST. F'ROM ======DODGE to S('01h1l1(1. The Is NAMED COSTS OMITTED, AS GOOD ture results. Anyone with a- had \)('('1111111' counirv 1" LOANS MADE FOR ONE TEN . [0 J. C. QUATTLEBAUM, NOW TO YEARS. PAY BACK TAX IMPO�ED 'BY NATIONAL filii t hom. 1"01' l i' A HOM'" INSTITUTION. PLACE YOUR ORDERS BEFORE back; any render, suffering from uri­ of Instance, the ltgh­ B. F. '" PORTER. FIVE TO TEN na trou from nlll'�f'S If u n + PER CENT OF PRINCIPAL EACH YEAR. rv bles, kidney ills. should t" GOVERNMENT. Innd believe tltut tnrnnr's ISAAC OUR STOCK IS REDUCED. + vVe a line : LINDSEY. + find comforting words in the follow­ carry complete of fCC'lIlI'(, pili III snow he will never nave + This makes the loan much easier to when the ing statement: Berlin, JUly 3.-So great is the Ills life, A r payoff colds durtnu rugulu prnc­ BULLOCH NURSERIES Dan 7 Col­ otr }>ECAN time comes borrow­ R. Rigdon. mechanic, Screen Doors and fulling in church membershlp thllt n used 10 ����:��n public for making the last :t: tree mong thc furmers be the "O�:rnm�::��en payment. Many Windows, Hinges, Fly:� E. lege St.. says: "When­ Statesboro D. M,. BOHLER, Proprietor Statesboro, , the Berlin of the German Lu· of and A. Brannen's On ers have to renew at this time. + Synod plnrln� huneysuckje brunches 111 JIMPS GA. PHONE 2724 GEORGIA ever I feel that I need a kidney rem­ Swatters and TI'aps and Screen W·Ire. . Saturday morning. No.6 white can. + I theran chur h has voted to take drns- f.:II' ORe we snouid sa <'W') will In­ tholr vow hOI1�l!R on May 2 10 keep edy, I always take Doan's Kidney today: vass II (6may1yr) + � te bnbv slipper. Finder return ..• AVOID RENEWING YOUR LOAN BY BORROWING tic tlwlr cnule from wlt ehed. "iI'.++"'+++""++-11 Pills. THey never have jjailed to measures against persons whu dr,;i "'0 more t lcph E:!£' h� this iUWI\j" being to this office. Ltc .. +++ , + (Ljuf ) ++oJo-l--i'TT++++++++++oj·+-I·++.++-I· remove thnt trou­ A hut! �IOI'm Is prophesied when n IN THE ABOVE MANNER. the aches and pains : withdraw. Reports road kt U recent In mediately y 11 W(lU1] he alarmed :'n � in: bled me through my back. At times \C;' r-ut frolics IIbl.1UI n ruum. 1r Ihe cnt 1-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :j: , meeting of the synod showed thut .. 'H+++++++-I-+++-l'+-I--I'++++'l-+'I-i'+'�-I--l'� when I have do a COME IN AND LET US FIX . n. n � because the Ie j,: about my work. "to YOU UP c:lhoP2 COI\ir.hl:�· r.::!Jr;c:: wushos lt s fnf'C wlth Its (lHWS uerore .1- WE ALSO MAKE STRAIGHT 5·YEAR LOANS; AND ,� while great deal of stooping and Iiftir.g, in 1915 there were only 25 de­ er, to srpr1y teieph nes to lit the n !!ci:; cf 1:13 tile fil"(�, the cOllllng d:JY will be raluy. + LOANS FOR THREE TO FIVE YEARS which is very hard to do with n lame ======' fections the number last yeur reach- citi., 10 STATEMENT OF CONDITION hip. back. A short .use o.r Donn's always with the privilege of paying off the loan at any time after bucke and makes me But-it takes me ey to fu,':lh h Ll>e llur o, Romance Beloved by All. strengthens my Just received a new lot of FISHING POLES: t three years. feel fit in �::t:(i;��;, m'�:t every • :;'�r,e�O���s:";o:ne;, the the lr l') i.:�tal':t ltnmunce 1{IIlS the vilinin In the nrth '1' way." [0 eq lip"lent, bnv, �C')!I!-.c::. {fha above stutement was und the mujority members of the So t Wo make terms convenient and suitable to the borrower. given I ======net unrl' he beirouun HS must eontlm to L: c : prnduces the + So.riobouy ':j bU�l:�!