
The Uffington White Horse as sun-horse Joshua Pollard∗

The Uffington White Horse is a unique later prehistoric geoglyph worked onto the chalk hillside of the Downs in southern . This large figure has seen little new interpretation since the early twentieth century. Unable to explain the form satisfactorily, archaeologists have shied away from acknowledging the distinct nature of the horse and its probable importance to previous occupants of the land. By reviewing the image’s context within the broader London archaeological landscape, the argument can N Uffington now be made that the Uffington carving 0km500 White Horse is a representation of the sun-horse found in iconography throughout later prehistoric Europe. Keywords: England, later prehistory, Uffington White Horse, sun-horse, landscape

Introduction The Uffington White Horse is Europe’s only confirmed prehistoric hill-figure or geoglyph, and is among the oldest anywhere in the world. Created in the later second or first millennium BC, it is also unusual in being a figurative representation within a surprisingly resilient tradition of non-representational imagery in (Figure 1). It is quite distinct from the only other form of prehistoric landscape art known in the British Isles: the abstract motifs that make up panels within upland regions (Bradley 1997). A widely used image within popular culture, the White Horse features on album covers by XTC and Nirvana, and in fictional literature by Rosemary Sutcliffe, A.J. Hartley and . Its most famous literary incarnation comes in ’s (1859) The scouring of the White Horse, a semi-fictional account of the last great festival linked to the ‘scouring’ or cleaning of the horse held in 1857. While popular culture has found no difficulty in accommodating explanations of its meaning and role, the same cannot be said of archaeology. The most recent detailed evaluation of the geoglyph and its date

∗ Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BF, UK (Email: [email protected]) © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017 antiquity 91 356 (2017): 406–420 doi:10.15184/aqy.2016.269 406

ugsigta twsfrel oevsbefo ls atg on.Tefiuewas figure The point. vantage close a from visible more formerly was it that suggesting h fntngolp:isstigadisdate its and setting its geoglyph: Uffington The landscape of sky. multi-temporality Lock the the through & recognises sun (Gosden the that of approach passage interpretive diurnal served an the figure with taking the Further, connected device that a here image: argued sun-horse is a it as cosmologies, prehistoric later European of knowledge lacks figure Uffington discourse. example—the academic for in marginalisation mounds, its effigy Woodland Late obvious the and Lines constructed” originally Jones was monument the why now (Barclay certain be can “nobody that concludes Miles (after anomalies geophysical indicate lines Broken geoglyph. Uffington The 1. Figure nlnto eaiet h illp a erae yaon 10 around its although by creation, decreased its has a since hillslope little with altered the abstract, have to the horse that and relative the and demonstrated inclination of elongated Unit 1990 Archaeological position in is Oxford the excavation and and form and Heritage morphology English Its survey following then Geophysical valley. the body tail. by re-entrant overlong 1994 its steep and 110m, mouth a approximately beaked of curious over edge stretches Downs, upper figure Berkshire the the The of . escarpment northern west the on in situated is geoglyph Horse White The fteUfigo niosa prpitdcmoet famnmn-ope ete on centred monument-complex a of horse. components features the appropriated constructed as and environs modified Uffington other the envisaging of for context a landscape—offers a within

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Research Joshua Pollard originally formed through down-cutting and exposure of the white Upper Chalk bedrock. Subsequently, it was maintained through the successive addition of layers of puddled chalk (Miles et al. 2003a). Other monuments lie within the immediate vicinity of the horse (Figure 2). Uffington lies 200m upslope to the south-south-west, while between this and the horse are a Bronze Age round barrow and a possible Neolithic long mound, reused in the late Roman period as an inhumation cemetery (Barclay et al. 2003b). Less than 200m to the north, on the downslope of the escarpment, is the mound of Dragon Hill. The latter is probably a natural knoll that has been substantially modified and provided with a terraced summit. These monuments sit within a larger landscape rich in later prehistoric archaeology: within a radius of 5km are the later Bronze Age–Iron Age of Rams Hill, Hardwell Camp and Alfred’s Castle (Figure 3); extensive traces of field-systems, linear ditches and settlement areas; the earlier barrow cemetery at Seven Barrows and the Neolithic chambered tomb of Wayland’s Smithy (Bradley & Ellison 1975; Whittle 1991;Bowdenet al. 1993; Gosden & Lock 2013). The earliest documentary reference to the geoglyph dates to the late eleventh century AD (Marples 1949: 53–54). Full details of its documented history are given by Cromarty et al.(2003: 15–27). Direct evidence of its prehistoric origin is provided by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates on colluvium samples pre-dating and interleaved between early episodes of redefinition of the horse. These provide a range of 1380–550 BC (68% confidence) for the construction of the first horse (Rees-Jones & Tite 2003), placing it within a horizon that extends from the middle Bronze Age to the latter part of the early Iron Age. That horizon represents an especially busy time for this landscape, taking in the highly elaborate inner enclosure at Rams Hill (Bradley & Ellison 1975), dated to between the thirteenth and tenth centuries BC (Needham & Ambers 1994), major linear ditches, the construction of the hillforts at Uffington and Alfred’s Castle during the eighth to sixth centuries BC (Lock et al. 2003; Gosden & Lock 2013) and the eighth-century BC open settlement at Tower Hill (Miles et al. 2003b).

