Paste from MS Word into LiveText

What Works:

Paragraph Breaks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sit amet mi sit amet lectus mattis tristique in eget tellus. Nullam lectus odio, consequat eu pellentesque et, scelerisque id eros. Nunc consequat magna et sapien tempus rutrum hendrerit quam lacinia.

Integer eget ipsum eget mauris elementum pretium. Integer eu accumsan lacus. Sed porta lorem eget nisi pretium ultricies. Nullam fermentum arcu nibh, in viverra quam.

Font Style

Superscript (Bold, Italic, Underline, , , and Subscript)

Hyperlinks (absolute links only, no anchors. Relative links may work)


(formatting changes will be lost, but headings remain)

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Alignment Left Align

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse egestas lobortis vehicula. Aenean tincidunt rhoncus sem. Phasellus et felis ipsum, id aliquam ante. In mi sapien, tincidunt at mollis eget, condimentum nec nulla.

Right Align

Maecenas vulputate arcu sed diam tincidunt tempus. Vestibulum viverra leo id mauris dapibus in auctor nunc cursus. Quisque quis dolor leo, sit amet fringilla elit. Fusce porta mollis molestie. Morbi lacus massa, viverra in pharetra at, tristique in tellus. Donec iaculis, sem a posuere tempus, lacus mi ornare orci, faucibus blandit nunc quam et dolor. Cras accumsan, augue ut rhoncus pharetra, lorem est ullamcorper orci, eu tempor sem velit at urna


Nunc id mauris dui. Morbi non viverra ante. Curabitur aliquet lorem ut lectus ullamcorper pulvinar. Praesent urna orci, suscipit in commodo et, ullamcorper sed erat. Quisque a diam a sem dignissim posuere. In fermentum malesuada sem at malesuada. Donec in nulla ut magna molestie scelerisque. Quisque placerat, orci a porta porta, ante nibh molestie libero, eget dignissim dui ligula et dolor.

Numbered Lists 1. One 2. Two 3. Three

Bulleted Lists • Bullet 1 • Bullet 2 • Bullet 3

Multi-level Lists (Outlines) 1. One a. One-A i. One-A-One ii. One-A-Two

Note: This works in FireFox only. Internet Explorer and Safari make a multi-level list into a flat numbered list. Use the “Increase Indent” button in the editor to restore the tiered levels, but the numbering will be incorrect.

Simple Tables

(Merged Cells, contents, alignment)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What doesn’t work:

• Manual Indents, Margins, Text Boxes or Other Text Placement Tools (other than lists above) o Why? Tabs and Margins in MS Word are designated by placement relative to the size. Since the web is not bound by 8.5x11 inch paper sizes, this is meaningless to a web browser and is therefore ignored. • Line spacing (Double Space)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse egestas lobortis vehicula. Aenean tincidunt rhoncus sem. Phasellus et felis ipsum, id aliquam ante. In mi sapien, tincidunt at mollis eget, condimentum nec nulla.

o Why? Similar to Indents, the double spacing is defining a number of lines on a printed page. Since the "page" in a web document can just get longer and longer, this is also ignored. • Face, Size, Color, Highlights o Why? Font packages can vary from system to system and from PC to Mac. are actually licensed and purchased by a user, but word processors have always bundled in fonts into the price of the application to give variety. Since web browsers are free, there are generally far fewer fonts included. There are 9 fonts allowed in the editor which will have to be applied to the text manually. Color, size and highlighted text are all font attributes which are specified along with the face, so it is all ignored by the editor. • Anchor Links o Why? Anchor links in word reference a specific location on a piece of paper. HTML anchors refer to a block of text. This difference can't be reconciled by the editor, so they are ignored. • Full Justification

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse egestas lobortis vehicula. Aenean tincidunt rhoncus sem. Phasellus et felis ipsum, id aliquam ante. In mi sapien, tincidunt at mollis eget, condimentum nec nulla.

o Why? Fully justified text is not part of the HTML specification. • Any edits to styles used in Word will not be applied in LiveText. o Why? Customized styles are stored as text modifications, so similar to saving font face, size etc, the application cannot store any style changes. Also, these changes would likely be overridden by the LiveText CSS which is used for the document styles. • Table border or background colors o Why? Table borders can be modified in the HTML specification to have different color and thickness, but Word allows for double lines, dotted lines, and all kinds of other decoration that are not specified in HTML. Background colors can be done in HTML but are stored in Word in the same tag as the borders, but that entire tag is ignored. Background color can be modified manually in the editor by right-clicking on the cell.