PACIFIC INSECTS Vol. 2, no. 2 July 31, 1960 Organ of the program "Zoogeography and Evolution of Pacific Insects." Published by Entomology Department, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Editorial committee: J. L. Gressitt (editor), D. E. Hardy, M. A. Lieftinck, T. C. Maa, I. M. Mackerras, L. W. Quate, J. J. H. Szent-Ivany, R. Traub, R. L. Usinger and K. Yasumatsu. Devoted to monographs and zoogeographical studies of insects and other terrestrial arthropods from the Pacific area, including eastern Asia, Australia and Antarctica. Normally to appear quarterly. HISPINE BEETLES FROM NEW CALEDONIA (Chrysomelidae)l By J. Linsley Gressitt BISHOP MUSEUM, HONOLULU, HAWAII ABSTRACT The New Caledonia fauna in this subfamily proves to be rich compared with most neighboring areas. Although only one tribe is represented (as against 7 in Australia and 7 in New Guinea—Solomons), there are 6 genera (as against 2 in Samoa, 1 in Fiji, 2 in New Hebrides, 1 in Norfolk I. and Lord Howe I., none in New Zealand, 7 in Australia, and 22 in New Guinea—Solomons). Each of the 6 genera has 2 known species on the island, and all of the genera and species are precinctive except Brontispa and the wide spread coconut pest B. longissima. Six new species and 2 new genera are described, as well as the first larvae of 4 species. INTRODUCTION A stop of eight days in New Caledonia at the end of February and early March of this year permitted an approximate doubling of the known hispine fauna of the island. Six species, of four genera, were previously known, and five new species, including two new genera, were collected, an additional species having been earlier loaned me my Dr.
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