�" Ll:��(.:r May 23, 1914, lind on Murch 'I. 1918, cial-Democruttc pu ('\1"1:1111 rfrlls, By It Homer his '1' Bank .,,1 rty. got First National We are in abstracts and the if the i.: t,) -nv \,!.!: E., prompt making getting money Mr. said: "Whenever I on telephone I'XCh:lll:.::; �: '1' Rigdon get The synod rcsolve.j thut all those dolly Ill'l'lIt1 III the Greek cllies. nnd .-" or If Hardware is what wan't we .. attack of trouble back­ have it. tcwn. And that "SC':lC JOLy"- t;t' 11".·..c. :0:'·­ '1- for you. kidney you , +1 It t hr- tuovfe In.uses enrn thulr GEORGIA . I for 1 withdrcwing should b·) excluded from by nror­ STATESBORO, ache. take Dean's Kidnov Pills, wit! no Ior 11 business ij'at cannot -I- We three loan that have mono £lIp[l�r money represent companies ready I 'tho e of Its. 1':;II('h of liS hns been i-lolLilcl' -I- At the Close of business 1920. know they will bring relief'. They privileg the church, their oividenljs. May 4th, for those who wish to borrow. Low rates of interest. arc a I J':!y . "nil ey fine medicine. and lover, explorer nlld tho IhOIlSnJld -I- certainly children to bo denied baptism a nd to .. can recommend them just us h1ghly i T :1t is we eontiroll(, to say that tele· lhlngs Ihllt chlldl' n nl"o." POI' the -t· Condensed from Report to Comptroller' of the Currency. SEE uS BEFORE MAKING OR RENEWING receive confil'lnatioll instructiOl.S ,'!hy . 1 only us before." i snmo rcn!';oll thnt rQmflncc F. H· BALFOUR HARDWARE COMPANY c rat s .. ,.: 1..V .... l\ cOlfllllnnds + l��tO nlUS' he il{..e:1U: p.,y hh.,l,d.] ANOTHER LOAN. 60c at nil dealers. Foster-Milburn certain conditions, To make these . '1- lhe gTClIlt!St nutJlences, Liililc nO\'uls . 0: nd int :�es () hp t:.oJuL.i" � � .... : .. c Mfrs ltJap,llty's Co., .. Butralo. N. Y. (N04) measures etractive the synOd voted to nlld hest spllcl's pour Ollt from the 16 East Maln Street PI10ne N 57 slock :I! d b:m:i'·. Brc: lise, ;,. \,., � ..•l .. ot I) lY I LIABILITIES p. 'ntroduce c'H'ds to show that tht hold No mun cnn :j: RESOURCES Ion prc!-i�ps. elbow ClIlrl;. FOR FIRE INSURANCE r we cann, !l.C , them, t �-ct .:G(�ition:11 Ky-:md + Ol'g ore bonurlde church mcmbots. Hussoll Inl0 obll\'loo except 80mo mort! I when we cprnot t \·(·C (.:a:t� � cOl1Ltnue see Preetorius & Watson or T. C. +++++++++++++++·1--:·+++++++"'+++++++++·1,,10 ....1· .. �- rn(Jr�(:� _" REMER PROCTOR W, GI NEVILLE "I fl'om church taxation is said • \'Tller of SCIl tnles, Anll Loans stock \ I Esc:1pe ' thrlllll1g Capital $100,000.00 uddin;,. tei::;:,L :j: $697,951.50, Purvis. If you are wBntin£ to build every ngc 1II118t have Its Shcrlo('i{ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. a be the prinC'ipul - house in Statesboro on monthly Read the attractive prices in Real estate 31,500.00 Surplus and Undi- Women buy 90 pel' cent of l'eason. fe�' .the . thelto -·r Service.'· lJolmes, Irol' the humnn mind must see U8 8S we . . Withdrawals. Gormun Citizen (lOjun4mo.) payments, also, repre­ weeks advertisement of ,Thnckston's '. Every , ',,' commoditIes used 111 the -I."':'+ __ 11111 on sent spenll ny 1I10nl h, the so\'en sens F\lrniture and fix- vided the Statesboro Loan & Trust on the buck of is assumed to be u membeL' of t'\O profits 137,133.87 C�sh �l'?cery p�ge Am�Tlcun I IInil rnure in -I. Company. (15Jan1yc) th,s edlt,on. home. Statesboro nHlIl�r illtLlllUtC I'dutlous (lJulltc) state chul'ch and is tuxod for its Telephone Co., -I- tures _ National bank notes thisl up with. j'otlulld Yurd, 13,000:00 