Reading the horse To date, the better chronology now available has not facilitated a new interpretation of the White Horse. In the most recent detailed assessment of the geoglyph, an established view of the horse as a symbol is retained, potentially “signalling the presence and wealth of the inhabitants of the ridge top, or […] mark[ing] the presence of a site of special significance to the wider population” (Barclay et al. 2003a: 245). This goes little further than earlier interpretations of the horse as, variously, a landmark, a commemorative image, the “emblem or badge of some chiefdom or tribe”, or as totemic, “embodying the identity of the white-horse people” (Marples 1949: 49; see also Crawford 1929; Piggott 1931). Without immediate analogy, and as an apparently unique and representational thing, conceiving of the horse as a sign for something—a place, a people, an event or social prowess— has an obvious economy. Suggestions that the geoglyph held religious significance, “as a kind of cult object” (Marples 1949: 50; see also Piggott 1931), have met with increasing unpopularity since the mid twentieth century. © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017

408 iue2 h ht os n daetsts(fe Barclay (after sites adjacent and Horse White The 2. Figure Enclosure

225 ditch Ring- 175





h eM

h fntnWieHregolp ssun-horse as geoglyph Horse White Uffington The 250 anger 150 Linear ditch Uffington Castle 409 tal. et Long mound Hill Dragon 2003b ). Round barrow 0 175 niut ulctosLd 2017 Ltd, Publications Antiquity ©


Horse White 250

200 m 2 2 5

Research Joshua Pollard

Woolstone Springs 125 Springs

150 Hardwell Camp White Horse 175 Rams Hill 200 Uffington

Castle 225 Ridgeway 250

200 200

Wayland’s Linear ditc Smithy

0 0.5 km h

Figure 3. Major monuments within the immediate region.

A key problem with the ‘horse as symbol’ interpretation is its failure to account for unusual aspects of the geoglyph’s location. While its general landscape position is commanding, it is not hugely visible, negating its efficiency as an image to be seen and ‘read’ along and off the chalk. At this point, the east–west escarpment of the pushes north and rises to more than 50m above the general scarp level, reaching 261m OD. The complex, deep and steep-sided dry valley re-entrant known as the Manger, above which the horse is sited, also makes this a striking landform. Barclay et al. (2003a: 246) note the special configuration of the landscape here: the “juxtaposition of a relatively high hill with a very steep-sided valley below, in an otherwise gently undulating landscape”. Seen from the north, the combined effect is visibly to enhance this section of the Downs. From the ridge above the horse, commanding views are offered north across the Vale of the White Horse and the Corallian Ridge to the southern edge of the Cotswold Hills. Such a location offers the potential for the geoglyph to be highly visible across a wide arc. The positioning of the horse on the north-west–facing slope of the Manger, however, has the effect of blocking views to it from the east (Figure 4). When seen from the north, the views are straight along the back of the horse, from its tail to its head, massively foreshortening the image. The best ground-based perspectives are achieved from Dragon Hill, and from the north-west, close to the springheads at Woolstone Wells, looking down the axis of the Manger (Figure 5). Even from these locations, the position of the horse on a slope of 30– 40ᵒ again foreshortens the image. Viewshed analysis shows that there are multiple areas on the same section of ridge that could afford better visibility (Egginton 2011). As it stands, © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017

