April 28, 2021 CANADA INFRASTRUCTURE BANK SPENDING OUTLOOK Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) supports Parliament by providing economic and financial analysis for the purposes of raising the quality of parliamentary debate and promoting greater budget transparency and accountability. This report examines the current and projected status of the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s investment commitments and funding disbursements. Lead Analyst: Nora Nahornick, Analyst This report was prepared under the direction of: Trevor Shaw, Director Nancy Beauchamp, Carol Faucher, Jocelyne Scrim and Rémy Vanherweghem assisted with the preparation of the report for publication. For further information, please contact
[email protected] Yves Giroux Parliamentary Budget Officer RP-2122-003-S_e Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 3 2. Current status 4 3. Causes of funding delays 6 4. Benchmarking CIB 9 5. Future outlook 11 Defining the Public Sector 14 Benchmarking Organizations 15 Projected Spending 17 Capital Losses and Operating Expenses 19 Notes 21 Canada Infrastructure Bank Spending Outlook Executive Summary As part of the $187.8 billion Investing in Canada Plan, the Government established the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) to invest $35 billion into large, revenue generating infrastructure projects that are in the public interest, and developed and delivered in partnership with public, private, and institutional investors.1 Four years into its mandate, funding is being disbursed by CIB much slower than planned. As of April 22, 2021, CIB has publicly announced $5.1 billion in investments for seventeen projects. However, finalizing contracts and the actual disbursement of money has lagged the CIB’s own projections.