STATESBORO, GEORGIA ,. ,keep. Formerly tllel'c were few with· Stock in Federal __ Here'. How to Do It. :� outstanding 47,900.00 dmwlli. owing to the difficulties plnc. + n Whet, corl, _ slides down Inside a Reserve Bank, Deposits 679,111'48 ed in the way of thoso wishing tli do bottle II It very dllHcult to get It out :j: so and hlso to th� social discredit that unless one hns tbe Atlanta 3,000.00 necessary tools, I nccompnllied the nct. But under the RnLl they ure not I always available. U. ----­ S. ,Bonds I new law all Il hilS to do is to A 104,800.00 person good Wfly to extrnct It Is to grense t Cash on like I appenr before the designated official the neck or the bottle with vRscllne, + hand, in and state his desire to his then holr) the bottle under cold 'mter. other . give up :j: banks church Wbcn U,e bottle Is as cold as oranKes? rnemberol!ip. Thereafter he pOSsiBle. + the cork n and is from the of I spear with hntpln, or �.en with U. S.· exempt payme:>t all shuke It until It blocks the neck ot Treasurer church toxea. the boW. "n" sets stmlght wltb th. i23,991.15 neck. Then beut the bottl. ,. gra

------drink. Total ulr will force the Total_ $964,145.35 $964,145.35 RANGE-CRUS pondlng generally I . Want Ads' cork out with. t � _: WDTEUWELONS 811ght pop. 10+++-1·+++++++++++++++++++++++++'1 II '10+010+ 10++++++++ I' 1 M'+++++++++_� ONE CENT A WOI\D PER ISSUE j' Clo.e to Perpetual Motion...... •• " AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN .the local of a number The ncarest [0 Being representaii\re approach perpetual TWENTY·FIVE CENTS A WEEK of northern buyers motion was a cJock constructed In 1774 by James CO](. a Jeweler at Sboe lane, London. This clock kept the FOR SALE-Good £entl� horse: 11110 I AM IN THE MARKET FOR adentillc world guesSing tor years. bU£l!:y and h",ne88. C. P. OLLIFF. The energy thnt mnde It rUD was de­ Statesboro, Ga. (24junStp) WATERMELONS AT HIGHEST rived trom the cbonges 10 atmospberlc I FIGHT the Weevil! Plenty of Calcium pressure-a barometer was the lole I Arsenate· 25 cents per pound, at motive 'er. MARKET PRICES po Ferguson, the Bclen. McDOUGALD. OUTLAND & CO.• tist,· 80W this clock; "old It unques· Clito. Ga. (8juIStc) would run until Will pay you for your melons on board the Uonubly Its parts ROOMS FOR RENT-Have four oice wore out. Tbe lost hellrd ot It, It connectin£ rooms to rent at 21 cars, and guarantee prices to be the highest. bad beon sent as n gltt to the Chinese Jones avenue. emperor, Itrom wbom It IOh\l' wns 11juI4tp\. __ the maket:will afford. .tolen. FOR SALE-I-bushel crate8. 8uitabl.. shipping containers fot variou. truck S.A!M Let me know what you have for shipment STORE'S TO CLOSE FOR products. WILSON, Brooklet, Ga, (ljuI4tp) and give me a chance to make you an offer. HOLIDAY ON JULY FIF�'I FOR SALE-Small farm, one mile· from 'city liMits;· fine 'for poultry In observance of thQ fourth of Or trucking; Ifood neighbors. Ad•. the 'undersigned merchants will dress. "F. B., Stateshoro, Ga.. Rt .. IJUly,keep their olaces of business �Iosed C Box No.3. ( on Monday. July 5th: FOR SALE-Four' full-blooded Po­ B. Collins & V. Co. Innd China piES, two month8 oJ.d. J. O. Martin Price reasonabie. See o. write E. C. Ollver GEO. M. MILLER. Rt. B States­ M. E. G'rime. boro, Ga. (ljuJ2tp) F. H. Balfour Hdw. Co. National Drv Goods Co. FIGHT the Weevil! Plenty of Calcium C. Ar8enate 25 cen!s at 8. W. Smith pel' pound, H. OUTLAND & CO PATTERSON Smith Supply Co. McDOUGALD. .