AND CLOAK MODEL STEPS INTO VENUS’ SHOES, 30DICE, ETC., AND OF CROWN - HARRY THAW INSANE, FINDS A PERFECT FIT. KILLED BY BAND OF ASSASSINS IN MATTEAWAN 1 C. W. ENNIS & Co. -r- SUCCESSORS TO ENNIS ft PARKHURST Men Armed With Carbines Intercept Royal Carriage In Found Not Guilty of Murderinn Lisbon and Send Hail of Bullets Against White Because He Was Crazy. SOLE AGENTS FOR ROCKWELL PLASTER the Monarch and His Family. Telephone Call 104 SENT AT ONCE TO ASYLUM

QUEEN AMELIE TRIES TO SHIELD THE ■Jury Deliberated Twenty-five Hour.I and at First Stood Fight to Fou* For Acquittal—No Writ For Re. Prince Manuel, the Second Son, Nineteen Years Old, Who Has Now Become lease Yet. King, Wounded—Guards Kill Three ot the Hegicldes. New Torfc City.—After deliber- ating twenty-five hours the jury Lisbon, Portugal.—King Carlos anil and revolvers were made in the Uni- which tried Harry Kendall Thaw for ted the Crown Prince Luiz Philippe were States. the second time for the murder of King Carlos first understood the assassinated here at 5 o'clock In the Stanford White on Madison Squaro danger and arose. His stout figure Roof Garden on the of June afternoon as the King with the other made an easy target for the assass- night 25, members of the royal family had ar- ins, so many bullets struck him and 1906, returned to the courtroom with he fell rived from Villaviciosa, where they heavily to the carriage floor. a verdict acquitting the prisoner of The Queen sprang to her feet, had attended the fair in accordance the crime on the ground that he was threw an arm around the Crown insane when he shot White. with annual custom. Prince and beat at their assailants Just at the moment when the open with a boquet, which a young woman This was the verdict: had carriage with the royal party left the presented to her only a few min- “We, the jury, find the defendant utes before. The dying Prince Luis Praca do Commercio for Arsenal not guilty of the charge in the indict- fell in his mother’s lap and his weight street a group of men armed with bore her down. ment on the ground that he was in- carbines rushed forward and fired on The King’s escort and the police, sane at the time of the commission of the act.” King Carlos and the Crown Prince. who lined the route to the palace, were taken by surprise. They rushed Supreme Court Justice Dowling at The Queen arose from her seat and forward only when they saw the once ordered the prisoner to the State flung herself across the bodies of her Queen arise and try to shield her hus- Asylum for the Criminal Insar^ at husband and son to shield them, but band. But the police rallied quickly Matteawan, and Thaw was taken her action was too late. and, led by one officer who killed the there, leaving the Tombs four hours The royal victims were hurried to murderer who seemed to be in com- after the verdict in charge of Deputy the Marine Hospital, where they both mand. they fought the assassins, Sheriff Bell. He was taken to Grand died soon after their arrival. killed two more and wounded two or Central Station in Evelyn Nesbit The Queen and the Manuel three others. Thaw’s electric brougham, his wife were also in the carriage. The Queen The royal coachman kept his wits accompanying him. Lawyers Daniel the arose and endeavored to cover and, carrying a dead King and a O’Reilly and Peabody followed in an- King and her eldest son. wounded Crown Prince, drove quick- other vehicle. Mrs. Thaw said good- The King and Crown Prince re- ly through the splendid gates of the bye to her husband at the station, ceived three bullets each. Marine Arsenal near by. and saw him, accompanied by the two The Infante Manuel with escaped The Queen, suffering from a fright- lawyers and the guard, depart for slight wounds. ful conflict of emotions, walked me- the asylum. Edward A. Pruden 5. Burka the Eugene J The Queen was not harmed by chanically behind her husband's body Just before he boarded the train assassins’ bullets. into the Arsenal, and held the Crown Thaw dictated this statement: The men who lurked in small Prince in her arms until quickly he “I am perfectly sane now, but I am near the scene of the attack, groups died in intense agony. Then she was going to Matteawan on the advice of the concealed & awaiting royal carriage, persuaded to enter a closed Cloak Who Has Been Declared to PRUDEN BURKE who it unwise to Mias Katherine M. the \ carriage my counsel, thought Berger, Model, their weapons, which were cut off with the wounded Prince Manuel and sue for a writ of habeas corpus at Be a Perfect of Physical Womanhood. under their coats. Specimen short, was driven to the palace. this time. Counsel will proceed in Telephone 43a Both the King and the Prince were One of the regicides who was killed the matter of my release as soon as hit with bullets at the first discharge. Skirt