Cytochrome P450s and Uses Thereof Joe Chappell University of Kentucky, [email protected]

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Cytochrome P450s and Uses Thereof Joe Chappell University of Kentucky, Chappell@Uky.Edu University of Kentucky UKnowledge Plant and Soil Sciences Faculty Patents Plant and Soil Sciences 5-21-2013 Cytochrome P450s and Uses Thereof Joe Chappell University of Kentucky, [email protected] Lyle F. Ralston Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits oy u. Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Plant Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Chappell, Joe and Ralston, Lyle F., "Cytochrome P450s and Uses Thereof" (2013). Plant and Soil Sciences Faculty Patents. 12. This Patent is brought to you for free and open access by the Plant and Soil Sciences at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in Plant and Soil Sciences Faculty Patents by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. USOO8445231B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US 8,445,231 B2 Chappell et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 21, 2013 (54) CYTOCHROME P4505 AND USES THEREOF 7,442,785 B2 10/2008 Chappelletal. ........... .. 536/236 7,622,614 B2 11/2009 Julien etal. ..... .. .. 568/327 . - . 8,106,260 B2 1/2012 Chappelletal. .. .. 800/298 (75) Inventors ioslelgllghlai’pené?exmiwl?’ 8,192,950 B2 6/2012 Chappelletal. .. 435/41 ye - as 0“, ester 6 a ( ) 2003/0166255 A1 9/2003 Chappell .. 435/2523 2004/ 0078840 A1 4/ 2004 Chappell et . .. .. 800/278 (73) Assignee: University of Kentucky Research 2006/0218661 A1 9/2006 Chappellet a1. .. .. 800/278 Foundation, Lexington, KY (Us) 2007/0231861 A1 10/2007 Millis et a1. 435/69.1 2007/0238157 A1 10/2007 Millis et a1. 435/166 * - . - - - - 2007/0238159 A1 10/2007 Millis et a1. 435/25233 ( ) Nonce' SUbJeCt.t° any (3531mm? the garmgftgl; 2007/0238160 A1 10/2007 Millis et a1. 435/25233 Patent 15 men 6 or a Juste un er 2007/0254354 A1 11/2007 Millis et a1. 435/25233 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2008/0178354 A1 7/2008 Chappelletal. 800/298 2008/0233622 A1 9/2008 Julien et a1. .. 435/148 (21) Appl.No.: 13/199,349 2010/0035329 A1 2/2010 Millisetal. 435/2542 2010/0120110 A1 5/2010 Chappell .. 435/166 - . 2010/0151519 A1 6/2010 Julien et a1. 435/69.1 (22) Flled' Aug' 26’ 2011 2010/0151555 A1 6/2010 Julien et a1. .. 435/193 _ _ _ 2010/0216186 A1 8/2010 Chappelletal. .. 435/69.1 (65) Prlor Publlcatlon Data 2011/0081703 A1 4/2011 Chappelletal. ............ .. 435/193 US 2011/0318797 A1 Dec. 29, 2011 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS JP 2000-511404 9/2000 Related US. 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