MM 26.11.2019 & CITY COUNCIL

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Council held in the Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 26 November, 2019 at 7:00 pm

PRESENT: The Right Worshipful the Mayor Councillor A Givan

Deputy Mayor Councillor J McCarthy

Aldermen W J Dillon MBE, A G Ewart MBE, S P Porter and J Tinsley

Councillors N Anderson, R T Beckett, R Carlin, S Carson, D J Craig, A P Ewing, O Gawith, A Gowan, M Gregg, D Honeyford, S Hughes, J Laverty BEM, S Lee, H Legge, C McCready, A McIntyre, U Mackin, T Mitchell, Jenny Palmer, John Palmer, S Skillen and N Trimble

IN ATTENDANCE: Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

Director of Service Transformation Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing Head of Building Control Community Planning Manager Member Services Officer Attendance Clerk

Commencement of the Meeting

At the commencement of the meeting, The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, welcomed those present to the meeting, in particular to the members of the Lisburn Castlereagh Youth Council who were seated in the public gallery. The Right Worshipful the Mayor advised that the Youth Council had been invited to a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour following the meeting and that Members were also invited to come along and engage with the Youth Council.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor requested that all mobile phones be switched off or put on silent for the duration of the meeting.

The Director of Service Transformation outlined the evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency.

Councillor R Carlin entered the meeting at 7.06 pm.


MM 26.11.2019 1. Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor

1.1 Prayers

The Right Worshipful Mayor, Councillor A Givan welcomed to the meeting Pastor Geoffrey Ward, Lisburn Baptist Church and advised that Pastor Ward would be retiring at the end of December 2019. Pastor Ward gave an address and said a prayer, during which he remembered the families of Council Members and staff who had suffered bereavement during recent weeks.

At this point The Right Worshipful the Mayor referred to the following bereavements and asked everyone to remember these families at this time:

 Mrs Gemma Lucas, former employee in Human Resources, Service Support, whose son Leo passed away in the Royal Hospital for sick children, aged 41/2 years

 Mr Jonathan Graham, Human Resources, Support Services, and Mr David Graham, Building Control, Environmental Services, on the death of their brother Timothy

 Mrs Helen Alexander, Deputy Registrar, Support Services, on the death of her father, Mr Wilbert Small

 Mrs Gillian Allen, Mayor’s Office, Support Services, on the death of her mother, Mrs Ann Graham

 Mr Richard Treacy, Assets & Estates, Service Transformation, on the death of his mother, Mrs Mia Treacy

 Alderman Amanda Grehan – on the death of her sister-in-law, Ms Yvonne Campbell

The Right Worshipful the Mayor reminded Members of the requirements in regard to the code of conduct during the Purdagh period in particular for those Members standing in the forthcoming General Election. The Right Worshipful the Mayor drew Members’ attention to the NILGA Guidelines on Purdagh which were available on SharePoint.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor made a number of further announcements regarding the PA system and also in regard to unauthorised recordings of the proceedings not being permitted.

1.2 Mayor’s Engagements

The Council noted a number of engagements attended by The Right Worshipful the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor since the last meeting of Council.


MM 26.11.2019 2. Apologies

It was agreed to accept apologies for non-attendance at the meeting on behalf of Aldermen J Baird, D Drysdale, A Grehan, M Henderson, S Martin and T Morrow and Councillors S Eastwood, J Gallen, M Guy, G McCleave, R McLernon and A Swan, the Chief Executive and the Director of Environmental Services.

3. Declarations of Interest

During the course of the meeting a completed Declaration of Interest form was completed by Councillor U Mackin in relation to item 4.1.1 (Leisure & Community Development Minutes of 5 November 2019) Nominations to Lagan Valley Regional Park in view of his membership of Lagan Valley Regional Park.

4. Council Minutes

4.1 Meeting of Council held on 22 October 2019

It was proposed by Councillor M Gregg, seconded by Councillor N Trimble, and agreed that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 22 October, 2019 be confirmed and signed.

4.2 Special Meeting of Council held on 18 November 2019

It was proposed by Councillor D Honeyford, seconded by Councillor C McCready, and agreed that the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on 18 November 2019 be confirmed and signed.

