Upubmmz!! Ubf!Lxpo!Ep! Issue 5 www.totallytkd.com July 2009 The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine G ran ndm Lee as Yo ter In o S ter un vie w BuildingBuilding ConfidentConfident KidsKids Plus Master Yoon Byung-in’s Legacy The Sawston Superhero Is Your Technique On the Level Light Continuous Sparring - A Lost Sport! Martial Arts Are About Survival A History Of TaeKwon-Do Demo’s Plus loads more great articles inside Upubmmz!! Ubf!Lxpo!Ep! EditorialEditorial The Free Global Tae Kwon Do Magazine Issue 5 - July 2009 Produced and Published by: Welcome to issue 5 of Totally Tae Harrow Martial Arts in association with Kwon Do. Quick story for you: Man Rayners Lane Taekwon-do Academy downloads Totally Tae Kwon Do magazine, flicks through it and feels Email:
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