MDOT Access Management Guidebook

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MDOT Access Management Guidebook ReducingTrafficCongestion andImprovingTrafficSafety inMichiganCommunities: THE ACCESSMANAGEMENT GUIDEBOOK COMMUNITYA COMMUNITYB Cover graphics and ROW graphic by John Warbach, Planning & Zoning Center, Inc. Photos by Tom Doyle, Michigan Department of Transportation. Speed Differential graphic by Michigan Department of Transportation. Road Hierarchy graphic by Rossman Martin & Associates, Inc. Reducing Traffic Congestion and Improving Traffic Safety in Michigan Communities: THE ACCESS MANAGEMENT GUIDEBOOK October, 2001 Prepared by the Planning & Zoning Center, Inc. 715 N. Cedar Street Lansing, MI 48906-5206 517/886-0555 (tele), Under contract to the Michigan Department of Transportation With the assistance of three Advisory Committees listed on the next page The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Michigan State Transportation Commission or the Michigan Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration. Dedication This Guidebook is dedicated to the countless local elected officials, planning and zoning commissioners, zoning administrators, building inspectors, professional planners, and local, county and state road authority personnel who: • work tirelessly every day to make taxpayers investment in Michigan roads stretch as far as it can with the best possible result; and • who try to make land use decisions that build better communities without undermining the integrity of Michigan's road system. D:\word\access\title page.doc ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following committees were instrumental in the development, review and refinement of this Guidebook. We greatly appreciate the time and contribution of committee members, particularly those who provided supplemental information. State Advisory Committee Michigan Department of David Geiger Gary McCririe Transportation Transportation Planner Genoa Township Board Trustee Sue Datta, AICP Bay Region Livingston County Transportation Planner Metro Region Tim Little Brad Strader, AICP Associate Engineer Langworthy, Strader, LeBlanc & Mark Dionise Grand Region Associates Manager Royal Oak Utility and Permits Section Connie Morrison Transportation Planner Terri Blackmore Tom Doyle Southwest Region Executive Director Transportation Planner Urban Area Transportation Study Project Planning Division ********** Ann Arbor Mark Graham, AICP, PCP Brad Funkhouser Planning Director Robert Tetens, AICP Transportation Planner Delta Township, Eaton County Former Executive Director University Region Urban Area Transportation Study Michael F. Craine, AICP Ann Arbor Imad Gedaoun Managing Director, Engineer Livingston County Road Cynthia E. Winland, AICP Geometrics Unit, Traffic and Commission Crescent Consulting, Inc. Safety Division Midland Rebecca Harvey, AICP, PCP Harvey Consulting Oshtemo Township, Kalamazoo County National Advisory Committee Philip Demosthenes Dane Ismart Access Program Manager Louis Berger and Associates Colorado Department of Transportation Kristine Williams, AICP Arthur Eisdorfer Senior Research Associate Chair Center for Urban Transportation Research TRB Access Management Committee University of South Florida Michigan Department of Transportation Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Mark Dionise Amanda Hopper Tom Doyle Carlos Libiran Imad Gedaoun Tim Little David Geiger Kim Zimmer Report Authors Mark A. Wyckoff, FAICP and Michele Manning, AICP, Planning and Zoning Center, Inc. Project Manager David Geiger, MDOT PREFACE This guidebook presents and explains how and when to use a wide-range of access management techniques to address common traffic problems. Access management is a set of proven techniques that can help reduce traffic congestion, preserve the flow of traffic, improve traffic safety, prevent crashes, preserve existing road capacity and preserve investment in roads by managing the location, design and type of access to property. Purposes of the Guidebook This guidebook is targeted for use by elected and appointed local government officials, planners and road authority personnel. It is based on the growing recognition that many benefits are achieved through local, county, regional and state cooperation in solving existing and preventing future transportation problems. It is believed that by raising awareness of planning, design and regulatory techniques on effective access management among local, county, regional and state officials, that better communication and success in the pursuit of common transportation and land use objectives will result. Chief among these common objectives is the prevention of needless deaths and injury caused by poor access design. Good access design also prevents traffic crashes, improves roadway performance, and preserves the investment in our roadways. There are six principal purposes of this guidebook: 1. Identify and explain the role and benefits of access management in contributing to solutions to common traffic problems. 2. Present a set of access management principles to serve as a foundation for effective access management techniques on both developed and developing corridors. 3. Provide a description of effective access management techniques for a wide variety of situations. 4. Identify the steps to prepare an access management plan and access management regulations by local governments in Michigan. 5. Describe the desired relationship between the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and county road commissions with local governments on access management issues. 6. Describe how guidebook readers can make a difference on common access management issues in their own communities. Guidebook Organization This guidebook presents access management techniques designed to help address common traffic problems. These techniques are organized around 15 access management principles listed in the first chapter but described in more detail in subsequent chapters. Few access related traffic problems can be solved with a simple “quick fix”. Typically, many techniques must be used together as part of a coordinated set of long range initiatives to achieve the desired result. Similarly, most principles and many techniques Michigan Access Management Guidebook i are interrelated. This interrelationship is evident with the references to multiple techniques for nearly every question and answer presented at the start of Chapter 1 and the multiple cross references throughout the guidebook. Following is a listing of each of the Parts and chapters in this guidebook. The Table of Contents provides greater detail. Part I – Common Problems and Solutions Chapter 1 – Common Traffic Problems Chapter 2 –The Relationship Between Access and Roadway Function Chapter 3 – Design Techniques to Solve Common Traffic Problems Chapter 4 – Local Regulatory Techniques to Solve Common Traffic Problems Part II – Model Plans and Ordinances Chapter 5 – Coordinating Permit and Access Management Decisions Between State, County and Local Agencies Chapter 6 – A Model Planning Process for Developing an Access Management Program Chapter 7 – Access Management Plan Elements Chapter 8 – Sample Access Management Ordinances Chapter 9 – Next Steps Part III – Bibliography and Appendices. Note: Many terms used in this guidebook may be unfamiliar to the reader. While an effort has been made to define a term the first time it is used, subsequent references are not defined. In lieu of a glossary, most of the technical terms are defined in the definitions section of the sample ordinances in Chapter 8 (see page 8-4). Hopefully, this will meet the needs of most readers. Contacting MDOT on the Guidebook As noted in the Acknowledgements, this guidebook was prepared with considerable assistance from a large number of local, state and national experts on access management. It is intended to meet a wide range of user needs. It is also published in a 3- hole punch format so that it can be easily updated. Research regularly contributes to refining various access management techniques. State and national guidelines sometimes change. Local officials unfamiliar with the access management techniques in this guidebook may require more information, or clarification. Please contact MDOT using the postcard on the last page if you wish to get more information, to suggest an improvement to the guidebook or to order additional copies. The postcard can also be used to register your ownership of a copy of this guidebook with MDOT so that you can be notified of any future updates. Michigan Access Management Guidebook ii Table of Contents ACCESS MANAGEMENT GUIDEBOOK Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PREFACE Chapter 1 Common Traffic Problems ..........................................................................................1-1 Common Questions & Answers......................................................................................1-1 What is Access Management? ........................................................................................1-13 Why Manage Access?.....................................................................................................1-14 Chapter 2 The Relationship Between Access and Roadway Function.......................................2-1 Access Management Principles ......................................................................................2-1 Reasonable Access is Protected .................................................................................2-1 Benefits to Businesses and Taxpayers .......................................................................2-1
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