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ISO Focus, November 2008.Pdf ISO Focus The Magazine of the International Organization for Standardization Volume 5, No. 11, November 2008, ISSN 1729-8709 e - s t a n d a rdiza tio n • Siemens on added value for standards users • New ISO 9000 video © ISO Focus, Contents 1 Comment Elio Bianchi, Chair ISO/ITSIG and Operating Director, UNI, A new way of working 2 World Scene Highlights of events from around the world 3 ISO Scene Highlights of news and developments from ISO members 4 Guest View Markus J. Reigl, Head of Corporate Standardization at ISO Focus is published 11 times a year (single issue : July-August). Siemens AG It is available in English. 8 Main Focus Annual subscription 158 Swiss Francs Individual copies 16 Swiss Francs Publisher ISO Central Secretariat (International Organization for Standardization) 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Telephone + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 733 34 30 E-mail [email protected] Web Manager : Roger Frost e-standardization Acting Editor : Maria Lazarte • The “ nuts and bolts” of ISO’s collaborative IT applications Assistant Editor : Janet Maillard • Strengthening IT expertise in developing countries Artwork : Pascal Krieger and • The ITSIG/XML authoring and metadata project Pierre Granier • Zooming in on the ISO Concept database ISO Update : Dominique Chevaux • In sight – Value-added information services Subscription enquiries : Sonia Rosas Friot • Connecting standards ISO Central Secretariat • Standards to go – A powerful format for mobile workers Telephone + 41 22 749 03 36 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 • Re-engineering the ISO standards development process E-mail [email protected] • The language of content-creating communities • Bringing the virtual into the formal © ISO, 2008. All rights reserved. • Workflow management – UNI’s success story The contents of ISO Focus are copyright and may not, whether in whole or in 37 Developments and Initiatives part, be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or Conference on e-business standards • Standardization by any means, electronic, mechanical, course for managers • Protecting standards • Future energy photocopying or otherwise, without written permission of the Editor. management standard The articles in ISO Focus express the views 42 New on the shelf of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of ISO or of any of its members. New ISO 9000 video • Release of ISO Survey 2007 • New standard helps travellers plan their trip • New electronic version ISSN 1729-8709 of Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement Printed in Switzerland Cover photo : iStock. 45 Coming up ISO Focus November 2008 © ISO Focus, Comment 1 Comment Elio Bianchi, Chair ISO/ITSIG and Operating Director, UNI, A new way of working 2 World Scene A new way of working Highlights of events from around the world commonly accepted notion in cations and services in support of ISO Of particular interest is the 3 ISO Scene today’s business environment international standardization processes. design and implementation of new Highlights of news and developments from ISO members A is that the inadequate manage- For instance, to facilitate standards working tools based on the innova- ment of an organization’s information development; the dissemination of doc- tive technologies which are trans- 4 Guest View systems can have dire consequences uments; data management of users and forming the way Internet is used and Markus J. Reigl, Head of Corporate Standardization at for its efficiency and competitiveness groups and their respective roles; and the management of content (e.g. Web Siemens AG – whether it is a large or small, private electronic balloting – a fairly complex 2.0, XML). or public, non-profit or governmental Web-based application due to the par- ISO and ITSIG are thus cur- business or organization. ticular requirements of the ISO ballot- 8 Main Focus rently working to actively address ing system. In fact, Information Technolo- these issues. We are open and keen to gy (IT) structures are now considered exchange views, ideas and suggestions to be fundamental pillars supporting “ ITSIG has been actively from inside the standardization com- the core business activities of organi- munity, as well as from industry and zations. Increasingly, these organiza- introducing tools open community representatives. In tions see in IT one of the most impor- to support collaborative the following pages you will be able to tant tools for enabling the future of work amongst sample a taste of what has been done their business. the experts engaged and what can be done – enjoy ! In a global environment character- ized by rapid and continuous changes in in the standards state-of-the-art technology – especially development process.” true in the field of information technol- ogy – assessment, guidance and control ITSIG has also been actively mechanisms are fundamental to assist involved in introducing tools to sup- top managers when adopting the future port collaborative work amongst the policies and strategies of their businesses experts engaged in the development and organizations. This scenario also • The “ nuts and bolts” of ISO’s collaborative IT applications process of International Standards. applies to standard bodies, be they inter- These projects were treated with the • Strengthening IT expertise in developing countries national, regional or national. • The ITSIG/XML authoring and metadata project highest priority and contributed to a Indeed, during the past decades, substantial improvement in the effi- • Zooming in on the ISO Concept database standards organizations have signifi- ciency of the standardization system. • In sight – Value-added information services cantly invested in their IT systems in Moreover, they are certainly open to • Connecting standards order to provide their clients with a further evolution. better service : whether users of stand- • Standards to go – A powerful format for mobile workers In the years to come, the aim is ards or the experts participating in the Elio Bianchi, to provide guidance for a harmonized • Re-engineering the ISO standards development process standards development process. But approach to address emerging require- Chair ISO/ITSIG ; • The language of content-creating communities due to continuously evolving techno- ments from users continuously press- and Operating Director, logical developments, these organiza- • Bringing the virtual into the formal ing for more convenient and flexible UNI Italian Organization tions still find themselves today hav- for Standardization • Workflow management – UNI’s success story access to standards and standardiza- ing to tackle the latest challenges pre- tion at large. Developments and Initiatives sented by emerging technologies in the 37 field of IT. In particular, there is a need Conference on e-business standards • Standardization to focus on what has been defined as It is in this framework and tak- course for managers • Protecting standards • Future energy intelligent and interactive standards ing these needs into account that the – a concept that embraces a variety management standard ISO Information Technology Strategy of developments, including the possi- Implementation Group (ITSIG) – an bility to offer thematic access to con- 42 New on the shelf advisory body to the ISO Council – tent (covered by a plurality of publi- New ISO 9000 video • Release of ISO Survey 2007 • New has worked and will continue to work cations), mathematical formulas and in the years to come. standard helps travellers plan their trip • New electronic version software tools with user-configurable of Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement Indeed, in recent years, ITSIG and interactive features and machine has been providing assistance on the readable database standards, along 45 Coming up design and implementation of IT appli- with many others. ISO Focus November 2008 1 © ISO Focus, World Scene NATO’s reliance on ISO strengthens tion, solar energy, petroleum agreements and regulations for International Standards partnership with WMO and gas industry, information the benefit of world markets and technologies, marine technology, economy. Mr. Bryden congratu- “Achieving interoperability ISO and the World Meteoro- quantities and units. lated BIC on 75 years of through standardization ” was the logical Organization (WMO) remarkable accomplishments in theme of a conference of the have decided to increase their BIC celebrates support of global trade. North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- cooperation and avoid duplica- th tion (NATO) organized by the tion in the development of Inter- 75 anniversary United States Department of national Standards related to The Bureau International des Focusing on next Defense in Lansdowne, Virginia meteorological and hydrological Containers et du Transport generation standards in September 2008. data, products and services. Intermodal (BIC) celebrated its The International Federation of diamond anniversary with a Standards Users (IFAN) held Greg Saunders ISO Secretary-General Alan conference in Malta in October its 35th Members’ Assembly in chaired the Bryden and WMO Secretary- 2008. Over one hundred dele- Geneva, Switzerland in Septem- conference General Michel Jarraud signed gates representing carriers, man- ber 2008. Some 30 participants organizing an agreement in September 2008 ufacturers, operators, lessors and from 10 countries attended committee, he in Geneva, Switzerland, to for- forwarders
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