Michael J. Chan, Ph.D. 1937 Arlington St, Kingman, AZ 86401 (253) 227-2878 [email protected]


Doctor of Philosophy: Emory University, 2013

Dissertation: “The City on a Hill: A Tradition-Historical Study of the Wealth of Nations Tradition” Advisor: Dr. Brent A. Strawn. Committee Members: Drs. Joel M. LeMon, Martti Nissinen, and Jacob L. Wright

Master of Arts in Old Testament: , 2009 Thesis Supervisors: Drs. Terence Fretheim and Mark Throntveit

Bachelor of Arts: Pacific Lutheran University, 2005 Major: Elementary Education (Certified in German) Minor: Classics

Academic Awards and Grants

Wabash Workshop for Early Career Theological School Faculty (2016-2017)

Fellow of the Christian Leadership Initiative, American Jewish Council and the Shalom Hartman Institute (2014-2015)

Tam Institute for Jewish Studies Travel/Research Grant (2012)

Emory Competitive Research Grant (2011-2012)

CIMO Fellowship of the University of Helsinki (2012)

The David R. Blumenthal Award in Jewish Studies and the Humanities (2011)

Tam Institute for Jewish Studies Travel/Research Grant (2011)

ELCA Educational Grant (2010-2012)

John Milton Prize in Old Testament (2009)

G.M. & Minnie Bruce Award in New Testament (2009)

Thrivent Leadership Grant (2008)

Deutsche Evangelische Kirche Academic Scholarship for Language Study (2008)

Grace Lutheran Church Scholarship (2007-Present)

Employment History

Owner, Heritage Media Network, December 2017-Present

Occasional Preaching, Grace Lutheran Church, Kingman, AZ, September 2017-Present

Occasional Writer, Kingman Daily Miner, August 2017-Present.

Interim Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church, Kingman, AZ, April 2017-September 2017

United States Navy, January 2017-February 2017 (medical discharge)

Assistant Professor of Old Testament: Luther Seminary, Fall 2013-Winter 2017

Adjunct Instructor of Old Testament: North Central University, Spring 2013-Present

Theologian in Residence: Humble Walk Lutheran Church, Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Visiting Researcher and Lecturer: The University of Helsinki, 2012

Teaching Assistant: Akkadian: Emory University, Spring 2011, Professor: Dr. Jacob Wright

Teaching Assistant: Interpretation of the Old Testament I & II: Emory University, 2009- 2010, Professor: Dr. Brent Strawn

Research Assistant, Emory University, 2009-2010, Professor: Dr. Brent Strawn

Research Assistant, Emory University, 2009, Professor: Dr. Joel LeMon

Research Assistant, Luther Seminary, 2009, Professor: Dr. Terence Fretheim

Adjunct Instructor of Old Testament, North Central University, 2008-2009

Teaching Assistant: Introductory Online Hebrew, Luther Seminary, 2009, Professor: Dr. Rebecca Thurman

Hebrew Tutor, Luther Seminary, 2008-2009, Professor: Dr. Mark Throntveit

Research Assistant, Luther Seminary, 2008, Professor: Dr. Kathryn Schifferdecker

Research Assistant, Luther Seminary, 2007, Professor: Dr. Terence Fretheim

Interim Youth Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church: Kingman, AZ, 2006

Research Assistant, The King’s College and Seminary, 2006, Professor: Dr. Daniel Gilbert

Upward Bound Summer Program Teacher, Upward Bound in Tacoma, 2004

German Tutor, Pacific Lutheran University, 2003


A Christian Ministry in the National Park Site Chaplain, Glacier National Park, MT, 2001



The City on a Hill: A Tradition-Historical Study of the Wealth of Nations Tradition. Forschungen zum Alten Testatment. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

Coauthored with Eric Barreto, Exploring the Bible. Foundations for Learning, 2016.

Co-Edited with Brent Strawn. God, World, and Suffering: Collected Essays of Terence Fretheim. Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015.

Contributor with Ryan Bonfiglio (ed.) and Ingrid E. Lilly, A Study Companion to Introduction to the Hebrew Bible. 2nd ed. : Fortress, 2014.

