
Sedimentology (2013) 60, 1733–1754 doi: 10.1111/sed.12051

Microbiological processes in banded formation deposition

NICOLE R. POSTH*1 , KURT O. KONHAUSER† and ANDREAS KAPPLER* *Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, 72076, Tuebingen, (E-mail: [email protected]) †Department of and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E3

ABSTRACT Banded iron formations have been studied for decades, particularly regard- ing their potential as archives of the environment. In spite of this effort, the mechanism of their deposition and, specifically, the role that microbes played in the precipitation of , remains unresolved. Evidence of an anoxic Earth with only localized oxic areas until the ca 245 to 232 Ga makes the investi-

gation of O2-independent mechanisms for banded iron formation deposition relevant. Recent studies have explored the long-standing proposition that banded iron formations may have been formed, and diagenetically modified, by anaerobic microbial . These efforts encompass a wide array of approaches including , ecophysiological and phylog- eny studies, molecular and marker analysis, and sedimentological reconstructions. Herein, the current theories of microbial processes in banded iron formation mineral deposition with particular regard to the mechanisms of chemical sedimentation and post-depositional alteration are described. The main findings of recent are summarized and compared here, and suggestions are made regarding cross-disciplinary information still required to constrain the role of the biosphere in banded iron forma- tion deposition. Keywords Aerobic and anaerobic Fe(II) oxidation, anoxygenic phototrophs, atmospheric evolution, banded iron formations, cell-mineral aggregates, mineral .

INTRODUCTION 2010), to its spread throughout the atmosphere between 245 Ga and 232 Ga, the so-called Precambrian banded iron formation (BIF) depo- Great Oxidation Event (GOE) (Rye & Holland, sition continues to be a topic of research interest 1998; Pavlov & Kasting, 2002; Bekker et al., because their mineral and chemical composi- 2004; Buick, 2008; Farquhar et al., 2011; Konha- tions provide direct evidence of the environ- user et al., 2011a,b). In this regard, BIFs offer an mental conditions that existed at the time of archive of both early microbial life and the their deposition. In particular, a number of transition to an -dominated Earth system. recent studies have focused on how BIFs can be At the heart of understanding the formation of used as proxies for the emergence of oxygen, these deposits lies the potential interaction of from its initial production in the oceans by at abiotic and biological processes in these ancient least 27 Ga (Eigenbrode & Freeman, 2006; systems; both abiotic and biotic models of for- Godfrey & Falkowski, 2009; Kendall et al., mation exist and continue to be explored. The

1Nordic Centre for Earth Evolution (NordCEE), Institute for Biology, University of Southern Denmark, 5230, Odense, Denmark

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists 1733 1734 N. R. Posth et al. relevant question to the efficacy of the microbial rals reflect both diagenetic and metamorphic models in terms of BIF precipitation is whether overprinting. For instance, the primary iron the dominant processes of Fe(II) oxidation and minerals were most probably ferric hydroxide mineral precipitation can be deduced from their: [Fe(OH)3], [(Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4]and (i) microfossils and fabrics; (ii) stable isotope (FeCO3) (Han, 1966, 1978; Dimroth & composition; (iii) identity; (iv) geo- Chauvel, 1973; Perry et al., 1973; Klein, 2005). It chemical composition; and (v) sedimentological has also been suggested that the Archean ocean features. Moreover, if a biological mechanism had significantly elevated concentrations of was important in the initial process of Fe(II) oxi- dissolved silica, at least as high as at saturation dation in the ancient ocean water column, it is with cristobalite (067 mM at 40°C in sea water), expected that would have settled to the and possibly even amorphous silica (220 mM) sea floor along with the Fe(III) minerals. This (Maliva et al., 2005; Konhauser et al., 2007a). organic would subsequently have served Under such silica-rich conditions, the precipita- as an oxidizable substrate for sedimentary tion of amorphous silica could have taken place microbial communities during diagenesis and directly on the sea floor (Krapez et al., 2003). metamorphism. These post-depositional pro- Although BIFs are generally believed to have cesses would have modified the initial BIF pre- been deposited on the at water cursor sediment into the mineral assemblages depths >200 m due to the lack of obvious cur- observed today. Herein, the existing evidence rent and wave-generated structures (Beukes, for microbiological involvement in both BIF 1973; Klein & Beukes, 1992; Morris & Horwitz, precipitation and burial is summarized. 1983; for review see Klein, 2005), it has been argued that some were deposited off the conti- nental slope in the deep ocean (Krapez et al., BANDED IRON FORMATION SETTING 2003). The dominant source of Fe(II) into the AND DEPOSITIONAL THEORIES Archean ocean was hydrothermal (Jacobsen & Pimentel-Klose, 1988; Bau & Moller,€ 1993; Banded iron formations are iron-rich (ca 20 to Hamade et al., 2003), but the proximity of the 40% Fe) and siliceous (ca 40 to 50% SiO2) sedi- Fe(II) source to the site of deposition is still mentary deposits that precipitated throughout unclear. It is believed that the concentration of much of the late Archean (27to25 Ga) and Pal- Fe(II) in these basins ranged from 005 to 05mM aeoproterozoic (25to18 Ga). The ‘Superior’ type (Holland, 1973; Morris, 1993). On the one hand, BIFs, including those in the Hamersley Group, Fe could have been delivered from the deep Western , and the Transvaal Super- ocean to the outer continental shelf by upwell- group, , are hundreds of metres ing currents from a mid-ocean ridge system thick, over 105 km2 in areal extent and contain (Holland, 1973; Morris & Horwitz, 1983). >1013 tons of iron (Beukes, 1984; Trendall, 2002). Accordingly, BIFs would sediment from below These formations are characteristically laminated the wave base (without the influence of wave (James, 1954; Fig. 1), with banding observed over and storm-induced currents) onto partially sub- a wide range of scales, from coarse macrobands merged platforms of the continental shelves. On (metres in thickness) to mesobands (centimetre- the other hand, the direct supply of Fe(II) into thick units) to millimetre and sub-millimetre lay- the by hydrothermal plumes associ- ers (Trendall & Blockley, 1970). Among the latter ated with shallow seamount-type systems (Isley, are the various -like repetitive laminae, 1995; Isley & Abbot, 1999) would curtail the dif- known as microbands. Although it is not resolved ficulties introduced by the high upwelling rates that these microbands are seasonal, much of the needed to bring sufficient iron from the deep sea work on these structures is based on that premise. onto the continental shelf (Konhauser, 2007b). The mineralogy of the least metamorphosed The mineralogy of BIFs dictates that some oxi- BIFs consists of , , , car- dation of Fe(II) was necessary for formation, bonates (siderite and -), green- although the dominant mechanism(s) is uncertain alite, stilpnomelane and (Klein, 2005; (Fig. 2). Prior to the rise of atmospheric oxygen Bekker et al., 2010): the presence of both ferric and the development of a protective ozone layer, and ferrous minerals gives BIFs an average the Earth’s surface was subjected to high levels of oxidation state of Fe2 4+ (Klein & Beukes, 1992). ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Bulk ocean waters that It is generally agreed that none of the minerals were anoxic at this time could have supported in BIFs are primary, but that instead, the mine- high concentrations of dissolved Fe(II). Under