Guard. Tho story has long been firmly cred- I7 Park Place has been identified as Manuel Bulca, they can get together the proofs they It is supposed that men were told off a ited by the middle and lower classes sergeant in the Seventh Cavalry and ivill present that I am at present sane, One of the nuisances in connec- beforehand to aim at each. The a in and even received teacher in an elementary school. t am confident that my stay at Mat- tion with propelling a baby carriage Russia, it has made no motion when but King hit, For years he was a tutor a measure from the eight private teawan will be for a short period of or go-cart, as every mother knows, of countenance the Prince arose and then slipped in this city. He was about thirty time only.” is the of the best of Alexander’s biographers, Gen- back into his seat. old. impossibility preventing years He arrived at the asylum at 10 eral Schilders. Of this the After the tragedy there was a reign skirts coming in contact with the legend The other two dead regicides were o'clock that night and was in the of terror in the streets of Lisbon. put dirty wheels; consequently, in time Grand has made a careful store clerks, one being named Alfreda observation ward for the present. ^Thousands flocked to the palace and it. How this can be study, with the result that he shows Costa. His number is 719. In the asylum he ruining easily other crowds gathered as near the The conclusively by documentary and Republicans vow they are not will not be to wear any uni- and scene of the assassination as the required po- responsible for the assassinations, i form. other evidence that it is a legend and Coal Wood lice and troops, who speedily took which to but offl- they lay anarchists, Justice Dowling had allowed coun- nothing more.—Daily Graphic. possession of the streets in thousands, clals assert that the indentifi- eagerly sel for the defense until 3 o’clock p. would permit. cation of an assassin as a offl- < cavalry pa. to confer with Thaw pending the ■■■■■UHHBMaiMaBgiiaBM rnnce ivianuei Marie rniuppe cer is that were Adjustable Handle. proof the murders beginning of his journey to Mattea- Charles Amello, second son of the done by the revolutionaries, who had wan. In that time it was Woodworkers will be interested in murdered the decided that King Carlos and heir to smuggled in arms and and Telephone 42b bombs, no fight should be made for the pres- a folding drawing knife recently in- through the assassination of who, headed by prominent Republi- Morris St. his ent to keep Thaw out of the asylum. vented by two Ohio men. The draw- I67 older brother, Luiz. was next day cans, plotted to proclaim a republic of Justice Dowling's formal order of ing knife, as shown in the illustra- proclaimed King Portugal under a fortnight ago. the title of Second. The commitment said: tion, has handles, oi Manuel the The new King’s surgeons say his folding capable King is in his nineteenth year. condition is satisfactory. His wound ‘To the Sheriff of the County of New adjustment to a number of different announced to the Having people in the right arm, received when his York: positions. The knife can be folded - Manuel’s accession to the throne New King father and brother were killed, is not “The defendant on his trial on said inwardly to a position entirely out ol riorristown, Jersey Premier Fanco led the highest digni- as severe as was feared. it indictment having been by Indeed, acquitted the way, directly over the cutting _ taries of State and church and the on the of did not prevent him from whipping the jury grounds insanity, of the knife so that the chiefs of the and to the edge blade, army navy out a revolver and at the as- and the court being certified of the firing knife can be handled in perfect safety royal palace, where they swore alle- sassins. fact, and the defendant being in cus- giance to the new when not in use. It occupies but little sovereign. He carries his right arm in a sling, tody, and the court deeming his dis- NOTICE! The whole and in all when in a tool chest, army navy, but says he has no pain. It no com- charge at this time detrimental to space placed the garrisons, camps and naval sta- and there is no of injuring plications follow, which is unlikely, the public safety, it is ordered that danger JOHN J. CARROLL, who for years, tions in the have sworn al- kingdom, he will soon be well. Bald Harry K. Thaw be detained in I the cutting edge. The construction Washington too. has been In the firm of Loonby & Cab- legiance, The bodies of King Carlos and Bafe custody and be sent to Mattea- Most of Man- has formed a with significant all. King Prince Ruiz were embalmed and will wan State Hospital, and to be kept boll, partnership uel confirmed the dicta- immediately lie in state, according to the custom there in said hospital