Seneca and the Self Edited by Shadi Bartsch and David Wray Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88838-7 - Seneca and the Self Edited by Shadi Bartsch and David Wray Index More information Index Achilles 266, 271–2, 277–81 Aquinas 263 Aeneas 133, 271–3 Aristophanes 85, 91–2, 105–6 afterlife 18–19, 255–82 Aristotle Agamemnon 252–4, 271 and “adult” logic 231 agency 4, 26, 35, 68, 72, 74, 76, and Plato on rational and nonrational parts of 264 the soul 10, 78 Agrippina 82, 95, 253 and selfhood 28–9, 40, 43–6 Alberti, L. B. 160 on anger 100, 106 Alexander the Great 11, 87, 103, 122 on deliberative choice (prohairesis) 252 animus see mind on disgust (duschereia) 108 anagnorisis¯ 224, 228 on the body’s enslavement to the soul 145 analogy on the moderation of passions 149, 162 Aristotle Politics, body to soul as master to Armisen-Marchetti, M. 15, 189–91 slave 145 ask¯esis 5, 47, 209 Seneca; use in general 191; On the Happy Life, Asmis, E. 6, 12–13, 200, 203 obedience like a fight 119; On Benefits,the Astyanax 232, 267, 271–81 rule of the sapiens like that of the gods 121; Athenodorus 62 Letter, 80, the powerful like slaves 130–1; Atreus 16, 66, 221–8, 231, 234–5, 266–70 ruler to subject like master to slave 159;the Augustine/Augustinian mind mastering passions like a master and Seneca’s self-reflection 36 controlling slaves 151, 152, 154, 156;aman critique of Stoicism 17, 239, 241, 243, 244 perfecting himself like a sculptor perfecting model of selfhood 14, 58 his statue 211; philosophers likened to legal notion of the unconscious 234 counselors 247, 250 Augustus 94–5, 100–1, 104, 106, 110, 111, 157, Andromache 232, 271–8 253 anger/ira against slaves 11–14 Bacon, F.
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