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Fig. 1. Overview of the laminated BIF from the Joffre iron formation, Craton, north-west Australia. Image courtesy of Stefan Lalonde (A). Core consists of red microbands (<1 mm) of chert-hematite-riebeckite (bluish bands in upper core) alternating with lighter chert–dolomite–siderite–crocidolite mesobands ( 1 cm) and denser, dark magnetite mesobands. A slumped chert band due to post-depositional compaction is visible in core top (B). A scanned of the Joffre iron formation in plane-polarized light (C) shows dense blue riebeckite micro- bands interbedded with brownish hematite/ microbands and chert microbands and mesobands. The chert mesobands contain wavy, fine-grained and hematite/goethite microbands (image scale: 26 9 46 cm). Images (B) and (C) courtesy of Rasmus Haugaard. such conditions, dissolved ferrous iron species, either UVA or UVC were found to be negligible such as Fe2+ or Fe(OH)+, would have absorbed compared with the precipitation of ferrous-iron radiation in the 200 to 400 nm range, leading to silicates (Konhauser et al., 2007b). the formation of dissolved ferric iron [reaction 1], As an alternative to the abiological model, the which, in turn, hydrolysed to form ferric hydrox- presence of ferric iron minerals in BIFs has also ide at circumneutral pH (Cairns-Smith, 1978; been ascribed to the metabolic activity of plank- Braterman et al., 1983; Fig. 2A). tonic bacteria in the ocean’s photic zone. Chemi- cal oxidation of Fe(II) by photosynthetically 2þ þ þ þ ! 3þ þ "ðÞ 2FeðaqÞ 2H hv 2FeðaqÞ H2 1 produced O2 is one possibility, allowing for the indirect biogenic precipitation of ferric hydrox- However, these experiments focused on deter- ide (Fig. 2B and C). Under an anoxic atmosphere, mining the specific rates of Fe(II) photochemical this O2 could have been confined to localized oxidation, and did not simulate the complex, ‘oxygen oases’ associated with cyanobacterial disequilibrium water chemistry characteristic of blooms in coastal settings (Cloud, 1965, 1973). an ocean where Fe(II)-rich hydrothermal waters Cloud (1965, 1973) further proposed that such reacted with ambient Si-saturated sea water that primitive O2-producing photosynthetic bacteria, also contained high concentrations of HCO3 . which lacked suitably advanced oxygen-mediat- Indeed, in fluids with high dissolved Fe(II), ing enzymes, required ferrous iron to detoxify Si(OH)4 and HCO3 , the oxidation effects of oxygen. If so, these micro-organisms would have

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Fig. 2. Models of BIF deposition: For an anoxic water column, the proposed abiotic mechanism of Fe(II) photooxida- tion by UV light (A). The traditional model of BIF deposition involves production of oxygen by , which then chemically reacts with hydrothermal dissolved Fe(II). The restriction of cyanobacterial mats to the near-shore would physically separate Fe(III) oxyhydroxides from organic carbon precipitates (B), which would not be the case in a system where cyanobacteria also populated off-shore regions (C). A biotic mechanism of deposition proposed for an anoxic setting is the direct microbial oxidation of Fe(II) via anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophy (D).

flourished specifically when Fe(II) and nutrients Fe(II) can also explain this mixed oxidation state. were made episodically available (Cloud, 1969; The presence of magnetite as: (i) disseminated Fralick & Pufahl, 2006). Once oxygen was pre- grains within but obscuring sedimentary lami- sent, microaerophilic Fe(II) oxidizers could have nae; (ii) laminated beds that clearly truncate sedi- contributed to the direct precipitation of ferric mentary layering; and (iii) fills, suggests hydroxide (Holm, 1989). a secondary origin to magnetite in BIFs (Ewers & Garrels et al. (1973) and Hartman (1984) later Morris, 1981; Krapez et al., 2003). Microbial suggested that light, not O2, may have coupled Fe(III) reduction is carried out by anaerobic het- the carbon and iron cycles, via erotrophic bacteria that link this process to that used Fe(II) rather than H2O as an electron organic matter oxidation (Lovley & Phillips, donor, producing Fe(III) rather than O2 (Fig. 2D). 1988). Fe(III) oxyhydroxides can also be abioti- With the evolution of this photoferrotrophy, bio- cally reduced after sedimentation with a reduc- logical Fe(II) oxidation would have superseded tant, such as the organic carbon associated with photochemical oxidation because the bacteria planktonic bacteria necromass, and can produce could grow deeper in the water column where siderite (FeCO3) and magnetite (Fe3O4) (Schae- UV radiation would be effectively absorbed (Ko- dler et al., 2009; Posth et al., 2010). Recent nhauser et al., 2002). Modelling of experimen- experiments point to the production of siderite tally determined photosynthetic Fe(II) oxidation spherulites, also found in many BIFs, by the rates even suggests that such micro-organisms experimental diagenesis of ferrihydrite and glu- could have accounted for all of the Fe(III) initially cose at relevant pressure and temperature. Three deposited in primary BIF sediment (Kappler lines of evidence point to the antiquity of such et al., 2005). an anaerobic respiratory pathway. Firstly, extant Although the average oxidation state of the hyperthermophilic Bacteria and Archaea branch iron in BIFs (Fe2 4+) can be attributed to the deeply in the universal phylogenetic tree and can simultaneous deposition of Fe(II) and Fe(III), the reduce Fe(III) (Vargas et al., 1998). Secondly, partial microbial or abiotic reduction of Fe(III) to highly negative d56Fe values in magnetite-rich

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BIF samples as old as 29 Ga have been observed Warrawoona Group, . Struc- (Johnson et al., 2003; Yamaguchi et al., 2005) and tures reminiscent of unbranched, partitioned are comparable to the negative fractionations trichomes, with dimensions and morphologies measured in experimental culture with dissimila- indicative of extant cyanobacteria, led to the tory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (Johnson et al., suggestion that the Archean micro-organisms 2005). Thirdly, Li et al. (2011) recently con- were capable of gliding and, possibly, phototac- ducted high-resolution mineral analyses of the tic motility (Schopf, 1993). Moreover, confocal 248 Ga Dales Gorge BIF in Western Australia and laser scanning microscopy of the filaments and reported the detection of an Fe(III)-acetate salt, as Raman spectroscopy were used to infer the pres- well as nanocrystals of apatite in association with ence of biogenic kerogen in higher concentra- magnetite; the latter had a crystal chemistry iden- tions than the surrounding matrix (Schopf et al., tical to modern biogenic magnetite. This combi- 2002; Schopf & Kudryavtsev, 2009). Additional nation of features points to the original presence support for the early evolution of cyanobacteria of biomass in the BIF sediments, and also indi- came from the discovery of large spheroidal, cates that the organic carbon served as an electron sheath-like structures (up to 20 lm in diameter) donor during bacterial Fe(III) reduction. in from the underlying Towers Formation Crucial to understanding of the biological role (Schopf & Packer, 1987), as well as from the in BIF formation is an assessment of the relation presence of conical and pseudocolumnar stro- between biomass production and the BIF deposi- matolites in the 34 Ga Strelley Pool Chert, Wes- tional setting. To this end, results of physiologi- tern Australia (Van Kranendonk, 2006). cal experiments give a sense of the viable range A re-examination of the Apex chert by Brasier of initial phototrophic productivity in the et al. (2002, 2005), however, called into question ocean’s photic zone and of precipitated cell-Fe the biogenicity of the filamentous structures and (OH)3 aggregate composition. Investigation of the the sedimentary origins of the earliest ‘fossilife- properties and the cycling of elements rous’ deposits, citing Fischer–Tropsch-type reac- have also proven valuable in the reconstruction tions associated with sea floor hydrothermal of the microbial role at the time of BIF deposi- systems. Buick (1988) has maintained that the tion. The utilization of H2O by cyanobacteria and actual chert units from which these microfossils the direct oxidation of Fe(II) by photoferrotrophs derive are secondary hydrothermal deposits of are both coupled to CO2 reduction and biomass much younger age that cross-cut the primary production. Ferric hydroxide particles and bedding. The Warrawoona samples also led to organic biomass could be deposited in either experiments which demonstrate that kerogen in case. In the photoferrotroph model, direct Fe(II) a microfossiliferous sample does not in itself oxidation by the cells would to a joint sedi- indicate biogenicity. Simple organic hydrocar- mentation of precipitated Fe(III) and microbially bons, whose sources are abiological (formalde- produced biomass. In the cyanobacteria model, hyde), readily condense onto silica-carbonate the production of O2 by the cells, and the oxida- inorganic filaments and subsequently polymer- tion of the Fe(II) by this O2 are independent. Con- ize under gentle heating to yield kerogenous sequently, the potential association of the Fe(III) products (Garcia-Ruiz et al., 2003). Indeed, the minerals with the cyanobacterial biomass same kind of Raman spectral signature is depends on the local distribution of the cells rel- obtained from kerogen as stems from many other ative to the location of Fe(III) mineral deposition poorly ordered and abiogenic carbonaceous (open ocean or shore, Fig. 2C). materials (Pasteris & Wopenka, 2003). Further- more, a recent study focusing on similar struc- tures from the Apex chert using Raman EVIDENCE FOR ANCIENT spectroscopy showed that the microstructures CYANOBACTERIA were a mixture of hematite and quartz and that the matrix did in fact consist of carbonaceous material, but the interpretation of the original Microfossils and biological fabrics structures as biogenic was a result of image com- The timing of the origins of cyanobacteria pilation (Marshall et al., 2011). Thus, the discus- remains highly controversial. For many years, sion surrounding the Warrawoona samples the oldest morphological evidence for cyanobac- demonstrates that the presence of carbonaceous teria was believed to have come from weathered material is not sufficient proof of biogenicity. clasts in the 345 Ga Apex cherts of the Importantly, it highlights the stringent criteria

