Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee Minutes of a Regular Meeting

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015 Location: Lions Club, Hart Bradley Memorial Hall 103 Bonnet Avenue, , BC

Members Present: Peter Luckham, Chair Peter Grove, Local Trustee George Grams, Local Trustee

Staff Present: Stefan Cermak, Regional Planning Manager (RPM) Jason Youmans, Planner 2 Sarah Shugar, Recorder

Media and Others Driftwood Reporter Present: Approximately 5 member of the public - a.m. Approximately 13 members of the public - p.m.

These minutes follow the order of the agenda although the sequence may have varied.


Chair Luckham called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. He introduced himself, the Trustees and staff and acknowledged that the Local Trust Committee is meeting in the traditional territory of the Coast Salish First Nations.


The following supplemental items to the agenda were presented for consideration: 3.3 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2015 Advisory Planning Commission Meeting

By general consent the agenda was adopted as amended.


3.1 Draft Minutes of the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee

3.1.1 Draft Minutes of the October 1, 2015 SSI LTC Regular Meeting

By general consent, the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee Regular Meeting Minutes be amended as follows: . add the word "amount" following "unspent" in Item 8.1; . add the word "are" prior to "not able" in Item 10.6, Resolution SS-2015-173; . add the word "sample" prior to "letter" and replace the word "service" with "advocacy" in Item 10.7;

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. replace Item 12 with “Chair Luckham reported that he attended a meeting with the Islands Trust Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Hiring Committee. He also attended Trust Council on where the Strategic Plan was endorsed and it was added that Council nominate to designate the Salish Sea as a United Nations Biosphere. Chair Luckham attended the Union of Municipalities Conference in Vancouver. Additionally, he took part in a workshop regarding oil spill preparedness organized by the Conservancy in Sidney where the participants requested Trust Council seek a price per ton levy to be allocated to small oil spill response capability.”; . amend the time from 1:52 p.m. to 1:42 p.m. prior to Item 18; and that the minutes be adopted as amended.

3.2 Resolutions Without Meeting Report - None

3.3 Draft Minutes of the Advisory Planning Commissions

3.3.1 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2015 Advisory Planning Commission Meeting

The minutes were received for information.


4.1 Follow-Up Action List

The report was received.




7.1 Work Program Top Priorities Report

The report was received.

7.2 Projects List

The report was received.

Further to discussion the following resolutions was introduced.

SS-2015-181 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee direct staff to draft letters to the Lyackson First Nation and Cowichan Tribes inviting them to a meeting to discuss issues of mutual interest. CARRIED

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7.3 Applications with Status Report

The report was received.

7.4 Expense Report - None



Chair Luckham called a recess at 10:16 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:21 a.m.


10.1 Motion to Close the Meeting

SS-2015-182 At 10:21 a.m. it was MOVED and SECONDED that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee closes this meeting to the public subject to Community Charter Section 90(1)(e) concerning the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Committee considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the community and that staff be invited to remain. CARRIED

10.2 Motion to Open the Meeting

SS-2015-183 At 11:00 a.m. it was MOVED and SECONDED that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee re-opens this meeting to the public subject to Section 89 of the Community Charter. CARRIED

10.3 Rise and Report - None

Chair Luckham called a recess at 11:01a.m. The meeting reconvened at 12:01 p.m.


Trustee Grams reported that he attended meetings with the following: the Chair of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) regarding agricultural policy on the Gulf Islands; the Financial Planning Committee (FPC); the Local Trust Committee; the Advisory Planning Commission (APC); the Salt Spring Island Incorporation Study Committee; the Chair of North Salt Spring Waterworks District (NSSWD) regarding the draft Salt Spring Island Watershed Protection Authority (SSIWPA) St. Mary Lake Integrated Watershed Management Plan; and with a property owner regarding the Ganges Seawalk project. He also attended an educational seminar regarding groundwater on North where over 120 people were in attendance. He noted he has been working on completing the final version of the SSIWPA St. Mary Lake Integrated Watershed Management Plan.

Trustee Grove reported that he attended meetings with the following: the Advisory Planning

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Commission (APC); the Financial Planning Committee (FPC); a Special Committee regarding a review of the location of the Islands Trust headquarters; the Salt Spring Island Incorporation Study Committee; the Salt Spring Island Fire Protection District Board; and with the Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC). Trustee Grove noted himself, Trustee Grams, CRD Director McIntyre and the Chair of the Salt Spring Island Incorporation Study Committee are scheduled to meet with the Honourable Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development on November 4, 2015 regarding the Salt Spring Island Incorporation Study. He indicated that he plans to attend the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce Small Business Awards on October 22, 2015.