• Phone No. 369-L Simmons & Brown Clito. Ga. . (8juI3tc). J. A. Wilson & Co. WANTED-To buy small second· SI]'ATESBORO, GEORGIA D. C. Friedman hand electric motor thut can tie ut­ J. E. Bowen tached to home lighting plant. Ad. C. M. Cail & Co. :,...-" dres8 D. J. FLANDERS, Stillmore, , H. once. W. �Idred Ga.. at (24].unltu). D. R. Dekle ATTENTION, 'LADIES-Hemstitch. Barnes Bros. ing neatly and promptly done by .'111111111111+++++++++++++++++++11111111 Talton &. Griffin MRS. J. B. SARGENT. 24 Soutil DAY PHONE Simmonc::. NIGHT PHONE Brooks Company Main street. Statesboro, Ga. =1= Blitch Parrish 227 1911 Company (24ju"4t) John W:lcox :t: FOR Statesboro B. & W. Co. SALE-Delco U£hting 8Y8tem. for short us STATESBORO BUGGY & WAGON CO. Williams.Brown Co. used time only; £ood Raines H01::dware Co. as new; will sell for price way be· low cash. FIRST Trapnell-Mikell .Co. NATIONAL Statesboro, Ga. Max Baumrind BANK. . (l�jun3tc) I FOR W. O. Shupt"ine SALE,P'Irto Rican potato· Funeral Directors and Ora SeD.l'bono plants foY local market: Will be· Embalmer. A. O. Bland ready about May 1st. can Tel.. · Everett & Cone , 42. State8boro, Ga. phone . answered or Clllls day night. C. B, Cuil '(22aprtfc)

I - .J. B. Bllrns a LOST Cdn between my EXPERIENCED MAN KEEP.KOOL Suit a Thursduy. can " PROMPTNESS. AND The Brflnnen Campar-' fellow feel 'C home alld Statesboro, tire rack with IN Glenn Blar.d. r.HARGE EFFICIENCY 'A S A in Ward's tire, license tag and rear light from -advertisement. IN DRIN� itself, O'rim�e� ,c011r_fortable car. deligbtfu:Uv, the'length .c:l. Ford Will pay 8uitable re­ Crush is ward for return. W. ,C. HAGIN, irresistibly- deliclous-� Notice To Debtors and 'b�eadth of a , Route D. Statesboro. and Creditors. 'hot 'SUlnmer day. _ (8.iulltp) 'ideal 'thirst-quencper. from automobile A·II persons having demands a£ainst LOST-Cap gaso. line between Corinth church the estate of J. L. Coleman. late of tank, Light in in But tHat is all: Did you and my Monday after. Bulloch county. deceased, are weight-tai1o��d the', best of 'b'Q1: ever-try resi�ence. hereby 'retum notified to render in bheir de!!lands'to a'n noorr:-"Filrder--plelite to Are You fas-hion-con'ect m ice-crea� HORACE HAGIN, Rt, 6. States­ �Looking. the undersi£lled accordin£ to law; -.5tyle' allld 6t:"'de- Orange'�'�rus'h so�a� and all a treat boro, Ga. 1 (ljulltc) persons indebted to said es­ - -i 'is of - Here, �·deed, surpassing. a ' FOUND-At Sand one Fdr 6eautiful tate are required to mnke immediate .signed by.spec.i�list,s whp .}have �pent a HiII·Ford. I(old payment. - ,delighrtulhess! signet ring with initiuls. Will be This 7th day of June. 1920. I ·lifetiin� em: 'the' g(jt ..Weather returned to own upoh proper iden­ Vacant Lot? H. L. HODGES, siliay'lbf. I (Simply of in a glass afud tification and payment of this ad. J. H. �ut:a pbrrld? i�.Ct' Call or see Mra. C. B. MATHEWS. Clothes. . WILLIAMS. a bottle oflgolden. sparklmg Orange.cDruah I � I Admrs. of J. L. Coleman L. , pour (24juntfc) an ice-cream. THEN LET IJs SHOW YOU ONE OF THE SEVENTEEN (17jun6t) overit...l..or ask for Or'lmge.Crwh FOR SALE__.!.Om! .eventy (70)' saw All the Van. Winkle Cotton in I 'stan:dallB, .light-weight materials including at Gil) good IN SUB-DIVISION SA. BLACKSMITH N0TICE. so� �y. soda-f9

PAGE TWELVE :ii'" f'''i-( Tllvlt:$ AI"IJ STATr:SBORO NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920. ( -- � A Big AND STATESBORO NE�S ...... TIm.... JaJ" Iua , ltae.boro Co_.Md W .._, a-.. lin. N._ E.e'b 1100. } STATESBORO, GA;, THURSDAY, JULY 15,1920.