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 1738 N. R. Posth et al. needed to determine bona fide biogenicity in main reductant in ancient oceans; only with ancient rocks (for further discussion on these depletion in ferrous iron supply to the oceans criteria, see Schopf et al., 2007). A firmer bench- did H2O2 and then water replace ferrous iron as mark for the presence of cyanobacteria comes the electron donor in the cyanobacterial line of from the 27 Ga stromatolitic assemblages of the evolution (Olson & Blankenship, 2004). It seems Tumbiana Formation, Western Australia. Based possible that prior to the rise of cyanobacteria, on their habitat in a sulphate-deficient evapora- predecessor anaerobes, such as anoxygenic tive lake, it was suggested that the original phototrophs, were dominant -build- microbial mat contained cells that were metabo- ing organisms, which could account for the stro- lized by oxygenic photosynthesis (Buick, 1992). matolitic record that pre-dates strong evidence This view is supported by the earliest recog- for oxygenic phototrophs. Further studies into nized assemblage of filamentous and coc- the mechanisms of stromatolite formation prom- coid cells colonies, from the 26 Ga Campbell ise to help parse the dominant processes to use Group, South Africa, which appears to include these structures more accurately in ecosystem oscillatoriacean cyanobacterial genera, such as reconstruction. Phormidium or Lyngbya. These micro-organisms contributed to the formation of stromatolitic Stable isotope composition reefs in shallow subtidal to intertidal settings (Altermann & Schopf, 1995). Other possible One persuasive argument in favour of early CO2 examples of ancient cyanobacteria occur in fixation via photosynthesis, and the potential laminates and of the 25 Ga Gamohaan presence of cyanobacteria, comes from the Formation, South Africa, where Wright & highly negative carbon isotopic values of kero- Altermann (2000) reported dolomicrites formed gen residues in Archean strata. The negative val- on the outer margins of the sheaths of filamen- ues are seemingly indicative of life because the tous cyanobacterial remains. More putative transformation of inorganic carbon (for example, evidence for cyanobacteria stems from the CO2 or HCO3 ) via autotrophic pathways into 29 Ga Pongola Supergroup in South Africa, organic carbon involves the preferential incorpo- where Noffke et al. (2008) observed microbially ration of the lighter isotope, 12C, into the organic influenced that are material, leaving behind a reservoir enriched in consistent with similar features constructed the heavier isotope, 13C. Consequently, organic today by benthic cyanobacteria. compounds produced by autotrophic pathways The link between oxygenic photosynthesis display a marked preference for the light isotope and stromatolite formation is supported by mod- (for example, d13C in cyanobacteria range from ern studies which show that the trapping and 4to35&), whereas the heavy carbon is binding of carbonate grains by cyanobacterial fil- retained in the surface reservoir of oxidized car- aments and their extracellular polymers (such as bon, mostly as dissolved bicarbonate, and later extracellular polymeric substances) are integral incorporated into precipitated carbonate miner- to the structure of intertidal (Burns als, for example, and dolomite, or as et al., 2004, 2009; Bosak et al., 2009). However, atmospheric CO2 (Schidlowski, 2000). a series of studies show how similar structures Analysis of kerogens in microfossiliferous can be formed via abiological processes (Grotzin- units in Archean formations from Western Aus- ger & Rothman, 1996; Grotzinger & Knoll, 1999; tralia and South Africa contain negative carbon McLoughlin et al., 2008). In addition, sequence isotopic values that range from 20 to 35& analysis of small sub-unit rRNA genes amplified (Altermann & Kazmierczak, 2003; Tice & Lowe, with PCR from genomic DNA of modern stro- 2004), whereas the organic carbon in early Prote- matolite communities of Hamelin Pool, Shark rozoic cherts similarly averages ca 310 47 Bay, Australia, showed that anoxygenic photo- (Strauss et al., 1992). More recently, a study of trophs represent a considerable fraction of the the C-isotope signatures in the Transvaal Super- biomass (Papineau et al., 2005). Along the same group showed the organic d13C to range from lines, Bosak et al. (2007) later demonstrated that 40 to 25& (Fischer et al., 2009). Collectively, the anoxygenic phototroph, Rhodopseudomonas these results are an indication of early photosyn- palustris, stimulates the precipitation of calcite thesis. Unfortunately, a number of carbon fixa- in saturated solutions and builds stromatolite- tion pathways (Calvin cycle and the reductive like structures. It has been suggested that before acetyl-CoA, reductive citric acid and hydroxy- cyanobacteria evolved, ferrous iron was the propionate pathways) utilized by phototrophic

