JUNE 2000 Liveable Neighbourhoods Street Layout, Design and Traffic Management Guidelines for testing and review VERNM O EN G T E O H F T W A E I S L T A ER R N AUST Liveable Neighbourhoods Street Layout, Design and Traffic Management Guidelines These traffic management guidelines have been prepared to accompany the Liveable Neighbourhoods Community Design Code Based on a report by ERM Mitchell McCotter Pty Ltd with TTM Consulting Pty Ltd, Roberts Day Group Pty Ltd and Curtin Consulting Services Ltd Published by Western Australian Planning Commission Albert Facey House 469 Wellington Street Perth 6000 Western Australian JUNE 2000 © State of Western Australia Published by the Western Australian Planning Commission Albert Facey House 469 Wellington Street Perth, Western Australia 6000 Published June 2000 ISBN 0 7309 9155 5 Internet: http://www.planning.wa.gov.au E-mail:
[email protected] Fax: (08) 9264 7566 Phone: (08) 9264 7777 TTY: (08) 9264 7535 Infoline: 1800 626 477 Copies of this document are available in alternative formats on application to the Disability Services Coordinator TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of These Traffic Management Guidelines 1 1.2 Liveable Neighbourhoods Overview 1 1.3 Town and Neighbourhood Structuring 5 1.4 Link between Urban Design and These Traffic Management Guidelines 5 1.5 Diagrams in These Guidelines 6 1.6 Street Type Terminology 6 2.0 STREET LAYOUT GUIDELINES