Pedagogy Editor, Inkling version of John J. Collins, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible and Deutero-Canonical Books. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.

Academic Articles, Essays, and Book Chapters

Co-authored with Joshua C. Miller, “Apocalyptic Eschatology: Lutheran-Pentecostal Reflections on the End.” 2016.

“City Unshakable: A Tradition-Historical Reassessment of Zion’s Inviolability.” Congress Volume: International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars. Hong Kong, 2016.

“Jehosheba,” “Jeroham,” “Jezebel,” “Jodan,” “Joed,” “Michael” (x10), “Molten Sea.” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Edited by Hans-Josef Klauck, Bernard McGinn, Choon-Leong Seow, Hermann Spieckermann, Barry Dov Walfish, and Eric Ziolkowski, 2016-2017.

Co-authored with Joshua C. Miller, “Prayer that Prevails.” Word and World 35 (2015): 31- 39.

“Sins of the Ancestors: Generational Sin and the Ecological Crisis.” In Blood Cries Out. Edited by A.J. Swoboda. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2014.

Co-authored with Maria Metzler. “Lions and Leopards and Bears, O My: Re-Reading Isa 11:6-9 in Light of Comparative Iconographic and Literary Evidence.” In Image, Text, Exegesis: Iconographic Interpretation and the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Izaak DeHulster and Joel M. LeMon. Bloomsbury, 2014.

“The Bible and the Internet.” Oxford Biblical Studies Online: http://global.oup.com/obso/currentfocus/, 2014.


Wright, Jacob L. and Michael J. Chan. “Feasting: From Kings to Communities.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, 2013.

“Joseph and Jehoiachin: On the Edge of Exodus.” Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 125 (2013): 566-577.

“Ira Regis: Comedic Inflections of Royal Rage in Jewish Court Tales.” Jewish Quarterly Review 103:1 (2013): 1-25.

“yšb.” In vol. 2 of Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten. Edited by Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen. 3 vols. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2013.

“A Biblical Lexicon of Happiness.” Pages 323-370 in The Bible and the Pursuit of Happiness: What the Old and New Testaments Teach Us about the Good Life. Edited by Brent A. Strawn. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Co-authored with Jacob L. Wright. “King and Eunuch: Isaiah 56:1-8 in Light of Honorific Royal Burial Practices.” Journal of Biblical Literature 131 (2012): 99-119.

“Egypt and the Bible: A Study Guide” Oxford Biblical Studies Online (www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com), 2012.

“Temples in the Hebrew Bible and in the Archaeological Record of Syria-Palestine: A Study Guide” Oxford Biblical Studies Online (www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com), 2012.

“Empire: A Study Guide.” Oxford Biblical Studies Online (www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com), 2012.

“Reflecting on Roots: Robert Jenson’s Theology of Judaism in a Pentecostal Key.” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 20 (2011): 27-37.

“gyl.” In Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten. Edited by Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen. 3 vols. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2011.

“Cyrus, Yhwh’s Bird of Prey (Isa. 46.11): Echoes of an ANE Metaphor.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 35 (2010): 113-127.

“Isaiah 65-66 and the Genesis of Reorienting Speech.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010): 445-463.

“Rhetorical Reversal and Usurpation: Isa 10:5-34 and the Use of Neo-Assyrian Royal Ideology in the Construction of an Anti-Assyrian Theology.” Journal of Biblical Literature 128 (2009): 717-733.

Translations (German-English)

“Beauty: New Testament,” “Circumcision in Modern Judaism,” “Covenant: Ancient Near


East,” “Covenant: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.” “Tell Deir Alla.” In The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Edited by Leong Seow and Hermann Spieckermann. Berlin: De Gruyter, in press.

