Supporting Paper A Planning and Licensing Committee 28 January 2021

Agenda Item 5

Town Clerk: Miss Joy Norris MSc ACIS The Town Hall, 1 High Street, , EX15 1AB [email protected] 01884 38249 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee held remotely on 14 January 2021 at 18:00 Chair: Councillor G Guest. Councillors: E Andrews, K Haslett, J Lochhead, J Johns. Others present: S Reardon (Meeting Administrator). 1. Chair’s Announcements The Chair may make announcements relevant to the work of the Committee. Note: Announcements are for information only and not for debate, discussion or questioning. The Chair announced that:  The Cricket Club relocation and Relief Road Applications were both approved by MDDC.  That the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum is likely to be delayed until, possibly, September 2021. It had planned to hold the Referendum in May 2021 in line with other local council elections but these, too, are likely to be delayed. 2. Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors L Knight and M Smith. 3. Declarations of Interests To receive any Declarations of Interest from Councillors and Officers in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest. Councillors and Officers are reminded of the requirement to declare any interest, including the type of interest, and reason for that interest, either at this stage of the meeting or a s soon as they become aware of that interest . There were no declarations of interests made by Councillors or Officers present. 4. Public Participation 15 minutes is set aside at the beginning of the meeting to enable members of the public to raise matters which are relevant to the work of the Committee. Up to 3 minutes is allowed for each question. It may not be possible to reply straightaway and the question may only be noted and a written response sent at a later date. As there were no members of the public present, this section of the meeting did not take place. 5. Minutes To agree the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 10 December 2020 and 17 December 2020. Resolved that the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 10 December 2020 are adopted as a true and correct record of the meeting and signed as such. Resolved that the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 17 December 2020 are adopted as a true and correct record of the meeting and signed as such. 6. Planning Matters To consider and make comment on the following planning applications received by the Planning Authority and available to view on the Planning Portal : a. 22A Fore Street, Cullompton ( 20/02034/HOUSE ). Installation of solar panels to southern roof slope. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02034/HOUSE is SUPPORTED. b. Paulsland House, Rull Lane, Cullompton ( 20/02089/FULL ). Conversion of barn to dwelling and associated works. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02089/FULL is SUPPORTED. c. 35 Knightswood, Cullompton ( 20/02135/HOUSE ). Erection of single storey rear extension. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02135/HOUSE is SUPPORTED. d. 39 Tiverton Road, Cullompton ( 20/02139/HOUSE ). Erection of single storey extension to rear and first floor extension over garage. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02139/HOUSE is SUPPORTED. e. Hillersdon House, Cullompton ( 21/00012/HOUSE and 21/00013/LBC ). Replacement of an existing blocked doorway, in the north-west, with a new hardwood framed window, with casement to match the existing, various interior alterations, including new door between justice room and pool suite, new joinery items, and finishing of the pool. Resolved that Planning Applications 21/00012/HOUSE and 21/00013/LBC are SUPPORTED. f. Hillersdon House, Cullompton ( 21/00015/FULL and 21/00016/LBC ). Change of use from assembly and leisure (D2) to dwelling house (C3). Resolved that Planning Applications 21/00015/FULL and 21/00016/LBC are SUPPORTED. g. Hillersdon House, Cullompton ( 21/00019/FULL and 21/00020/LBC ). Conversion of existing flat and stable block to 2 flats. Resolved that Planning Applications 21/00019/FULL and 21/00020/LBC are SUPPORTED. 7. Broaclyst Neighbourhood Plan To consider and respond to the Regulation 14 Consultation into the Broadclyst Neighbourhood Plan .  Cullompton Town Council welcomes and supports the Neighbourhood Plan at Broaclyst and, in particular, the Sports Hub.  That some of the paths between Broadclyst and and proposed as cycle paths will need to be widened.  Some existing cycle paths are already on roads and there will be large, agricultural traffic that could prove dangerous.  Cullompton Town Council supports the aspiration for particularly high quality design in housing developments.  In terms of Policy DH44, Cullompton Town Council would welcome any joint work that crosses over from Broadclyst and Cullompton and their linked heritage.  Similarly, Cullompton Town Council would welcome any joint work that could be achieved in terms of tourism and the wider economy.  In the proposed Neighbourhood Plan, there appears to be an omission of references to high speed broadband connections which, in the future, will become as vital a utility as others such as electricity and gas supplies.  There is lots of mention of electric vehicles in the plan but without specific mention of mobility scooters and other electric accessibility devices. 8. Member Questions This agenda item is to give Councillors an opportunity to ask questions which are relevant to the work of the Committee. Note: questions are to be for the purpose of obtaining information and not for debate nor discussion. The members present had no questions. Supporting Paper B Planning and Licensing Committee 28 January 2021