Chair Luckham reported that he attended meetings with the following: the Financial Planning Committee (FPC) regarding a budget for Strategic Plan objectives, and with the Islands Trust Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Hiring Committee. He also attended the Community Forum in Squamish and expressed support for ongoing interests and activities ensuring the preservation and protection of the Howe Sound region which includes Bowen Island, , Keats Island, and Anvil Island. Chair Luckham noted there was much conversation regarding development and impacts resulting from the Sea to Sky highway Improvement Project and spoke to the zero growth strategy in Squamish which aims to contain development within the existing footprint of the town. He also had the opportunity to tour the Squamish estuary restoration project with the Squamish River Estuary Society. Chair Luckham noted the next Trust Council meeting is scheduled from December 8 to 10, 2015 in Victoria.


Chair Luckham presented the Trust Fund Board report dated October 2015.


Capital Regional District (CRD) Director McIntyre reported that he attended meetings with the following: the Channel Ridge Residents Association Annual General Meeting; with the Chair of the Salt Spring Island Water Council regarding rainwater harvesting and potential grant opportunities; with each Capital Regional District Electoral Service Area regarding budgets; and a meeting regarding the Drake Road Affordable Housing Project. Additionally, he provided an update from a meeting between representatives of the Southern Gulf Islands and San Juan Islands regarding economic development relating to sea-based transportation opportunities. He also spoke to the Capital Region Sea Level Rise Planning Approaches Project report regarding flood plain planning. CRD Director McIntyre noted the Capital Regional District Board tabled the Burgoyne Bay Septage Facility Project for one month and reviewed Small Community Grant Applications. He also spoke to the Capital Regional District 2014-2018 Strategic Plan and highlighted key priorities, also noting its two top priorities: climate change and integrated waste management. CRD Director McIntyre shared that the Capital Regional District Board Chair has sent a letter to Premier Christy Clark requesting a change in legislation to invite a First Nations representative to sit on the Capital Regional District Board. He indicated he plans to attend the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce Small Business Awards on October 22, 2015 and the Harbours End Pathway event on October 24, 2015.


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Chair Luckham opened the Town Hall at 12:30 p.m.

One member of the public expressed concern regarding application SS-DVP-2015.5 and application SS-DP-2015.6. She also expressed support on behalf of the Watershed Preservation Society for the Rural Watershed Uses project.

One member of the public expressed support for application SS-DVP-2015.5 and application SS-DP-2015.6.

One member of the public expressed concern regarding Proposed Bylaw No. 484.

One member of the public spoke to a letter received from Bylaw Enforcement regarding his metal recycling business.


17.1 SS-DVP-2015.5 - D. Carter - 195 Harbourside Place

RPM Cermak presented a staff report dated October 15, 2015 regarding a Development Variance Permit for the siting of an erosion protection seawall within 15 metres of the natural boundary of the sea to protect an existing boathouse.

Applicant Dave Carter and Brent Taylor, a representative of the applicant, were present and spoke to the application.

Further to discussion the following resolution was introduced.

SS-2015-184 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee decline issuance of Development Variance Permit SS-DVP-2015.5 for Lot 19, District Lot 21, North Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Plan 33340 (195 Harbourside Place). CARRIED

17.2 SS-DP-2015.6 - D. Carter - 195 Harbourside Place

This item was removed from the agenda due to non-approval of Item 17.1

17.3 SS-DP-2015.8 - C.J. Wake - 120 Drake Road

RPM Cermak presented a staff report dated October 15, 2015 regarding a Development Permit application for the construction of two Single-Family Dwellings adjacent to a designated Riparian Area.

Applicant Julian Wake was present and spoke to the application.

Further to discussion the following resolution was introduced.

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SS-2015-185 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee approve issuance of Development Permit SS-DP-2015.8 for Lot 23, Section 1, Range 3 East, North Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Plan 6344 (120 Drake Road). CARRIED

Trustee Grove declared a conflict of interest with item 17.4 and left the meeting at 1:44 p.m.

17.4 SS-RZ-2015.1 - SSI Sailing Club - 150 Douglas Road

Planner Youmans presented a staff report dated October 14, 2015 regarding a Rezoning application to amend the Land Use Bylaw from R9 to a R9 variant.

Applicant Eric van Soeren was present and spoke to the application.

