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Tlv'^ ' 7 I . tlv'^ ’ ^ ’* '- iiSv * ' I#; i!- -'.' 'V , s & SA S5"-* I ' 7 i"^'- -«i • -/-V * ,S4-i’ ^vV' *i*"^*^ ■ ‘ <if -: - ■ .v: %■: ■f- (f- ,V -*- fife ,i,V--i*.- V>'^. V.-: l.-t J-ii *£ tM , i * ‘ ;'^*'=--*!t •_ •,‘;'4i>'^J' O 'fe m ■ y> • -tft- i’* J T ISA KAMCXDBSi^yCOli^^ > f-,y- ■’(vg' ■'-■ T m ■V't; biihe’WUW • ^ 4 * ^ «y ».< • i ..-.V > >4 I S F b U N D I N • V . ** w'^.x t;-- -A . Bpn» hto /. ... .-X- . •',•>•.1 j- '» i: , 'i ' 5<* toute i . .V 'jcy :- -x 4-V Rif - liM:^ 64 Ir V i'-: r to Breit Record. Largest ^ Erer Fomd m f iepl-- Rajacr RN to ^ ^ A B t ^eminent baa appropriated toe boll- New York Ana s DiacoT- ... (Hw capital Cf cbmmuatam Mos­ day for Its own. (Coi^rigbt, 1988j by AP) Bartforii,,^ Castel. dux Nfeob), April cow-Will ru n Into a a stiff conq>a- In the torited; States and other M Ai d o p esteta.In .to e GRmetol Assembly titiOsn .aa-It- evax: eneountersd in ebuntrtea, Opmmuntata are T/ttP &<->Be^ Bbikler, noted. Au^trallaa en 2 found thempelses -with plenty- of saaking-to aat'the pace Monday lor ceeding 'wtth plans for the'holiday spe^ pilot, apparently craah^ (face work on'tbeir bands today they iateihatlonal ceiebratlona Of- May with govemmrats taking only ordi­ head-on into a xnountaln^de in th6 Hempstead,.U N. T.. AptU.29. • i - C" Italy.' — • - ........... nary ptecautlohs to preserve pAaoe. tried to figure' but what, if anyalg- Dietatorlal regimes ' fix Apatria - ' Chile has given- its PrMdmit un- iTiidrtift of the aftemtK» of January —(AP)—Through the portals of the V'- \ >■'„ ./ ■ nifleanee should be' attached to .toe Fml 7'Vrhen he wfM here. and Gtarmany have fbrUddien dem*^ unial powefa to>. suppress Commu­ old Belmopt mansion, wbtdi '.once decision of (Soverpm Cross to defer ohatrations by Ctammiufiirt or othb.- nist and Leftist agltatoiu. Argen­ S3^', This was leanud' today when an aethm' on four much aought appdat- opened only to admit society's bluest Leftist ^^deh in past tine has Yoriitdden the appearance FA' Dntik i^Aodated Press' correspondent 3if ' mePts including- that of State Tax bluebloods. 'eight Federal sgeata . I p- years made S big event of the day of red fiags or. Oommunlst em­ reached the scene where Italiw .yy- Commissioner. In BerUxi' and Wenna. -" blems. ... ... charcoal burners foxmd the body passed earty today. Taking LeglaTatorB by surprise, While: -Mopeow haS' Its annual T he-d ictato rial regime . in CUba and shattered plane yesterday. The They came out with eight prlsen- the governor took advantage ^of a has forbidden' any demonstration discovery came nearly four months ers and the announcement that thmr^ imecial statutS' to withhold .his nbih- Red Arpiy parade, oittaa of Ger* after the famoiu-airinan.started his many will honor labor in- strictly altootugh authorizing a business had catpured the lavg^ alc^ol stOl iaatton- for the tax comhUsslanar- boUNy. .Watotngton, Apto 2 t-i(A P ) attempt to regain the speed record ever found in the New Torir area: > -x* ' > ship held by Willtaffl SU^Btodgett,; h Nattanahstto style. Tbs ^ tle r goy* for the Ens^d-Anstralia flis^t. '' They