till then dis- cTosiEE" I Market his son, WILLIAM J. CARROLL, and torial powers which have been vested of the court. charged in due course of law. It is | are now to receive orders for in the they ready Premier, so Franco, dictator further ordered that the Sheriff of avoided is shown by a Michigan'man and real leader of the country’s des- History of Portugal's Troubles. New York forthwith convey said who has inveuted a skirt guard for tinies, whom the might of all parties K. Thaw Murdered in the streets of the Harry to said hospital. the purpose. The guard is very has not succeeded in re- Steam destroying, capital in broad Carlos “VICTOR J. DOWLING, Plumbing,Tinning, mains the daylight, King simple in construction, consisting of triumphant, unfrightened and the Crown Prince were the vic- “Justice.” retained in the new a pair of wheel fenders in the form FLORIDA AND CALIFORNIA leader, power by tims of the turbulent politics of Por- and Gas and determined at all hazards Both Mr. Littleton and District At- of a quarter-circle. These fenders Fitting King, tugal. Almost by chance the ruling to further and to torney Jerome declined to make any are on brackets which ex- prevent violence for the supported at their 41 Mill tele- escaped extinction, statement as to how felt about OFFICE, street, preserve the . they tend from the of the car- ORANGES Queen and the young Prince Manuel, body baby or at the store of William The the youngest the verdict. Of course Mr. Littleton phone 284-1, King, reigning who succeeds to the throne, were in riage and from the axle. They are QRAPB FRUIT, PINE APPLES monarch, addressed a solemn procla- was pleased and satisfied that the H. Hibler, South street, city. the path of the assassins’ bullets. If positioned just back of the rear FINE SOUTHERN mation to his He promises course he had pursued in the trial had VEOEiABLES Senior member of this people. a revolution was planned it has failed wheels. Instead of the skirt brush- The partner- to uphold the constitution and pre- been vindicated. The friends of Mr. because the loyalty of the troops had the it the ship, JOHN J. CARROLL, has been serve the of the Jerome said that the verdict was real- ing against wheel, strikes integrity kingdom. been assured In advance by the The Government issued this brief King’s ly a vindication for him, for at the fender or guard, being thus protected plumbing in this eity for twenty-nine concessions to the army. OPEN^ official account of the first trial he had announced in open from the dirt which naturally ad- and his as a tragedy: Carlos had years, reputation plumber King many personal court that he believed that Thaw was heres to the tires of the wheel.— is too well known for any further com- H Government Story of Murders. attractions. He was well educated, Insane at the time of the shooting, ' a a a fine Washington Star. ment. 2538. “The King, Queen and Crown poet, musician, sportsman before that time and after that time and a man of But Prince were riding in the first car- proved courage. and if the facts were known Thaw he was an indifferent ruler and a Russian Parallel to the Druce Case. FISH, OYSTERS riage to their villa outside of Lisbon. would not then have been on trial. He waB ex- The Established 1830. Prince Manuel, with officers from the poor politician. grossly Although Mr. Jerome had seven ex- Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhail- his court was frivolous royal palace, was in the second car- travagant, perts to testify before the lunacy com- ovitch has lately issued in St. Peters- and C L A H S and the Government while riage. In front of the Praca do Com- corrupt, mission that Thaw was incurably in- burg a little work entitled “The also admits of the handles being set a man armed with a carbine the people were poor and restless. mercio sane, the commission decided that he Legend of Alexander I. in Siberia.” at right angles, and at other angles, the front row The ferment of republicanism had suddenly broke through was able to advise with his counsel, One finds in it curious to long been at work in the universities parallels the giving the workman a wide range of E.VoorheesI of the crowd and shot at the King. and there was nothing that Mr. George and the masses when a crisis sensational mystery which Mr. Plow- adjustment, and making it possible The distracted Queen tried to shield among Jerome could do but to prosecute MORRISTOWN, N. J. den is to unravel. the Crown Prince, who was defend- was precipitated last spring by the him. endeavoring Thus, to set the handles in positions best ing himself courageously with his Cortes refusing to pass the appropria- like the fifth Duke of Portland, the suited for special kinds of work. The Hardware and Iron Merchant! walking stick against two other men. tions. Factions which could