Popular Publications

“All Starz Dancers Give Audience an ‘Under the Sea’ Thriller. Nov 13, 2018. https://kdminer.com/news/2018/nov/13/all-starz-dancers-give-audience-under-sea-thriller/

“A Court for Helping Veterans in Need.” Kingman Daily Miner, Nov 10, 2017. https://kdminer.com/news/2018/nov/10/court-helping-veterans-need/

“More Good’ Visits Kingman for Stories of Kindness. Kingman Daily Miner, December 1, 2017. https://kdminer.com/news/2017/dec/01/more-good-visits-kingman-stories-kindness/

“Praise Chapel partners with courts to offer faith-based addiction recovery program.” Kingman Daily Miner, September 17, 2017. https://kdminer.com/news/2017/sep/17/praise- chapel-partners-courts-offer-faith-based-ad/

“From Wittenberg to Kingman: 500 Years of the Protestant Reformation.” Kingman Daily Miner, August 14, 2017. https://kdminer.com/news/2017/aug/14/wittenberg-kingman/

“Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah.” Bible Odyssey: http://www.bibleodyssey.org/people/related- articles/leonard-cohens-hallelujah.aspx

“Art and Archaeology of Nineveh.” Bible Odyssey: http://www.bibleodyssey.org/places/related-articles/art-and-archaeology-of-nineveh.aspx

Video Interview: “Bible and Iconography.” Bible Odyssey: http://www.bibleodyssey.org/tools/video-gallery/b/bible-and-iconography-chan.aspx

Video Interview: “Egypt in the Bible.” Bible Odyssey: http://www.bibleodyssey.org/tools/video-gallery/e/egypt-in-the-bible-chan.aspx

Sparkhouse Old Testament Content Editor, 2014

“Parental Guidance Suggested: On Talking with Young People about “Adult Content” in the Bible” Enter the Bible. Including Podcast.

Contributing Editor: “Why Follow Luther Past 2017?: A Contemporary Lutheran Approach to Inter-Religious Relations,” ELCA Consultative Panel on Lutheran-Jewish Relations.

“Educating Future Clergy Online?: Seminaries are Trying New Formulas, but in-Person Teaching Still Matters.” Metro Lutheran. October 10, 2013. Article Author/Interviewer, Marc Hequet. http://metrolutheran.org/2013/10/educating-future- clergy-online/

Working Preaching Articles: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; 1 Kings 19:9-18; Isaiah 9:2-7; 52:7-10; 52:13-53:12; 60:1-6; 61:10-62:3; Jonah 3:10-4:11.


“Isaiah” and “Jeremiah.” In A Prostitute, Two Prophets, and Poor Ol’ Job: Gomer, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job. People of Faith Series. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2009, 11-16, 17-22 (respectively).

Digital Projects and Publications

The Faith and Firearms Project - Project YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOI55fWv02jhLwypBSw9zMw - Project Blog: http://faithandfirearmsproject.blogspot.com/ - Public Radio Interview with Kerri Miller (4/22/2015): http://www.mprnews.org/story/2015/04/22/bcst-faith-firearms

Reviews/Review Essays

Review of John Goldingay, The Theology of the Book of Isaiah. Downers Grove: Intervarsity, 2014, in press.

Review of Reinhard Feldmeier and Hermann Spieckermann, God of the Living: A Biblical Theology. Translated by Mark Biddle. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2011. Word and World 35 (2015): 194-195.

Review of Bernard M. Levinson. Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies. Online: http://www.case.edu/artsci/jdst/reviews/Legal.htm.

Review of Sarah Japhet, “The Term ‘Ger’ and the Concept of Conversion in the Hebrew Bible.” A Lecture Sponsored by The Tam Institute for Jewish Studies, Emory University. In The Tam Institute for Jewish Studies Annual Newsletter, 2011. Online: http://www.js.emory.edu/news/Fall2011Newslletter/sara_japhet_lecture.html

Review of John R. Levison, Filled with the Spirit. Word and World 31 (2011): 106, 108, 110.

Review of Sandra L. Gravett, Karla G. Bohmbach, F.V. Greifenhagen, and Donald C. Polaski. An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: A Thematic Approach. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008. Teaching the Bible: An E-Publication for Public School Teachers by the Society of Biblical Literature. Online: http://sbl- site.org/assets/media/TBv2_i8.htm.

