TECTION COMMISSION of INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Oado Hlew Delhi- 110001 J..Io.56L M Oi//LET/ECI/PP/PPS -Lll2}L 8/Vol.-IX Date: 30T July
By $pred Pesrt TECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka oado hlew Delhi- 110001 J..io.56l m oI//LET/ECI/PP/PPS -lll2}l 8/Vol.-IX Date: 30t July. 201 8 To b Chief Electoral Officers of, yJ' g V@)ft*,*qChhattisgarh, Raipur. Bhopal.Bhr Se**:{ [t-**-;'a*tt"-][t-**.;'a*on Tff*" Madhya Pradesh, thl,erilir$* Sub: - General Elections to the Leqislative Asqemblies qf Chhattisgarh and Madhya Frads:h. 2918- Concession to candidates sdt up by registered unrecognized political parties- allotment of common symbol under Para 108 of the Election Symbols py{@ (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968- Regarding. Sir, I arn directed to state that the applications of the following 7 (Seven) registered un- recognized political parties for concession in the allotment of a common symbol to their JT, $ft|didates being set up at the forthcoming General Election to the Lesislative Assemblies of CG Rai#ffiSttisEafb End Madhya Pradesh. 2018. under the provisions of Para l0B of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, have been accepted by the Commission. Accordingly, the Commission has decided to extend the concession sought under Para l0B to candidates of these parties for the forthcoming General Election to Leeislative Ass€,!$blies of Cbhsftisg,arh md N{adhya Fradesh. 2018, in the constituencies mentioned as under: - Sl. Name of the Name sf Election(s) No. of Assembly Common No" Party constituencies Syrnbol allotted,. Rashtri'ya Legislative Assembly In 225 Assembly 'Rakshak of Madhya Pradesh, Constituencies in the State l. Morcha 2018. of Mq$hva Pqades,l+ as Tvrp! per Annexure MP-I.
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