Tailored Clothes Other Plans Are for Tho Construc- It Subject to That Use, and Subject to F

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Tailored Clothes Other Plans Are for Tho Construc- It Subject to That Use, and Subject to F PAGE FOUR DAILY OAPITAIj, JOUItNAIi, BAIjEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBItUAKY 7, 1010. INCREASE COMMON SENSE HOR FOR COMMON LAW AUCTION Days COfl1ST Three More "I afii aware that It Is contrary to tho weight of authority as our courts attempt to apply tho common AL DEFENSE law to a situation to which It Is en MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY tirely in applicable. In England no river is deemed navigable wherein will continue great sale. I our the tldo doos not ebbe and flow and Horse auction sale, rain or shine. We In order to secure these Will Steps To- Salem Exchange 554 England . Take such Is tho common law, but in this at Horso Barn, exceptional bargains seize the present ward Protecting Nation's country tho courts finally cut loose Ferry street, Salem, Ore., Saturday, onnortunitv from tho doctrine and decided it was February 12, 1910. Sale to begin Here few prices will Great Commercial inapplicable to conditions In America at 1 o'cloclock, sharp, consisting of are a that give you an idea: Ports. and that tho test of navigability was horses, wagons, buggies, harness and tho fact whether or not a stream saddles;. 25 head of horses and mares Tapestry Brussels, 9x12, our regular price $19.50, sale $14.09 London, Fob. '7. Following the could actually be navigable. In weignmg from luuu to ihuu pounds, action of lawmakers In the United other words, tho American courts S from 4 to 14. Some good heavy Wilton Velvets, 9x12, States looking to the Increase o substituted common sense for com- - yonng draft teams, weight 3000. Al our regular price $40.00. sale $34.00 coast defense and army and naval tnnn inw" so some good, heavy young draft newly-electe- Infm-onMnr- r mares, Weight Ono lUUle, strength, certain d That la a nart nf nn 1500. Body 9x12, I I 1 - a nn a r 1 ..ImhIh Brussels, our regular price $28.50, sale $22.50 .members to itfirllament today are preparing to lntoduco measures for Bride In tho case of D. F. Fllnn and drivers and saddle horses. Que new two-seat- ed surrey, 3 buggies, ono the bettor protection of England. It N. W. Moon, who commenced an nc Axiniflisters, 9x12, our regular price $28.00, sale $22.00 good wagon, 3 -- Is believed that thla subject will bo tion in tho Coos Bay circuit court to inch Rushford, gravel box, one good wagon box, one of the first taken up by parlia- rtostraln Wm. Vaughnn and J. A. Mc with new heavy set of harness, Saxony Axminist's 9x12, our regular price $24.00, sale $18.50 ment when It convenes. Donald from erecting a splash dam four tem one set second-han- d team harness, i Particular attontion will be paid In Conuillo Tho Inferior the fliver. ono new set double driving harness, All to the protection of the nation's court contention of the other carpets cut to the core. Come in while you sustained tho three set of single great commercial ports, as is simi plaintiffs supreme court rubber trimmed, and the af harness.-- will be larly dcaignod In tho moasuro pond court, This stock sold just have an opportunity. Now is the time to get in line. firmed tho lower but Justice you Ing in tho United States. major as represented, or don't have to McBrldo dissented from tho accept Every put up By tho way of effecting tho de argu it. article at ity opinion and tho Interesting positively sired improvements economically, support this sale will sell, regard ment set forth in tho of his loss nf nrlnnr S100 fnrfnlt fnr nnv. oxnorta. who have investigated tho contention was entirely situation, favor entrusting defenso overlooked body bldd,ng ,u stock for l)S AU at the time of tho decision of the stock will sell, if put up. Terms, to flotillas of torpedo boat desroyors case. of too ancient a typo for active ser- - eight months' time with interest at Doctrine Absurd. 8 per cent, with bankeable note. No 271 Court Street Phone Main 9S3 1 fico olsowhore. Continuing Justice McBrldo says As tho destroyers now on actlvo discount for cash. to our In regard superseded by more "I think take rules CLEARWATER BROS., sorvico are to riparian water rights on floatable modern vessels, they, In turn, could Owners. streams from a country which had replace tho oldej coast dofenso A. Cooper, Auctioneer. still not streams no craft. flontablo and timber u to bo floated, Is a greater absurdity Iu this way, It Is pointed out, sev- HOW'S THIS? adoption of nnd eral years' work will be obtained than tho the tide wator test to navigability would be re- - from iboata that otherwise would bo Wo offer One Hundred Dollars