Review of Robert Jenson, Ezekiel. Word and World 30 (2010): 332-334.

Review of Walter Brueggemann, Great Prayers of the Old Testament. Word and World 30 (2010): 102-103.

Review of Clyde E. Fant and Mitchell G. Reddish. Lost Treasures of the Bible: Understanding the Bible thought Archaeological Artifacts in World Museums. Teaching the Bible Book Review (Nov 2009). Online: http://sbl- site.org/assets/media/TBv1_i4.htm.


Review of Ellen Davis, Scripture, Culture, and Agriculture: An Agrarian Reading of the Bible. Word and World 29 (2009): 304-305.

Review of Hans Küng The Beginning of All Things: Science and Religion. Word and World 28 (2008): 330-332.

Academic Presentations

Poetry as Commentary: A Literary and Theological Study of the Prayer of Azariah. Society of Biblical Literature, 2016.

With co-author Katie Day, “Faith and Firearms: The Role of Religion in the Construction of Meanings around Guns.” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Nov 2015.

“Poetry as Commentary: A Literary and Theological Study of the Prayer of Azariah.” Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Nov 2015.

“With Raised Fist and Open Hand: The Church as Antitheodic Community.” Program Committee of the Christian Scholars Group on Christian-Jewish Relations, September 13th, 2014.

“City Unshakable: A Tradition-Historical Reassessment of Zion’s Inviolability.” International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars. Hong Kong, August 18th- 20th, 2014.

“Terry Fretheim, Theologian of the Church.” Theological Interpretation of Scripture, SBL Annual Meeting, Nov 23rd, 2013.

“Joseph and Jehoiachin: On the Edge of Exodus.” Deuteronomistic History, SBL Annual Meeting, 2012, Nov 16th-20th.

Co-authored with Maria Metzler. “Lions and Leopards and Bears, O My: Re-Reading Isa 11:6- 9 in Light of Comparative Iconographic and Literary Evidence.” The Ancient & Medieval Middle East Seminar at Helsinki University, October 16, 2012.

“Text, Image, and Tradition History: Rethinking Tradition History in Light of Iconography.” Formation of Canons and Other Topics: Helsinki-Munich-Tartu Meeting in Tallinn, September 28-30, 2012.

“The City on a Hill: A Tradition-Historical Analysis of the Wealth of Nations Tradition.” Old Testament Studies: Epistemologies and Methods Conference, Worcester College, Oxford, 2012.

“Tapered Fringes in Neo-Assyrian Art: An Analysis and Interpretation.” Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions: Workshop and Symposium at Saariselkä, Finland. March 25-29, 2012.

Co-authored with Jacob Wright. “Reward and Identity: Isaiah 56:1-8 in Light of Honorific


Royal Burial Practices.” Given by Michael Chan at the Harvard Semitic Philology Workshop, December 7, 2011.

Co-authored with Jacob Wright. “An Honored Burial for a Faithful Servant: Deut 34:6 in Light of Honorific Burials in the ANE.” SBL Annual Meeting, 2011.

“Tapered Fringes in Neo-Assyrian Art: An Analysis and Interpretation.” American Schools of Oriental Research, Annual Meeting, 2011.

“Ira Regis: Representations of Royal Rage in Jewish Court Tales.” SBL International Meeting, 2011.

“Reflecting on Roots: Robert Jenson’s Theology of Judaism in a Pentecostal Key.” The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, 2011.

“Symbols of Power and Protection: An Examination of Wing-Like Fringes Worn by Human and Divine Characters in Neo-Assyrian Art.” SBL Annual Meeting, 2010.

“‘Swifter than Eagles’ (Jer 4:13): A Jeremianic Image Examined in Light of ANE Descriptions of Military Violence.” SBL Annual Meeting, 2010.

Panelist for “Teaching the Bible in Public Schools.” SBL Annual Meeting, 2010.

“Scripture, Incarnation, and Relationality: Toward a Relational Ontology of Scripture.” The Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, 2010.

