Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the Carnegie During 1928-1929 Under

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Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the Carnegie During 1928-1929 Under DEPARTMENT OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM J. A. Fleming, Director Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the Carnegie during 1928-1929 under Command of Captain J. P. Ault BIOLOGY -II The Oceanic Tintinnoina of the Plankton Gathered during the Last Cruise of the Carnegie ARTHUR SHACKLETON CAMPBELL CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION 537 WASHINGTON, D. C. 1942 This book first issued September iS, 1942 THE WILLIAM BYRD PRESS, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA THE MERIDEN GRAVURE COMPANY, MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT THE VIRGINIA ENGRAVING COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA PREFACE Of the 110,000 nautical miles planned for the seventh The compilations of, and reports on, the scientific re- cruise of the nonmagnetic ship Carnegie of the Carnegie sults obtained during this last cruise of the Carnegie are Institution of Washington, nearly one-half had been com- being published under the classifications Physical Ocean- pleted upon her arrival at Apia, November 28, 1929. The ography, Chemical Oceanography, Meteorology, and extensive program of observation in terrestrial mag- Biology, in a series numbered, under each subject, I, II, netism, terrestrial electricity, chemical oceanography, III, etc. physical oceanography, marine biology, and marine me- A general account of the expedition has been prepared teorology was being carried out in virtually every detail. and published by J. Harland Paul, ship's surgeon and Practical techniques and instrumental appliances for observer, under the title The last cruise of the Carnegie, oceanographic work on a sailing vessel had been most and contains a brief chapter on the previous cruises of the successfully developed by Captain J. P. Ault, master and Carnegie, a description of the vessel and her equipment, chief of the scientific personnel, and his colleagues. The and a full narrative of the cruise (Baltimore, Williams high standards established under the energetic and re- and Wilkins Company, 1932; xiii + 331 pages with 198 sourceful leadership of Dr. Louis A. Bauer and his co- illustrations). workers were maintained, and the achievements which The preparations for, and the realization of, the pro- had marked the previous work of the Carnegie extended. gram would have been impossible without the generous But this cruise was tragically the last of the seven great cooperation, expert advice, and contributions of special adventures represented by the world cruises of the vessel. equipment and books received on all sides from inter- Early in the afternoon of November 29, 1929, while she ested organizations and investigators both in America was in the harbor at Apia completing the storage of 2000 and in Europe. Among these, the Carnegie Institution gallons of gasoline, there was an explosion as a result of of Washington is indebted to the following: the United which Captain Ault and cabin boy Anthony Kolar lost States Navy Department, including particularly its their lives, five officers and seamen were injured, and the Hydrographic Oflice and Naval Research Laboratory; vessel with all her equipment was destroyed. the Signal Corps and the Air Corps of the War Depart- In 376 days at sea nearly 45,000 nautical miles had been ment; the National Museum, the Bureau of Fisheries, covered. In addition to the extensive magnetic and the Weather Bureau, the Coast Guard, and the Coast and atmospheric-electric observations, a great number of data Geodetic Survey; the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and marine collections had been obtained in the fields of of the University of California; the Museum of Com- chemistry, physics, and biology, including bottom samples parative Zoology of Harvard University; the School of and depth determinations. These observations were made Geography of Clark University; the American Radio at 162 stations, at an average distance apart of 300 nautical Relay League; the Geophysical Institute, Bergen, Nor- iniles. The distribution of these stations is shown in map way; the Marine Biological Association of the United I, which delineates also the course followed by the vessel Kingdom, Plymouth, England; the German Atlantic from Washington, May i, 1928, to Apia, November 28, Expedition of the Meteor, Institut fiir Meereskunde, Ber- 1929. At each station, salinities and temperatures were lin, Germany; the British Admiralty, London, England; obtained at depths of 0, 5, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, the Carlsberg Laboratoriuin, Bureau International pour 500, 700, 1000, 1500, etc., iTieters, down to the bottom or I'Exploration de la Mer, and Laboratoire Hydrogra- to a maximum of 6000 meters, and complete physical and phique, Copenhagen, Deninark; and many others. Dr. chemical determinations were made. Biological samples H. U. Sverdrup, now Director of the Scripps Institution to the number of 1014 were obtained both by net and by of Oceanography of the University of California, at La pump, usually at o, 50, and 100 meters. Numerous phys- Jolla, California, who was then