5. Matters Arising

Meeting of Council held on 22 October 2019

Item 1 Page 650 Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor

Alderman J Tinsley put on record his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Chief Executive, Directors, Members from the various political parties and everyone across the Council who had sent messages of condolence to him and his family on the death of his mother the previous month.

Special Meeting of Council held on 18 November 2019

Item 4.1 Page 736 Department of Infrastructure, Roads (Eastern Division) Autumn Report 2019

Alderman Tinsley referred to the concerns raised at the Special Meeting on 18 November in regard to barriers that had been erected over fire exits to properties in the area around Graham Gardens multi-storey car park and reported that he had received an email from DfI who were the landlord advising that the said barriers were to be removed by the leasee. He stated that the discussion following the presentation had been worthwhile in view of the letter indicating the removal of the barriers without delay. 743

MM 26.11.2019 Item 4.1 Page 736 Department of Infrastructure, Roads (Eastern Division) Autumn Report 2019 (Cont’d)

Councillor N Trimble enquired if a formal response had been received from DfI in connection with a number of issues raised during the presentation.

The Director reported that he had just received verbal confirmation that a letter from the Permanent Secretary on the issues raised had been received by the Council earlier that day.

6. Deputations

There were no deputations.

7. Business Required by Statute

(i) Signing of Legal Documents

On a proposal by Councillor J Laverty, seconded by Councillor S Carson, it was agreed that the following legal documents be signed at the meeting:

City Council and Morrow Gilchrist Associates Limited of 2nd Floor, The Concourse 1 Building Queens Road, , BT3 9DT – Consultancy Agreement via a Service Company for the provision of consultancy on the development of an outline business case for Hillsborough Castle and Heritage Village.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Benagh Engineering and Motor Works Limited of 35 Benagh Road, Mayobridge, Newry, , BT34 2JE – Contract for the service and maintenance of the Council’s waste compactor machines and containers in the Council’s HRC sites and other sites.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Civco Limited of 25A Hillside Road, Maghera, BT46 5SD – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and M & M Contractors (Europe) Limited of 4 Pilots View, 18 Heron Road, Belfast, BT3 9LE – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Amelio Group of Unit 41 Work West, 301 Glen Road, Belfast, BT11 8BU – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and BDS Contracts of 11 Forthill Road, Dromore, County Down, BT25 1RF – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.


MM 26.11.2019 (i) Signing of Legal Documents (Cont’d)

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Earney Contracts Limited of 120D Saintfield Road, Lisburn, BT27 5PG – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and BES Solutions Limited of Unit 13 Ferguson Centre, 53-57 Manse Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6RW – Contract for PPM 16 – roller shutters.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Baltor Systems of 11 Hulls Lane, Moira Road, Lisburn, BT28 2SR – Contract for PPM 13 – Fuel Tanks.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Thyssenkrupp Elevators Company Limited of Units 25/26 Dunlop Industrial Units, 8 Balloo Drive, Bangor, BT19 7QY – Contract for PPM 09 – passenger lifts.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Gas and Controls Limited of 156 Woodburn Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 9AB – Contract for PPM 2 – gas detection equipment.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and We R Babble of 5th floor, The MAC, 10 Exchange Street West, Belfast, BT1 2NJ – Consultancy Agreement via a Service Contract for delivery of Food and Drink Programme 2019/20.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Pulse Fitness Limited of Pulse Fitness, Radnor Park, Greenfield Road, Congleton, Cheshire – Deed of Variation of the contract to supply, install, operate and maintain Agreement relating to gymnasium facility at Lough Moss Leisure Centre.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Pulse Fitness Limited, Radnor Park, Greenfield Road, Congleton, Cheshire – Letter of intent in relation to the provision, installation and maintenance of gym equipment relating to the gymnasium facility at Lough Moss Leisure Centre.

8. Adoption of Minutes of Committees

Leisure and Community Development Committee 5 November 2019 Proposed by Alderman J Tinsley Seconded by Councillor Jenny Palmer

Environmental Services Committee 6 November 2019 Proposed by Councillor T Mitchell Seconded by Alderman J Tinsley

Adopted subject to Councillor O Gawith’s name being removed as being in attendance at the meeting.