“Rhetorical Reversal and Usurpation: Isaiah 10:5-34 and the Use of Neo-Assyrian Royal Idiom in the Construction of an Anti-Assyrian Theology.” AAR-SBL Upper Midwest Regional Conference, 2009.

“Gardens, Forests, and Vineyards: Neglected Images of God the Agriculturalist in the Book of Isaiah.” AAR-SBL Upper Midwest Regional Conference, 2008.

Public Presentations

“Apocalypse Now: A Study of the End.” Week-Long Class Given at Outlaw Ranch as the Invited Resource Speaker. July 1-6, 2018.

“The Faith and Firearms Project: Learning at the Intersection of Guns and Religion,” Oak Knoll Lutheran Church, Hopkins, MN, 3/3/16.

“The Faith and Firearms Project: Learning at the Intersection of Guns and Religion,” St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN, 2/29/16.

Women of Spirit Retreat, Pax Christi Catholic Community, Eden Prairie, 2/2/16

“The Story of Israel, the Story of Us,” St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN 1/10/16, 1/17/16, 1/24/16, 1/31/16


Men’s Retreat, Normandale Lutheran Church, Edina, MN 1/23/16

“Seeing the Psalms,” Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Hopkins, MN 1/10/15

“Faith and Film,” Redeemer Lutheran Church, White Bear Lake, 1/6/16, 1/13/16, 1/20/16.

“Psalms in the New Testament,” Westminster Presbyterian Church, Dec 12/2/15, 12/9/15,12/16/15.

“Messianism in the Bible,” Westminster Presbyterian Church, 11/ 2915 and 12/9/15.

2015 Scholar in Residence, Como Park Lutheran Church, Como Park, MN.

“Tough Questions: Science and the Bible,” First Covenant Church of Saint Paul, 11/15/2015.

“Big Questions: The Ten Commandments,” Lutheran Campus Ministry, , 11/11/15.

“Where are We Going? Faith on a Journey of Deep Listening.” Westminster Presbyterian Church Men’s Retreat at Clearwater, MN, October 2015.

“Daniel: Preaching in the Face of Empire.” Celebration of Biblical Preaching, Luther Seminary, 10/5/15, 10/6/15.

“Genesis 1-2: A Bible Study,” Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, MN, 10/4/15.

“The Faith and Firearms Project: Learning at the Intersection of Guns and Religion,” St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, Roseville, MN, 9/27/15.

“How are We Called?” A lay course on exploring vocation through journey narratives in the Hebrew Bible, Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MN, 9/23/15, 9/30/15, 10/1/15, 10/7/15

“The Faith and Firearms Project: Learning at the Intersection of Guns and Religion,” Lake Edge Lutheran Church, Madison, WI, September 20th, 2015.

“The Faith and Firearms Project: Learning at the Intersection of Guns and Religion,” Lake \ Edge United Church of Christ, Madison, WI, September 19th, 2015.

“Q and A Session with High School Youth Group,” Cedar Valley Church (Assemblies of God). August 16th, 2015, September 6th, 2015.

“The Grace of God Across the Testaments: Hos 11:1-9” (Sermon), Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Brooklyn Park, MN. August 5th, 2015.

“Created, Commanded, and Called.” Week-Long Class Given at Outlaw Ranch as the Invited Resource Speaker. June 28th-July 3rd, 2015.

“Too Many Cains.” Sermon at Mercy Seat Lutheran Church, Minneapolis. June 5th, 2015.


“Prayer.” A Presentation Made on February 4th, 2015 to the Confirmation Class of Resurrection Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN.

“The Book of Isaiah.” Women’s Bible Study at St. St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN. February 4th, 2015.

“Faith and Empire.” Humble Walk, Theology Pub, February 2nd, 2015.

“Why Postcolonialism Matters to Theology.” Region 9 Retreat for College Pastors, January 26th-28th, 2015.

“The Book of Daniel.” St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN. January 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 2015.

“Advent: A Biblical Perspective,” Incarnation Lutheran Church, Shoreview, MN. November 30th, Dec 7th, Dec 14th, 2015.

