School of Liberal Studies Ambedkar University Delhi Course Outline Course Code: Title: Revisiting All India Progressive Writers’ Association (AIPWA) and Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA), 1930s, 1940s and 1950s ( II ) Type of Course: Elective Cohort for which it is compulsory: MA English Cohort for which it is elective: All other Masters programmes No of Credits: 4 Semester and Year Offered: Monsoon Semester 2016 Course Coordinator and Team: Diamond Oberoi Vahali Email of course coordinator:
[email protected] Pre-requisites: Interest in literature, history, cinema and music Aim: This course introduces students to the All India Progressive Writers Association and Indian People’s Theatre Association, the two most significant movements in literature in 1930s and 1940s. During India’s freedom movement, the Progressive writers in 1936 gave a call to not only stand against Imperialism but also against inequality, social injustice and fascism within India. The Progressive writers were deeply concerned with the fact that if India was to become truly independent then it had to free itself from class, caste and gender disparities. Hence the idea of critical realism in literature was given precedence against all other forms of writing by the Progressive writers. AIPWA led to the formation of IPTA in 1942. Based on the same precepts as the AIPWA, IPTA concentrated on People’s theatre. Central to it was the belief that the People’s theatre must evolve from the organized mass movement of workers, peasants, students, youth and the middle class. But whereas AIPWA imparted great significance to social realism as a mode of writing, IPTA concentrated more on the folk form.