Agenda Item 6

Householder Application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 1


Property name

Address line 1 Bockland Close

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton

Postcode EX15 1JQ

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 301442

Northing (y) 107391


2. Applicant Details

Title Mr and Mrs

First name Jon and Emma

Surname Britton

Company name

Address line 1 1

Address line 2 Bockland Close

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton


Planning Portal Reference: PP-09369192 2. Applicant Details

Postcode EX15 1JQ

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details No Agent details were submitted for this application

4. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe the proposed works:

Raised garden level in South East corner - an area of 3600mm x 3600mm raised by 900mm with 200mm decking on top (total increase 1100mm). Erection of new retaining wall 900mm high to support new raised section. New retaining wall to replace existing wall along the East side of the garden. No build up of ground. Feather-edge fencing erected around the whole garden under 2000mm with the exception of an area of 4250mm on the West side of the garden which is 2400mm in height as neighbour's garden has a raised ground level (fence is under 2000mm from ground level on their side). Erection of retaining wall to further support historic (more than 5 years) raised section of garden in South West corner.

Has the work already been started without consent? Yes No

If Yes, please state 15/06/2020 when the development or work was started (date must be pre- application submission)

Has the work already been completed without consent? Yes No

5. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: 225mm block retaining wall which will be below ground level.

Boundary treatments (e.g. fences, walls)

Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: New feather-edge fencing boards to be erected around the entire boundary.

Other Raised area of garden

Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09369192 5. Materials

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Raised area of garden filled with hardcore (broken patio slabs provided by neighbours) and existing soil from garden.

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

We are submitting drawings of works that have already been completed. Reference: Drawing 001

6. Trees and Hedges

Are there any trees or hedges on your own property or on adjoining properties which are within falling distance of your Yes No proposed development?

Will any trees or hedges need to be removed or pruned in order to carry out your proposal? Yes No

7. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicle access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions, extinguishment and/or creation of public rights of way? Yes No

8. Parking

Will the proposed works affect existing car parking arrangements? Yes No

9. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

10. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

If Yes, please complete the following information about the advice you were given (this will help the authority to deal with this application more efficiently): Officer name:

Title Mr

First name



Date (Must be pre-application submission)


Details of the pre-application advice received

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09369192 10. Pre-application Advice

We contacted the local authority after we discovered that we might have needed to apply for planning permission (something we were not aware of when we started work). An enforcement officer visited the site and we were advised that we should submit a retrospective planning application for the work already started in our garden including raising the ground level, installing decking, erecting retaining walls and erecting a fence. We were also advised that historic work was not subject to any enforcement but, as we would like to erect an additional retaining wall to this area of work to strengthen it, that this should also be included in this application.

11. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

12. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) () Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent

Title Mrs

First name Emma

Surname Britton

Declaration date 22/12/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

13. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 22/12/2020 application)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09369192 1 Bockland Close

Plan Produced for: Jon and Emma Britton

Date Produced: 22 Dec 2020

Plan Reference Number: TQRQM20357153340094

Scale: 1:1250 @ A4

© Crown and database rights 2019 OS 100042766 1 Bockland Close Site Plan

Plan Produced for: Jon and Emma Britton

Date Produced: 22 Dec 2020

Plan Reference Number: TQRQM20357154516055

Scale: 1:200 @ A4

© Crown copyright and database rights 2019 OS 100042766 Householder Application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 14


Property name

Address line 1 Way

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton

Postcode EX15 1TU

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 301026

Northing (y) 107243


2. Applicant Details


First name M.