410 nlosraini htteapc ftefiuemvn pad n otewest— the northern the to in viewed and as sky upwards the figure—moving across journey the east–west its of in sun aspect the the of course that the follows is observation final A imply observations these impression together, Taken the route. gives east–west south-west, broadly that: the Its a gait. to following wide the head figure in Second, legs the the Wells. and of with Woolstone out tail alignment, of body down, the area south-west head the of the to with axis of posture, from north-east the running rear seen locates clear when the that very ridge a position of adopts a the top following image it of The effectively affords brow OD, This upwards. the ridge. 240m tilted to the around is parallel of at body slope front the its the of OD, that angle 235m so the around out at laid situated is is it body that is first The 5)( 153) h os sbs enfo h i,apitntls neryara bevr (Hauser observers aerial early on lost not point a air, the from seen best is hillslope. horse the the on position its showing and north looking geoglyph the of View 4. Figure w te set ftehresdsg edt etknit osdrto tti point. this at consideration into taken be to need design horse’s the of aspects other Two iue6 Figure r r r r t pito rgn ol eteflttpe nl fDao Hill. Dragon of knoll flat-topped vantage, the Wells the be Woolstone of would the brow from origin’ the back of ‘point along tracked its If up direction. running Woolstone westerly of near a impression Manger in the the ridge, afforded of is mouth horse the the and Wells, Hill Dragon from viewed horse movement. When implies the horse of the topography. of setting-out local design the of The visibility, details the high to of questioned. respect careful be position horse, must paid a symbol the exploiting group of or not creation landmark While a the as in role concern its implication, primary by of and, not was visibility Maximising ). h fntnWieHregolp ssun-horse as geoglyph Horse White Uffington The 411 niut ulctosLd 2017 Ltd, Publications Antiquity © 2007 :

Research Joshua Pollard

Figure 5. Views from the head and tail of the geoglyph looking towards the Manger, Woolstone Wells (left) and Dragon Hill (right). hemisphere, and especially during its short passage around midwinter. When observed from Dragon Hill at midwinter, a distinctive effect is created, whereby the sun rises immediately behind the horse and appears to roll just above its body, staying low to the horizon due to the truncation of the lower part of its arc by the high rise of the immediate topography (Figure 7).

The image as sun-horse The form and setting of the geoglyph are consistent with it being a sun-horse: an effigy that facilitated the diurnal movement of the sun through the sky. It is therefore better conceived as indexical, in Peircean terms, than as a sign, given that it embodies a causal connection between image and the referenced entity (Peirce 1998). To move interpretation away from its current conceptualisation as a static symbol also allows for conceiving of the geoglyph as periodically animate at the point of conjunction of the image and the moving sun. This position recognises the relational engagement of the image to confluences of time, landscape, cosmic forces and human strategy and history—‘bundling’ in Pauketat’s terms (2012). Its relationship with other features in the landscape, both topographic and constructed, also becomes an issue, and one that will be explored further later. © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017

412 eawr n okato h i eodt aefis ilni C(Kaul BC millennia first late to second mid the of art rock and metalwork iue6 h fntngolp n fntnhlfr rmtenrh(ao ereAlnArAcie mg number image Archive, Air Allen George Oxford). (Major of north University Museum, the Ashmolean from © hillfort 31/07/1933, Uffington 1240), and number (negative geoglyph AA0239 Uffington The 6. Figure 06,ms oal h cncTudom‘hro fteSn rmnrhws Zealand ( north-west 2 from Sun’ period the Montelius of to ‘Chariot Trundholm dating iconic the notably most 2006), sarcretfaueo noErpa yhlge n omlge Kitasn& chariot, (Kristiansen or cosmologies boat and by mythologies chariot night horse-drawn Indo-European at or of horse underworld a feature the by Larsson recurrent through sky the transported a across and is pulled day, divine, as the sun during the of notion The A Rigveda dnie ihwiehre Kitasn&Larsson & (Kristiansen horses white with identified hl tl qioa,poal curda oepiti h rto eodqatrof quarter second or first the in which, point (Bendrey Europe, some BC northern at millennium with into occurred second well horses fit the probably domesticated would diffusion equivocal, of This the still culture’. introduction this with horse while the of tandem ‘common for a Europe in dates of went western components current practices and as ritual horses, northern domestic attendant to of and India-Iran mythology from of movement package the that suggested 2014 rnmsinmyhv curdtruhohr eihbe ei—etlsadttos for tattoos, and media—textiles course, perishable, Of other, example. imagery. true representational through not of occurred is rarity have the same may of the transmission because imagery, perhaps prehistoric Isles, Nordic British later the of within corpus the within represented well ´ vn/svn/šina,svoro rtco grsta rvlwt h u n are and sun the with travel that figures protector or saviour svins/Ashvins/Ašvieniai, sasnhre nimdaeaaoycnb rw ihiaeyo Scandinavian on imagery with drawn be can analogy immediate an sun-horse, a As 2.Bsduo igitcpiooia vdne ye ( Sykes evidence, linguistic/philological upon Based 82). : n nGekadBli yhlg,icuigterl ftedvn twin-brothers divine the of role the including mythology, Baltic and Greek in and , 2005 ;West 2007 h fntnWieHregolp ssun-horse as geoglyph Horse White Uffington The 0–0) iia hmsrcrwti h l ninVedic Indian Old the within recur themes Similar 201–209). : c. 5010 C Muller BC; 1500–1300 tal. et 413 2013 .Wiesc omlgclshmsare schemes cosmological such While ). 2005 9;West 297; : 1903 niut ulctosLd 2017 Ltd, Publications Antiquity © 2014 al21)( 2010) Kaul ; 38)hsrecently has 83–84) : 2007 8–1 Sykes 186–91; : 1998 iue8 Figure Bradley ; ).

