AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS AND VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES DISCLAIMER Austrade does not endorse or guarantee the performance or suitability of any introduced party or accept liability for the accuracy or usefulness of any information contained in this Report. Please use commercial discretion to assess the suitability of any business introduction or goods and services offered when assessing your business needs. Austrade does not accept liability for any loss associated with the use of any information and any reliance is entirely at the user's discretion. ©Commonwealth of Australia 2013 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth, available through the Australian Trade Commission. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Marketing Manager, Austrade, GPO Box 5301, Sydney NSW 2001 or by email to
[email protected] Publication date: May 2013 2 AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS AND VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES GloBALLY COMPETITIVE, DIVERSE AND innovative AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS AND VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES 3 INTRODUCTION The Australian automotive manufacturing industry INDUSTRY OVERVIEW is a global player, producing quality vehicles and components that are in use all over the world. KEY FACTS Australia is one of only 13 nations in the Talk to your local Austrade representative INDUSTRY STRENGTHS world with the capability to produce a for more tailored advice and information car from concept to delivery. Australian on connecting and partnering with the FURTHER companies have the innovative approach Australian automotive industry. and proven expertise to partner with you INFORMATION in the delivery of quality automotive products and services.