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The artist JMW Turner (1775-1851), whose self-portrait SOUTHWARK appears on the new £20, was born in and lived most of his life in London. Use this map to explore where he lived and worked. 9

KEW FULHAM LAMBETH 10 Issue date: 20 February 2020 RICHMOND

1 Turner’s Birthplace 2 St Paul’s Church 3 Royal Academy 4 Bank of 5 Turner’s House 6 Turner’s Gallery 5 Covent Garden Covent Garden , Strand Threadneedle Street , & Studio TWICKENHAM Turner was born in 1775 at Turner’s parents were married Turner showed his work here Turner began investing his Twickenham Marylebone 21 Maiden Lane. The house is at St Paul’s, and Turner was for the first time when he was money here aged 18, making Turner lived here between Turner had an art gallery and no longer there, but the site baptised here in 1775. 15. The Royal Academy was at many more investments 1813 and 1826. He designed studio here at 47 Queen Anne is marked by a green plaque. Somerset House at that time. throughout his career. the country house himself. Street.

7 Thomas Malton’s House 8 Sir John Soane’s House 9 Houses of Parliament 10 Britain 11 12 St Paul’s Cathedral Conduit Street Lincoln’s Inn Fields Westminster Millbank Ludgate Hill Turner studied under Thomas Turner made several paintings The Houses of Parliament Turner left many of his works Some of Turner’s most important When he died in December thenew20.co.uk Malton, learning architectural for his friend, the architect burned down in 1834. Turner to the nation when he died. works are displayed here. Look 1851, Turner was buried in draftsmanship. At the time, Sir John Soane. They are still saw the event, and painted it The largest collection of these for The Fighting Temeraire, which the crypt here. turnershouse.org Malton lived on Conduit Street. on display here. at least three times. is on display here. appears on the new £20 note.