Further to discussion the following resolutions were introduced.

SS-2015-186 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee amend Bylaw No. 485, cited as “Salt Spring Island Land Use Bylaw, 1999, Amendment No. 3, 2015,” by removing Section 3 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: (25) Despite the parking requirements of Table 3 in Part 7, 80 automobile parking spaces are required and deemed sufficient to accommodate the simultaneous siting and use of a private boat club house, a parking lot for a private boat club, and a single-family dwelling, provided the total floor area of the private boat club house does not exceed 230 square metres, and the total length of private boat club wharfage does not exceed 1524 meters (SS-RZ-2015.1, 150 Douglas Road). CARRIED

SS-2015-187 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee Bylaw No. 485, cited as “Salt Spring Island Land Use Bylaw, 1999, Amendment No. 3, 2015”, as amended be read a first time (SS-RZ-2015.1, 150 Douglas Road). CARRIED

SS-2015-188 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee refer Bylaw No. 485 to public agencies and First Nations for comment (SS-RZ-2015.1, 150 Douglas Road). CARRIED

SS-2015-189 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee encourage the applicant to investigate, prior to public hearing, enrollment and certification from Clean Marine BC and the installation of a sewage pump-out facility, and to report back to the Local Trust Committee with the results of those investigations (SS-RZ-2015.1, 150 Douglas Road). CARRIED

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SS-2015-190 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee direct staff to work with the applicant to ensure that the disability and bicycle parking requirements of Part 7 of Land Use Bylaw No. 355 are met prior to adoption of Bylaw No. 485 (SS-RZ-2015.1, 150 Douglas Road). CARRIED

Chair Luckham called a recess at 2:24 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 2:33 p.m.

Trustee Grove returned to the meeting at 2:33 p.m.

17.5 SS-SUB-2014.2 & SS-SUB-2014.3 - Polaris Land Surveying - 2161 & 2163 Fulford- Ganges Road

Planner Youmans presented a staff report dated October 9, 2015 regarding covenants for water treatment, use restriction and common property related to a proposed fee simple subdivision application and bare land strata subdivision application.

Applicant Elizabeth White was present.

Brent Taylor, a representative of the applicant, was present and spoke to the application.

Further to discussion the following resolutions were introduced.

SS-2015-191 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee accept a water treatment covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act for proposed Lot B from the registered owner(s) of the South 70 Acres of Section 7, Range 2, South Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Except the Southerly 262 Feet of the Westerly 104 Feet and Except Part in Plan VIP57719, and designate any member of the Local Trust Committee to sign the Covenant attached as Appendix 1 (SS-SUB-2014.2 & SS-SUB-2014.3, 2161 & 2163 Fulford Ganges Road). CARRIED

SS-2015-192 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee accept a water treatment covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act for proposed Lot C from the registered owner(s) of Lot A, Section 7, Range 2, South Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Plan VIP57719, and designate any member of the Local Trust Committee to sign the Covenant attached as Appendix 2 (SS-SUB-2014.2 & SS-SUB-2014.3, 2161 & 2163 Fulford Ganges Road). CARRIED

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SS-2015-193 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee accept a water treatment and use restriction covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act for proposed Strata Lots 1 through 6 from the registered owner(s) of The South 70 Acres of Section 7, Range 2, South Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Except the Southerly 262 Feet of the Westerly 104 Feet and Except Part in Plan VIP57719, and designate any member of the Local Trust Committee to sign the Covenant attached as Appendix 3 (SS-SUB-2014.2 & SS-SUB-2014.3, 2161 & 2163 Fulford Ganges Road). CARRIED

SS-2015-194 It was MOVED and SECONDED, that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee accept a use restriction and no further subdivision covenant under section 219 of the Land Title Act for proposed Strata Common Property from the registered owner(s) of The South 70 Acres of Section 7, Range 2, South Salt Spring Island, Cowichan District, Except the Southerly 262 Feet of the Westerly 104 Feet and Except Part in Plan VIP57719, and designate any member of the Local Trust Committee to sign the Covenant attached as Appendix 4 (SS-SUB- 2014.2 & SS-SUB-2014.3, 2161 & 2163 Fulford Ganges Road). CARRIED



The next regular meeting of the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on November 19, 2015 at the Hart Bradley Hall (Lions Club), 103 Bonnet Avenue, Salt Spring Island.


By general consent the meeting was adjourned at 2:44 p.m.

______Peter Luckham, Chairperson


______Sarah Shugar, Recorder

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