MM 26.11.2019 Development Committee 6 November 2019 Proposed by Alderman A G Ewart Seconded by Alderman W J Dillon

Capital Projects Committee 12 November 2019 Proposed by Councillor R T Beckett Seconded by Alderman A G Ewart

Corporate Services Committee 13 November 2019 Proposed by Councillor R Carlin Seconded by Alderman S P Porter

Planning Committee 7 October 2019

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 7 October, 2019 had been circulated for noting only as these minutes had been agreed at the subsequent meeting of the Planning Committee on 4 November, 2019. It was proposed by Councillor D J Craig, seconded by Councillor O Gawith, and agreed that their contents be noted.

9. Report from Chief Executive

In the absence of the Chief Executive the Director of Service Transformation presented the Chief Executive’s report.

9.1 Amendment to Council’s Standing Orders Item 16.1 (3) On Notice

The Director reminded the Council that at the previous meeting of Council Councillor N Trimble had brought forward a proposal in connection with an amendment by way of additional wording to Standing Order item 16.1 (3) Motions – On Notice. The proposed additional wording (as stated in bold print) was as follows:

“All Notices shall be dated and numbered as received, and entered in a register to be kept for that purpose, and circulated to every Member of Council. This register shall be open to inspection by every Member of the Council.”

In line with Standing order 27.2 Amendment of Standing Orders the proposal by Councillor N Trimble and seconded by Alderman M Henderson had stood adjourned without discussion at the meeting of Council on 22 October 2019.

In response to Councillor S Carson’s request for clarification on the proposed amendment Councillor N Trimble stated that each individual Notice would be circulated to all Members when received by the Council.

The proposal by Councillor N Trimble to amend Standing Order 16.1 (3) was put to the meeting and agreed unanimously.


MM 26.11.2019 9.2 NILGA Annual Conference, Exhibition and Gala Awards Dinner Thursday 20 February, Crowne Plaza Hotel

It was noted that the above item had been withdrawn due to having been considered at the Corporate Services Committee meeting on 13 November 2019.

9.3 NILGA Conference - Changing Places: Planning, Place shaping and Place- Making in NI – Killyhevlin Hotel Enniskillen – 8 October 2019

Members were reminded that an item in regard to the above conference had been included in the Council’s Items for Noting schedule advising that any members wishing to attend this conference should contact the Chief Executive’s office accordingly. This was a free event with the only costs incurred being in respect of mileage.

Also, at the Planning Committee held on 5 August 2019, approval had been granted to the Chair and Vice-chair, or their nominees, to attend the above.

It was noted that in addition, the conference had been attended by Alderman W J Dillon, Alderman S Martin and Councillor Jenny Palmer, as Council NILGA representatives, and retrospective approval was now sought in terms of their mileage expenses for attendance at this event.

The Director responded to comments from Councillor N Trimble who sought clarity in relation to the approval granted previously by Council at its Annual Meeting in June 2019 in regard to attendance at events by those Members who had been nominated by the Council to the outside body in question.

The Director having stated that for the purposes of good governance and clarity this matter was before the Council for approval.

It was proposed by O Gawith, seconded by Councillor U Mackin, and agreed that retrospective approval be granted to mileage expenses incurred by the above- named Members in regard to their attendance at the NILGA Conference in Enniskillen.

10. Reports from Members on Boards

There were no reports from Members on Boards.

11. Reports on Decisions Subject to the Reconsideration Procedure

There were no reports on decisions subject to the reconsideration procedure.

12. Notice of Motion

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor J McCarthy entered the meeting during consideration of the Notice of Motion (7.49 pm).


MM 26.11.2019 12.1 Voting Age at 16

A copy of the following Notice of Motion in the name of Councillor R Carlin had been circulated to Members with the notice convening the meeting:

“This Council supports the extension of the electoral franchise to citizens aged 16 and over as a natural and just equalisation of voting rights to match personal responsibilities.

Council also supports the need for greater engagement with young people, leading to greater involvement of young people in the decisions that affect their community and welcomes the new Youth Council as a response to that.

This Council recognises that a majority in the Assembly have already voted in favour of reducing the voting age to 16 as far back as 2012 but do not have the power to implement this decision.

