Spotted Trout Or Landlocked Salmon INFORMATION FREE

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Spotted Trout Or Landlocked Salmon INFORMATION FREE VOL. XXVII. NO. 52. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1905. PRICE 3 CENTS. JSPORTSMBN^S—SUPPLIES | SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES Fish and Game Oddities. SPORTSMEN'S S UPPLIE S SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES One of the mail carriers report seeing near the “ county bridge” in Madrid, a fox carrying a cat in it’s mouth. The fox seemed surprised at the meeting, stood still for an instant then clashed RIFLE AND PISTOL CARTF. DGES into the woods, still holding the cat. j Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of Several years ago the writer saw a fox catch a young crow. To escape the all calibers are loaded by machinery which pursuing crows ihe fox stampeded some sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity METALLIC CARTRIDGES colts in the pasture and kept with them of powder, and seats the bullets properly. until near a thicket of small trees, then By using first-class materials and this Old and enthusiastic hunters who have “ tried them ail,” use U. M. C, Cart­ disappeared leaving the crows to talk ridges and recommend them to their friends. up-to-date system of loading, the reputation Ko matter what make or model of rifle you use, —U. M. C. Cartridges will give the matter over by themselves. jperior results. Buy just the right Cartridges for your gun—U. M. C. Cart of Winchester Cartridges for accuracy, Iges. Every dealer—City or country—sells U. M. C. Fish Don’t A l l Suit Them. ’"eliability and excellence is maintained. Use Cartridges made hy Cartridge specialists, 17, M . C. Cartridges. Jim Withee of Rumford Falls, the They cost no more than inferior makes. famous horse man, hotel proprietor and Ask for them, and insist upon getting them. story-teller, has recently been at the THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., Mooselookmeguntic House in the Rangeley Lakes region calling on his THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD Agency, 313 Broadway, New York City. t-» ■ i , ✓ , friend, T. L. Page, proprietor of the Depot, 86-88 First St.‘. San Francisco, Cal. Bridgeport, Conn. Mooselookmeguntic House and he has been observing things as he always does, wherever he goes. A Maine W oods correspondent sat on the piazza of the hotel one afternoon talking to RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE, Mr. Withee about various things, most­ ly horses and houses, the two kinds of RANGELEY, LAKES, RANGELEY, MAINE. property in which Mr. Withee is a large IT’S A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. investor—when Mr. Withee broke off Those who plan to visit the Rangeley Lakes and are not yet booked, should write for 1905 suddenly and said: Mi’.—, the way some '2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Sold in Twelve Years.O illustrated booklet to •» of these folks here “ plug fish” reminds EVERY REEL WARRANTED. me of a lawsuit I had with Mayor Beal H AN G E LK Y L A K E S H O TEL C O M PANY, Rang-rfey, Maine, of Bangor years ago when 1 was run­ Over 800 Styles and Sizbs, ning the Elmwood Hotel in Waterville John B. Marble. President. Henry M. Barrows. Treasurer. and Beal run the Bangor House. I BOOKLETS MAILED FREE sold him a horse and he ran away and tipped him out. Beal got fussy and *«■ °ONAJ v Ga& thought 1 didn’ t represent the horse STANDARDMET a LGOODS right. A Maine Central conductor that Om, o r O u r AN NOUNCEMENT. used >to divide his time boarding with MANUFACfO* Y T 7 F WISH to announce to the public that we have leased a large territory at the foot of Beal and the at the two ends of the V V Kennebago lake and l ave built there a set of camiis which we will open to our pa- route found out about Beal’s accident Bird and Animal Cages, T ’ trons and friends the coming season. This new establishment in connection with our camps at Beaver Pond will give our guests the manifold advantages of a very large and then he made a business of telling U Gage Specialties,Fishing Reels, tract in which to hunt and tish. Our guests will be able to get both lake and stream fishing him things I “ said” about that horse and fish o f excellent size both salmon and trout may be had. We have our own steamboat on until Beal sued me for damages. We Artificial Baits, Spoons, Etc. Kenrebngo lake, also buck In,arils making two or