a Research Associate of ical and chemical data were obtained at the surface. the Carnegie Institution of Washington at the Geophys- Sonic depths were determined at 1500 points and bottom ical Institute at Bergen, Norway, was consulting ocean- samples were obtained at 87 points. Since, in accordance ographer and physicist. with the established policy of the Department of Ter- In summarizing an enterprise such as the magnetic, restrial Magnetism, all observational data and materials electric, and oceanographic surveys of the Carnegie and were forwarded regularly to Washington from each port of her predecessor the Galilee, which covered a quarter of call, the records of only one observation were lost with of a century, and which required cooperative effort and the ship, namely, a depth determination on the short leg unselfish interest on the part of many skilled scientists, between Pago Pago and Apia. it is impossible to allocate full and appropriate credit. Ill IV PREFACE Captain W. J. Peters laid the broad foundation of the August 26, 1929, "The story of individual endeavor and work during the early cruises of both vessels, and Captain enterprise, of invention and accomplishment, cannot be J. P. Ault, who had had the good fortune to serve under told." him, continued and developed what Captain Peters had The following memoir by Dr. Arthur S. Campbell is so well begun. The original plan of the work was en- the second in the series of reports on studies of the visioned by L. A. Bauer, the first Director of the Depart- plankton gathered during the last cruise of the Carnegie. ment of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Of value in this study of the oceanic Tintinnoina has Washington; the development of suitable methods and been the mass of material accumulated by other vessels, apparatus was the result of the painstaking efforts of his especially the Albatross and the National, detailed ac- co-workers at Washington. Truly, as was stated by counts of which are given elsewhere. Captain Ault in an address during the commemorative J. A. Fleming exercises held on board the Carnegie in San Francisco, Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism CONTENTS PAGE Introduction i Rhabdonellidae 54 Acknowledgments 2 Epiplocylidae 65 Xystonellidae 75 Methods 2 Undellidae 94 and Distribution Taxonomy of the Tintinnoina Tintinnidae iii Found in the Material of the Carnegie Codonellidae Summary of Results 134 Cyttarocylidae 17 Codonellopsidae 22 Literature Cited 134 Dictyocystidae 31 Plate i jocing 136 Coxliellidae 38 F^^e"''^^^ 43 Figures 1-128 137 Ptychocylidae 46 Petalotrichidae 48 Systematic Index 159 METHODS The samples were examined in the original sea water descriptions of species in this report are the result of the and formalin without other treatment than the occasional examination and measurement of these drawings. In this replacement of loss by evaporation with distilled water. way it became possible to describe a large fauna accu- It is thus possible carefully to orient the organism under rately and to determine at a later time the exact status of the cover slip and to secure diverse views of the same aberrant individuals. Stress was laid on the finding and individual. There does not seem to be any satisfactory recording of these unusual individuals. Most of the fin- method of sealing off mounts in formalin. A few smears ished drawings are selected to show some unusual feature of plankton were made, however, and mounted either in of morphology. Since the majority of the oceanic species Venice turpentine or in balsam. These were used to have been figured previously, it was not considered neces- supplement the routine examinations. Adequate micro- sary to illustrate all species, especially in those instances scopes and maximum equipment were used at all times in which the material of the Carnegie was not particu- in the examination of the material. larly different from that already described. The descrip- After a sufficient knowledge of the species of Tintin- tions in all instances, however, are of loricae of species noina had been obtained, each sample was systematically found in the collection. Thus these descriptions may searched by the use of the mechanical stage until all the differ from those given in earlier papers. species had been detected. Each sample, after being In this report each character has approximately the thoroughly shaken, was examined on a standard slide same place in the description and so far as possible is under a long cover slip, and several slides were made of discussed in similar phraseology. For the families, sub- it. When the whole sample had been investigated, the families, and genera, synonymy, relationships, and gen- material was washed back into the original phial. Care eral distribution are given. The descriptions of the was taken that slides, slips, pipettes, and other instru- species include synonymy, description of specimens found ments were cleaned before another sample was opened. in the Carnegie material, variations, comparisons, history, The camera lucida was always attached to the microscope and occurrence in the material of the expedition. Because so that drawings could be made at once when a desired the various genera are distinctly different in form, it is individual was discovered.
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