This Council recognises the ongoing Votes at 16 campaign by the National Youth Council of Ireland, the NUS-USI and the Youth Forum and encourages our own newly formed LCCC Youth Council to pursue their own campaign to lower the voting age to 16.

Council therefore calls on the Chief Executive to write to the National Youth Council of Ireland, the NUS-USI and the Northern Ireland Youth Forum to offer support for the Votes at 16 campaign.

The Council also calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State, local MP’s and MLAs calling for the extension of the franchise to 16 and 17 year olds as already passed at the Assembly.”

Councillor R Carlin read out his Notice of Motion to the meeting following which Councillor S Lee seconded the Motion.

Councillor R Carlin having welcomed the fact that the Youth Council were in attendance at the meeting and having wished them well for their year ahead , proceeded to elaborate on his Notice of Motion during which he highlighted the following:

- reducing the voting age to 16 was the next step in strengthening the democratic engagement

- 16-22 year olds were more engaging than the previous generation in regard to social, environmental and political issues

- in recent years the significant number of progressive movements had been spearheaded by the younger generation on issues of equality and environmental issues - Greta Thunberg, the young 16 year old environmentalist from Sweden, being one example.

- in 2012 the Northern Ireland Assembly passed by a two thirds majority a similar motion by Sinn Fein


MM 26.11.2019 12.1 Voting Age at 16 (Cont’d)

- the higher percentage of younger voters at age 16 and 17 in many other countries demonstrates that young voters are more inclined to vote and that those who vote young are more likely to continue voting throughout their lives

Councillor S Lee having seconded the Motion also spoke on the Notice of Motion during which he referred to current legislation which permitted 16 year olds (a) to marry with parental consent, (b) pay taxes and (c) leave home, and stated that anything we can do to encourage democracy should be encouraged. Councillor Lee also stated that young people were going to be most affected by some the changes that are about to be made in regard to climate change and Brexit.

Councillor Lee concluded that participation in democracy was a human right and there was a moral duty to extend the electoral franchise to16 year olds.

Councillor S Hughes on behalf of the UUP spoke in support of the Motion as did Councillors D Honeyford and A McIntyre on behalf of the APNI.

Councillor N Anderson on behalf of the DUP spoke against the Motion citing a number of reasons, including:

- age of adulthood and becoming independent has never been recognised formally in this country

- marriage at age 16 requires parental consent as does entry to the armed forces

- the horrific loss of life by many 16 year olds who had fallen in the line of duty during the First World War - it is not appropriate to give 16 year olds the franchise to vote at 16.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor called upon Councillor R Carlin to sum up his Motion following which the Motion was put to the meeting. There were 14 votes in favour of the Motion and 14 votes against.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor having elaborated briefly on some of his reasons for not supporting the Motion cast his casting vote against the Motion.

There being 14 votes in favour and 15 votes against the Motion was declared “fallen.”

13. Confidential Business

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, advised that the item contained in the confidential report would be dealt with “In Committee” due to containing information in relation to which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.

At this juncture The Right Worshipful the Mayor addressed the Youth Council in relation to how confidential business was conducted at Council and Committee 749

MM 26.11.2019 meetings and gave examples of confidential business and the need to treat such information sensitively.

“In Committee”

It was proposed by Councillor D J Craig, seconded by Councillor A P Ewing, and agreed that the following item be considered “in committee”, in the absence of members of the press and public being present.

The members of the Youth Council left the meeting at 7.58 pm.

It was agreed that the Confidential report and recommendation of the Chief Executive be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

13.1 Section 76 legal agreement in respect of planning application LA05/2019/0143/F

Having noted information set out in the Chief Executive’s report and having been provided with a copy of the above Deed of Agreement, it was agreed that approval be granted to the signing and sealing of the above Deed of Agreement by The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, and the Chief Executive.

Any Other Confidential Business

13.2 Planning Matter Councillor N Anderson

In response to the issue raised by Councillor N Anderson on matters concerning NI Water the Director undertook to circulate the information in question to all Members of Council.

It was proposed by Councillor D J Craig, seconded by Councillor T Mitchell, and agreed to come out of Committee and normal business was resumed.