found the hlg house once R^ubUcan. Sooiis to- Speedy House actiem Contrary to' first- r^>orts, the ov/ned by the late Mrs. O. H. P. Bel­ clihied to - the bBta* i p P l l s »S' today to comidete. CongreasiovbS body ans ‘hot .burned. It. was mont, social dictator' at tha' tom of French,'was" spoken, oyer White .Houto teanmpiS'af, >fa^ 'Franldin D. nor merriy to TDEB TD ABBAD approval and give toe admhilsUi^ lis'i'of Franoe. The AN BOVB AT MmNlOHT. mangled, however, and thrown the centiuy, had been ronverted ^h- Booaeyw entertained Sldouard Herrlot, former^ consider totoamKiiEiiipfil'" Others PRESIDENT SEEKS tion unprecedented inaohiaery;tx>:flj^ thirty feet from the plane on the F^'X Sty.qiieaks Freneh.perfeetly. however^ advaaaid .IN ^bpinlon toe to a huge distillery. Its' (hstlnctive t ^ Aasoeiatod Prepa.}^ flate the currency and increase' fotyl Vareo di. Rocca* . feature was a- pohshed still, bul|t m6*- diief ■ executive b ^ -||g this , and Storm Was Bagliif to tom out 0,00a gallons of molssses torse othw ajppointiN Pta with the About one*toird ths'popidation prices. A wat"h found in Hinkles alcohol daily, running into 19-bar­ intention' of 'forcinf'.toe Senate to of the'U . S. wlll- aet ciboka 'ahaad RTAitIFF Concluding three ^^ebica of * pocket stopped "at 8 p. m., ihdlcat- rel vats set on parquet licors among disclose its 'attitude first on the mt-hour tomorrow ln> ohedlbnce to hulmit debate, the Senate laat ,ntan ihff'he flew'over’here. ln brOad'day-' 10-foot plate inlrron. three nonrinationa sent in yesterday, dayhgbt savtog rwulaticos. voted the sweeping power by M'-tn 'U?ht but it was recalled that a Their eight pid8oners,'the agents partlculariy th at of Michael K. Con­ These states will obnform to 29 after defesifing' a aoldtan .iMnita storm was then raghm in this re­ arnouaeed, were mere'employes of nor, a Demoefat, as motor vehicle daylight saving, mther''hi whole b Talk YRb'Candiui FrO- amendment and autborisiag the. gion. (Hinkler left Peltbam. Air­ a leadi^ alcohol dealer who was cmamisBloBer. or in part: ceptance of qp to $200.1X^.009 to drome hi Middleaea, Hriflaad, at r t named. Like the three nbminattoas sent in Ooonecticut,.. minms, Indiana. sQver ,.cn war debt payments. ... 8d0 A m., January 7.). yesterday, th a t o fT ax OompUsalODer Ohio. Mlchlgan,^MIaaesota; North Bner, Roowvelt Smgesti SptitoMr Ratoty will seek to amai Heoae Seoiuded Dakota, MiUne, New Tbtlr, M ary­ iUso in Ida poduta-were a pass­ The old Belmont home occupies must' be confirmed by the Senate. the Ottihibus toxm rellef-infiatidh port, issued in Ottawa, Canada, and Three other appoifitmaita still to he land^ Delaware, Peansylvaaia, legistatioh to conference McUh^. several thousand dollars in Cana- two square miles of wooded land. made are direct onea and do not te* New Jeney, Rhode Island * and . Into for adjimtment cf Senate, and ixoufo d tm bonds. The house itself is set 1,000 feet Nomnn Dafit (hdfiiies Hin quire Senatorial a{qproval. Theep West VlighUa. diflezences. IN Houae sUntaiy hfa m t Hottrtafasdde back from the road and- further 60V1 are the conuntasianeni of agriculture, Ip those Communities tone approved the fium' relief, achuouti .