Surname Collier

Company name

Address line 1 14, Exmoor Way

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton


Planning Portal Reference: PP-09405618 2. Applicant Details

Postcode EX15 1TU

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Mr

First name Ian

Surname Collier

Company name Ian Collier Architects Ltd.

Address line 1 South Barn

Address line 2 Kerswell Farm Barns

Address line 3 Kerswell

Town/city Cullompton


Postcode EX15 2EJ

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe the proposed works:

Proposed raising of ground levels in rear garden and the erection of a 1.8 metre screen fence

Has the work already been started without consent? Yes No

5. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): none

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Low level retaining walls of blockwork max 750mm in height

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09405618 5. Materials

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

J285/01, 02

6. Trees and Hedges

Are there any trees or hedges on your own property or on adjoining properties which are within falling distance of your Yes No proposed development?

Will any trees or hedges need to be removed or pruned in order to carry out your proposal? Yes No

7. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicle access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions, extinguishment and/or creation of public rights of way? Yes No

8. Parking

Will the proposed works affect existing car parking arrangements? Yes No

9. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

10. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

11. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

12. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding**

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09405618 12. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent


First name Ian

Surname Collier

Declaration date 11/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

13. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 11/01/2021 application)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09405618

Application for Outline Planning Permission With Some Matters Reserved. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address

Number 18


Property name

Address line 1 Road

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton

Postcode EX15 1EF

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 301873

Northing (y) 106932


2. Applicant Details

Title Mr

First name R

Surname Sivlal

Company name

Address line 1 The Manor House Hotel

Address line 2 Fore Street

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton


Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 2. Applicant Details

Postcode EX15 1JL

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Mr

First name Stephen

Surname Bryant

Company name SAB Drawing & Design

Address line 1 26 Marguerite Road

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Tiverton

Country UK

Postcode EX16 6TD

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of the Proposal

Please indicate all those matters for which approval is sought as part of this outline application (tick all that apply). Note: if this application is approved, the matters not determined as part of this application will need to be the subject of an 'Application for approval of reserved matters' before the development may proceed. Access Appearance Landscaping Layout Scale

Please describe the proposed development

Erection of 5 Dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling

Has the work already been started without planning permission? Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 5. Site Area

What is the measurement of the site area? 0.07 (numeric characters only). Unit Hectares

6. Existing Use

Please describe the current use of the site

Private Dwelling and Garden

Is the site currently vacant? Yes No

If Yes, please describe the last use of the site


When did this use end (if known)? DD/MM/YYYY Does the proposal involve any of the following? If Yes, you will need to submit an appropriate contamination assessment with your application.

Land which is known to be contaminated Yes No

Land where contamination is suspected for all or part of the site Yes No

A proposed use that would be particularly vulnerable to the presence of contamination Yes No

7. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Are there any new public roads to be provided within the site? Yes No

Are there any new public rights of way to be provided within or adjacent to the site? Yes No

Do the proposals require any diversions/extinguishments and/or creation of rights of way? Yes No

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, please show details on your plans/drawings and state their reference numbers

Pedestrian access to the properties from the proposed paved area as shown on Drawings 00865/3 & 00895/5

8. Vehicle Parking

Does the site have any existing vehicle/cycle parking spaces or will the proposed development add/remove any parking Yes No spaces?

9. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Render

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Render

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 9. Materials


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Inter-locking Tile

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Inter-locking Tile


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Timber

Description of proposed materials and finishes: uPVC


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Timber

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Composite

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

10. Foul Sewage

Please state how foul sewage is to be disposed of: Mains Sewer Septic Tank Package Treatment plant Cess Pit Other Unknown

Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system? Yes No Unknown

If Yes, please include the details of the existing system on the application drawings. Please state the plan(s)/drawing(s) references.


11. Assessment of Flood Risk

Is the site within an area at risk of flooding? (Check the location on the Government's Flood map for planning. You Yes No should also refer to national standing advice and your local planning authority requirements for information as necessary.)

If Yes, you will need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment to consider the risk to the proposed site.

Is your proposal within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or beck)? Yes No

Will the proposal increase the flood risk elsewhere? Yes No

How will surface water be disposed of?

Sustainable drainage system

Existing water course


Main sewer


Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 12. Trees and Hedges

Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site? Yes No

And/or: Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the Yes No development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?

If Yes to either or both of the above, you may need to provide a full tree survey, at the discretion of your local planning authority. If a tree survey is required, this and the accompanying plan should be submitted alongside your application. Your local planning authority should make clear on its website what the survey should contain, in accordance with the current 'BS5837: Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations'.

13. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely or conserved and enhanced within the application site, or on land adjacent to or near the application site? To assist in answering this question correctly, please refer to the help text which provides guidance on determining if any important biodiversity or geological conservation features may be present or nearby; and whether they are likely to be affected by the proposals.

a) Protected and priority species: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

b) Designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

c) Features of geological conservation importance: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

14. Waste Storage and Collection

Do the plans incorporate areas to store and aid the collection of waste? Yes No

If Yes, please provide details:

Designated area for recycle bins

Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclable waste? Yes No

If Yes, please provide details:

Designated area for recycle bins

15. Residential/Dwelling Units Please note: This question has been updated to include the latest information requirements specified by government. Applications created before 23 May 2020 will not have been updated, please read the ‘Help’ to see details of how to workaround this issue.

Does your proposal include the gain, loss or change of use of residential units? Yes No

Please select the proposed housing categories that are relevant to your proposal. Market Housing Social, Affordable or Intermediate Rent Affordable Home Ownership Starter Homes Self-build and Custom Build

Add 'Market Housing - Proposed' residential units

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 15. Residential/Dwelling Units

Market Housing - Proposed

Number of bedrooms

1 2 3 4+ Unknown Total

Houses 0 5 0 0 0 5

Total 0 5 0 0 0 5

Please select the existing housing categories that are relevant to your proposal. Market Housing Social, Affordable or Intermediate Rent Affordable Home Ownership Starter Homes Self-build and Custom Build

Add 'Market Housing - Existing' residential units

Market Housing - Existing

Number of bedrooms

1 2 3 4+ Unknown Total

Houses 0 0 1 0 0 1

Total 0 0 1 0 0 1

Total proposed residential units 5

Total existing residential units 1

Total net gain or loss of residential units 4

16. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace? Yes No Note that 'non-residential' covers ALL uses execept Use Class C3 Dwellinghouses

17. Employment

Are there any existing employees on the site or will the proposed development increase or decrease the number of Yes No employees?

18. Hours of Opening

Are Hours of Opening relevant to this proposal? Yes No

19. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

Does this proposal involve the carrying out of industrial or commercial activities and processes? Yes No

Is the proposal for a waste management development? Yes No

If this is a landfill application you will need to provide further information before your application can be determined. Your waste planning authority should make it clear what information it requires on its website

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 20. Hazardous Substances

Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any hazardous substances? Yes No

21. Trade Effluent

Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or trade waste? Yes No

22. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

23. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

24. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

If yes, please provide details of their name, role, and how they are related:

25. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent

Title Mr

First name Stephen A G

Surname Bryant

Declaration date 17/11/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847 25. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration

Declaration made

26. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 17/11/2020 application)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09262847


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1 Ordnance Survey, (c) Crown Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 Location plan 1 1 : 1250

Mr J Brown Location plan

Project number 2065 Date 18 -12 -20 Site adj to 112 Exeter Rd S1 Drawn by Cullompton JD Checked by Checker Scale A4 1 : 1250



Proposed Development: Outline consent for one new dwelling

Address: Land at 112 Exeter Road, Cullompton, EX15 1DZ

Report Date: January 2021

Prepared For: Mr J Brown

Prepared By: Kim Walker


95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD







95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD


1.1 This Statement has been prepared in order to support the outline application for the construction of a single dwelling with garden and parking on land adjacent to no. 112 Exeter Road, Cullompton.