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 Microbiological processes in banded iron formation deposition 1739 bacteria seem to have overlapping degrees of of complex structurally related to 2a- carbon isotope fractionation, which hinders con- methylhopane under strictly anoxic conditions clusive interpretation. in pure culture (Fischer et al., 2005; Hartner€ Strong evidence for oxygen in the Archean et al., 2005). It has been demonstrated that an oceans comes from extremely isotopically anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototroph, R. pa- depleted kerogens from 272 to 259 Ga carbo- lustris strain TIE-1, generates substantial quanti- nates and in the Hamersley Province in ties of 2-methylhopanoids in the absence of Western Australia. Organic carbon 13C values oxygen (Rashby et al., 2007). Utilizing this same range from as low as 57 to 28& (Eigenbrode strain, a recent study now shows that C-2 & Freeman, 2006). The 13C enrichment has been methylated hopanoids are preferentially synthe- ascribed to the assimilation of methane by met- sized by the R. palustris strain TIE-1 under hanotrophic bacteria that utilize electron conditions of elevated Fe(II) concentrations 2 acceptors such as O2,SO4 or NO3 ; both (Eickhoff et al., 2013). Accordingly, their pres- sulphate and nitrate require oxygen for their ence in the rock record may also signal anoxic formation (Hayes, 1983). Potentially, although ferrous conditions. Although the full physiologi- not yet conclusively demonstrated, methane oxi- cal roles of 2-methylhopanoids are still not dation could be linked to the reduction of Fe(III) defined, it seems that their origins are more (Konhauser et al., 2005). Interestingly, there is a diverse than first believed. 13C enrichment of 10& in kerogen in post- Hopanes carrying 3-methyl substituents have 27 Ga shallow-water facies relative to the deep- also been recovered from 272 to 256 Ga carbo- water facies, suggesting that the shallow setting nates and shales from the Hamersley Province became oxygenated, marginalizing the methano- (Eigenbrode et al., 2008). The only known extant gens and methanotrophs to deeper waters, bacteria to produce these particular hopanes are whereas the shallow waters became dominated aerobic methanotrophs. Their presence, and by cyanobacteria (Eigenbrode & Freeman, 2006). strong correlation with the carbon isotope com- positions in kerogen (as discussed in the previ- ous section), may thus confirm the presence of Biomarker identity oxygen in the photic zone by the late Archean. An additional tool for the identification of a spe- A third suite of biomarkers, specific steranes of cific group of organisms in ancient rocks is the 28 to 30 carbon isomers, are unique alteration analysis of organic biomarkers. These organic products of the sterols used in extant eukaryotic compounds, derived from more complex precur- cell membranes. The only prokaryotes known to sors, retain some resemblance to the original synthesize sterols have biosynthetic pathways biological molecules, even after a long history of leading to different structural isomers. Because decomposition and alteration that accompanies O2 is required for the biosynthesis of sterols, their burial and diagenesis. Bitumens from the 26Ga extraction from Archean rocks suggests that at 1 Marra Mamba Iron Formation and the 2 5Ga least some dissolved oxygen (ca 0 002 ml O2 l ) Mount McRae of the Hamersley Group, was present at that time. These steranes were Western Australia, for example yield abundant reported in bitumens of the 27 Ga shales of the 2a-methylhopanes, derivatives of prominent Jeerinah Formation, Hamersley Group (Brocks lipids in cyanobacteria (methyl-bacteriohopane- et al., 1999). This finding was later questioned as polyols) that serve to improve cell membrane a subsequent study suggested that the samples rigidity (Brocks et al., 1999; Summons et al., were contaminated by younger fluids (Rasmussen 1999; Eigenbrode et al., 2008). et al., 2008). In recent experiments using the These compounds were first strictly found in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a test organ- cyanobacteria and, therefore, were interpreted as ism, steroid biosynthesis was observed at dis- l diagnostic of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms solved O2 concentrations ranging from 6 5 M to in ancient rocks. The belief that they only 7nM (Waldbauer et al., 2011), suggesting that served a structural function, however, made it very low O2 concentrations were sufficient for difficult to connect the presence of these com- steroid biosynthesis. There is still no experimen- pounds to a specific . Genomic data- tal evidence to support the alternative theory that bases revealed that several facultative and steranes may have been produced via an anaero- obligate anaerobes possess the appropriate genes bic pathway utilizing hydrogen peroxide or for hopanoid biosynthesis. In fact, Geobacter organic peroxides (Raymond & Blankenship, sulfurreducens actually produces a wide variety 2004; Fischer & Pearson, 2007).

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 1740 N. R. Posth et al. Geochemical composition for euxinic (anoxic and sulphidic) layers in the water column by 25 Ga (Reinhard et al., 2009). At present, there is a temporal gap in the rock These conditions were probably stimulated by record with regard to the geochemical evidence an increase in oceanic sulphate concentrations for the evolution of cyanobacteria and the effects arising from aerobic continental oxida- of their metabolism on atmospheric oxygenation. tion. Correspondingly, previous low levels of In addition to the features described above that marine sulphate suggest minimal oxidative support cyanobacterial evolution ca 27 Ga, weathering of sulphide minerals (Canfield et al., there are geochemical signatures in various 2000). lithologies that point towards the presence of 4 Mass-independent fractionation (MIF) of sul- shallow oxygenated sea water by the Neoar- phur (Δ33S and Δ36S) in sulphide and chean. Firstly, nitrogen isotopic composition of sulphate-containing rocks deposited prior to kerogens in minimally altered shales from the 245 Ga, but not after 232 Ga. This observation Campbellrand-Malmani platform in South Africa indicates that the sulphur cycle changed from showed a significant rise in the d15N values by one governed by gas-phase photochemical reac- 267 Ga (Godfrey & Falkowski, 2009). This tions in an O -deficient atmosphere to one increase has been proposed as evidence for the 2 dominated by oxidative weathering, where the onset of nitrification–denitrification reactions in different sulphur species lost their MIF signal the surface oceans; importantly, these microbial due to microbial SO 2 reduction (Farquhar processes require the presence of oxygen. 4 et al., 2000; Mojzsis et al., 2003; Bekker et al., Secondly, a recent study of the trace element 2004). To preserve the MIF in Archean and composition of those same shales showed a high early Palaeoproterozoic sediments, the atmos- abundance of Re but a low abundance of Mo, pheric oxygen concentration must have been which together with the speciation of sedimen- <10 5 present atmospheric levels (PAL). By tary iron, confirms the presence of oxygen in the contrast, in atmospheres with O2 concentrations water column, arguably to depths of several >10 5 PAL, reduced sulphur-bearing species hundred metres (Kendall et al., 2010). In con- would typically have been oxidized to sulphate trast to the above, a number of features suggest before becoming incorporated into the sedi- that the atmosphere did not contain significant ment, so any MIF signature would have been amounts of oxygen until ca 200 Myr later at ca lost (Pavlov & Kasting, 2002). A more recent 25 Ga, the so-called Great Oxidation Event. and comparative study utilizing investigations These include: of the Mount McRae Shale and correlating it to 1 Detrital , pyrite and siderite that are the Gamohaan and Kuruman iron formations of easily oxidized by O have been recovered in 2 South Africa dates the progressive rise of oxy- fluvial siliciclastic sediments of the 32to27 gen at 25 Ga and implies that this Gyr Pilbara craton (Rasmussen & Buick, 1999). phenomenon was certainly on a widespread, if They are not abundant in fluvial systems youn- not global, scale (Kaufman et al., 2007). ger than 23 Ga. 2 High-resolution chemostratigraphy reveals an episode of enrichment of the redox-sensitive tran- EVIDENCE FOR PHOTOFERROTROPHS sition metals and rhenium in the 25 Ga Mount McRae Shale in Western Australia Given that pre-27 Ga BIFs probably were (Anbar et al., 2007). These findings suggest that precipitated from anoxic sea water, and the the metals were supplied to the oceans by oxida- various uncertainties regarding the presence of tive weathering of crustal sulphide minerals. cyanobacteria in the rock record, it is relevant to Similarly, a recent compilation of Cr concentra- consider BIF precipitation mechanisms based on tions in BIFs shows an enrichment beginning at the direct biological oxidation of Fe(II) via 245 Ga (Frei et al., 2009; Konhauser et al., anoxygenic photosynthesis (Cloud, 1965, 1973; 2011b). Given the insolubility of Cr minerals, its Garrels et al., 1973; Hartman, 1984). Although mobilization and incorporation into BIFs indi- there is still no actual physical or chemical cates enhanced chemical weathering at that time, evidence for the existence of Fe(II)-oxidizing likely associated with the evolution of aerobic phototrophs in the Archean, six independent continental pyrite oxidation. lines do suggest their presence on the early 3 Iron speciation and sulphur isotope data Earth. from the Mount McRae Shale provide evidence