not Czar Alexander I. is alleged to have means for locking the several ad- definite had Suddenly more shots were heard and agree upon any policy MONTANA’S GOVERNOR QUITS. led a double life and also to have justments assures rigidity, It being The united in turning out one Ministry KRONENBERGS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS the Prince fell wounded. Queen arranged a bogus funeral of himself. impossible for the handles to slip. § shouted for bent over the body after another. help, Gov. Toole Ill-Health Prevents *1 WASHINGTON ST. of the Crown Prince and received his Early in May the King dismissed Says FERTILIZERS and SEEDS. last kiss. The Prince immediately the Cortes, suspended the Constitu- Him Finishing Term. Machinery That Ran the Clermont. tion and Premier Franco Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc.l expired. Ail three perpetrators of proclaimed Helena, Mont.—Governor Joseph were killed the mob and dictator.' From that time T« Our the crime by republicans K. Toole, thrice elected Governor ot SnbaorTbor*. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS and monarchists made common cause the police.” Montana, resigned. He gave ill- chooses in demanding the restoration of con- When wish to the address So much the Government health as the reason for his action. you change LAND AND DRAIN FARM stitutional Rate in June TILE, 1 to make public. Some facts remain government. His term expires in January next, so af your paper be sure and send the to be added. The royal family waB the mob threw up barricans in the Lieutenant-Governor Edwin Norris, present address as well as the new one. MACHINERY. returning from a shooting expedition streets in Risbon and fought the who is also a Democrat, will serve If this la entered an troops for hours. Scores of men and not dons it is Impossible to at Villavicosa. They open nine months as Montana's Executive. Contractors’ Etc. woinen fell before the soldiers’ vol- make the Supplies, landau, the two being seated In his statement to Secretary of change promptly. The won a with their backs to the coachman’s leys. Government bloody State Yoder Governor Toole calls at- their but the of revolt was box, of course, and facing par- victory, spirit tention to a provision in the Constitu- not ents. quelled. Plots against the lives tion prohibiting elective officials be- of the dictator and the were be- DVERTISING DAVID H. WILDAY The weather was beautiful, the King ing absent from the State for more A no uncovered. of streets were crowded. There was ing constantly Many than sixty days, and, as his health is indication of danger, no sign of an the republican leaders were sum- he said he felt and Buildera somewhat impaired, —nr- Carpenter thrown into Decrees were ambush. Of a sudden persons, of marily jail. that permanent improvement could Issued from the all CARPENTER WORE IN ALL whom there were six at least, who expelling country not be effected within so short a time, ITS BRANCHES. fvore civilian dress and who were suspected persons. hence his resignation. THSS PAPER the No in draped in cloaks, opened fire on government could live such About three years ago Governoi Estimates Cheerfully Given on ell kinds ef 1 royal carriage from both sides. At conditions except by force, and vio- Toole suffered from an attack of the work In my Line. first they fired with repeating rifles lence invites violence. King Carlos grip, and has been unable to eradi- to the of It Is interesting to contrast this of the crude with Which they had hidden under their yielded temptation trying cate it from his system. With his ad- picture machinery Office and Shop on Morris street, below the 9 to closer to his instead of which Robert Fulton ran the Clermont a tloaks; then, getting quar- conquer subjects vancing years and long public service successfully hundred years ago Depot. ters, with revolvers. conciliating them. He has paid for he feels entitled to a long reprieve with the present-day engines of our transatlantic liners. The picture is SURE TO BRING RESULTS. HT~ All orders left at Shop or mailed to And, tho police state, both rifles his mistake with his life. from all cares. from Technical Literature. who Is a oi DAVID H. WILDAY. Mrs. Toole, daughter % -J General Rosecrans, will not James Estate to Be Settled. I Victory For Haitian Government. the late Concrete Gutter and Curb. lar curve. Whether that material be accompany her husband to California The Only Way to Attract As the result of a compromise ef- Haitian Government forces at- From Norfolk t.o the of asphalt or wood, it often lacks any INDUSTRIOUS j unless there be a decided for grounds WANTED—SEVERAL tacked change Trade Is to Make Known What to travel house Ptfwfl lected with the contesting heirs, the and recaptured the town of the held in commemora- special