1.2 SITE LOCATION The site is located within an established area of residential housing. The site is level and can be accessed directly from Exeter Road. The properties in the area are predominantly two storey houses with only the existing dwelling on the application site and the property directly opposite, being single storey. The site for the proposed new dwelling is presently a large garden area, which belongs to 112 Exeter Road.


The relevant planning history for the site is detailed below:

79/01567/OUT Outline for the erection of a dwelling Approved 23 October 1979

82/01626/FULL Detailed drawings for the erection of a dwelling Approved 1 December 1982

97/01356/FULL Raise ridge height of roof by 0.6m and construct rear dormer to provide three bedrooms and bathroom in roof space Approved 13 November 1997

There is also relevant planning history in relation to nearby sites:

86/01403/FULL Erection of four dwellings and construction of vehicular access Approved 29 December 1986

87/02552/FULL Erection of four dwellings and construction of vehicular access Approved 1 December 1987

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD


2.1 AMOUNT The site presently houses one single bungalow, on a larger than average plot, with parking, accessed from Exeter Road.

It is proposed that the existing bungalow is retained, with a garden area, garage and parking space.

2.2 LAYOUT The plot is larger than average, and the space lends itself to the addition of one further dwelling. The proposed dwelling will follow the same building line as the existing property as demonstrated on the proposed site plan. It will address the street with the front elevation and provides two parking spaces. An area of landscaping will be retained to the front of the proposed dwelling, adjacent to the footpath.

2.3 SCALE AND APPEARANCE The dwelling is proposed to be detached, and two-storey in height to reflect the design and heights of the existing surrounding houses. The design and layout will be submitted as a Reserved Matters application; however, it is intended that the property will respect the character and appearance of the area and will comply with the Technical Housing Regulations and provides adequate amenity space.

2.4 LANDSCAPING The garden area will be laid to lawn, with the rear boundary hedge retained and a landscaped area to the front, which will be separated from the pavement by a boundary wall as indicated on the proposed site layout plan.

2.5 USE It is proposed that the site will provide one new unit of residential accommodation with garden and two parking spaces.

2.6 ACCESS The access to the site is excellent, with pedestrian access via existing footpaths, cycle access and access to buses at the nearby bus stops.

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD



3.1.1 The proposal seeks to construct a new residential dwelling on the garden area to the side of the existing bungalow and parking area. The site lies within an area of established residential housing and within the settlement limits of Cullompton.

Access to and from the site is excellent for pedestrians and cyclists with easy access to the shops and services of Cullompton and to the public transport network to the wider area. There is also easy access by vehicle to the M5 and to Exeter Airport.

The principle therefore of a proposed new dwelling in this location, is acceptable in terms of use of the site and local plan policy.


3.2.1 This is an outline application to establish the principle of a new dwelling in this location, with all matters, other than access and parking reserved. The character of the area is dominated by residential housing, which is predominantly two-storey in height, both in Exeter Road and within Ploudal Road to the rear.

3.2.2 The image below shows the existing bungalow, adjacent to two-storey buildings, with the garden area beyond, where the new dwelling is proposed to be located. This which is presently fenced along the pavement.

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD

3.2.3 The following image shows the garden area where the new dwelling is proposed, with two-storey houses adjacent and to the rear.

3.2.4 The next image shows the site from Ploudal Road, to the rear of the site. The existing dormer bungalow can be seen to the left of the houses and the garden area, where the new dwelling is proposed to be sited.