Research Joshua Pollard

Figure 7. The sun-roll effect as observed from Dragon Hill on 23 December 2015. The geoglyph has been digitally enhanced to afford better visibility.

© Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017

414 ot-et xaaini h 90 eeldlt rneAeeryIo g disturbance Age Iron Age–early the in Bronze to journey late 2.5km Smithy, revealed its Wayland’s 1960s ends of the barrow sun Viewed in long south-west. the Excavation Neolithic the midwinter, chambered south-west. to around the 550m are Wells of which ring-ditch direction Woolstone of Age the and both Bronze Hill mound, a long and Dragon small by horse, from a the status Lock by of followed & mytho-historic 150m barrow (Gosden and within round being Age antiquity into Bronze obvious a came of comprise geoglyph been the have time would the that features ( origin’ could made of ‘mound Hill of Dragon kind water emergence—a geoglyph, of which the point from another from and underworld, as ridge-slope envisaged horse and be the (‘land’) the readily down surface seeing immediately between for Located intersection point spring of flows. vantage The place best traverses. a the horse as both the acts which affords over Wells Woolstone ridgeway the chalk at and space the liminal complex note striking and sky/day a can below offers Vale which the one Manger, the the between affordances, of of re-entrant topographical the by domains created natural space arena-like the to first between Turning portals underworld/night. incorporating journey, sun’s/horse’s infiac.A rhelgclypce adcp,teei osotg fsignificant of shortage pre-existing no of features is element ( created there principal Uffington artificially the landscape, and at as packed to conceived natural landmarks created archaeologically was the together was it on An drew scale—it that found that significance. argued sheer complex is imagery its it by a sun-horse Here, Age of the landscape. Bronze a from Nordic in the apart perform of set culture is material geoglyph portable Horse Uffington The complex Uffington Iron The late and (left) Denmark Age Bronze middle–late from scale). to imagery (not horse (right) and England sun-horse southern related Romano-British Age–early and Uffington 8. Figure h padadwsel r fbt h os n h u ae nohrhuman- other in takes sun the and horse the both of arc westerly and upward The Neder Hvolrisrazor Trundholm chariot h fntnWieHregolp ssun-horse as geoglyph Horse White Uffington The iue 2 Figures Uffington geoglyph & 3 .Teecnb ecie spit ln the along points as described be can These ). 415 1998 niut ulctosLd 2017 Ltd, Publications Antiquity © .I ore re,these order, journey In ). Silchester horsebrooch Dbni Atrebates) (Dobunni, Gold staters iue9 Figure ).

Research Joshua Pollard

Figure 9. Dragon Hill and the geoglyph from the west. The geoglyph has been digitally enhanced to afford better visibility. to the mound, pottery and two bronze castings retaining clay cores that make up a horse- harness strap-fastening of Ewart Park phase (eighth century BC; Whittle 1991: 87). This is an unusual deposit and indicates an interest in the tomb, potentially within the time frame of the geoglyph’s creation. The megalithic component of the second phase of the barrow was visible when the disturbance to the mound and deposition of the castings took place, although by that stage, any sense of the monument’s original purpose, or of the agents responsible for its creation, would have been radically reconfigured. It is suggested here that, as an artificial stone ‘cave’, it was conceived as another portal into the underworld, and the location where the sun-horse began the nocturnal stage of its journey. As its name implies, Anglo-Saxon (and later) folklore links the monument with Wayland, the smith of the gods (Grinsell 1939: 16–20). A connecting thread is also provided by the east–west route of , potentially serving as a processional route. For this part of its length at least, a pre-Iron Age date can be advanced (Gosden & Lock 2003). The imprecision that currently exists in the date of the creation of the geoglyph means that it is difficult to establish connections between the figure and the Uffington Castle, Rams Hill and Hardwell Camp enclosures. At the former two enclosure sites there is episodic, short-duration activity that is hardly consistent with sustained occupation. There are good grounds for arguing that both served as locales for periodic gathering linked to observances at, and maintenance of, the horse (Lock et al. 2003: 124). The first phase of enclosure at Rams Hill dates to between the thirteenth and tenth centuries BC (Needham & Ambers 1994). It is unusual in several respects, not least the complexity in its periodic circuit redefinition and the presence of multiple entrances. Faunal remains show a notable emphasis on cattle, and particularly high meat-bearing elements (Bradley & Ellison 1975: 119, 206–15). The limited evidence would best fit a role that involved gathering, © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017

416 ouetsorn vnsa nevl fbten4ad2 er;ad“h conclusion “the almost for and generation years; every once (Schwyzer 21 least more” (Barclay at and not scoured ‘scouring’ if 4 been millennia, has or between three horse of the maintenance that intervals form inescapable regular at seems original to events its scouring to due document fidelity entirely with and feature al. et visible remarkable a highly remains is geoglyph Uffington the That horse the Maintaining west—a the to and on Age, Iron based Pearson middle (Parker activities the orientation during social circumscribed blocked Wessex cosmologically for multi-entrance was among entrance seasonally common eastern sequence perhaps, the a of hillforts, visited, inversion an place In small ritual”. ramparts sacred and A the ceremony a of traces. been reinstatement ephemeral have to only could linked (Lock left perhaps time is and this pottery short-lived during barrow BC was Age fourth-century Bronze interior of early the amount major in the activity to Primary Ellison down & (Bradley leads south-east that the its valley to by 3km a enhanced Lambourn, of at is cemetery head role ceremonial the potential at Its situation occupation. short-term and consumption lotisiuinlsdpoeso noprtdmmr-ok(Connerton memory-work incorporated of process institutionalised almost osa oepiti t itr fisoiia oea u-os.Cranysneisfirst its since Certainly the sun-horse. of a list as a role on appearance original and Britain its cartularies of of Abingdon the history in its reference in documentary point some at loss mgr nlt rnAeGloBli n rts odadsle ong fesanother offers coinage silver of and feature gold Horse recurrent British metalwork. a ( and Tène is evidence Gallo-Belgic La of journey) Age Roman-period strand Iron nocturnal and late Age its Iron period, on on on imagery coeval sun found the a schema took decorative over the that that retained assume vehicle was ( to mythic Waddell figure grounds the longer. Uffington be for might the not there of if 535), identification the 2010: in (Kaul sun-horse mytho-cosmology Ages the sun-horse Iron of and longevity Bronze the Nordic Given consideration. further requires (Schwyzer meanings” contested and shifting of rdto fteA the (Creighton ruler of idea and tradition the horse of kingship, unions sacral ritualised horse/man of through 2000 the concept validated that was the authority argued enshrined sacred has coinage that Creighton such while on staters, common gold iconography BC first-century on imagery ciiyi oeceryrgsee n saanidctv fgteigadseilpractices, special and gathering of indicative again is and registered clearly more Ellison is & activity (Bradley imagery. Hill sun-horse Rams of the nearby examples from at also issues are coin they Age that Iron suggesting of England, number of a west on and designs south horse accompany symbols lunar and h rtpaeo fntnCsl aeltr nteegt osxhcnuisBC. centuries sixth to eighth the in later, came Castle Uffington of phase first The h otceto itr ftehrepirt h alethsoia eodo t existence its of record historical earliest the to prior horse the of history post-creation The vdnefrlt rnAeatvt tUfigo slreylcig lhuhi spresent is it although lacking, largely is Uffington at activity Age Iron late for Evidence 22) h rgn ftelte r ob on ihntesm Indo-European same the within found be to are latter the of origins The 22–26). : 2003a fteltreeet etr D(Cromarty AD century eleventh later the of 4) itrclrcrsfo h ihenhaderynntet centuries nineteenth early and eighteenth the from records Historical 245). : ´ vn/svn/šina htdlnae h oa os yhlg.Solar mythology. horse solar the delineates that svins/Ashvins/Ašvieniai iue8 Figure h fntnWieHregolp ssun-horse as geoglyph Horse White Uffington The tal. et .Ns rgs( Briggs Nash ). 2010 2003 02 a rudta oa otiaey(..ta of that (i.e. imagery boat solar that argued has 2012) , 2) ned Lock Indeed, 123). : 1975 1999 417 2009 9.Drn h al rtmlenu AD, millennium first early the During 69). : 2.Aantti eeiino practice—an of repetition this Against 42). : 1999 ae ovnigcs o oa horse solar for case convincing a makes ) 42). : tal. et 1996 tal. et 2003 niut ulctosLd 2017 Ltd, Publications Antiquity © —a maintained. )—was ( 6,i a ente“site the been has it 16), : 2003 1975 2)nt ht“it that note 124) : 219). : 1989 —sthe )—is Wonders

