Supporting Paper A Planning and Licensing Committee 28 January 2021 Agenda Item 5 Town Clerk: Miss Joy Norris MSc ACIS The Town Hall, 1 High Street, CULLOMPTON, EX15 1AB [email protected] 01884 38249 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee held remotely on 14 January 2021 at 18:00 Chair: Councillor G Guest. Councillors: E Andrews, K Haslett, J Lochhead, J Johns. Others present: S Reardon (Meeting Administrator). 1. Chair’s Announcements The Chair may make announcements relevant to the work of the Committee. Note: Announcements are for information only and not for debate, discussion or questioning. The Chair announced that: The Cricket Club relocation and Relief Road Applications were both approved by MDDC. That the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum is likely to be delayed until, possibly, September 2021. It had planned to hold the Referendum in May 2021 in line with other local council elections but these, too, are likely to be delayed. 2. Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Councillors unable to attend the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors L Knight and M Smith. 3. Declarations of Interests To receive any Declarations of Interest from Councillors and Officers in respect of matters to be considered at this meeting, together with an appropriate statement regarding the nature of the interest. Councillors and Officers are reminded of the requirement to declare any interest, including the type of interest, and reason for that interest, either at this stage of the meeting or a s soon as they become aware of that interest . There were no declarations of interests made by Councillors or Officers present. 4. Public Participation 15 minutes is set aside at the beginning of the meeting to enable members of the public to raise matters which are relevant to the work of the Committee. Up to 3 minutes is allowed for each question. It may not be possible to reply straightaway and the question may only be noted and a written response sent at a later date. As there were no members of the public present, this section of the meeting did not take place. 5. Minutes To agree the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 10 December 2020 and 17 December 2020. Resolved that the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 10 December 2020 are adopted as a true and correct record of the meeting and signed as such. Resolved that the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Committee meeting held on 17 December 2020 are adopted as a true and correct record of the meeting and signed as such. 6. Planning Matters To consider and make comment on the following planning applications received by the Planning Authority and available to view on the Planning Portal : a. 22A Fore Street, Cullompton ( 20/02034/HOUSE ). Installation of solar panels to southern roof slope. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02034/HOUSE is SUPPORTED. b. Paulsland House, Rull Lane, Cullompton ( 20/02089/FULL ). Conversion of barn to dwelling and associated works. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02089/FULL is SUPPORTED. c. 35 Knightswood, Cullompton ( 20/02135/HOUSE ). Erection of single storey rear extension. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02135/HOUSE is SUPPORTED. d. 39 Tiverton Road, Cullompton ( 20/02139/HOUSE ). Erection of single storey extension to rear and first floor extension over garage. Resolved that Planning Application 20/02139/HOUSE is SUPPORTED. e. Hillersdon House, Cullompton ( 21/00012/HOUSE and 21/00013/LBC ). Replacement of an existing blocked doorway, in the north-west, with a new hardwood framed window, with casement to match the existing, various interior alterations, including new door between justice room and pool suite, new joinery items, and finishing of the pool. Resolved that Planning Applications 21/00012/HOUSE and 21/00013/LBC are SUPPORTED. f. Hillersdon House, Cullompton ( 21/00015/FULL and 21/00016/LBC ). Change of use from assembly and leisure (D2) to dwelling house (C3). Resolved that Planning Applications 21/00015/FULL and 21/00016/LBC are SUPPORTED. g. Hillersdon House, Cullompton ( 21/00019/FULL and 21/00020/LBC ). Conversion of existing flat and stable block to 2 flats. Resolved that Planning Applications 21/00019/FULL and 21/00020/LBC are SUPPORTED. 7. Broaclyst Neighbourhood Plan To consider and respond to the Regulation 14 Consultation into the Broadclyst Neighbourhood Plan . Cullompton Town Council welcomes and supports the Neighbourhood Plan at Broaclyst and, in particular, the Sports Hub. That some of the paths between Broadclyst and Pinhoe and proposed as cycle paths will need to be widened. Some existing cycle paths are already on roads and there will be large, agricultural traffic that could prove dangerous. Cullompton Town Council supports the aspiration for particularly high quality design in housing developments. In terms of Policy DH44, Cullompton Town Council would welcome any joint work that crosses over from Broadclyst and Cullompton and their linked heritage. Similarly, Cullompton Town Council would welcome any joint work that could be achieved in terms of tourism and the wider economy. In the proposed Neighbourhood Plan, there appears to be an omission of references to high speed broadband connections which, in the future, will become as vital a utility as others such as electricity and gas supplies. There is lots of mention of electric vehicles in the plan but without specific mention of mobility scooters and other electric accessibility devices. 8. Member Questions This agenda item is to give Councillors an opportunity to ask questions which are relevant to the work of the Committee. Note: questions are to be for the purpose of obtaining information and not for debate nor discussion. The members present had no questions. Supporting Paper B Planning and Licensing Committee 28 January 2021 Agenda Item 6 Householder Application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department. 1. Site Address Number 1 Suffix Property name Address line 1 Bockland Close Address line 2 Address line 3 Town/city Cullompton Postcode EX15 1JQ Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known: Easting (x) 301442 Northing (y) 107391 Description 2. Applicant Details Title Mr and Mrs First name Jon and Emma Surname Britton Company name Address line 1 1 Address line 2 Bockland Close Address line 3 Town/city Cullompton Country United Kingdom Planning Portal Reference: PP-09369192 2. Applicant Details Postcode EX15 1JQ Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No Primary number Secondary number Fax number Email address 3. Agent Details No Agent details were submitted for this application 4. Description of Proposed Works Please describe the proposed works: Raised garden level in South East corner - an area of 3600mm x 3600mm raised by 900mm with 200mm decking on top (total increase 1100mm). Erection of new retaining wall 900mm high to support new raised section. New retaining wall to replace existing wall along the East side of the garden. No build up of ground. Feather-edge fencing erected around the whole garden under 2000mm with the exception of an area of 4250mm on the West side of the garden which is 2400mm in height as neighbour's garden has a raised ground level (fence is under 2000mm from ground level on their side). Erection of retaining wall to further support historic (more than 5 years) raised section of garden in South West corner. Has the work already been started without consent? Yes No If Yes, please state 15/06/2020 when the development or work was started (date must be pre- application submission) Has the work already been completed without consent? Yes No 5. Materials Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material): Walls Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Description of proposed materials and finishes: 225mm block retaining wall which will be below ground level. Boundary treatments (e.g. fences, walls) Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Description of proposed materials and finishes: New feather-edge fencing boards to be erected around the entire boundary. Other Raised area of garden Description of existing materials and finishes (optional): Planning Portal Reference: PP-09369192 5. Materials Description of proposed materials and finishes: Raised area of garden filled with hardcore (broken patio slabs provided by neighbours) and existing soil from garden. Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement We are submitting drawings of works that have already been completed. Reference: Drawing 001 6. Trees and Hedges Are there any trees or hedges on your own property or on adjoining properties which are within falling distance of your Yes No proposed development? Will any trees or hedges need to be removed or pruned in order to carry out your proposal? Yes No 7. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way Is a new or altered vehicle access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No Do the proposals require any diversions, extinguishment and/or creation of public rights of way? Yes No 8.
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