Spotted Trout Or Landlocked Salmon INFORMATION FREE
VOL. XXVII. NO. 52. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1905. PRICE 3 CENTS. JSPORTSMBN^S—SUPPLIES | SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES Fish and Game Oddities. SPORTSMEN'S S UPPLIE S SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES One of the mail carriers report seeing near the “ county bridge” in Madrid, a fox carrying a cat in it’s mouth. The fox seemed surprised at the meeting, stood still for an instant then clashed RIFLE AND PISTOL CARTF. DGES into the woods, still holding the cat. j Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of Several years ago the writer saw a fox catch a young crow. To escape the all calibers are loaded by machinery which pursuing crows ihe fox stampeded some sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity METALLIC CARTRIDGES colts in the pasture and kept with them of powder, and seats the bullets properly. until near a thicket of small trees, then By using first-class materials and this Old and enthusiastic hunters who have “ tried them ail,” use U. M. C, Cart disappeared leaving the crows to talk ridges and recommend them to their friends. up-to-date system of loading, the reputation Ko matter what make or model of rifle you use, —U. M. C. Cartridges will give the matter over by themselves. jperior results. Buy just the right Cartridges for your gun—U. M. C. Cart of Winchester Cartridges for accuracy, Iges. Every dealer—City or country—sells U. M. C. Fish Don’t A l l Suit Them. ’"eliability and excellence is maintained. Use Cartridges made hy Cartridge specialists, 17, M . C.
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