YOUNG SOLDIER MEETS SHERIFF D'LO.ACH'S BORTHER DEATH IN STRANGE WAY DEMOCRATS READY DEAD AFTER LONG COX MAKES SHARP JULY CITY 'COURT HAS ILLNESII SHERIFF AGAIN DEFEATS Ed DeLoach.' aged 19 years. son John 50 Event 01 E. W. of the Dulfonch, aged years. a DeLoach, Bay dis­ Fof'fHOf FIGHT brothel' of Shedir W. H. DeLoach, Money-Saving trict, met death in nn unusual way REPLY TO HARDI�G A VERY -,--- BUSY SESSION died Sunday at hi. home in Liberty PLAN TO BREAK JAIL "WE, HAVE THE RECORD TO at Parris Island. S. C., on Mondny DECLARES REPUBLICAN CANOl· conuty after an illness with FIGHT WITH." SAYS GOVER· last. TWENTY.ODD CASES DISPOSED paralYBis SIX INMATES IN A PLOT at======DATE . WHICH AND HIS BACKERS ARE OF DURING THREE·DAY GRIND extending over a period of several NOR COX. While engaged in putting a tire on LACKED LITTLE OF COMING OUT OF TOUCH WITH VOTERS. OF MILL OF months. Interment wao at Dorchee­ a truck in which he was using an JUSTICE. ter Monday afte_rnoon. TO SUCCESSFUL ENDING. Columbus, 0., July 12.-With a electric' machine, the tire burnt and Columbus, 0., Mr. DeLoach wss a native of _a July l4.-Charging A three anys' grind of the mill of Bul· d-e-l-ighted that had .. familiar Theo- ,ragment struck him in, the fore- that Senator the in the wh loch county, but had lived in By '8nother streak of good luck, If dore Roosevelt Franklin D. head. Death was instantaneous. Harding, Republican justice city COU1't. ch closed 'Liberty sound, Presidential for it nominee," had made his last in the past twenty yeurs or more. muy be so called instead of vletl­ Roosevelt greeted hi. mate, The young man had served in the evening. resulted twenty-odd running "front a He i. porch listening post," GOT- of or ac­ survived by his wife and anum. ance, Sheriff DeLoach thwarted an­ James M. Cox at the station here this navy during the war and re-enlisted convictions, pleas gu Ity ernor the bel' of other Cox. Democratic nominee, sen, children" b••ides the attempt to break jail Sunday afternoon. and was stationed at Parris c:juittals, fpllowetl by var)'1ing largo recently . todny issued n statement to tences. family connection in in whlca six or seven inmates of the M. Aiter an Island. was replying Bulloch. C. The CAlL exchange of congratula- body brought home CU· s'enator were statement jail und which CO.'S for Harding's yester- wife engaged would tions the two nominess drove direct- burial Tuesday. �rince Vinson, boating; $160 that • have made day the Wilson admiudstratlon Or months on the possible the escape of • 'ly to the executive munsion for the, etght gang. had saddled the of nations dozen or more a league Tom Brinson. dr ving mule with- prisoners. first important political conference only in general way with Mr. Roose- BLAME U ..S. FOR him as the chief upon campaign, issue. out owner's consest ; or Through information acrawled on of the Democratic campaign; Judge velt, but that features of his speech ,100 eight " Governor Cox's 'statement said-his months. a match box by one of tho prlsonen ( T. 1.'. Aljsberry, Washington, who accepting the nomination may be con- campaign would be dedicated to the Martin abandonment of and delivered to him by a colored nominated Mr. Roosevelt, attended sidered. . Williams. FAILURE TO task of ENTER woman who was "bririging peace with honor, not helping in the the meeting. Dur,ing hi. here Go,'. Cox children; guilty. jail, stay of the the sheriI\' led to - readjusting affairs of ctviliza- Lewis Bennett, disturbing; d vine EUROPE LOOKS UPON AMERICA was make an inv_ Mr. Roosevelt declined to make any has stated that he expects to decide tion and ot a of the creating new day out worship; $60 or five months. AS tigatlon cells Sunday