RESEARCH ARTICLE The actin-modulating protein synaptopodin mediates long-term survival of dendritic spines Kenrick Yap1, Alexander Drakew1, Dinko Smilovic1,2, Michael Rietsche1, Mandy H Paul1, Mario Vuksic1,2, Domenico Del Turco1, Thomas Deller1* 1Institute of Clinical Neuroanatomy, Dr. Senckenberg Anatomy, Neuroscience Center, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany; 2Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Abstract Large spines are stable and important for memory trace formation. The majority of large spines also contains synaptopodin (SP), an actin-modulating and plasticity-related protein. Since SP stabilizes F-actin, we speculated that the presence of SP within large spines could explain their long lifetime. Indeed, using 2-photon time-lapse imaging of SP-transgenic granule cells in mouse organotypic tissue cultures we found that spines containing SP survived considerably longer than spines of equal size without SP. Of note, SP-positive (SP+) spines that underwent pruning first lost SP before disappearing. Whereas the survival time courses of SP+ spines followed conditional two-stage decay functions, SP-negative (SP-) spines and all spines of SP-deficient animals showed single-phase exponential decays. This was also the case following afferent denervation. These results implicate SP as a major regulator of long-term spine stability: SP clusters stabilize spines, and the presence of SP indicates spines of high stability. Introduction *For correspondence: Dendritic spines are protrusions found on the majority of excitatory neurons in vertebrate brains.
[email protected] They form characteristic axo-spinous synapses and play an important role in integrating afferent syn- aptic activity with postsynaptic activity (Yuste and Denk, 1995).