politicsenvironment 16 culturebusinesssports 2008 Prof. dr. Franjo ©tiblar: The crisis is coming to Slovenia with a delay Pavel Gantar: It is normal for people in the Parliament to be in dispute. We will have a problem when there are no more disputes Oktober - a competitive trademark in the international world of fashion design Feri LainšËek Writer, poet and dramatist ISSN 1854-0805 4 22 25 30 33 36 38 39 sinfo 16 2 Editorial: Government Communication Office, Director: Veronika Stabej, GregorËiËeva 25, 1000 Ljubljana, tel. +386 (0) 1 478 2605, fax +386 (0) 1 251 2312, www.ukom.gov.si, Editor-in-Chief: Vesna ŽarkoviË,
[email protected], Production editing: Nicha d.o.o., Translation: PSD d.o.o., Printed by: Littera Picta d.o.o., Number of copies: 4600 Available also at: www.ukom.gov.si/eng/slovenia/publication/sinfo Veronika Stabej Dear reaDerS, this number of Sinfo will bring us into the New Year. 2008 was full of challenges, new experiences and amazing results. It was the year when Slovenia successfully presided over the Council of the European Union, which hopefully put more 20-21 DaNIca Purg: visibility on our country and our achievements. The New Only the best is gOOd enOugh Year will bring many new challenges on all levels and in different fields - from the first year of the new government to the confrontation with the changed economic situation. And Sinfo will also get a new makeover. We shall make it a monthly information magazine again, with only slightly changed graphic design. We want to follow interesting events, people and developments all over Slovenia - from culture, education, research, arts, science, and economics to politics.