depression for a gutter. What eons in each state for the worse in his condition. exposition a to testate of E, W. James, of Norfolk, St. Marc, the You Have to Offer. llshed eleven years and with iarg« capital, ^ insurgents offering ■ ■- has been ...... tion of the settlement of Jamestown done along the Jamestown call upon merchants and agents for guccehsi'ul A ya., who left $250,000 to the Uni- slight and line, Permanent resistance. there runs a wide street, six or 'eight Boulevard, as this avenue is called; profitable engagement, a versity of Virginia, will be settled at Socialist’s Husband Arrested. Weekly cash salary of $24 and all traveling ex- ■ miles in In Its construction is to make a true gutter and also to and hotel bills advanced in cash each « pnce. The will contest was decided Trust Wins. of Eliza- length. penses Publicity John A. Jones, husband j week. not essential. Mention ref- w the heirs. some new ideas have been tried. In combine it with the curbstone. They Experience adversely to Claus A. Spreckels won his fight beth Flynn, the girl Socialist agitator, erence and enclose self-addressed envelope. letter to News V. W. are made of concrete, a material the (HE UIERAI ADVERTISER IS THE SUC- Dearborn for greater publicity in the affairs of was arrested at Aurora, Minn., on a a Engineering THENATIONAL882 St., Chicago. Seven Burned to Death. the American Sugar Refining Com- charge of Incendiarism. Dow, who h,as had some experience in use of which is steadily finding new MERCHANT. 1 CESSFUL The home of Anthony Franklin, a pany. applications. His drawing tells the negro, of Bedford City, Va., collapsed Archbishop Invested, story so well that little comment is .dIAAki. 60 years* ftnd was burned. His entire family, Vote Confidence in Japan's Cabinet. Archbishop O’Connell was invested necessary. juUkH^HH^EXPERIENCE consisting of himself, his wife and Japan’s House of Representatives with the sacred pallium by Cardinal ftve children, was burned to death. voted confidence in the Cabinet. Gibbons at Boston. ■ V J Sells Seat In Heavcv. Job 11 V 1 Moroccan Policy Sustained. Rodnoa DIelo. a Russian news- Printing I I Prominent People. Feminine Notes. The Chamber of Deputies, at Paris, paper, reproduces from the original Of ALL KWDS^^ ragqj Morris K. Jesup, I Philadelphia schoolgirls have been a vote of 428 to 92, sustained the philanthropist, a curious deed of transfer. The doc- by died at the of warned not to annoy by in Mo- age seventy-eight years. | people A at Trade Marks French Government’s policy 1 the umeht runs: “I, the undersigned, Neat and MF* Dr. Edward R. Taylor, recently giggling in trolleys. designs rocco. Nicolai thir- fnHEnnr elected Muyor of San Francisco, has Showing Ichi jo, mother of the Nicephorovitch, peasant, ^ Fair Prices, rwjry Copyrights Ac. years of age, of ths Dogma- Anyone sending a sketch and description may several volumes of poems to his lit- Empress, died at Tokio, Japan. She ty-eight ascertain our free Favors Roosevelt Policies. ~ulckly opinion whether an Bryan erary credit. was eighty years old. rovskl district of Melitopol, have invention is probably■patentable, Comraunlcft- ■' tlona strictly confidential. on W. while in | I at the AT THIS OFFICE. HANDBOOK Patents J. Bryan, Washington, E. A. as fore- Mrs. the wife of Colonel fallen into evil days. am sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. MacDowell, regarded McKenna, Patents taken the Democratic Senators that the most -— through Munn A Co. receive jtold among American composers, McKenna and daughter of R. C. Ker- end of all my resources, and hereby notice, without In the should be framed to special charge. party platform died in New York City after an ill- ens, of St. Louis, died in Paris, certify that I have sold for the sum embody the Roosevelt policies. ness of two years. France. such matters, describes them. Very of fifty rubles my eternal salvation Us Once Scientific American. t>r. Herman ol Try A handsomely illustrated V. Hilprecht, of Phila- Marjorie Conley, a hello girl, of a modern and place In the kingdom of heaven weekly. T.nrgost, cir- Mills Start. often the pavement culation of any scientiBo Journal. a Money Easy, delphia, noted Assyriologist, whose New York City, was married to D. The Terms, $3 street Is arranged so that the mater- to Makar Selenky." signature is YOU WILL BECOME A *L by all newsdealer*. More manufacturing plants have standing as a scholar and author has Perry Wilson, of Lock Haven, Pa., AND ial covering the surface reaches from attested by one elder of the village Resumed and money is abundant at been questioned, says he will refuse who saved her from drowning at At- CUSTOMER. curbstone a council.—Detroit News. PEBMAMENT $isy terms. to reoDen the controversy. lantic City two years ago. the centre to the in regu-