more trips daily from Rangeley I ake House CHAIN —Brass, Bronze, Steel and Iron. to connect with our steamers. Daily mail service is assured, also both telephone and tele­ had the trial at Bangor. In the course graph connections. All telegrams will be immediately forwarded from Rangeley. We wish of the cross examination. Beal’s law­ WIRE PICTURE CORD. to say that either of our establishments are ideal places for women and children. The alti­ yer asked me if I was a horse jockey. tude is high, 2000 fe e t. thus m ailing hay fe ve r and like diseases unknown. Our terms are 198-Page Tackle Catalogue on Receipt of 25 Gents. $2.00 per day per person; £1.25 for guides’ Ixiard. We furnish reliable guides on application. 1 sai:i “ no.” “ W ell,” he said, “ Mr. Parties can leave Boston at 9 o’clock a. m., on either the Eastern or Western division of the Withee, (with a look as though he had The Andrew b . H endryx c o ., N t « h a v in . conn., u .s . a Boston & Maine railroad for Portland, Maine Central to Farmington and the Bandy River me solid), “ howlmany horses have you and Phillips & Rangeley railroads to Rangeley, or from Portland via Maine Central to Rum- ford Junction, Portland & Kumford Falls railroad to South Rangeley anti the Rangeley owned in the past year or two?” Lakes steamboats to Rangeley. From Rangeley our buck hoards convey parties direct to our “ W aal,” says I, “ somethin’ like two camps. All inquiries cheerfully answered. Write us early for any particulars; we are sure ’er three hundred.” To Camp Ownrs. w e can satisfy you. W e make special rates by the month. Let us hear from you that we may reserve some of our best accommodations for you. Address “ W ell,” says the lawyer, “ Mr. Many owners of camps who have Withee, will you please tell the court DON’T FORGET THE ’05 EDITION, Maine W oods regularly but who have Ed Grant & Sons., Kennebago or Beaver Pond, Me. ■ how it is, if you are not a horse jockey Sportsmeii’ s Guide Book that you've owned two or three hun­ had no camp news in our columns for a dred horses in the last year or two.” “ In The Maine Woods.” >i long time past, if ever, would do well “ Waal,” says I, addressin’ the court, to send us a little news about their peo­ CLOVER LEAF GANGS AND CASTING HOOKS “ may it please yer honor, I ’ve been ple and their attractions. We would a-tryin’ all this time to get one that Bangor & Aroostook R. R. Are just what you have been look- gy suited me, so I ’ve had to change pretty print it and it would pay the campa ing for. They will make all-kinds of often. ’ 192 pages, over 100 half-tone and color well. We like to have mail sent to us bait float upright and appear natural l l g ' - , “ And that’s whak I kinder think illustrations. Sent for 10 cents in stamps. as early as Monday for the current Address Dept. 1. whether the bait is alive or dead. tv j£gj(£ . some ’er these plug fishers do. I f they week, when possible. don’t get a fish that suits ’em they C. C. BROW N, G. P. & T. A., Wonderfully effective in the capture VU throw him back and keep lookin’ fer a Bangor, Maine. J. W. B r a c k e t t Co., of salmon, lake trout, bass, pike, pick- i better one.” Phillips, Maine. erel, etc. Try these rigs for salmon Canada Jays Are Voracious. when the ice goes out and convince clover leaf gang. A gentleman who has visited the Me- yourself of their superiority over all other tackle. Will catch fish under all gantic club pretty often tells of an ex­ T H E RANGELEY LAKES. perience with Canada Jays up on the conditions. T H E V A C A T IO N SEA SO N is not complete without a trip to W rite for booklet and prices and Megantic club’s preserve. He saw a jay and held out a piece of bread on the this region. order through your dealer. palm of his hand. Pretty soon the jay T H E RUM FORD F A L L S LIN E reaches direct and makes began to circle and he finally flighted close connections with the steamers for all points on the Lakes. on tfie outstretched hand and carried W. E. KOCH, the bread off into the woods. When he THRO UGH PU LLM AN PA R LO R C A R S between Portland ! returned he had several others with and Oquossoc during the Tourist Season. Whitehall, - - New York. him. The others were fed and returned Booklet and time table mailed upon application to CLOVER LEAF CASTING HOOK. with about twenty friends, ' all hungry ___________ R. C. BR A D FO R D , Traffic Manager, Portland, Maine. WALTER I). HINDS. and ready to be fed.
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