Co-Taught with Dr. Roland Martinson, “Exodus.” Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, October 26th, 2014.

“Abraham from a Christian Perspective.” Minnesota Council of Churches, October 19th, 2014.

“Why do bad things happen?” Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Maplegrove, MN, October 19th, 2014.

“Outsiders in the Bible” Humble Walk, Theology Pub, October 6th, 2014.

“The Decalogue/Ten Commandments”: Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MN, October 5th, 2014.

“On the Bible”: Lutheran Campus Ministries, University of Minnesota, October 2nd, 2014.

Presentation to the Youth Group of Resurrection Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN, September 24th, 2014.

“Reading the Bible Devotionally.” A First Week Presentation, August, 26th, 2014.

Presentation on Calling to the Youth Group of Resurrection Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN, July 9th, 2014

“Faith in the Wilderness,” A Presentation to the Financial Coaches of Luther Seminary, June 3, 2014.

“Cisterns or Wellsprings?”: A Devotional given to the annual meeting of the Association of Teaching Theologians, Luther Seminary, Summer 2014

“Worlds Reimagined: An Embodied Encounter with Biblical Poetry”: A two-night, four-hour course at House for All Sinners and Saints, Denver, CO


“God, Creation, and Suffering” (January, 2013): A three week course taught to members of St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN

“Creation” (September 15th, 2013): Sermon given with John Hogunson at St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN

“Can We Really Be Honest with God in Prayer?” (July 14th, 2013): Sermon given at Resurrection Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN

“The God of the Old Testament” (June 26th, 2013): Sermon given at Resurrection Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN

“Genesis” (2011): This 4-day course was given to the congregation of Grace Lutheran Church in Kingman, AZ.

“The Lost Art of Lament” (2010): This 2-day course was given to the congregation of Grace Lutheran Church in Kingman, AZ.

“Violence and the Christian: Martin Luther on the Two Kingdoms” (2008): This presentation was made to the congregation of River Heights Vineyard Church in Inver Grove Heights, MN.

“The Creation Course” (2008): This course was taught to the congregation of River Heights Vineyard Church in Inver Grove Heights, MN. The course addressed contemporary environmental issues from the perspective of texts in the Hebrew Bible.

Committee Work and Professional Service

Regional Coordinator, Society of Biblical Literature Upper Midwest Region, 2015-2017.

Co-Leader with Kathryn Schifferdecker of the Signature Course Team, 2014-2017

Fretheim Lecture Series Committee Member, Fall 2015-2017

Preus Award Committee, 2014-2017

Aus Lecture Committee, 2014-2017

Bible Odyssey Editorial Board Member, 2013-2017

Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures SBL Section Steering Committee Member, 2013-2017

Luther Seminary Strategic Planning Committee, Fall 2015-2016

Luther Seminary Assessment Committee, Fall 2014-2016

Enrollment Strategies Work Group, 2014-2016

Lutheran Volunteer Corp Curriculum Development and Implementation Team, Fall 2014- 11


Self-Study Content Editor, Spring 2014-Fall 2014

Lifelong Learning Work Group, Fall 2014-2015

Master of Arts: Old Testament Point Person, Fall 2014-2015

Dokimadzo Panelist, 2014-15.

Organizer: “Title: “Can these bones live?”: Visual and Poetic Meditations on Life, Death, and Resurrection,” October 25th, 2014.

Point Person for the Bible Divisions PhD Colloquia, Fall 2013- Spring 2014.