and die. stntement other than he was the moat whether notification ceremonies "llaU HAVING ERECTED A SELF. of which we will make the best of the Robert Swin.o:." \1iolating covered that hack saws had beea used s,(rprisod IRan in the eountry when be held at the capitol or at his home pl·ohi_. ISH BARRIER. lessons of the to remeve the heada from some past." bition law; not gu Ity. boltl, he received the nomination. He will Dear Dayton. Keen rivalry exists I e· The governor declared the. things Will Robinson de-' an" that a largo patch' was about to leave or hi. heme in New York to- tween tho twa cities for the ev snt, (three cases). Senator Coblenz, July lO.-Nobody loves be removed which iHarding believe. vital and facing public property, $26 or throe would have made night. He has made hi. first "amp dgn 'an Amerlon. pertinent "from his isolated perspee- it possible for every prisoner in th. record will viudi, he calls to n months; obstrucfing' leial prOC8SS. This "Democ�acy's be pledge, as it. lI'1'OI.'of tive will com",,' very near belne Eu. to 'not. in all probability, be so nine months; larcsny Irom the eacape. The patch cOTered a cated at bhe polls in Nov';lnber," Gov- neighboring farmers, It is that a house. rope's veraion 01 the old wheeze that regarded by me." nine months, place which had been cut some yea" ernor Cox predicted here today in regular "dirt" farmer will be secre- nobody loves a lat man Fact hi The ago whe .. all wa. governor's statement. �iven to Bob Sanford. gnming ; $50 or s x escape accomplish­ our replying to a welcome given him by tory of agriculture if he is elected. Europe thipk. Uncle Satd is the the newspuper at month.. fat ed. The priaor era had Stock correspondents the , procured th. to man the citizens of the In answer to attacks of the Throwing Public at state capital. being made world. When We Entire came sawa in some manner open .. morning's conference, follows: Louise Childers. larceny aftor and it .Is Id Addressing a large gathering trom on him by printing war editorials )' into the war and eontlnulng until "I recognize the eag"rnels of tlie trust; not they had been at work upon the plan tho tate house Governor Oox from his papers which ene- guilty. some months the ., steps, political of �fter armistice, ev- for two 01' . gentlemen the press '.vho are as- Jack Jones. from the throe. days. Tho infor­ declared the "Democrats are mies declare had larceny per- loved an ttlat pacifist tendencies, erybody. American. But mation was signed here to develop news copy son; not furnished to tho .herUr for a hot both Governor Cox said guilty. now ready figh]," in Ohio he is willing to Europe has fresh troubles of a daily. I have no disposition to dis- Duke Newtoa, with- by n�gro who had been placed In and the his stand on his record as a war cal'rying pistol her own. and chief nation, indicating eager. gover- that the of these are the to' be " courage enterprise, [rut at the out I cense; $150 or six months. jail Saturday 4leld fo� ness to stage a vigorous campaign. nor of Ohio. The nominee said that three: very outset it well that we huve Son with- Screven county officers. He old he "A hot is what the he did not write the js Williams, carrying pistol The fight just Dem- quoted editorials, First. coal shortage.' dlscevered the thi. understanding of a VC1'y oub license; not guilty. plan shortly after be­ ocrats .are for. We have but added he did not mean to shirk fundu- Second. ,The looking got mental of the depreciation in the inr in but retrained plruse present situu Baptist publ c prop- placed [all, from Discount a . Rich, defacing 2500 record to of a of he fight with." .said, after responsibility publisher, tion. value. lIIuropean