The Street Railway Journal
Street Railway Journal Vol. XVIII. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO, DECEMBER T, 1901 No. 23. THE SYSTEM OF THE MILFORD, HOLLISTON & FRAMINGHAM STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Probably the most remarkable street railway develop- ton on the northwest and Hopkinton on the north. These, ment which is going on at the present time in New Eng- when completed, will more than double the mileage of land, if not in the country, is that of the roads around the company's system as operated a year ago. The branch Milford, Mass. About a year and a half ago the Milford, from Hopedale to Uxbridge is to be operated by a sepa- Holliston & Framingham Street Railway Company rate company known as the Milford & Uxbridge Street changed ownership, and E. W. Goss was elected general Railway Company, but is controlled J)y;44ie, same financial manager of the system. During the time Mr. Goss has management, and has practically the s^raie""§S&c.ers. At VIEWS IN LAKE MENDON PARK held this position he has very materially improved the present the branch to North Grafton, which is to be an road, and the system will shortly present one of the most electrification of an old steam road, is operated by steam, thoroughly up-to-date representations of interurban elec- and the branch to Uxbridge, which is all new construc- tric railway engineering to be found in the East. tion, is nearing completion. The entire system, however, When the new management assumed control the road is expected to be opened and running by electricity within consisted of a single-track line from Hopedale to South a month or so.
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