{.The position of ttu plane indip secluded by n g ro ^ Barlier'in the domeatic animals and athletics. 'jumps ahead from two a.' m* ti> 8 Tmontoi - April' 29^(A P)— The which ccntemt^xto-iffice lU tipf mfit dU«l it did not fan from above but night, in another seetloB of the prop- D MaaoD—wodd End Awialtliig BepOrtta a. m*« tomorrow. mnrtgegiT iniwlrgr throtrgb. refinaae* eity, the agents had captured a SOO- Toronto (BotMsay|rFbdtident Roose­ ihba tha mountainside. The With-chief interest centared 4ui> velt, In his omverSations with Prime m)ir a t lowmr hffer«rt rates. i>r tBdsifiahffar # » e burled in gallon 8 ^ and three ing toe week on the questloa-of -ap­ Tba inflatiob, tegtatetkm WpBsadjjf imnobhider of the Althougu none ai the Wuwnt pointments, ineludlag thqie to top Minister BemMtb Of Omada^ seeks ed to the farm bOl Jh toe.SCnate add ■ ^ ^ however, furniture remained in the olir whlta lower trade-ta^aitatynfnkt Ameri'j ■ r tqiior commiaaion, to s C gives tiie PrasiNnt .'a ,<AUloe « can. mahsioni it still vaa da9ontad^aa.lti. hiy cbntittned to watt With n n automoMleS, ctitarilcds, machin'* metobds for ;imNrtakmi^' '.a cqfh the piahmr days. White t o aome-rixow of impatlenoe for iW> ety and decbrijbal eqiidp] tipl%L exptySjloii <rf,'"credlt and-ctyr arab^ues. adorned me celUngs: ports from cmnmittoes bn a mass of ren^*. ■ \ r .Vr H ie mhrrors were polished—as was, m T h e ■ -(AP)*-;AJ^|jlpd- appropriation maasures. ' T^e fa n n se c tio N authority sm allv*«. brassworlf .of the still. ^ London,-«(^«il'29. Leas than aix waeN ara:i^ tfo- ; “A batanqalh coal fariffs.may be^FittemBt ■ ;Tha ma!antaj|^( ■ vAh«i Biclne Boom po ealfm fore final adjpurunenr ahd dhripg Worltad'dbt 'uN er whafiirNova Sco^ farm prices, thnmgb 'h a a a / ''^ sparkling mamih! ^ ‘aad>Britiito CCtombtauostkwpuid vm slaM ; .iCom- this bflef period * ;in th b 'SJace leoW lUle tha ^ttii'< tf Hm werj m i .... i* .'.*** A -(<*©» r^jJ J bSS* _ teiiatloa' .loim to jim - Iputa ^bSShal: juty. - aerttoer' tor FsoUM' a'lbwnr.sbetimtai An m m anri^-^ef ^’credit' tt|^ oaken tm gtahi^y meming oTtlaff'c^i roxnen, incoma and aelea^ tax, and Oopt duty on fu d fOV fiSg. Balbdt^^-I^thliiih ^ ,tlms»: remmto^^ the riot of 000,000,000 tb r o u ^ ty en to the fbiurth door, where oime a farCiim'OlBtothfirwepn^^ . f iroponlsfto toduCing'Interest sates purchases of government a ^ h d # ^ , 'M V lanulng multitude of servants lived, .put M r. TMvm c o n fito ^ to i'sipall kumit .(QcotoiDe4; 3 a T a g s Two) hcmdra' beft^ihb kAves tioos by federal' rtoerve'b whiste ^ agents fdund the perscliai Secretat^;£Mr: jd& ^Dq^\of^((Jih|st Static,ag^^a^^^^^ itt Tte o4iicMl(m committee baa to f tfatatomaiMtatyto to Igt^ntyty beimiglngs of-their prisoners: Britain: ami outlhmd'th.e plim'to nim t^ p t^ - a mortga^ ^redosttre luwe a hearing - eoheduiad fof 'next ptysideat would -be emptyrerad M^rBdmmtt'a-perioBal: bedroom before gidag’ Into tha ^mmfftye TlHirsday on the proposal to-astata Dpjdight’Savlng^lD^ all IBaiergewyrn b^?V-vV.'' Ush a^Board of Regents.
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