, * PENDING PETITION MEMO Date: 10/23/2006 10/23/2006 TO : OE&E OGC FROM: CENTRAL OPERATIONS UTILITY: NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS CORPORATION SUBJECT: 06-T-1298 Application of New York State Electric & Gas Corporation for a Certificate of Environmental Compatability and Public Need under Article VII of the PSL for the Construction and Operation of Approximately 30 Miles of New or Rebuilt 115 kV Electric Transmission Line and the Construction of a New 345 kV / 115 kV Substation Located in Tompkins and Cortland Counties. 10/23/2006. MOTION FOR WAIVER OF REQUIRED INFORMATION FILED BY NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC AND GAS CORPORATION. .RECEIVED LEBOEUF, LAMB, GREENE & MAcg^g^iL^PM ^29 NEW YORK 12 5 WEST 55TH STREET LONDON A MULTINATIONAL WASHINGTON, DC. PARTNERSHIP NEW YORK, NY IOOI9-5389 ALBANY PARIS (212) 484-8000 BOSTON BRUSSELS CHICAGO FACSIMILE: (212) 42-4-6500 JOHANNESBURG HARTFORD (PTfl LTD. HOUSTON E-MAIL ADDRESS:
[email protected] MOSCOW JACKSONVILLE RIYADH WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL: (2 I 2) 424-82 I 7 LOS ANGELES AFFILIATED OFFICE PITTSBURGH WRITER'S DIRECT FAX: (2 I 2) 640-0466 ALMATY SAN FRANCISCO BEIJING October 23, 2006 Hon. Jaclyn A. Brilling Secretary New York State Public Service Commission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223-1350 Re: Application of New York State Electric Gas Corporation for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need under Article VII of the New York State Public Service Law for the Ithaca Transmission Project, Tompkins and Cortland Counties, NY Dear Secretary Brilling: On Saturday, October 21, 2006, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation's consultant, URS Corporation, forwarded to you for filing today ten copies of the above-referenced application.