money. it known erty; $25 or three months. making to the sheriff earlier praising the record ot the adminis- Governor Cox spent yesterday af- Third. The refusal of the United "Senator Harding hus made two Buddie Groon because of threats of the Qtwo clllles) , dis·" tmtion. ",The political is ternoon and evening at hi. farm near States to enter tire of Na. platform definite announcements: that League to drown him in· the toilet seat if he a pur- turbing divine worship, $25 or three note and must be with T. T. Ani· hel tions. \ . promissory paid Jacksonburg Judge to hark on them, He poses to the days of thirty months; carrying p 8tol Without a "squealed" tlnally got -every cent of it--vernment will be by CAUTION. something of their own. �dopted Miea Selma Collins has returned The .heriff stated that lie had a war· the people of the nation 1U the elec. from a weeks to Plilaski. rant for Dr. but could not 10' "A fellor wa. at my place yester. tlon of Mr. Roo.evel_ and myself. Dedie. Mr G P Gree. visited cate hi.... rem�rked Zeke •• Regi.ter . day;" Yawkey, "try. This and that it be but an .. Store will. .expre ��rnoon. Judge Medder. was a of ing to get me to a water the 10.month-old SOB of Wi'll be ••• Mond�y justice put SystCill Jesse. Mr. 1Iio. of the nation that thell' well· 9" Unie is the of Bo.con into lIave R bath J. Priday visiting her si.. peace county for many my house; tub aad and Mrs. C. Barfield. died Satur· Clo$ed lie. the being in dawn of'to. golden all ter Mrs C A �arnock yea.... and was 62 y.ear. of age. .uch...·. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. -morrow tMn the twilight zone Mrs. :M:. and Several yearo it stated them that wants bath tuba F. after .n· illness of -of yesterday.rath�� �. Knight ·Ion. LI�yd. ago, wu. "Well, Brannen, only are ill' Atlanta cloBe frie"ds of are welcom.e to " few hours with visiting this week . by plumb have 'em," re­ pn.eumonia. Inter· Because of the evident eAgerne.s of Judge Medders; h. and Dr. were ""id to have plied Gap Johnson of Rumpus men! was in Side Sun· Governor Cox to illl' active cam. 'Dedge Ridge, East, cemetery begin The division of the .avings United aUached horns to a negro's head and Ark. "But not me! ,Think of the day. services being conducted Rev.. ·paign, it is expected that preliminary by States treasury department reports toured the tho "Horned &c be ketched in if was Yr. T. fer the battle country witl> you'd you Granade. plans Democratic will that five .tates, by legislative Wonder." An inquest \vill be held alo'ne on the and the house was Mri. Barfield had arrived wilh her be after a series cen· 'letion, place, completed of have made thrift ipstruction compul· today. struck by while was in children a few before for ference. which \vill be held here this lightning you only days sory. bhat infernol bath tub!" .. visit with her The little week Several Democratic parent. prominent Seventeen aeri.,1 taxicab companies City Star. one was stricken s..ddenly and lived. C. nabio�al committee, will stop on their Mrs. Alice L. of Ia have been M. Yocum, Boone. .• formed ill western c..nada only a few hours.' The father who CAlL' way back from San Francisco. & whose COMPANY thirteenta husband obtained a and a numher of these have R"b.M,..Ti... it • anll. already powerful was his home in was . at. Governor Cox said that he . it lb. Americus, today diverce frem her she boen' heensedb'"�,e ana tan '·Pticl kill. pol.on cau.ed fr_ recently. says' '1 C d' aIr wired for and arri".d before the lit· . to Infected cull• our•• old .or.. • tett.r Statesboro, expects discuss campaign plal1'3 is thinking of marrying agaIn. beer.. \ Georgia . _l j.&_ 81". (u.o,� tie on'e Jlassed away � I