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[email protected] The Formation of Ethnic Resources and Social Capital in Immigrant Neighborhoods: Chinatown and Koreatown in Los Angeles Min Zhou Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor of Sociology, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Wang Endowed Chair in US-China Relations & Communications, UCLA, USA [To be presented at NYU Law/Wagner Colloquium on Urban Affairs, February 12, 2014] Abstract Why does ethnicity have varied effects on socioeconomic outcomes, such as educational achievement, for different national-origin groups, even after holding constant key socioeconomic and contextual factors? Why do the children of Chinese and Korean immigrants in the United States, regardless of socioeconomic backgrounds, excel and succeed in the educational arena in disproportionately large numbers? This paper draws on my prior ethnographic studies of the Chinese and Korean immigrant communities in Los Angeles to develop a community perspective for explaining how neighborhoods are shaped by ethnicity and how ethnic communities generate resources conducive to social mobility that benefit coethnic members to the exclusion of non- coethnic members sharing the same physical space. Why does ethnicity have varied effects on socioeconomic outcomes, such as educational achievement, for different national-origin groups, even after holding constant key socioeconomic and contextual factors? Specifically, why do the children of Chinese and Korean immigrants in the United States, regardless of socioeconomic backgrounds,