Research Joshua Pollard set within the context of increased agricultural intensification throughout the landscape (Barclay et al. 2003a: 262–63). The long mound to the south-west of the horse became the focus for a major inhumation and cremation cemetery during the fourth century AD, while Anglo-Saxon burials were inserted in the adjacent round barrow (Barclay et al. 2003b: 38– 47). Sustained late Roman activity within the Uffington hillfort, perhaps overlapping with the use of the long mound cemetery, involved the deposition of large amounts of artefactual material, including many coins (Lock et al. 2003). There is little structural evidence accompanying this, giving the activity something of a ‘fair’ or ‘festival’-like character. The creation of rectangular enclosures adjacent to the earlier Iron Age rampart circuits at both Uffington Castle and Rams Hill during this period may reflect strategies to create more clearly defined sacred spaces. The one on the western side of the Uffington hillfort enclosed an earlier round barrow, again associated with Roman or early Anglo-Saxon burial (Gosden & Lock 2003). A coin hoard, figurine and burials from the ditch of the enclosure at Rams Hill support interpretation of this as the sacred precinct of a hilltop shrine (Bradley & Ellison 1975: 71). From the fourth century, the picture is one of periodic gatherings, burials and small-scale votive offerings focused on the ridgetop and the environs of the geoglyph, perhaps with more formalised religious activity contained within specially constructed shrine enclosures. In stark contrast, evidence for Romano-British activity is absent from , 9km to the east (Lock et al. 2005). Quite how the horse was understood and engaged with at this time remains uncertain, but it continued to exert a dominant agency.

Conclusion The Uffington geoglyph is a truly remarkable monument, but one that has not been easy to accommodate within accounts of later prehistory. It is for this reason that it has become marginalised. Its identification as a sun-horse provides new context, and highlights the potential role of the Uffington complex as a pre-eminent ceremonial focus in later prehistoric Britain. The mytho-cosmological knowledge that was articulated through the creation and maintenance of the geoglyph was by no means unique to this region, possessing a broad-ranging Indo-European currency and perhaps being transmitted via long-distance networks alongside the introduction of domesticated horses (Sykes 2014). It was, however, locally tailored for the region. Key to this translation may have been the physical and historical affordances offered by this section of the Berkshire Downs (Gosden & Lock 1998). It is a visually dramatic section of chalk escarpment, and one that may probably have already been an important place. The chalk downs are the setting for significant monuments of Neolithic and early Bronze Age date, including Wayland’s Smithy and the major round barrow cemetery at Lambourn Seven Barrows to the south. More generally, its location within southern Britain is significant as a node where major topographic entities and routeways intersect. The geoglyph sits on the northern edge of the Wessex chalk, overlooking the Thames Valley and major routes both east and west along it, as well as to the north-west, the Cotswolds and the Severn Valley beyond. Finally, the regular and repetitive maintenance of the horse over perhaps 3000 or more years—its care—is difficult to match elsewhere in the northern hemisphere and deserves © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017

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Received: 1 February 2016; Accepted: 6 May 2016; Revised: 12 May 2016

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