Bureau of Parks and Lands - Western Mountains Plan Area 27 ¸ Kibby Twp Planning is for BP&L Lands Properties in Western Mountains Plan Area Chain of Ponds Massachusetts Bog Chain of Ponds Twp Natanis ¸Pond

L E G E N D Big Parks and Lands Management Responsibilities ó Boat Launches Hand Carry Bowmantown Jim Pond Twp Twp Island BP&L Lands Properties ¸ Boat Launches Trailerable Pond BP&L Easement Properties B Park Headquarters Easement Enforcement Areas Jim Leanto Pond Public Access Easements : Primitive Campsite Alder Third Party Easements Stream Shelter Project Agreements Twp « Beach BP&L Parks Properties } Bridge Ecoreserve  DUADay Use Area Seven Parmachenee Ponds Oxbow Other Conservation Lands Twp Twp Twp Appalachian Trail Corridor Kiosk Scenic Overlook Western Mountains Plan Area w Parking Lot Town Lines Playground Tim Restroom or Outhouse Pond Eustis ATV Trails 2010 Trailhead Twp Snowmobile Club Trails Stetsontown Tim Pond Snowmobile ITS Trails Upper Twp Parmachenee Lake Cupsuptic Snowmobile Trail to be Relocated Twp Flagstaff Other Maintained Trails MDOT Highways & Public Roads

Lynchtown Coplin Plantation West DWA Twp Kennebago 16 Coplin Plt Lake C John's Davis Lot Pond Lang Twp Davis Twp Lincoln Pond Lower Cupsuptic Parkertown Twp Twp Dallas Plantation North Loon Lake ¸ Boating Access Redin

Aziscohos ó Dallas Plt Lake : Quimby Pond Gull Pond : Cupsuptic Lake: Rangeley Dallas Plantation South 16

4 Adamstown : ¸ ¸ Saddleback ¸ Lake Lincoln Plt Twp : Bald Lincoln Plantation East Mountain 17  «¸ Lincoln Plantation West¸ Unit Bww Rangeley Plt North


4 ¸ Sandy River Plt Beaver Pond : Cupsuptic Rangeley Plt Long Pond Lake

: : 17

Sturtevant Four Ponds Pond Cranberry Richardsontown : : : Rangeley Plantation Smalls } Pond Twp: ¸ Falls : Height of Land

Magalloway Richardson: Plt : Lakes : :: Umbagog : Lake : : : : Township Township Township 6 North of Weld : C D : : Upton : : ¸ : Tumbledown Mount Blue : B Pond

Byron Coos Canyon C Pond

W Little Ellis Pond

17 Ellis Pond ¸ w Roxbury  ó

Andover Grafton Twp West Surplus Twp Andover  : : : : ww w Mexico GraftBon Notch Rumford Falls : : Stowe Mountain Easement26 : w Gra:ffton Loop Buffer Rumford

Mahoosucs Public Reserved Lands Unit ¸ :  Newry Howard Pond ¸ wó


Riley Twp Milton Twp

Bethel 2 Bethel Robinson Peak Forest Water District ó Speckled Mountain

0 5 10 Gilead ó North Pond ¸ Woodstock miles Round Pond

Bryant Pond ¸ Pleasant Pond Songo Pond Twitchell Pond ¸