duo for tho scrap heap. and thnt wo had ought to adopt a ward for any case of catarrh that Tho older destroyers have sonip liberal and common sense rule that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh ono on capa- - "J. 1 fighting value, and in flotillas could taking land a stream Cure. F. CHENEY & CO., I do offoctlvo work against a sluglo bio in its natural state of floating Toledo, O. modern vessel. logs for a portion of tho year, takes We, the undersigned, havo known Tailored Clothes Other plans are for tho construc- It subject to that use, and subject to F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, tion of submarines to bo placed on tho right of tho public to reasonably and believe him perfectly honorable stations where difficulty is experi- assist such navigation by artificial in all business transactions, and enced in mining harbors and chan- moans. Tho Strict adherence to an- - financially able to carry out any nels. tiqunted common lnw doctrine, on- - obligations mad by his firm, MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Liverpool, Barrow-in-Furnes- s, Bris tlroly Inapplicable In this state, on- - WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, SUIT SALE tol;,HuU and Harwich aro tho ports nblos any curmudgeon who happens Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. that probably will bo designated first to own lnnd along a floatable stream Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in for protection. It is Intended ulti- to hamper, delay and blackmail a ternally, acting directly upon the mately to havo ovoy port on the groat industry and malao it impossl- - blood and mucous surfaces of the eoruary argams bio a Binnll proprietor system. o coast of England similarly for of timber Testimonials sent free. r land to get hfs produce to the mar- - Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all kot. Ho must either burn his val- - druggists. will uablo trees or soil thorn to somebody Tako Hall's Family Pills for con If you are alive you undoubtedly do yourself SUNDAYED IN JAIL who Is able to build a railroad." stipation. "Thoro Is no more reason for ap the justice of inspecting our extraordinary suit bar- plying common law rules on riparian ARRESTED Ouo of tho "Merry Widows" got this week. water rights on our floatable Btreams gains Into trouble Saturday night. Sho than thoro is for applying tho En a cough that has been hanging on value-givin- anti-typho- g got tanked up on too much id you to fully appreciate glish custom of primogeniture, or for over two months by taking Bal- We want what wator and made things inter- convoynnco by flno and recovery to lard's Horehound Syrup. If you esting for tho proprietor of tho "Jap- means by an establishment of this kind. our system of land tenures." havo a cough, don't wait stop It at We have anese noodle Joint" on South Com- once with this wonderful remedy. mercial street. Officers Jory and Splondkl for coughs, cold on chest, thoroughly renovated our store, collecting all the tPholaud woro, called and romovod Influenza, bronchitis and pulmonary ends which consists of tho drunkon fomalo to tho woman's WILL COLLECT troubles. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. odd and odd sizes, patterns ward In tho city jail, whoro sho re- All druggists. mained until this morning, whon and discontinued numbers, all this season's styles FISH LICENSE --o- Judgo Mooro gavo hor liberty with Sonntor Aldrlch's is reported near tho understanding that sho got out a physical collapse. and fabrics together with our regular showing of of town on tho first Sho gavo train. Master Fish Warden McAllister tho name of Mrs. John Doe. s smart apparel affords a most comprehensive as- and Assistant Attorney Gonornl Van A Simple Trick. Winkle loft today for Chinook, It's nn easy matter to keep your sortment arranged to sell at the following prices: Wash., whoro they will hold a con. Joints and muscles supple no mat foronco with tho Fish Commission ter what your ago may bo or how WORTH of tho Stato of Washington, and also P'ou havo suffered with rheumatism. UB n'Bnt ana morning tho flshormon of that state. 7" In this assortment will be found a great variety of all Tho mtrnoso of this session is to wltn Ballard's Snow Liniment. ascortnln th number of fish trap Gures rheumatism, stiffness, cramps, wool patterns, both heavy and light weight; sizes are mo or MOUNTAINS operating on tho Orogon sldo nnd to cricic in uacK, siuo, necic small, 34 to 38 collect from tho owners tho llconso limbs, nnd relieves all aches and il. oqulrod by law for their operation. pains. For snlo by all dealers tho doolslon supreme Prior to of thb Congress will bo asked by resolu.
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