R,Rzat Room No.3B4, Main Admn Building
L.loi"' ftrfiTaB r-:*.....1 IrEt. F€fi-fr i'm, l. ti:,ffiWs,r (t{Ea HrmR sI sq}Fq) Rashtriya tspat Nigam Limited iUKASIItvtl i16*ZfiiGl-iffit lewrvtffi I i Gre€I {A Gcvernment of lndia Undertaking) L_ir$j{q--J I I Bd6afse€l -'- il48 ) CINNo.U27109AP1982GOI003404 . Ref.No: GMM/6-55/20f 9/ Dt: r9.08.2019 (1) Ministry of (2) Additional Principal (3) The Chainnan Environment, Forest and Chief Conservator of Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Climate Change Forests (C), Board (APPCB) Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment, D.No. 33-26-14 D/2. Near Sunrise Indira ParyavaranBhavan, Forest and Climate Change, Hospital, Jorbagh Road, Regional Office (SE Zone), Pushpa Hotel Centre, New Delhi - 110 003 lst & 2nd floor Chalamal avari Street,Kasturibaipet, INDIA HEPC Building No. - 34 VIJAYAWADA _ 520 OlO Cathedral Garden Road- Nungambakkam, Chennai-600 034. iTmdfq q-ildq Dear Sir, frsq :- $vfiq {€crd ft44 RGts fiI relq df?rrdrd ErEr-d, aela + {r<et fr Tqt-flsr q-Et t :fil qrffifi :rdcTe-a + vrgtrowr *. swd ry{ . Sub:- Submission of Half Yearly Compliance on Environmental Clearance (EC) of Garbham Manganese 'Mine, Garbham of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. r<atlRer: cstd-wT rqtr rd:r rF-. E.c. order No. :J-1lots/375/2005-IA.rr(M), Dt. 04.10.2006. W cqr t srq ls€fq 5+crd F-rrfr RR-E fir 4etq ffif, cr{rf,, ?idq fi €Eqet fr 4 v-ut+rw rq$ t r.a-err 3{tt Erffim. %flI-d-d *. a-oa ilffitI 2019 t Eil 2019 trF qqtflT q-Etf crr Rqft-sr sgcrd-a Rslt, o; affi 2019 qstq-{ul aeqclFr qqr 46 EI fisrt ail u; Eq 20fi-19 * fr('c-qtq-{ur :dTrn v t I Enclosed please find a) Condition wise compliance report on Environmental Clearance (EC) pertaining to Garbham Manganese Mine, Garbham, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd., Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, for the Period January 2019 - June 2019, b) Seasonal monitoring report for the period summer 2019 and c) Environmental statement in Form-V for the vear 2018-19.
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