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 Microbiological processes in banded iron formation deposition 1741 Phylogenetic analysis et al., 1999). This fact has made it possible to study these organisms as potential modern Of the seven known strains of anoxygenic Fe(II)- analogues of ancient organisms. oxidizing phototrophs known to date, six of them have been classified as Proteobacteria; the 2þ þ 4Fe þHCO þ10H2O!4FeðOHÞ þðCH2OÞþ7H seventh is a green sulphur bacterium (Table 1). 3 3 ð Þ The Proteobacteria are a large and diverse phyla 2 of bacteria consisting of five major classes; alpha Anoxygenic Fe(II) oxidizing phototrophs are [including Fe(II)-oxidizing purple non-sulphur diverse and broadly distributed in the environ- bacteria], beta, gamma [including Fe(II)-oxidiz- ment (Table 1). None of these organisms are ing purple sulphur bacteria], delta and epsilon, unique in form as all are rod-shaped (Fig. 3); all of which may have diversified from one however, morphological variety is apparent, for ancestral phototroph (Woese, 1987). Purple sul- example, the presence of vacuoles in Thiodict- phur and purple non-sulphur bacteria use bacte- yon sp. strain F4 (Croal et al., 2004). Further- riochlorophyll (Bchl a or b) to absorb light in more, these strains are capable of utilizing a the near-infrared (800 to 1040 nm). Although variety of substrates, such as acetate, H and controversy has arisen from phylogenetic studies 2 even FeS, and were shown to oxidize Fe(II) even of anoxygenic and oxygenic photosynthesis due in the presence of H (Croal et al., 2009). This to partial gene loss and fast lateral transfer of 2 diversity suggests that these organisms have the Bchl biosynthesis genes, molecular phylogenetic potential to be ubiquitous in both ancient and analyses of a number of enzymes involved in modern anoxic, Fe-rich environments. Bchl biosynthesis suggests that anoxygenic pho- Importantly, although the Fe(II) oxidation rate tosynthetic lineages are almost certain to be of these strains is dependent on light intensity, more deeply rooted than the oxygenic cyanobac- anoxygenic phototrophs are capable of oxidizing terial lineages (Xiong, 2006). Fe(II) in low light regimes befitting the photic zone of ocean water (Kappler et al., 2005; Hegler Ecophysiological studies with extant species et al., 2008). Considering the highly efficient of anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs light harvesting mechanism employed by anoxy- genic phototrophs, it was estimated that, even in Although the plausibility of an anoxygenic Fe(II)- the presence of an overlying layer of cyanobacte- oxidizing metabolism had long been speculated ria, sufficient light for the metabolism of anoxy- based on thermodynamic considerations (Garrels genic phototrophs could penetrate up to 100 m et al., 1973; Hartman, 1984), such organisms ocean depth (Kappler et al., 2005). Similar light were discovered more recently and subsequently harvesting has been seen in the , with isolated (Widdel et al., 1993). A number of anoxygenic phototrophs detected at a depth of experimental studies have since confirmed that 80 to 100 m (Overmann et al., 1992; Manske various purple and green phototrophic bacteria, et al., 2005). These strains also continue to carry both fresh water and marine (Table 1), can use out the oxidation of Fe(II) in the presence of a Fe(II) as a reductant for CO fixation [reaction 2] 2 wide range of Fe(II) concentrations, with (Widdel et al., 1993; Heising et al., 1999; Straub

Table 1. The anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs isolated to date include both marine and fresh water strains.

Phylum Strain Setting/location a-Proteobacteria Rhodobacter ferrooxidans sp. strain SW2 Fresh water ponds, Hannover Germany1 (purple non-sulphur) Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain TIE-1 Fe-rich mat, Woods Hole, MA, USA6 Rhodomicrobium vannielii strain BS-1 Fresh water ditch, Tubingen,€ Germany2 Rhodovulum iodosum Marine mud flat, North Sea, Germany4 Rhodovulum robiginosum Marine mud flat, North Sea, Germany4 c-Proteobacteria Thiodictyon sp. strain F4 Fresh water marsh, North Sea, Germany5 (purple sulphur) Green sulphur Chlorobium ferrooxidans sp. strain KoFox Fresh water ditch, Constance, Germany3

1Ehrenreich & Widdel (1994), 2Heising & Schink (1998), 3Heising et al. (1999), 4Straub et al. (1999), 5Croal et al. (2004), 6Jiao et al. (2005).

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Fig. 3. Anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophic Rhodobacter ferrooxidans sp. strain SW2 cells form aggregates with the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides produced by their metabolism. Many cells are not encrusted by, but rather are asso- ciated with, the Fe(III) minerals (A), or are only partially coated (B).

reported values between 05mM and 30 mM Fe(II) as a reductant is predictable. In fact, even (Hegler et al., 2008). This observation suggests considering higher hydrogen concentrations that, even in ancient sea water with variations (Kump & Barley, 2007), Fe(II) oxidation by mod- of Fe(II) concentrations due to a pulsed input of ern analogue anoxygenic phototrophs still pro- hydrothermal Fe(II), anoxygenic phototrophs ceeds at significant rates under an atmosphere could have continued to metabolize. containing approximately three times the maxi- It has also been shown that Fe(II) oxidation is mum predicted concentration of H2 in the not hindered by the high concentrations of silica Archean atmosphere (Croal et al., 2009). The (2 mM) estimated for the Archean oceans (Siever, input of dissolved Fe(II) from mid-ocean ridges 1992; Konhauser et al., 2007a). Indeed, the tem- was almost certainly greater during the Archean, perature dependence of anoxygenic Fe(II) oxida- a view supported by the presence of excess Fe tion in growth medium containing dissolved in and shales of that time (Kump & Fe(II) and dissolved silica suggests that a cou- Holland, 1992). Thus, it seems likely that these pled abiotic–biotic mechanism may be involved organisms applied enzymatic systems to use in deposition of the alternating Fe-rich and abundantly available electron donors, such as Si-rich BIF layering (Posth et al., 2008). Fe2+ [reaction 2]. In addition, it was suggested Although demonstrated in a simplified labora- that Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) precipitation tory system, these experiments show that, at may even have provided an external UV protect- temperatures suitable for Fe(II)-oxidizing photo- ing for planktonic cells (Pierson, 1994; trophs, the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides they produce Phoenix et al., 2001). will precipitate, whereas silica largely stays in solution. At cooler temperatures, silica will pre- Biomarker identity cipitate out abiotically whereas the bacteria cease measureable Fe(II) oxidation until temper- Recent analysis of the 164 Ga Barney Creek atures once again increase. Formation in northern Australia, a marine, sub- tidal unit, yielded , the fossil hydrocar- bon biomarker of the precursor, okenone. This Availability of substrates pigment is exclusively found in pur- Modern anoxygenic phototrophs are able to uti- ple sulphur bacteria and in recent sediments lize multiple substrates. In Archean oceans, under euxinic conditions (Brocks, 2005). The phototrophic bacteria would not have had presence of these biomarkers, therefore, strongly access to large quantities of sulphide as an suggests that purple sulphur bacteria [that have electron donor because any hydrothermally representatives that are able to oxidize Fe(II) sourced dissolved sulphide would have reacted phototrophically] were present in high numbers, with Fe(II) near the vent and thus precipitated at least in the Palaeoproterozoic oceans. In as solid-phase sulphide minerals. In the case of addition, the discovery of 2-methlyhopanoids in limited HS supply, the ability of bacteria to use cultures of the anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 Microbiological processes in banded iron formation deposition 1743 phototroph, R. palustris strain TIE-1 stimulated tionation was independent of the rate of the by environmental Fe(II) in the absence of oxygen Fe(II) oxidation by these organisms. Heavier (Rashby et al., 2007) demonstrates the utility of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides were also shown to be this biomarker in reconstructing anoxygenic produced by microbially catalysed aerobic Fe(II) phototrophy in ancient sediment. oxidation at low pH (Balci et al., 2006), nitrate- reducing anaerobic Fe(II) oxidizers (Kappler et al., 2010), aerobic chemical oxidation (Bullen Stable isotope composition et al., 2001) and UV Fe(II) oxidation (Straton Large variations of d56Fe (25to10& relative et al., 2006), suggesting that all major processes to the bulk Earth) in late Archean and early Pal- produce similar Fe isotope fractionations. On aeoproterozoic BIFs from the Transvaal Super- the one hand, the isotopic fractionations group, South Africa, incorporate the entire range reported from modern experiments correlate of values measured on Earth and are interpreted well with values measured in Archean to early to highlight the role of fluid-mineral isotope BIFs from the , fractionation and, possibly, microbial processes South Africa; they have 56Fe/54Fe values in (Johnson et al., 2003). Although Fe isotope hematite as high as +075 to +10& (Johnson variations have the potential to define ancient et al., 2003) compared with the predicted values sedimentary environments and could help dis- for Fe effused from hydrothermal vents (0&). tinguish between biotic and abiotic processes, as Consequently, in the case of anoxic Archean well as whether post-depositional processes may oceans, the positive fractionation appears to be have altered the Fe redox state in BIFs, the com- consistent with (although not proof of) photo- plexity of the depositional environments and trophic Fe(II) oxidation in the Archean oceans. infiltration of external fluids during diagenesis On the other hand, the similarity in values from and/or low temperature metamorphism may anoxygenic phototrophs with those of Fe(III) oxy- erase the primary isotope record (Hoefs, 1997; hydroxides formed by chemical oxidation makes Johnson et al., 2003). Yet, the Fe isotope compo- it difficult to distinguish between biotic and abi- sition of iron minerals in BIFs are markedly dif- otic processes (Bullen et al., 2001). Iron isotope ferent from the homogenous values seen in fractionation during the oxidation itself is obvi- igneous rocks and many modern marine sedi- ously independent of the oxidation mechanism ments (d56Fe 000 005&) and the Fe isotope (chemical or biological) because of the very rapid compositions of the major minerals found in isotopic exchange between aqueous Fe2+ and BIFs (hematite, magnetite, Fe-carbonate and pyr- Fe3+. Therefore, isotopic equilibrium will be ite) reflect equilibrium fractionation of minerals, reached between reduced and oxidized aqueous a variation in the fluid isotope composition from species. which the minerals precipitated, and microbial processes (Johnson et al., 2003, 2004; Johnson & Plausibility of anoxygenic photoferrotrophy Beard, 2005; Steinhofel et al., 2010). based on Fe and C budget A recent study focused on the rare earth element and Fe isotope archive in the iron and Ecophysiological studies of these modern strains microfossil-rich stromatolites of the 189 Ga of anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs have Gunflint and Biwabik iron formations (USA) been utilized to test their plausibility as a BIF with the aim of determining the dominant depositional mechanism, with specific regard to microbes involved in Fe(II) oxidation (Planavsky carbon and Fe(III) oxyhydroxide productivity. et al., 2009). These authors point to the predom- For example, it has been suggested that commu- inantly positive d56Fe values in this formation nities of Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs in the (ranging from 066 to +082&) as evidence of early Archean could have generated up to Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria, whereas Ce anomalies 19 9 1013 mol C 1 throughout all oceans in these same formations suggest low oxygen (Kharecha et al., 2005). To put this number into conditions during deposition. As a comparison, context, Canfield (2005) has estimated that the laboratory experiments designed to define isoto- total net primary productivity in the late pic fractionation by anoxygenic Fe(II)-oxidizing Archean–Palaeoproterozoic oceans was 18to phototrophs in pure culture, as well as enrich- 56 9 1014 mol C year 1. ment cultures, show that ferric hydroxides are By modelling the photosynthetic Fe(II) oxida- enriched in the heavy isotope by 15 02& tion rates, it has been suggested that such micro- relative to Fe(II) (Croal et al., 2004). This frac- organisms could have accounted for all of the

