Natixis Meeting Notice 2020 3 Key Figures 2019
MEETING NOTICE COMBINED GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING 2020 WEDNESDAY MAY 20, 2020 AT 3:00 PM Grand auditorium in Palais Brongniart 25 place de la Bourse - 75002 Paris 2020 - © Combined general shareholders’ meeting ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 AT 3:00 PM CHAIRMAN’S FOREWORD 3 KEY FIGURES 4 MANAGEMENT REPORT AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 6 ESR, GROWTH AND PERFORMANCE LEVER 18 STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2020 «NEW DIMENSION» 20 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF NATIXIS AT MARCH 1, 2020 22 NATIXIS COMPENSATION POLICY 42 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE USE OF CAPITAL INCREASE AUTHORIZATION IN 2019 52 AGENDA 55 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON THE RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TO THE SHAREHOLDERS’MEETING AND DRAFT RESOLUTIONS 56 GLOSSARY 71 HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN THE GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING? 72 REQUESTS FOR DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION 75 NATIXIS’ SHAREHOLDERS, VOTE ON LINE! The voting session prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting is Pursuant to the provision of the French Commercial now open to bearer or registered shares holders, from Code, the legal and regulatory notifications for this one share held. meeting were published: The VOTACCESS platform will record the votes up to the › ON APRIL 6, 2020, in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales day prior to the Shareholders Meeting, i.e. up to Tuesday, Obligatoires and in Les Echos (national daily); May 19, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Beside the access to voting, › ON APRIL 10, 2020, in Le Revenu (weekly magazine); this device enables to appoint the Chairman of the › ON APRIL 29, 2020, in the Bulletin des Annonces meeting as proxy.
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