3.3.1 The garden area for the proposed new dwelling will be approximately 100 square metres. The garden area for the existing dwelling will be reduced but will still be a minimum of 54 square metres.

3.3.2 The orientation of the properties to the rear and the separation distances, means that there will be no new loss of privacy. The rear of these properties and the garden areas are already overlooked by the houses and dormer bungalow on Exeter Road, as well as from the neighbouring gardens. The distances between the rear of the properties on Ploudal Road and the proposed dwelling will mirror that of the

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD

adjacent houses. Obscure glazing can be incorporated into the detailed design to further ensure that there is no new loss of privacy, or amenity.


3.4.1 Two off-road parking spaces are proposed for the new dwelling and two off-road parking spaces are retained for the existing bungalow, in accordance with the requirements of the local plan policy.

The parking for the new dwelling will require a new vehicular access to be created onto the highway. However, this is in a location with good visibility in both directions and in an area where there are numerous other driveways serving surrounding properties. There should therefore be no new vehicle movement conflicts through the introduction of a new access.

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD


4.1 The planning policy framework relating to this proposal consists of the adopted Mid-Devon Local Plan 2013-2033, as well as the National Planning Policy Framework.

National Planning Policy Framework 4.2 Planning Law requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The National Planning Policy Framework is a material consideration in planning decisions.

4.3 The NPPF states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, with three overarching objectives:

An Economic objective (helping to build a strong, responsive, and competitive economy).

A social objective (to support strong, vibrant, and healthy communities); and

An environmental objective (to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built, and historic environment).

The proposed development would jointly and simultaneously deliver all three roles that underpin sustainable development by ensuring that the future residential occupants of the development support the continued economic contribution and community support to the shops, facilities, and services in and around Cullompton. The development would also deliver a quality dwelling to meet the needs of this and future generations, while safeguarding the natural environment through the re-use of this previously developed land.

4.4 The NPPF states that local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way. T he NPPF at Section 5 “Delivering a sufficient supply of homes” is concerned with supporting the Government’s objective of significantly boosting the supply of homes, to allow a sufficient amount and variety of land to come forward in order to address housing requirements and for land to be developed without unnecessary delay.

The proposal supports this laudable aim and provides the local population with one new detached dwelling, in a sustainable location, with easy access to shops and services and public transport.

4.5 From the outset of the proposed development, consideration has been given to accessibility and promoting sustainable transport in accordance with Section 9 of the NPPF. There is access on foot and by bicycle to the immediately adjacent footpaths and cycle paths and the bus stops, which provides access to the wider area.

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD

4.6 The NPPF at Section 12 speaks of achieving well designed places. Paragraph 124 states that the creation of high-quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, creates better places in which to live and work and helps make development acceptable to communities.

Decisions should ensure that developments: Add to the overall quality of the area. Are visually attractive as a result of good architecture, layout, and appropriate and effective landscaping. Be sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change. Establish or maintain a strong sense of place and distinctive places to live, work and visit. Optimise the potential of the site to accommodate and sustain an appropriate amount and mix of development; and Create places that are safe, inclusive, and accessible with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users.

The applicant, being a local resident is keen that the proposed development is visually representative of the area is sympathetic to the local vernacular, incorporating the use of materials which will ensure that the dwelling blends with the adjacent residential properties.

The proposed dwelling provides a suitably sized garden to the rear, together with an area of landscaping to the front. Appropriate parking is provided.

MID DEVON LOCAL PLAN 2013-2033 4.7 POLICY S1 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES The proposed dwelling is within the settlement limits of Cullompton, which is identified as one of ’s most sustainable settlements and where development should be focused. The site is in close proximity to the shops and services of the town, which are reached along existing footpaths. Bus stops are located within less than a 1-minute walk, providing access to the wider area. Cycle parking can be provided within a secure shed within the large garden area.

