Brazil Green Coast Bike

One of the world's most captivating places, Brazil is We ride over 400km in 5 days, with the Atlantic a country of powdery white-sand beaches, verdant Green Rain Forest on one side and the Atlantic rainforests and wild, rhythm-filled metropolises. Ocean on the other, with views of the most Brazil's attractions extend from frozen-in-time beautiful beaches and islands of Brazil. colonial towns to otherworldly landscapes of red- rock canyons, thundering waterfalls and coral- This incredible challenge finishes in , fringed tropical island where we will celebrate our achievements. We then discover how Brazilian’s like to party with a On this incredible Brazilian biking adventure, we little bit of Samba thrown in - something not to be head to the middle of Brazil's Costa Verde – the forgotten! 350-mile "green coast" between Santos and Rio de Janeiro

Detailed itinerary

Day 1: Depart UK to São Paulo, Brazil Day 3: to (54km) Day 4: Ubatuba to (75km) Arrive São Paulo. Transfer to Maresias After a hearty Brazilian breakfast, we Straddle your saddle and begin peddling; which is located right in front of the follow the undulating coastal roads to today we’ll ride a beautiful section of the Archipelago of Alcatrazes. Maresias is Ubatuba, draped with the rich flora of the Santos Road. From Ubatuba (by law, seen known internationally for its excellent Mata Atlântica, the peaks of the Serra do as the surf capital of São Paulo State) we waves, where several surf championships Mar provide a dramatic, emerald-green follow the winding coast road with some have taken place. Overnight in our hotel backdrop to the winding Ubatuba long ascents and descents before reaching where we meet our guides and hear more coastline. The town played its part in Paraty, surrounded by many parks and about the challenge ahead. Brazil’s history, when the Tupinambás natural preserves (including the Serra de Indians, who where excellent fishermen, Bocaina). When entering Paraty it will feel Day 2: Maresias to Caraguatatuba (56km) living in peace had their lives changed as though we’ve stepped back in time. The day we’ve all been waiting for! Just when the Portuguese and the French tried Cars are prohibited from the historical over 56km and we’ll arrive into to dominate them. But the Indians where centre to preserve the natural beauty of Caraguatatuba which became a province in tough and fought hard to keep their land. this city. Overnight in a pousada. 1857, and by law became a “Estancia Now, Ubabata has become a preeminent Balneária” in 1957. In 1927, the São resort for well-heeled Paulistanos, with its Sebastião Farm, created changes in the elegant beach homes and stylish hotels. general situation of Caraguatatuba, that Overnight at the Hotel Ubatuba Palace. culminated to give the city the status of “Estancia Balneária” (place to spend the weekend). The cycling today won’t be easy but we will be rewarded with some of the best views Brazil has to offer. Overnight in a pousada (guesthouse). Detailed itinerary

Day 5: Paraty to (95km) Day 7: Rio to London From the old colonial town of Paraty we A free day to enjoy the sights of Rio and head along the lush green corridor of the take in its majestic beauty, with built-up ‘Costa Verde’ to Angra dos Reis (Kings areas nestled between a magnificent bay Creek). Angra dos Reis is one of the most and dazzling beaches on one side and an beautiful places in Brazil, offering 365 abruptly rising mountain range, covered islands, one for each day of the year, and by a luxuriant tropical forest, on the other. 2000 beaches. Today the cycling will be Rio is the only city on earth with a tropical tough but rewarding. Overnight in a rain forest inside the city limits. pousada. In the afternoon, transfer to Rio airport for Day 6: Angra dos Reis to Mangaratiba to the flight back to the UK. Rio (65km) The final day of this epic cycle challenge Day 8: Arrive London following the coast road to Mangaratiba and then onto the bustling city of Rio de Challenge grade Janeiro. Tonight we will celebrate our Tough achievements with a special gala dinner at a local restaurant within walking distance Best time of year of the beach. We then discover how April to October Brazilian’s like to party with a little bit of Samba thrown in - something not to be © Ultimate Challenges forgotten! This itinerary is complex and subject to change