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[email protected] ‘Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.’ Friday, November 7, 2008 ELECTION DAY Williams easily regains 25th District RESULTS PRESIDENTIAL RACE BY MATT SANDERSON Putnam, Williams received 2,539 to VILLAGER STAFF WRITER Carboni’s 849. In Killingly, the results were McCain/Palin Obama/Biden The 29th District spoke Tuesday,Nov.4, re- 4,177 for Williams and 1,574 for Carboni. electing State Senate Pro Tempore Donald “I’m very thankful to the people of the Brooklyn 1,674 1,932 Williams (D-Brooklyn), soundly outlasting district,” Williams said Tuesday night. his opponent Harry Carboni (R-Windham). “We’re heading into very challenging times, Eastford 488 485 Williams, 51, has been a state senator and being able to go back and represent this since 1993 and Senate president since 2004. region and use the experience I’ve been for- Killingly 2,815 3,629 Carboni, 66, is a retired businessman and tunate to have is gratifying on one hand and Vietnam veteran and has served various humbling on the other because these are Pomfret 1,017 1,203 public seats in Windham. going to be challenging times.” Williams defeated Carboni in Thompson Williams continued to say that he Putnam 1,621 2,041 with 2,989 votes to 1,033. In Brooklyn, he defeated Carboni 2,357 votes to 1,263. In Turn To WILLIAMS, page A15 Thompson District 1 449 497 Courtesy photo District 2 872 1,143 State Sen.