4.8 POLICY S3 MEETING HOUSING NEEDS This policy identifies that a minimum of 7,860 dwellings are required to meet the housing needs of Mid Devon in the plan period. The development of this centrally located plot, provides one additional family dwelling to assist in meeting this need, in a sustainable location where walking, cycling and the use of public transport can be prioritised over the use of the private vehicle.

4.9 POLICY S9 ENVIRONMENT The historic built environment and the landscape are protected through the development of this site. The detailed design of the proposed dwelling will include details of soakaways for surface run-off water and measures to ensure the dwelling is fuel efficient and minimises effects on the environment.

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD

4.10 POLICY S11 CULLOMPTON This policy states that Cullompton will develop as a fast-growing market town, with targets for the provision of new dwellings. In accordance with the aims of this policy, the site is located where there is easy access to shops and service on foot and by cycling and to public transport connections, which will assist with the reduction in the use of private vehicles and the improvement of air quality.

4.11 POLICY DM1 HIGH QUALITY DESIGN The design of the proposed dwelling has not been submitted and will form a Reserved Matters application. However, the principle of development in this location has been considered against the characteristics of the site, the wider context, and the surrounding area. The location of the site enables the use of sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport.

The dwelling will meet the Nationally Described Space Standards and will be designed for adequate levels of daylight, sunlight, and private amenity space, as well as parking and the installation of sustainable urban drainage systems.

4.12 POLICY DM5 PARKING The policy requires that a minimum of 1.7 parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling. In accordance with this requirement, there will be one parking space and one garage space provided for the existing property, with two parking spaces provided for the new dwelling.

Cycle parking can be provided within a secure shed within the garden of the new dwelling, with the addition of one electric charging point within the driveway.

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD


5.1 The provision of one, residential dwelling will positively contribute to the site and this part of the street, and provide an additional home on an infill, site within this established residential area within Cullompton.

5.2 Careful consideration has been given to adequate and safe parking provision, good garden size and orientation for maximum sunlight, amenities of neighbouring properties, and highways access.

5.3 It is therefore concluded that the proposed development is in accordance with the policies of the National Planning Policy Framework, the adopted Core Strategy and Local Plan and it is therefore respectfully requested that the application is supported.

------END OF STATEMENT ------

95 Upper Manor Road, Paignton, TQ3 2TQ TAYLOR-WHITEHOUSE PLANNING LTD 07411 992622 Registered in England and Wales Company Number 11209336 Application for listed building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a listed building. Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address



Property name Hillersdon House

Address line 1 Lane To Hillersdon House

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton

Postcode EX15 1LS

Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 299623

Northing (y) 107932


2. Applicant Details


First name

Surname Hillersdon Holdings

Company name

Address line 1 Hillersdon House

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09370867 2. Applicant Details


Postcode EX15 1LS

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details


First name Andrew

Surname Wilson

Company name Louise Crossman Architects

Address line 1 The Potato Store

Address line 2 Court Place

Address line 3 Withycombe

Town/city Minehead

Country United Kingdom

Postcode TA24 6QB

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Description of Proposed Works

Please describe details of the proposed development or works including details of proposals to alter, extend or demolish the listed building(s):

The proposal seeks to improve the existing fabric by : - Alterations to a glazed screen between the family kitchen and Justice Hall with new joinery profiles - Replacement of 2no fireplace surrounds

Has the development or work already been started without consent? Yes No

5. Listed Building Grading

What is the grading of the listed building (as stated in the list of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical Interest)? Don't know Grade I Grade II* Grade II

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09370867 5. Listed Building Grading

Is it an ecclesiastical building? Don't know Yes No

6. Demolition of Listed Building

Does the proposal include the partial or total demolition of a listed building? Yes No

7. Related Proposals

Are there any current applications, previous proposals or demolitions for the site? Yes No

8. Immunity from Listing

Has a Certificate of Immunity from Listing been sought in respect of this building? Yes No

9. Listed Building Alterations

Do the proposed works include alterations to a listed building? Yes No

If Yes, do the proposed works include

a) works to the interior of the building? Yes No

b) works to the exterior of the building? Yes No

c) works to any structure or object fixed to the property (or buildings within its curtilage) internally or externally? Yes No

d) stripping out of any internal wall, ceiling or floor finishes (e.g. plaster, floorboards)? Yes No

If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, please provide plans, drawings and photographs sufficient to identify the location, extent and character of the items to be removed. Also include the proposal for their replacement, including any new means of structural support, and state references for the plan(s)/drawing(s).

