PASSIONATE PEOPLE. GREAT IDEAS. YEARSYEARS A BETTER SKILLED AUSTRALIA. CELEBRATINGCELEBRATING Automotive Vehicle Powertrains and E-Mobility – THE FUTURE Ron Locandro 2014 Italian Services Institute of Australia An ISS Institute Fellowship sponsored by Italian Services Institute of Australia ISS Institute Inc MARCH 2015 © ISS Institute T 03 9347 4583 Level 1 F 03 9348 1474 189 Faraday Street
[email protected] Carlton Vic E AUSTRALIA 3053 W Published by International Specialised Skills Institute, Melbourne Extract published on © Copyright ISS Institute March 2015 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Whilst this report has been accepted by ISS Institute, ISS Institute cannot provide expert peer review of the report, and except as may be required by law no responsibility can be accepted by ISS Institute for the content of the report or any links therein, or omissions, typographical, print or photographic errors, or inaccuracies that may occur after publication or otherwise. ISS Institute do not accept responsibility for the consequences of any action taken or omitted to be taken by any person as a consequence of anything contained in, or omitted from, this report. I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this ISS Institute Fellowship was to undertake applied research and gain industry knowledge on innovations and changes in the automotive technologies aspects of vehicle alternative fuel powertrains and E-mobility in Germany, Netherlands and the USA. Industry training methodologies and knowledge underpinning automotive vehicle powertrains and E-mobility was also researched and the aim will be to distribute the findings to the Australian Automotive training industry such as (TAFE), Government and other stakeholders.