
Gingersnaps Originated In 1206 In Lebkuchen, Germany

Mmmmmm, hungry? Join National Gingersnap Day on July 1st by enjoying this sweet and savory treat. Recipes for gingersnap typically call for molasses, , , cinnamon, and brown sugar. The combination of sweet and spicy has long been enjoyed for generations.

The lower calories in gingersnaps make them a healthier alternative to other cookies, but they also have additional benefits. For example, ginger, cinnamon, and all include anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. They may also help fight heart disease. Cinnamon contributes to lower amounts of glucose in the bloodstream; ginger helps aid digestion, and cloves also help prevent oral diseases and headaches. Around the world, gingersnaps come in different shapes and sizes. In America, it’s much like a sugar , but in Scandinavia, it’s more like a wafer. This tough little biscuit is often known as a ‘ginger nut’ in Australia, New Zealand and in the United Kingdom Ginger helps digest fatty foods and break down proteins. It can also treat motion sickness.

It even reduces inflammation caused by arthritis. Ginger stimulates the circulation of blood. That’s how it helps reduce inflammation. It is also a natural decongestant and antihistamine. Gingersnaps were first baked commercially in 1862 The first published recipe for gingersnaps was in 1805 by Mrs. H.L. Webster. it is believed that gingersnap cookies originated in Germany during the early 13th century, and were first produced by medieval monks. It is also said that the previous version of these gingersnaps has been called Lebkuchen, which is the German version of cookies for Christmas. Records of Lebkuchen baking gingersnaps in 1296 in Ulm and 1395 in were the earliest written records for them.

Sources: National Day Calendar

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