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Fe(III) initially deposited in primary BIF combined metabolic processes of fermentation sediment (Konhauser et al., 2002; Kappler & and chemoheterotrophy (Konhauser et al., Newman, 2004; Kappler et al., 2005). Due to the 2005). In the case of the latter, any buried pigments they utilize (Bchl and ), an- organic carbon would be oxidized and, impor- oxygenic phototrophs absorb light over specific tantly, any cellular biomass would be wavelengths (Bchla 800 to 880 nm, Bchlb destroyed, i.e. no microfossils would be pre- 1020 nm, Bchlcca750 nm, carotenoids 360 to served in the Fe-rich layers. 517 nm), many of which (>300 nm and If, as today, the organic carbon was oxidized <600 nm) would be filtered out in the first few during burial by either diagenesis or metamor- metres of ocean water. By filtering out the wave- phism, the relevant question is which terminal lengths >650 nm, experimental studies have electron acceptor was present at the sea floor shown that the oxidation rate of these strains during times of BIF deposition, and at what con- was reduced to 20% of that of the full spectrum, centrations? Despite the possibility of a surface yet that rate still allowed for the oxidation of water oxic zone generated by cyanobacterial 008 mm Fe(II) per day. Based on this reduction activity by 27 Ga (see discussion above), deep in oxidation efficiency due to light filtering, the waters remained anoxic (Canfield, 1998). In the average cell density in a planktonic population, absence of O2, the fermentation products in the assumptions of Archean ocean Fe(II) concentra- bottom waters and/or shallow sediments would tions (ca 05mM; Holland, 1973; Morris, 1993) have been oxidized via some other form of and the flux of dissolved Fe(II) from the deep anaerobic respiratory process (Rothman et al., oceans, a conservative estimate for the layer 2003). In terms of such pathways, the paucity of thickness of a planktonic population of anoxy- O2 would have meant minimal nitrate and sul- genic Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophs required to phate availability; the latter being evident from oxidize all dissolved Fe(II) present was 176m negligible sulphur isotopic fractionations (Kappler et al., 2005). With this information, a between sulphide and sulphate minerals during theoretical amount of Fe(III) oxyhydroxide pre- the Archean (Strauss, 2003), and the absence of cipitated by planktonic anoxygenic phototrophs pyrite in BIFs, except in association with inter- was estimated to be ca 90 9 1012 mol Fe yr 1 layered shaley units (Ewers & Morris, 1981). The for large basins such the Hamersley in Western supply of MnO2 was probably also not signifi- Australia (which is ca 1011 m2); this value is cant because the concentration of Mn(II) consistent with calculations based on maximum released in hydrothermal effluent is up to five BIF deposition rates of 1 mm yr 1 where the times lower than that of iron (Campbell et al., amount of iron precipitated annually is ca 1988). Furthermore, there are presently no 45 9 1012 mol Fe yr 1 (Konhauser et al., 2002). known phototrophic Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria Considering the parameters for a model of Fe(II) that would allow the formation of significant oxidation rate, light intensity, substrate concen- amounts of Mn(IV) in the absence of O2. tration and cell numbers, even with reduced By contrast, however, there was abundant Fe(III) efficiency in Fe(II) oxidation at conservative val- oxyhydroxide deposited as BIFs, and given the ues of nutrients and light, anoxygenic photo- presence of partially reduced phases such as trophs had the potential to play a significant magnetite and siderite, a microbial process cou- role in BIF deposition. pling the oxidation of organic carbon to the reduction of ferric iron producing such reduced iron mineral phases seems very likely (Nealson ROLE OF CELLULAR CARBON IN & Myers, 1990). POST-DEPOSITIONAL ALTERATION Supporting evidence for an ancient Fe(III) reduction pathway comes from the experimental If a direct biological mechanism was important observations that many deeply branching in the initial process of Fe(II) oxidation in an Archaea (i.e. some of the oldest purported Archean ocean water column, it is then species) are capable of using H2 to reduce Fe(III) expected that biomass settled to the sea floor to support chemolithoautotrophic growth along with the Fe(III) minerals (Konhauser (Vargas et al., 1998). These organisms can even et al., 2011a). Yet, BIFs contain very little use quinone moieties as electron shuttles organic carbon, meaning that the process was between solid-phase ferric iron-containing min- either fully abiotic, or biomass was cycled in erals and H2, thereby alleviating the need for the water column or bottom sediment via the direct contact between the cell and mineral