Luther Seminary Bookstore Task Force, Fall 2013-Spring 2014

Luther Seminary Bookstore Implementation Committee, 2014

Spiritual Care Group Leader, 2013-2015

Contributor to the ELCA’s Consultative Panel on Jewish-Lutheran Relations, 2013

Co-Leader with Lois Malcolm of the Lutheran-Pentecostal Dialogue at Luther Seminary, 2013

Emory-Helsinki Virtual Conference Organizer, 2012

Society of Biblical Literature: Teaching the Bible Advisory Board Member, 2010-2012

Fellow in Sustainability Ethics at the Emory Center for Ethics, 2010-2011

Emory Graduate Division of Religion Policy and Curriculum Committee Student Representative, 2010-2011

Society of Biblical Literature Intern, 2009-2012 • Website development for Bible Odyssey, an SBL website funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities • Grant research • Editing responsibilities for “Teaching the Bible,” an SBL electronic publication that provides pedagogical resources for educators teaching biblical literature in public schools • Curriculum development for Teaching the Bible, an SBL initiative aimed at providing scholarly resources for teachers using the Bible in public schools

Word and World Editorial Board: Elected Student Member, 2008-2009

Society of Biblical Literature Student Representative for Luther Seminary, 2008-2010


Courses and Seminars

OT1174, “Apocalypse Then and Now: A Theological Study of Apocalyptic Literature,” Luther Seminary J-Term 2017

BIBL21401, “Jeremiah,” North Central University, Summer 2016

OT1140, “Theologizing over Rubble: A Study of the Book of Jeremiah,” Luther Seminary, Fall 2016

SG 0702 50, “Scripture and Its Witnesses” (Online), Co-taught with Dr. Kyle Fever, Luther Seminary, Fall 2016

CD 1630, “Death and Resurrection,” Co-Taught wit Dr. Steven Paulson, Luther Seminary, Spring 2016

OT1120, “Lions and Eunuchs and Kings, O My: A Study of The Book Of Daniel,” Luther Seminary J-Term 2016

SY1601, “Vocational Formation,” Luther Seminary, Fall 2015-Spring 2016

OT4917, “Methods in Biblical Interpretation,” Independent Study with Julia R. Olson, Luther Seminary, Summer 2015.

OT4917, “Second Temple Judaism,” Independent Study with Jean E. McCartney, Luther Seminary, Summer 2015

CL4597, “Compassionate Communication,” Independent Study with Trenton E. Zeitler, Luther Seminary, Spring 2015

BIBL21401 “Isaiah,” North Central University, Summer 2015

SG 0702 50 “Scripture and Its Witnesses” (Online), Co-taught with Eric Barreto, Luther Seminary: Fall 2014-Spring 2015.

LG 1100 “Hebrew” (Online), Luther Seminary: Spring 2014, Spring 2015

SG 0701 50 “Scripture and Its Witnesses,” Luther Seminary Co-taught with Eric Barreto: Spring 2015

SG 0601 Learning Leader Cohort Mentor, Luther Seminary, Fall 2014-Spring 2015.

OT 1120 “Lions and Eunuchs and Kings, Oh My: A Study of the Book of Daniel,” Luther Seminary, Fall 2014

OT 2112 “Jeremiah: Judgment, Trauma, and Hope,” Luther Seminary, Summer 2014

“Jeremiah: Judgment, Trauma, and Hope,” Lay School of Theology, Luther Seminary, October 2014-November 2014


LG 4397 “Akkadian,” Luther Seminary, Spring 2014

OT1110 “Pentateuch,” Luther Seminary, Fall 2013

OT 2112 “Jeremiah: Judgment, Trauma, and Hope,” Luther Seminary, Fall 2013

BIBL21401 “Jeremiah,” North Central University, Spring 2013, Summer 2014

Introduction to the Old Testament (Co-taught with Martti Nissinen), University of Helsinki, Fall 2012

Overview of the Old Testament, North Central University: Spring 2008 and Fall 2009

Pentateuch, North Central University: Fall 2009

Language Study

Ancient: Akkadian, Ammonite, Aramaic, Edomite, Hittite, Classical and Koine Greek, Hebrew, Moabite, Phoenician, Ugaritic

Modern: German, Modern Hebrew, French, Finnish

Study Abroad Experience/Education:

Visiting Researcher and Instructor, University Helsinki, 2012

Lahav Archaeology Research Project, Tel Halif, Israel: 2010

Ancient Near Eastern Art Research Trip, Berlin, Germany: 2010

Goethe-Institut Language Course, Dresden, Germany: 2008

Eurocentres German Language Course, Köln, Germany: 2004