SZTE Religion Culture Society 4 Beliv V4.Indd
The MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Cul- ture, a research group supported by the Hungarian Academy of Scienses and att ached to the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Szeged began its activity on 1st July 2013. It sees itself as situated in the border zone of various disci- plines dealing with social, historical and cultural aspects of reli- gions, the churches, present-day culture and society. It focuses on ethnographical, anthropological, sociological, historical and spir- itual approaches to religious culture, also investigating the chang- Religion th st ing social background, especially in the 19 –21 centuries. SOCIETY RELIGION, CULTURE, The research group operates in a historically Christian (Roman Catholic and Protestant) social and cultural environment with a Culture strong interest in the Jewish and Muslim religious cultures. The multidisciplinarity, inter-religious and ecumenical perspective pro- vides a stimulating environment for the research, making a distinc- tive contribution to both the local and the international academic Society community. In cooperation with theological and religious studies, it strives to carry out its work with a sound historical basis in which theory and practice, empirical facts and their interpretation, histori- cality and normativity are closely intertwined. 4 4 RELIGION, CULTURE, SOCIETY RELIGION, CULTURE, SOCIETY Yearbook of the MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture Szeged, Hungary 4 RELIGION, CULTURE, SOCIETY 4 Yearbook of the MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture Edited by Gábor Barna and Orsolya Gyöngyössy MTA-SZTEMTA-SZTE RESEARCHRESEARCH GROUP GROUP FOR THE STUDY FOR OF RELIGIOUSTHE STUDY CULTURE OF RELIGIOUS CULTURE Szeged, 2017 Published with the support of the MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture and the Devotio Hungarorum Foundation (Szeged) International editorial board: Arne Bugge Amundsen (Oslo), Marion Bowman (Milton Keynes), Adam S.
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