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 Microbiological processes in banded iron formation deposition 1745 surface (Lovley et al., 2000). Moreover, Fe(III) nario, Fe(III) could be completely re-reduced to reduction has been shown to be broadly distrib- Fe(II). This could be the case involving anoxy- uted among several known Proteobacteria gen- genic photoferrotrophs. However, from experi- era, suggesting that this form of metabolism mental studies it is known that some planktonic became widespread over the course of evolution cells remain in the water column (Konhauser (Barns & Nierzwicki-Bauer, 1997). et al., 2005; Miot et al., 2009; Posth et al., 2010) Evidence of ancient microbial Fe(III) reduction and only a portion of the cells form aggregates comes from Fe isotopic ratios in Fe-bearing with the Fe(III) hydroxide (Fig. 3), which then minerals from Archean sedimentary rocks that settle to the sea floor. The reduction of the closely mimic those observed during modern Fe(III) mineral and the formation of secondary dissimilatory Fe(III) reduction. For instance, iron minerals, such as magnetite or siderite, analyses of magnetite-rich rocks from the 29Ga would follow. In such a case, Fe(II) in BIFs can Rietkuil Formation, Supergroup, be used as a proxy for deposited Corg if the South Africa, revealed d56Fe values as low as Fe(II) formed by Fe(III) reduction remains in the 23& (Yamaguchi et al., 2005), whereas side- BIFs. rite in the 25 Ga Dales Gorge Member, Brockman In contrast to the anoxygenic phototroph Iron Formation, Western Australia, had d56Fe model, if the dissolved Fe(II) was oxidized by values as low as 23& (Steinhofel et al., 2010). an abiotic mechanism, either via the UV-photo- These negative fractionations are very similar to oxidation mechanism or chemical oxidation by what might be expected from multiple stages of cyanobacterially generated O2 at some distance Fe(III) reduction (Johnson et al., 2004), where from the cells (Fig. 2A and B), then the Fe(III) each single step during bacterial Fe(III) reduction hydroxides produced would be spatially sepa- to isotopically light (d56Fe < 12&) aque- rated from the biomass. This Fe(III) could ous Fe(II) relative to the initial ferric hydroxide further react with excess dissolved Fe(II) in the substrate (Icopini et al., 2004; Crosby et al., water column forming magnetite [reaction 3], 2007). The importance of Fe(III) reduction in while the cells could be transported away from iron fractionation has, however, been challenged the shore (Fig. 2B) or be continuously present in by Rouxel et al. (2005). These authors suggested the open ocean (Fig. 2C). that highly variable, but negative, values in py- rite from black shales (05to35&) between 2þ þ ð Þ þ ! þ ð Þ 28Gaand23 Ga is more likely to reflect the Fe 2Fe OH 3 2OH Fe3O4 4H2O 3 initial deposition of Fe(III) oxides (for example, BIFs) that preferentially removed isotopically As was described for the photoferrotrophs, this heavy 56Fe, driving the ocean waters to the nega- scenario could also lead to a partial association tive d56Fe values recorded in pyrite. This inter- of biomass with Fe(III). In this regard, the pres- pretation is consistent with the notion that ence of cyanobacteria or of photoferrotrophs partial biological and abiological processes oxi- would be difficult to distinguish based on min- dized the dissolved Fe(II) brought into the shal- eralogical or iron isotope studies, but possibly low waters, but is problematic in light of recent with the identification of metabolism-specific studies showing significant isotopic variations biomarkers. for minerals within close proximity, and thus To estimate the likelihood and plausible time of deposition (Johnson et al., 2008). As impact of the anoxygenic phototroph scenario, highlighted by Johnson et al. (2008), the most Konhauser et al. (2005) modelled the Archean plausible way of explaining this variation is if marine Fe cycle by making two assumptions. the Fe isotopes reflect diagenetic pathways, and Firstly, it was assumed that the bulk of the not the Fe composition of the bulk sea water. Fe(II) component in Fe-rich BIF-type macro- The fate of cell biomass (organic carbon) bands formed diagenetically through biological deposited with Fe(III) minerals has not yet been Fe(III) reduction, i.e. the magnetite is not pri- shown experimentally. Theoretically, the rela- mary. Based on a predicted rate of Fe(III) deposi- 1 tion between Fe(III) and Corg in the primary sed- tion annually (1 mM yr ), Konhauser et al. iment would be stoichiometric if the Fe(II) was (2005) then quantified how many electrons were oxidized to Fe(III) at the location where biomass needed to generate that amount of magnetite was produced, and if the Corg and Fe(III) mine- reported in BIFs (one-third of the ferric rals were deposited together, such as in the minerals; Morris, 1993). Secondly, these authors anoxygenic photoferrotroph model. In this sce- quantified the amount of photosynthetic Fe(II)-

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 1746 N. R. Posth et al. oxidizer biomass that may have been generated BIOLOGICALLY GENERATED in the photic zone of the water column (based SEDIMENTOLOGICAL FEATURES on Kappler et al., 2005) to estimate the amount of Fe recycled prior to burial. The results dem- As described above, many BIFs comprise layers onstrated that, under ideal growth conditions, as containing magnetite and/or hematite, which much as 70% of the biologically formed Fe(III) alternate on the scale of several millimetres and could have been recycled back into the water harbour bands of microcrystalline silica. On column via fermentation and organic carbon oxi- average, the microbands range from 02to dation coupled to microbial Fe(III) reduction. 16 mm in thickness, whereas the total Fe Konhauser et al. (2005) also suggested that some content of the microbands is inversely related to of the biomass may have been ultimately con- the microband thickness; varying from 30% Fe sumed via methanogenesis, i.e. coupling the oxi- when the microband is 03 mm to 5% when the dation of acetate or H2 to methane formation. thickness is 1 5 mm (Trendall & Blockley, 1970). That hypothesis is to some extent corroborated This correlation indicates that the iron content by the analyses of kerogens (extracted from in microbands is constant, whereas variations in rocks 28 Ga and 26 Ga) with highly negative the silica content control both the layer thick- d13C signatures (between 40& and 60&) that ness and relative iron content (Trendall, 2002). possibly formed as the result of methanogenic Well-banded iron formations, the typical BIFs, 12C-rich gas production, the incorporation of are mostly restricted to Archean and early this methane into the biomass of methanotroph- Palaeoproterozoic sequences (for example, the ic bacteria and inevitably the preservation of Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa; Fig. 4A 12C-enriched organic matter (Hayes, 1983; Ei- and B). By contrast, large portions of late Palaeo- genbrode & Freeman, 2006). proterozoic iron formations from the Superior Recent laboratory experiments by the present and Slave cratons in are com- authors have focused on the influence of tem- prised of sand-sized grains that commonly are perature (170°C) and pressure (12 kbar) on bio- cross-bedded and lack the finely laminated tex- genic Fe(III) minerals associated with biomass tures of BIFs; these shallow-water deposits are by utilizing chemically synthesized ferrihydrite generally referred to as granular iron formations (as a proxy for biogenic ferric hydroxide) and (GIFs). These GIFs are typically intercalated glucose (as a proxy for biomass) mixtures in with well-laminated BIFs, Fe-rich mudstones, lieu of biogenic minerals. When chemically mafic and felsic volcanic rocks, carbonate and synthesized ferrihydrite was treated alone, it (for example, the Rapitan Formation, was transformed to hematite via dehydration. Canada; Fig. 4C and D). Mixtures of ferrihydrite and glucose treated The origin of the banding in BIFs remains under the same temperature and pressure con- enigmatic, with two potential end member pro- ditions for just a few days produced not only cesses being responsible for their presence. The hematite, but also magnetite and siderite. The first assumes that the banding is a primary fea- presence of a cell biomass proxy in low ture caused by episodic precipitation of the iron amounts resulted in the production of hematite layers. The second assumes that the banding and small amounts of magnetite and siderite. was caused by some combination of secondary When the amount of initial biomass proxy was physical and post-depositional processes. In the increased, considerable quantities of magnetite case of the former, this can include, for example, and siderite formed while hematite was no BIF precursor sediment being transported to the longer detectable. These experiments demon- BIF depositional basin via physical processes, strate that the amount of biomass deposited to such as density currents (Krapez et al., 2003). In the ocean floor in association with the Fe(III) the case of the latter, both allochemical and minerals controls the type of Fe minerals pre- authigenic BIF sediment would then be subject served in BIFs over geological time frames at to chemical and mineralogical transformations elevated temperature and pressure. This shows arising during burial. The banding thus results that the key minerals found in BIF deposits when either the Fe(III) was reduced to Fe(II) and today can be produced, but that there is also a the latter diffused out of the sediments, or the difference in mineral transformation in abiotic silica layers were dissolved and reprecipitated. and biotic systems (Walker, 1984; Johnson Although a combination of these processes is et al., 2003, 2008; Konhauser et al., 2005; Koeh- likely to have arisen, there still exists a lack of ler et al., 2013). consensus as to which processes were more

