ECOLOGICAL CHARACTER DESCRIPTION OF THE MUIR-BYENUP SYSTEM RAMSAR SITE SOUTH-WEST WESTERN AUSTRALIA Report Prepared for Department of Environment and Conservation, 2009 CENRM Report: CENRM085 i © Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management, The University of Western Australia TITLE: Ecological Character Description of the Muir- Byenup System Ramsar Site South-west Western Australia: Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Conservation PRODUCED BY: CLAIRE FARRELL AND BARBARA COOK Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management The University of Western Australia Unit 1, Proudlove Parade, Albany, 6332 Telephone: (08) 9842 0839 Fax: (08) 9842 8499 Email:
[email protected] PRODUCED FOR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION 17 Dick Perry Avenue Technology Park, Western Precinct Kensington WA 6151 CONTACT: MICHAEL COOTE DATE: SEPTEMBER 2009 PUBLICATION DATA: Farrell, C. and Cook, B. 2009. Ecological Character Description of the Muir-Byenup System Ramsar Site South-west Western Australia: Report prepared for the Department of Environment and Conservation, CENRM085. Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management, University of Western Australia. September 2009. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for the development of this document was sourced jointly from the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) and the State and Commonwealth contributions to the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality (NAP). NHT and NAP are jointly administered by the Australian Government departments of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry