[FULL COMMITTEE PRINT] 117TH CONGRESS l { REPORT J,st Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 117-XX DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2022 ---, 2021.-Committed to the Committee of the \\'hole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following REPORT [To accompany H.R. XXJ The Committee on Appropriations submits the following report in explanation of the accompanying bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. BILL TOTALS Appropriations for most military functions of the Department of Defense are provided for in the accompanying bill for fiscal year 2022. This bill does not provide appropriations for military con struction, military family housing, civil defense, and military nu clear warheads, for which requirements are considered in connec tion with other appropriations Acts. The President's fiscal year 2022 budget request for activities funded in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act totals $706,197,170,000 in new discretionary budget obligational author ity. 43-365 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Of NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORilY FOR 2021 AND BUDGET REQUESTS ANO ANOUIHS RECOMMENDED IN THE BILL FOR 2022 (Amounts in thousands) FY 2021 FY 2022 Bi11 vs. Bil1 vs. Enacted Request Bi1 l Enacted Request RECAPITULATION Title I - Military Personnel. ....... , ................. 157,807,905 167,285,095 166,797,135 +8.989,230 -487, 960 Title II • Operation and Maintenance .... , .. , ....• ,., .. 192,213,468 253,623,852 254,320,053 +62,106,585 +696, 201 Title [JI - Procurement. .. ···········--·••········ 136,532,968 132,546,005 134,2BB,195 -2,244,773 +1, 742,190 Title IV - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation.
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