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Fig. 4. Thin sections of BIF from the Mamatwan Mine, Hotazel, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, show and magnetite microbanding. This example demonstrates the variation from thin, alternating lens structures (A) at 834 m depth to well-developed, uninterrupted and alternating fine layers (B) at 875m depth. In contrast, thin sections from the Rapitan Formation, Canada GIF depict the typical sand-sized grains and discontinuous, uneven layering that suggests stormwave or current influence (C) and (D). important, and how these processes may have internal laminae, which possibly reflects some varied from one BIF depositional basin to form of seasonal variations in terms of deposi- another. tion. For instance, Morris (1993) suggested that the internal complexity may follow four main stages: (i) during the summer, iron was precipi- Primary banding tated in the photic zone, producing the iron-rich Based on microbanding in the 248 Ga Dales laminae; (ii) the now depleted photic zone was Gorge Member of Western Australia, that was replenished several times from the subsurface presumably correlated over 100 km (Trendall & by storm mixing, leading to additional iron-rich Blockley, 1970; Ewers & Morris, 1981), it was laminae; (iii) in the winter, fewer storms meant proposed that deposition must have been uni- less Fe replenishment, while cooling led to sil- form across the basin. Moreover, given the rela- ica precipitation from sea water that was already tively regular spacing between microbands saturated with respect to amorphous silica; and within some larger mesobands, Trendall & (iv) with the return of the summer, iron was Blockley (1970) further proposed that each iron once again precipitated. and silica-rich microband couplet resulted from The link between BIF deposition and seaso- one year of chemical precipitation. The term nality was later advanced by Posth et al. (2008) ‘varving’ is often used to describe these cou- who demonstrated how temperature fluctuations plets. It should, however, be pointed out that in the surface oceans could link the biotic pre- the iron-rich and silica-rich microbands cipitation of Fe(III) hydroxides by anoxygenic themselves are often comprised of multiple Fe(II)-oxidizing phototrophic bacteria to the

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 1748 N. R. Posth et al. abiotic precipitation of silica. The precipitation such studies was based largely on the observa- of ferric oxyhydroxides by these bacteria is tion of compressed lateral terminations of chert linked directly to their physiological tempera- pods (Trendall & Blockley, 1970). These authors ture dependence; within a range, these organ- demonstrated that the compressed areas are isms can precipitate more or less ferric enriched in iron minerals at the expense mainly oxyhydroxides. For instance, the bacteria grew of silica and, using this evidence, concluded most profusely in the temperature range of 20 to that all high iron bands, podded or not, repre- 25°C, with a decrease in growth rates at lower sented compression of the primary BIF sediment temperatures and a strict upper temperature with vertical escape of silica. The remobilized limit (Posth et al., 2008). By contrast, silica pre- silica then reprecipitated evenly into overlying cipitation is abiotically induced by lowering pods that are rich in silica. Along similar lines, temperature, and increased solubilization of Simonson (1987) proposed that the chert pods solid-phase silica at higher temperatures. Fur- were that formed early via local thermore, the extent of temperature fluctuations, cementation, followed by differential compac- for which these processes were demonstrated tion of the surrounding, less indurated sedi- with model organisms, are within the range ments during burial. experienced in the world oceans today over a More recently, and based instead on facies yearly cycle, meaning that temperature could and sequence-stratigraphic analyses, Krapez have been a unifying trigger for Fe and Si et al. (2003) and Pickard et al. (2004) concluded banding. that all chert in BIFs is diagenetic in origin. Other depositional models for the Dales Gorge Moreover, these authors concluded that chert Member advocate that BIF deposition took place mesobands are siliceous equivalents of modern- on the ocean basin floor, beyond the slope envi- day sea floor hardgrounds, in which silica ronment (Krapez et al., 2003). In this regard, it replaced precursor sediment at or below the sed- remains unclear what, if any, role microbes may iment–water interface. Three-dimensional and have played in the initial Fe(III) hydroxide pre- micro-scale lenticularity of chert and relics of cipitation. The model proposes that the Fe(III)- precursor sediment within lamina sets and dis- rich sediments accumulated during periods of continuous bands, as well as erosion surfaces on rising and high sea-level, and presumably were bedded cherts, show that chert has a replace- sourced from a submarine hydrothermal system ment origin and formed during early diagenesis, and transported to the BIF depositional basin prior to compaction. As discussed above, the via deep-sea density currents. The chert layers, iron layers, by contrast, represent re-suspended by contrast, represent in situ silicification of the Fe(III) hydroxide-rich sediments that were existing sediment. The chert defines the top of carried into the depositional basin via density every depositional sequence by sharp eroded currents and then subject to post-depositional contacts with overlying dolostone or mudrock processes (Krapez et al., 2003). and gradational contacts into underlying BIFs. Other studies have put forward the possibility The chert units also contain multiple shale that it was the iron that was selectively mobi- relicts, 5 to 10 cm thick, which indicates that lized during diagenesis. Based on the earlier dis- ambient suspension sediments during sediment covery that some anaerobic heterotrophs could starvation (i.e. a drop in sea-level) were not grow by coupling the oxidation of organic matter BIFs, and that BIF deposition ceased prior to the to the reduction of Fe(III) hydroxides (Lovley & end of depositional cycles. Similar features are Phillips, 1988), Nealson & Myers (1990) subse- not only preserved throughout all of the Hamers- quently proposed that such bacteria could pro- ley Province, but they also have been docu- vide a mechanism by which iron-poor layers mented in the Transvaal Province (Beukes & could be generated during diagenesis; the iron- Gutzmer, 2008); it appears to be the common rich layers represent sediment buried in which architecture of all deep-water BIFs (Bekker molar Fe : C ratios exceeded unity and all the et al., 2010). biomass was oxidized. Coupling the reduction of Fe(III) minerals to the oxidation of organic matter not only explains the low content of Diagenetic banding organic carbon in the BIFs via the consumption A number of studies have suggested that the of carbon (<05%; Gole & Klein, 1981), but also fine-scale banding in BIFs is a secondary feature explains the abundance of light carbon isotopic derived during burial diagenesis. One of the first signatures associated with the interlayered

© 2013 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 60, 1733–1754 Microbiological processes in banded iron formation deposition 1749 carbonate minerals (Perry et al., 1973; Walker, 1736/2-1, 2-2 and 4-1), a research grant from the 1984; Baur et al., 1985). German Research Foundation (DFG) made to N.P. (PO-1624/1-1, 2-1), and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council award to CONCLUSIONS KOK. We thank Clark Johnson, Phil Fralick, Nora Noffke and an anonymous reviewer for Understanding the mechanism(s) underpinning their helpful comments, which greatly improved banded iron formation (BIF) deposition would the quality of the manuscript. offer significant insights into some of the biogeo- chemical processes that took place on the early Earth. The first suggestions of a microbial role REFERENCES were postulated over 40 years ago (Cloud, 1965). 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