Cultural Equity Grants: CAEG Committee Meeting on March 13, 2012 Presentations & Supplemental Materials for Funding Recommendations If you have any questions, please contact San San: 415.252.2565 or
[email protected] There will be will be a brief presentation by CEG Staff Lucy Lin and Beatrice Thomas for the funding recommendations for Organization Project Grants. Because of the time constraints, no presentations By recommended applicants will take place. 1. Organization Project Grants (OPG) OPG support arts organizations in the presentation of professional arts activities accessible to the general public in San Francisco. OPG supports–in whole or in part–specific arts projects that have been determined to be of sufficient artistic quality, and benefit or interest to the community at large, or to specific segments of the community. All art forms will be considered. OPG-supported projects must be developed and presented in San Francisco, and must culminate in a local public presentation or a meaningful, accessible engagement of the public. They may be targeted at specific audiences, but they cannot be limited to “closed” audiences. Grant awards are up to $15,000. To be eligible, organizations must have 501(c)(3) status or use a fiscal sponsor. Organizations that receive CEI-L1 or CEI-L2 support cannot seek an OPG grant for the term of the CEI-L1 or CEI-L2 grant. 2. Grant Application Review Process OPG grant applications are clustered into 3 categories for panel review: 1) Visual, Literary and Media Arts; 2) Performing Arts – New Work; and 3) Performing Arts - Presenting. Panelists are artists, arts administrators, curators, and funders selected and assigned to a specific panel because of their expertise and experience in producing and presenting, organizational management, discipline and subject matter.