Resumption of Normal Business

The Youth Council returned to the meeting

14. Any Other Business

14.1 Additional Day’s Leave on Christmas Eve The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, having paid tribute to the staff of the Council for their work and commitment during the year, proposed that in recognition of their efforts Christmas Eve, 24 December 2019, be granted as an additional day’s leave. The proposal by The Right Worshipful the Mayor was put to the meeting and agreed.

14.2 Adopt a Kiosk Scheme Councillor S Carson 750

MM 26.11.2019

Councillor S Carson outlined the community initiative by BT whereby their iconic red phone boxes were being offered for adoption by local communities at a cost of £1.00 each. Councillor Carson stated that there were approximately 13 phone boxes across the Lisburn City area alone which could be put to good use, for example mini libraries, art museums, cake shops, or even to house portable defibrillators in rural areas.

It was proposed by Councillor S Carson, seconded by Councillor O Gawith and agreed that the Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing bring forward a report on the Adopt a Kiosk Scheme to include details on the locations of the various kiosks across the Council area and also identifying suitable funding with a view to the Council assisting various community groups to avail of the Adopt a Kiosk Scheme across the Lisburn and Castlereagh City area.

14.3 Success of Lisburn and Moira in 2019 Best Kept Awards Alderman J Tinsley

Alderman J Tinsley highlighted the Council’s success in the 2019 Best Kept Awards which were sponsored by the George Best Belfast City Airport – Lisburn having won the Northern Ireland Best Kept Large Town award and also Moira in being runner up in the Best Kept Small Town category.

It was agreed that the winning prize money in the sum of £200 be donated to the Mayor’s Charity – Northern Ireland Air Ambulance.

14.4 Members’ Catering Councillor O Gawith

Councillor O Gawith expressed concern in regard to the amount of leftover food at a number of Council/Committee meetings and suggested that local charities could avail of leftover food.

It was proposed by Councillor A Gawith, seconded by Councillor D Honeyford, and agreed that Officers investigate the issue of leftover food that was made available for Council/Committee meetings and for the various training sessions could be managed going forward.

14.5 Thanks and Congratulations Councillor N Anderson

Councillor N Anderson having expressed thanks to those Members and Officers who had sent him good wishes during his recent period of ill health also extended congratulations to Councillor S Hughes on his recent marriage.

14.6 Christmas Switch On Event Alderman S P Porter

Alderman S P Porter commended the standard of this year’s Christmas Switch On event which had taken place on Thursday, 21 November 2919 and in this regard 14.6 Christmas Switch On Event (Cont’d) Alderman S P Porter 751

MM 26.11.2019

expressed thanks and appreciation for the efforts of all the staff and Officers involved, in particular the team from Leisure & Community Development, which he said resulted in a tremendous event. Alderman Porter advised that he had received a number of positive comments and feedback in recent days.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, wished to be associated with the comments by Alderman S P Porter, and put on record that the efforts of all staff involved in any way should be acknowledged.

14.7 ‘Grand Choice’ Community Initiative – Killultagh District Councillor A P Ewing

Councillor A P Ewing drew Members’ attention to the ‘Grand Choice’ initiative currently being progressed by the Council’s PCSP in the Killultagh DEA (in association with a number of other organisations) whereby residents and local community groups could apply for funding up to £1,000 towards an event or an idea that would benefit the local community.

Councillor Ewing advised that the closing date for this worthwhile initiative closed on Thursday, 19 December 2019.

It was noted that the above initiative was a pilot scheme for Killultagh DEA and that if successful further initiatives would be considered for other districts across the Lisburn & Castlereagh Council area.

14.8 Thanks re Marriage Congratulations Councillor S Hughes

Councillor S Hughes expressed thanks to Councillor N Anderson for the sentiments of congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of his recent marriage and also to those other Members and staff members throughout the Council who had conveyed good wishes to him.

Councillor Hughes also extended good wishes to Councillor N Anderson following his recent illness.

Conclusion of the Meeting

At the conclusion of the meeting, The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, thanked those present for their attendance and reminded Members that the December meeting of Council had been brought forward to Monday 16 December 2019 at 6.00 pm.

There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was terminated at 8.20 pm.