1495.1_1C_100-Existing Location Plan - Kitchen 1495.1_1C_101-Existing Ground Floor Plan - Kitchen 1495.1_1C_110-Existing Justice Screen 1495.1_1C_301-Proposed Ground Floor Plan - Kitchen 1495.1_1C_310-Proposed Justice Screen 1495.1_1C_320-Proposed AGA Surround 1495.1_1C_340-Proposed Fireplace Surround

10. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used? Yes No

11. Neighbour and Community Consultation

Have you consulted your neighbours or the local community about the proposal? Yes No

12. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09370867 13. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

If Yes, please complete the following information about the advice you were given (this will help the authority to deal with this application more efficiently): Officer name:


First name



Date (Must be pre-application submission)


Details of the pre-application advice received

Not yet received from Conservation Officer

14. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority. Do any of the above statements apply?

15. Certificates CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Certificate under Regulation 6 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner (owner is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run) of any part of the land or building to which the application relates.

Person role The applicant The agent


First name

Surname Hillersdon Holdings

Declaration date 14/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

16. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 14/01/2021 application)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09370867

. Highdown Farm Exeter EX5 4LJ Tel: 07739765510 Email: [email protected].

13 th January 2021

Dear members of Cullompton Town Council

We are writing to let you know that we are hoping to develop a leisure diversification on part of the land that we own at Westcott.

As a family we have farmed near Cullompton for over 60 years, for the last 20+ years as tenants of the Duchy of Cornwall on our organic dairy farm at Highdown where we also have three holiday cottages. Several years ago we purchased the two fields between the solar farm at Westcott, The Bear Trail and the M5.

We now farm as a partnership with our two daughters and need to expand the business further to create extra income to support our growing families. On a trip to Herefordshire we tried our hand at laser clay shooting which we discovered was great fun and which we thoroughly enjoyed. Laser clay shooting involves using deactivated 12 bore shotguns which are converted to send a laser beam at plastic clays that have a reflective target strip on them. When the beam hits the target it is reflected back to the gun & a light comes on. Teams of up to five people age 8 upwards can shoot at the same target, there are a variety of games that can be played and points are scored onto an electronic scoreboard. It is a safe and environmentally friendly sport, the clays are reusable and the guns use rechargeable batteries. Noise is very minimal. At about the same time as our trip, we were approached to find out if we would be interested in letting some land for footgolf. Footgolf is a game of skill where a football is kicked into a series of holes on a 9 or 18 hole course similar to a golf course with fairways & bunkers. It is a fast growing sport popular with both adults & children.

We feel that both of these activities would fit in well with our existing business and would be ideal for the community as both are healthy outdoor activities that can be enjoyed by all ages with minimal impact on the environment. They would also compliment the Bear Trail & Bear Town which is directly opposite to the proposed site. The Merry Harriers would also benefit from greater footfall from the customer base that these businesses would attract.

The site would be accessed via an entrance on the road from Bradninch to the Merry Harriers with a new entrance. (Highways have already granted us permission to do this).We intend to block the present gateway on the corner of the crossroads at the B3181 and create better visibility at the crossroads by moving the boundary fence back.

We very much hope that Cullompton Town Council will see the advantages for the community of this exciting venture and will support our planning application in these difficult times, to create healthy open space activities within the parish.

We would be very willing to discuss our projects further with you via Zoom or similar if required. The town council would be also very welcome to visit the proposed site.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

. Graham & Sandra Vallis & Family